Hi Ayush,

if you want you may check my version of McPAT (based on v1.3 with some
improvements) and the conversion tool that I include. I have not checked if
the latest version of gem5 made any changes to the outputs that it
produces, otherwise it should be fine.
This is the repository: https://github.com/kingmouf/cmcpat .

Best regards,

On Tue, Dec 8, 2020 at 12:59 PM Ayush Kumar Varshney via gem5-users <
gem5-users@gem5.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am new here and just started with gem5. I wanted to compute the power
> consumption for a simple two_level example for ARM architecture. I am using
> gem5-mcpat-parser <https://github.com/Ayymoose/gem5-mcpat-parser>, after
> following the steps on gem5-mcpat-parser, i get the following output
> gem5-mcpat-parser 2017
> [config.ini]: finished parsing!
> [stats.txt]: finished parsing!
> Parsing template...
> Warning: param system 'number_of_L2Directories' has a value of 0!
> Warning: param system 'Private_L2' has a value of 0!
> Warning: param system 'number_of_L2s' has a value of 0!
> Warning: param system 'number_of_L3s' has a value of 0!
> Warning: param system 'homogeneous_L3s' has a value of 0!
> Warning: stat system 'idle_cycles' has a value of 0!
> Warning: param system.core0 'x86' has a value of 0!
> Warning: some parameters missing to set properly 'pipeline_depth'!
> Warning: stat system.core0 'total_instructions' has a value of 0!
> Warning: stat system.core0 'branch_instructions' has a value of 0!
> Warning: stat system.core0 'branch_mispredictions' has a value of 0!
> Warning: stat system.core0 'store_instructions' has a negative value!
> Warning: stat system.core0 'committed_int_instructions' has a value of 0!
> Warning: stat system.core0 'committed_fp_instructions' has a value of 0!
> Warning: stat system.core0 'pipeline_duty_cycle' may have not been set!
> Warning: stat system.core0 'idle_cycles' has a value of 0!
> Warning: stat system.core0 'ROB_reads' has a value of 0!
> Warning: stat system.core0 'ROB_writes' has a value of 0!
> Warning: stat system.core0 'rename_reads' has a value of 0!
> Warning: stat system.core0 'rename_writes' has a value of 0!
> Warning: stat system.core0 'fp_rename_reads' has a value of 0!
> Warning: stat system.core0 'fp_rename_writes' has a value of 0!
> Warning: stat system.core0 'inst_window_reads' has a value of 0!
> Warning: stat system.core0 'inst_window_writes' has a value of 0!
> Warning: stat system.core0 'inst_window_wakeup_accesses' has a value of 0!
> Warning: stat system.core0 'fp_inst_window_reads' has a value of 0!
> Warning: stat system.core0 'fp_inst_window_writes' has a value of 0!
> Warning: stat system.core0 'fp_inst_window_wakeup_accesses' has a value of
> 0!
> Warning: stat system.core0 'int_regfile_reads' has a value of 0!
> Warning: stat system.core0 'int_regfile_writes' has a value of 0!
> Warning: stat system.core0 'float_regfile_reads' has a value of 0!
> Warning: stat system.core0 'function_calls' has a value of 0!
> Warning: stat system.core0 'ialu_accesses' has a value of 0!
> Warning: stat system.core0 'fpu_accesses' has a value of 0!
> Warning: stat system.core0 'mul_accesses' has a value of 0!
> Warning: stat system.core0 'cdb_alu_accesses' has a value of 0!
> Warning: stat system.core0 'cdb_mul_accesses' has a value of 0!
> Warning: stat system.core0 'cdb_fpu_accesses' has a value of 0!
> Warning: stat system.core0.itlb 'total_accesses' has a value of 0!
> Warning: stat system.core0.itlb 'total_misses' has a value of 0!
> Warning: stat system.core0.dtlb 'total_accesses' has a value of 0!
> Warning: stat system.core0.dtlb 'total_misses' has a value of 0!
> Warning: stat system.core0.dcache 'write_accesses' has a value of 0!
> Warning: stat system.core0.dcache 'write_misses' has a value of 0!
> Warning: stat system.core0.BTB 'read_accesses' has a value of 0!
> Warning: stat system.core0.BTB 'write_accesses' has a value of 0!
> Warning: stat system.L20 'read_accesses' has a value of 0!
> Warning: stat system.L20 'write_accesses' has a value of 0!
> Warning: stat system.L20 'read_misses' has a value of 0!
> Warning: stat system.L20 'write_misses' has a value of 0!
> Warning: param system.mc 'block_size' has a value of 0!
> Warning: param system.mc 'memory_channels_per_mc' has a value of 0!
> Warning: param system.mc 'number_ranks' has a value of 0!
> Warning: stat system.mc 'memory_accesses' has a value of 0!
> Warning: stat system.mc 'memory_reads' has a value of 0!
> Warning: stat system.mc 'memory_writes' has a value of 0!
> finish filling!
> Parsing was successful!
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> Fixing incorrect arguments from stats.txt and config.ini
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> system.core0 -> -1000000
> committed_fp_instructions -> 0
> rename_reads -> 0
> system.core0.dcache.write_misses -> 43
> system.core0.dcache.write_accesses -> 945
> itlb.total_accesses -> 0
> dtlb.total_accesses -> 0
> btb.write_accesses -> 0
> system.total_cycles -> 51624
> ./parsefix: line 77: 0
> 001000: syntax error in expression (error token is "001000")
> ./parsefix: line 78: 0
> 001000: syntax error in expression (error token is "001000")
> ./parsefix: line 80: 0
> 001000: syntax error in expression (error token is "001000")
> ./parsefix: line 81: 0
> 001000: syntax error in expression (error token is "001000")
> total_instructions -> 0
> ./parsefix: line 87: 0
> 001000: syntax error in expression (error token is "001000")
> ./parsefix: line 88: 0
> 001000: syntax error in expression (error token is "001000")
> system.core0.total_cycles -> 51624
> inst_window_writes -> 0
> inst_window_wakeup_accesses -> 0
> fp_inst_window_reads -> 0
> fp_inst_window_writes -> 0
> fp_inst_window_wakeup_accesses -> 0
> int_regfile_reads -> 0
> int_regfile_writes -> 0
> ialu_accesses -> 0
> fpu_accesses -> 0
> system.core0.rename_reads -> 0
> ROB_writes -> 0
> fp_rename_reads -> 0
> system.core0.cdb_alu_accesses -> 0
> system.core0.cdb_fpu_accesses -> 0
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> Computing power with McPAT (storing in results.txt)
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> And its stuck there. can anybody please help, i have been looking
> everywhere but no solutions has worked yet.
> Regards
> Ayush
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