
I'm trying to troubleshoot this error (output below).  I've looked at prior
posts in this mailing list and was able to change perf_event_paranoid to -1
( I confirmed this with $cat /proc/sys/kernel/perf_event_paranoid, which
returns -1, although it resets to 2 every time I reboot). It looks like
there's some mention of a patch, but I haven't been able to find that
patch. If anyone could point me to that, or offer other suggestions I would
be grateful!

I'm using gem5 21, WSL2, and have otherwise follower the tutorial here:
My launch_spec2017_experiment.py has been modified slightly for the paths
and gem5 version.

Thanks for all your help,

build/X86/mem/mem_interface.cc:791: warn:
DRAM device capacity (32768 Mbytes) does not match the address range
assigned (1024 Mbytes)
build/X86/mem/mem_interface.cc:791: warn:
DRAM device capacity (32768 Mbytes) does not match the address range
assigned (1024 Mbytes)
build/X86/mem/mem_interface.cc:791: warn:
DRAM device capacity (32768 Mbytes) does not match the address range
assigned (1024 Mbytes)
build/X86/mem/mem_interface.cc:791: warn:
DRAM device capacity (32768 Mbytes) does not match the address range
assigned (1024 Mbytes)
build/X86/mem/mem_interface.cc:791: warn:
DRAM device capacity (32768 Mbytes) does not match the address range
assigned (1024 Mbytes)
build/X86/mem/mem_interface.cc:791: warn:
DRAM device capacity (32768 Mbytes) does not match the address range
assigned (1024 Mbytes)
build/X86/mem/mem_interface.cc:791: warn:
DRAM device capacity (32768 Mbytes) does not match the address range
assigned (1024 Mbytes)
build/X86/mem/mem_interface.cc:791: warn:
DRAM device capacity (32768 Mbytes) does not match the address range
assigned (1024 Mbytes)
build/X86/mem/mem_interface.cc:791: warn:
DRAM device capacity (32768 Mbytes) does not match the address range
assigned (128 Mbytes)
build/X86/sim/kernel_workload.cc:46: info: kernel located at:
build/X86/dev/serial/terminal.cc:170: warn:
Sockets disabled, not accepting terminal connections
build/X86/base/remote_gdb.cc:377: warn:
Sockets disabled, not accepting gdb connections
build/X86/mem/coherent_xbar.cc:140: warn:
CoherentXBar system.cpu.mmucache.mmubus has no snooping ports attached!
build/X86/dev/intel_8254_timer.cc:125: warn:
Reading current count from inactive timer.
build/X86/cpu/kvm/base.cc:152: info: KVM: Coalesced MMIO disabled by config.
build/X86/arch/x86/cpuid.cc:180: warn: x86 cpuid family 0x0000:
unimplemented function 2
build/X86/arch/x86/cpuid.cc:180: warn: x86 cpuid family 0x0000:
unimplemented function 3
build/X86/arch/x86/cpuid.cc:180: warn: x86 cpuid family 0x0000:
unimplemented function 4
build/X86/arch/x86/cpuid.cc:180: warn: x86 cpuid family 0x0000:
unimplemented function 5
build/X86/arch/x86/cpuid.cc:180: warn: x86 cpuid family 0x0000:
unimplemented function 6
build/X86/arch/x86/cpuid.cc:180: warn: x86 cpuid family 0x0000:
unimplemented function 8
build/X86/cpu/kvm/base.cc:152: info: KVM: Coalesced MMIO disabled by config.
build/X86/arch/x86/cpuid.cc:180: warn: x86 cpuid family 0x0000:
unimplemented function 2
build/X86/arch/x86/cpuid.cc:180: warn: x86 cpuid family 0x0000:
unimplemented function 3
build/X86/arch/x86/cpuid.cc:180: warn: x86 cpuid family 0x0000:
unimplemented function 4
build/X86/arch/x86/cpuid.cc:180: warn: x86 cpuid family 0x0000:
unimplemented function 5
build/X86/arch/x86/cpuid.cc:180: warn: x86 cpuid family 0x0000:
unimplemented function 6
build/X86/arch/x86/cpuid.cc:180: warn: x86 cpuid family 0x0000:
unimplemented function 8
build/X86/sim/simulate.cc:107: info:
Entering event queue @ 0.  Starting simulation...
build/X86/cpu/kvm/perfevent.cc:183: panic: PerfKvmCounter::attach failed (2)
Memory Usage: 8738772 KBytes
build/X86/cpu/kvm/perfevent.cc:183: panic: PerfKvmCounter::attach failed (2)
Memory Usage: 8738772 KBytes
Program aborted at tick 0
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