[gem5-users] Re: How to execute python code in Full system mode

2021-11-21 Thread Jeongmin via gem5-users
I already installed the packages, and the program correctly runs on the
qemu system.
Modules like numpy and torch are well imported on the qemu image.

I guess.. I should retry running the program and make a new checkpoint.

Thank you, Pedro

2021년 11월 19일 (금) 오후 9:27, Pedro Becker via gem5-users 님이

> If the modules you need require installation (e.g., through pip install),
> you need to have the modules in the image that you use to simulate. gem5
> does not "forward" or expose the python modules of your host machine to the
> simulation environment.
> A way to do it is by booting your image with qemu and installing the
> required packages from there. Check out item number 3) Step 3: Boot up and
> install needed software, here:
> https://www.gem5.org/documentation/general_docs/fullsystem/disks
> Regards,
> Pedro.
> ___
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gem5-users mailing list -- gem5-users@gem5.org
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[gem5-users] How to execute python code in Full system mode

2021-11-19 Thread Jeongmin via gem5-users
Hello users,

I'm trying to use gem5 full system mode to simulate my python code.

I booted Ubuntu 16.04 OS and used vmlinux-5.4.49 as a kernel.

I have executed the python code that prints "Hello world".

After that, I ran another python which contained module imports.
but It cannot find a module.

ModuleNotFoundError occurs.

How can I run the python code which has module imports?

Thanks in advance.
gem5-users mailing list -- gem5-users@gem5.org
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[gem5-users] How can I Run Full system on Ubuntu18.04 and X86?

2021-10-05 Thread Jeongmin via gem5-users
Hi All,

I'm trying to use the Gem5 full system.
but It doesn't work.

These are my configurations
-kernel = vmlinux-4.19.83 (5.4.49 / 4.14.134)
-Ubuntu = ubuntu-18.04.6-live-server-amd64 (tried 16.04)
-gem5 =
-X86 architecture
-I will use an O3CPU and DRAMsim3.

I made an image by using qemu and I completed the booting system.
To make the image, I use this command "qemu-system -hda  -cdrom
 -m 8G -enable-kvm"
The image size for ubuntu18.04.6 is 8.6GB.

All files are in ~/gem5/fs

and I changed "M5_PATH" to "/home/user/gem5/fs" in Syspath.py line 34.

As far as I know, These are all configurations to use the gem5 full system.

So I ran gem5. but it does not work.

I attached all command and error messages below.

How can I run the gem5 full system?
Please let me know.
Thanks in advance.

-cmd = ./build/X86/gem5.opt configs/example/fs.py
(--cpu-type=AtomicSimpleCPU --mem-type=DDR4_2400_8x8 --mem-size=1GB
--num-cpu=1 --caches --root-device=/dev/hda)


warn: iobus.slave is deprecated. `slave` is now called `cpu_side_ports`
warn: bridge.master is deprecated. `master` is now called `mem_side_port`
warn: membus.master is deprecated. `master` is now called `mem_side_ports`
warn: bridge.slave is deprecated. `slave` is now called `cpu_side_port`
warn: iobus.master is deprecated. `master` is now called `mem_side_ports`
warn: apicbridge.slave is deprecated. `slave` is now called `cpu_side_port`
warn: membus.slave is deprecated. `slave` is now called `cpu_side_ports`
warn: apicbridge.master is deprecated. `master` is now called
warn: membus.slave is deprecated. `slave` is now called `cpu_side_ports`
warn: iobus.master is deprecated. `master` is now called `mem_side_ports`
warn: membus.slave is deprecated. `slave` is now called `cpu_side_ports`
warn: membus.slave is deprecated. `slave` is now called `cpu_side_ports`
warn: membus.slave is deprecated. `slave` is now called `cpu_side_ports`
warn: membus.slave is deprecated. `slave` is now called `cpu_side_ports`
warn: membus.slave is deprecated. `slave` is now called `cpu_side_ports`
warn: membus.master is deprecated. `master` is now called `mem_side_ports`
warn: membus.master is deprecated. `master` is now called `mem_side_ports`
warn: membus.slave is deprecated. `slave` is now called `cpu_side_ports`
Global frequency set at 1 ticks per second
warn: system.workload.acpi_description_table_pointer.rsdt adopting orphan
SimObject param 'entries'
warn: No dot file generated. Please install pydot to generate the dot file
and pdf.
build/X86/mem/mem_interface.cc:793: warn: DRAM device capacity (16384
Mbytes) does not match the address range assigned (1024 Mbytes)
build/X86/sim/kernel_workload.cc:46: info: kernel located at:
  0: system.pc.south_bridge.cmos.rtc: Real-time clock set to Sun Jan  1
00:00:00 2012
system.pc.com_1.device: Listening for connections on port 3456
0: system.remote_gdb: listening for remote gdb on port 7000
build/X86/dev/intel_8254_timer.cc:125: warn: Reading current count from
inactive timer.
build/X86/sim/simulate.cc:107: info: Entering event queue @ 0.  Starting
build/X86/arch/x86/cpuid.cc:181: warn: x86 cpuid family 0x:
unimplemented function 6
build/X86/arch/x86/cpuid.cc:181: warn: x86 cpuid family 0x:
unimplemented function 6
build/X86/arch/x86/cpuid.cc:181: warn: x86 cpuid family 0x:
unimplemented function 6
build/X86/arch/x86/generated/exec-ns.cc.inc:27: warn: instruction 'fninit'
build/X86/dev/x86/pc.cc:117: warn: Don't know what interrupt to clear for
44655759500: system.pc.com_1.device: attach terminal 0
build/X86/arch/x86/generated/exec-ns.cc.inc:27: warn: instruction 'sgdt_Ms'
build/X86/arch/x86/cpuid.cc:181: warn: x86 cpuid family 0x:
unimplemented function 6
build/X86/arch/x86/cpuid.cc:181: warn: x86 cpuid family 0x:
unimplemented function 6
build/X86/arch/x86/cpuid.cc:181: warn: x86 cpuid family 0x:
unimplemented function 6
build/X86/arch/x86/cpuid.cc:185: warn: x86 cpuid: unknown family 0x4000
build/X86/dev/x86/pc.cc:130: warn: Tried to clear PCI interrupt 14
build/X86/dev/storage/ide_disk.cc:564: panic: Can't read from
system.pc.south_bridge.ide.disks0. Only 4294967295 of 512 read. errno=21
Memory Usage: 1521004 KBytes
Program aborted at tick 1749666522001