What is the guest system memory requirement for running SPEC INT 2006 
benchmarks in full-system simulation mode?

The kernel that I use has a 3 GB RAM and 4GB swap space.
The host system has 12 GB RAM and 4GB swap space.
I tried with both atomic and timing CPU's and used gem5.fast as well as 
gem5.opt binaries.
But, most of the benchmarks from the reference set gets killed with the above 
src/central_freelist.cc:333] tcmalloc: allocation failed 8192
gem5 has encountered a segmentation fault!

However for the same SPEC binaries, system call emulation seems to be just fine.

Can anyone help here?

Thanks & Regards

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  • [gem5-users] SPEC INT 2006 m... Sindhuja Gopalakrishnan Elango via gem5-users

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