BATCH: All dressed up, with nowhere to go...

2004-03-08 Thread gump
Dear Gumpmeisters,

The following 8 nags should have been sent

 G U M P
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: webwork/webwork failed
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: freemarker/freemarker failed
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: javasrc/javasrc failed
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: jetty/jetty failed
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: xml-xerces/xml-xerces1 failed
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: eyebrowse/eyebrowse failed
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: jrefactory/jrefactory failed
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: jgen/jgen failed
 G U M P
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: webwork/webwork failed
To whom it may engage...

This is an automated request, but not an unsolicited one. For help 
understanding the request please visit, 
and/or contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Project webwork has an issue affecting it's community integration. This issue affects 
1 projects, and has been outstanding for 6 runs. The current state is 'Failed', for 
reason 'Build Failed'

Full details are available at:, however some snippets follow:

-  -  -  -  - -- --  G U M P

Gump provided these annotations:

 - Error - Failed with reason build failed

-  -  -  -  - -- --  G U M P
Gump performed this work:

Work Name: build_webwork_webwork (Type: Build)
State: Failed
Elapsed: 0 hours, 0 minutes, 13 seconds
Command Line: java -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dbuild.clonevm=true 
-Xbootclasspath/p:/data3/gump/xml-xerces2/java/build/xercesImpl.jar:/data3/gump/xml-xerces2/java/build/xmlParserAPIs.jar:/data3/gump/xml-xalan/java/build/xalan-unbundled.jar:/data3/gump/xml-commons/java/external/build/xml-apis.jar -verbose 
-Dgump.merge=/data3/gump/gump-install/work/merge.xml -Dbuild.sysclasspath=only 
[Working Directory: /data3/gump/webwork]
/data3/gump/webwork/src/main/webwork/multipart/ cannot 
resolve symbol
[javac] symbol  : class MultipartListener 
[javac] location: class webwork.multipart.WebworkMultiPartRequest
[javac] MultipartListener listener = new MultipartListener()
[javac] ^
/data3/gump/webwork/src/main/webwork/multipart/ cannot 
resolve symbol
[javac] symbol  : class MultipartListener 
[javac] location: class webwork.multipart.WebworkMultiPartRequest
[javac] MultipartListener listener = new MultipartListener()
[javac]  ^
/data3/gump/webwork/src/main/webwork/multipart/ cannot 
resolve symbol
[javac] symbol  : class MultipartRequest 
[javac] location: class webwork.multipart.WebworkMultiPartRequest
[javac]   multi = new MultipartRequest(req.getContentType(),
[javac]   ^
/data3/gump/webwork/src/main/webwork/multipart/ cannot 
resolve symbol
[javac] symbol  : variable MultipartRequest 
[javac] location: class webwork.multipart.WebworkMultiPartRequest
cannot resolve symbol
[javac] symbol  : class MultipartRequest 
[javac] location: class webwork.multipart.WebworkMultiPartRequest
[javac]   multi = new MultipartRequest(req.getContentType(),
[javac]   ^
cannot resolve symbol
[javac] symbol  : variable MultipartRequest 
[javac] location: class webwork.multipart.WebworkMultiPartRequest
[javac] Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
[javac] Note: Recompile with -deprecation for details.
[javac] 15 errors

/data3/gump/webwork/build.xml:167: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for 

[Gump Wiki] Updated: GumpPython

2004-03-08 Thread general
   Date: 2004-03-08T21:57:21
   Editor: <>
   Wiki: Gump Wiki
   Page: GumpPython

   no comment

Change Log:

@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
 == Command Line Tools: Get Started with and ==
- *  install 'regular' gump as per
+ *  install 'regular' gump as per
  *  install [ Python 2.2]
  *  open a shell and do something similar to:

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For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [RT] Moving gump forward

2004-03-08 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Adam R. B. Jack wrote:


Good topic, thanks for raising it, it is time.
Me or Stefan?

Gump is an incredible idea and has no equivalent thing anywhere else.
Still, it requires lots of energy from the gumpmaisters to keep it

  Gump social maintenance costs are still too high on the gumpmaisters
and not well distributed horizontally across the various projects.
Stefano, I concur with your observations, and like your proposals, but I
think we (as a group) keep overlooking one main thing. Gump is a social
experiment but we keep using the techie's golden hammer -- more
technology -- to try to solve it. Making things easier for users who don't
care about what we do is just going to make it easier for them not to care.
I strongly disagree with this. In fact, it's largely the opposite: 
nagging them precisely will make them care. But from that point on, it's 
our responsibility to make their life easier in finding a resolution for 
the problem.

This can be solved with a better gump system and better (higher S/N) 
data presentation.

We have a social experiment, yet we've (so far) failed to exercise the
social options. The Gump team know OSS, they know (as good as anybody) what
drives folks, what motivates, what inspires. Even though we accept that
nobody can engineer this, we can attempt to leverage it & work with it.
Right after I posted to commons-dev about Gump, and it's aspirations to
judging health, we had one gentleman go to the trouble of digging out the
algorythm for FOG from Gumpy CVS, evaluating it, and submitting a JIRA entry
(which I agree with, BTW). That is effort, that is motivation. The loss of
"team pride" (maybe) of having their FOG factor halved was a motivator.
I agree. FoG could be a big factor in creating the itch to scratch... 
but it could also be a potential killer if not considered "fair".

And my experience says that no matter what heuristic, somebody won't 
like it if you are using it to judge them.

I think Gump needs to get out there, go in-your-face public. Now that we are
TLP we have a forum to get messages out ( but we need to
acquire traffic & work with existing public forums. We ought use community@
[or similar] and Peas-n-Carrots (& Planet Apache). I'm no marketeer, but I
think we need to market Gump results -- not market Gump [although that might
come], but the results. Some [RT] style ideas:
- We need to post (weekly?) to community@ the top FOGs, top improvers and
bottom FOGs. We need to be public about which projects are strong, which are
upcoming, and which are failing w/o attention. It is fine to generate a WWW
site of results, as we do, but we need to live-and-breath those results,
make them reach out and touch people.
I'd be +1 to this, but only when the list I see reflects the reality I 
perceive. Currently, the state of Gump shown by the figures is much 
better than the state of gump that *I* personally picture in my mind.

Admittedly, with my cocoon bias, I'm a little frustrated because cocoon 
is by far the project with more dependencies, so it's the hardest to 
tackle, but exactly because of that, we can't state that gump has 
bootstrapped itself until we reach that point (and we did once in the 
past, but than the system failed to keep it up, for whatever reason)

- We need to get to a point where Gump is the first place somebody comes in
order to determine if they wish to use a new product/package. A conversation
around "why would we introduce a product with a FOG of 0.1 when we are at
1.5?" ought be common.
that would be cool, yes, but again, potentially very self-replicating: I 
mean, it's like the first-10 sourceforge effect: the popular ones become 
even more popular and the power-law slope increases... I'm not sure I 
want that.

- We need to make FOG (or Gump score, whatever) an active thing. Perhaps
PMCs ought evaluate FOG before allowing a project out of sandbox, out of
incubation. [Note this is *RT*, not proposal].
If I know the foundation well enough, this is hardly ever going to 
happen, for the reasons I expressed above: no matter what heuristic you 
find, those who get a bad score and disagree with you will give you a 
very hard time.

- I think we need a nice 'I rate with Gump' icon, that dynamically links to
their score.
[Before we do, we need the numbers to really mean something, and to take
into consideration some key aspects -- depth of dependences, distance
between two projects -- some Googlesque value of 'links to' (where teams are
'rating' each other through usage/referencing.)
Gump stats are in their infancy, and not taking into consideration much of
the value of the metadata graph. I think we ought add much more to it also,
like 'friend of' (even if not a dependee). Maybe even add 'who associates
with' (an individual aspect) -- so we can follow folks we like. I could go
on and on and on ... and will w/ an [RT] sometime soon, I hope.]
I totally agree that there is a goldmine of data in the dependency

Re: [RT] Moving gump forward

2004-03-08 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Adam R. B. Jack wrote:

Leo wrote plenty -- with this just being a snippet:

   = The Human Factor =

What I really like about gump is the principle that we emulate developer
behaviour as much as possible.

Yup, me too, I liked it when you posted to Avalon-Dev also. Maybe we need a
logo of some crazied gung-ho half-blind half-carpel-tunneled geek who just
can't see a CVS commit message they don't want to tinker with. ;-)
The rest of what you wrote -- made me reconsider my last posting. I'm not
saying that aspects of Gump aren't broken, and we need just promote, I just
think we need to promote for those happily using Gump right now. For those
with simple build systems things really aren't that that bad. I wonder if
that is the majority or not.
Adam, that's why I dislike those numbers so much: they give a false 
impression. Having 60% of the tree built is useless if that 40% is where 
the juice is.

Where is the juice? where it is hardest to keep track of dependencies.

Cocoon didn't have a single gump run in 6 months or more.

Focus on fixing that and you'll see how thing change.

That said, Gump is very sensetive to the build system, and I like the IDE
comparison/analogy/proposal. Doing a build is a compile plus a jar (plus
perhaps unit tests/others?). I'd like Stefan's input on if we allowed a

BTW: I suspect that I think we should focus on using what the projects have. It's harder to 
start with, but much more solid in the longer run.


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [RT] Moving gump forward

2004-03-08 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Leo Simons wrote:

But since we're going by leaps and bounds right now...we need a 
wiki-style workflow. Ditch CVS and provide me with an "edit this 
descriptor" page. The task of finding the right descriptor to edit can 
be several minutes of work. That should change to several seconds.
Leo: do you realize the potential security implications of this?

   = The Human Factor =

What I really like about gump is the principle that we emulate developer 
behaviour as much as possible.

We could just let the metadata point to the sources, do away with ant 
alltogether, and implement an IDE-like compiler. But then gump would be 
able to build lots of things that might fail to build on the commandline.
yes, this is why I'm kinda reluctant to make gump more aware of what's 
going on internally. the fact that gump is dumb and proud to be is a 
lovely feature, IMO.

  = The friggin' broken buildsystem =

It's not always a classfile change that broke things. In the avalon 
case, for example, the projects that are failing to build haven't seen 
very significant API change. The build itself is broken.

Maybe we should fall back to trying a non-ant build when that happens. 
Is it possible to detect an ant (or maven) failure as opposed to an api 
change? Is it worthwhile to seperate it out.
not unless we analyze the output.

= Let's go relational =

We want to build a complex, flexible, relational model of all these 
builds. Maybe its just me, but XML doesn't express that too well. It's 
much easier to express some fomrs of "intelligence" in SQL.
My "let's go relational" was for the history data, not for the project 

Going relational there would buy us only more effort (unless you write a 
web application to handle those things directly ;-)

Enough brainstorming for tonight.

I have more to say, but gotta run right now :-D
keep it coming :-)


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [RT] Moving gump forward

2004-03-08 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Daniel F. Savarese wrote:

In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Daniel F. Savarese
" writes:
Another heuristic approach that would work for Java projects at
least, would be to analyze the build failure messages.  Usually
they'll reference a class or class member/method that is in
a dependent code base.  Develop an evolving library of patterns
to extract the offending methods/classes/etc. and then discover
what jar they came from.

Right after I sent that I realized that there's a more effective variation
of this idea.  The compiler often knows exactly why a compile failed.  It
should be possible to extend one of the several Java compilers out there
with some Gump-aware code that will map the package an offending programming
construct belongs to back to the project it belongs to.  That doesn't
help you directly in the case when an API artifact is removed or renamed
(although it does help when a method signature changes), but it does
help you narrow down the change based on the packages imported by the
file.  So you can limit the scope of dependencies on which you apply
the brute force comparative build approach.  In fact, for Java code,
instead of going to the trouble of enhancing the compiler, it may be
enough just to look at the packages in the file(s) that failed to compile
based on the error message spewed by the compiler.
Maybe it's better to think about how a human goes through the process
of tracking down the source of a failure and see how that can be emulated.
Again, that's assuming that 100% accurate solutions are too computationally
expensive to be practical.  That's it for my RT contribution.  I'm on EST.
yep, I had the exact same thoughts about modifying a compiler, but as i 
said previously, I would love to think at language-agnostic ways to do this.

this said, it would be just marvellous if gump could spot dependencies 
transparently by analzying the classloading patterns of the compiler.

that would allow gump to suggests improvements to the various gump 
descriptors automagically.

but this modification is not easy, given that we need to change ant for 

Stefan, any talks in ant-land about using eclipse JTD compiler instead 
of javac for the  task? or, eventually, how can gump execute ant 
forcing the  task to be our own?


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [RT] Moving gump forward

2004-03-08 Thread Stefano Mazzocchi
Daniel F. Savarese wrote:

In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Stefano Mazzocchi writes:

Now, I think it's possible (even if computationally expensive) to 
understand exactly what commit broke the build and to nag the exact 
person and the community and copy all the offended people.

for those not familiar with exponential growth, it's enough to say that 
if the build took a minute it would take gump 2,5 billion years to find 
out what broke the build.

Why don't you start with the easy stuff.  If a build of project A
fails, we know all builds depending on project A will fail.  But
if project A is dependent on project B, and project B failed, then
we keep on walking up the tree to find the first build that failed.
Okay, so now that leaves the issue of a build failing because of
an API or some other change in a dependent project that built
successfully.  For projects with a small number of dependencies,
use the brute force approach you described.  For projects with a
large number dependencies, develop some heuristics.  
Yes, I was thinking about this today.

You can
reason that if project B makes a change that breaks project A and
if C also depends on project B, then there's a chance project C
might also have broken.  
uh, that's a brilliant suggestion right there!

Since Gump builds a ton of code bases,
a decent number of culprits (i.e., project B) could be identified
by analyzing the dependencies shared by projects that failed to
This is awesome! I love it!

You can then apply the brute force approach to only those
shared dependencies if they number below some manageable figure.

Another heuristic approach that would work for Java projects at
least, would be to analyze the build failure messages.  Usually
they'll reference a class or class member/method that is in
a dependent code base.  Develop an evolving library of patterns
to extract the offending methods/classes/etc. and then discover
what jar they came from.
yes, I was going to suggest this approach next, but I'm reluctant 
because I deeply appreciate the fact that gump is language agnostic and 
it should remain the same, IMO.

Anyway, those are some inelegant, inxact, and simplistic--but perhaps
useful in some instances--suggestions about how to start adding the
functionality you describe that would buy time to figure out how to do
it right.  

That is, assuming it's a hard problem that requires a good
while to figure out.  My reasoning is that it's okay to nag the
wrong projects every once in a while as long as you nag the right projects
most of the time.  And on first glance, based on your comments, it seems
easier to implement that than to figure out the right project to nag all
the time.
yours are precious suggestions. many thanks for taking the time to share 

I'll try to think more about heuristics on broken dependencies and 
report back.


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

cvs commit: gump/python/gump

2004-03-08 Thread ajack
ajack   2004/03/08 16:20:51

  Display package listings even if no license (indent problem)
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.77  +15 -21gump/python/gump/
  RCS file: /home/cvs/gump/python/gump/,v
  retrieving revision 1.76
  retrieving revision 1.77
  diff -u -r1.76 -r1.77
  --- 8 Mar 2004 22:28:08 -   1.76
  +++ 9 Mar 2004 00:20:51 -   1.77
  @@ -766,25 +766,20 @@
   # directories
  -# List all directories that should've contained
  -# outputs, to see what is there.
  -for output in outputs:
  -if not dir in dirs:
  -dircnt += 1
  -if os.path.exists(dir):
  -listed += 1
  -project.addError("No such directory (where package 
output is expected) : " + dir)
  +# List all directories that should've contained
  +# outputs, to see what is there.
  +for output in outputs:
  +if not dir in dirs:
  +dircnt += 1 
  @@ -826,8 +821,7 @@
   # Load stats (and stash onto projects)

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Re: [RT] Moving gump forward

2004-03-08 Thread Michael Davey

2) we must make sure that people's nagged uncomfort grows with the 
amount of dependecies they break! Note that giving them a number 
doesn't work, you have to build up the entire list!!! you have to make 
them feel really uncomfortable. The more uncomfortable, the more 
energy they are going to push into the system to keep this from 
happening!!! or the faster they are going to resolve an issue that 

this increased obnoxiousness of nagging must also result in better web 
pages, because, after we push them to tackle the problem, at this 
point, we want to help them figuring out what's wrong and what they 
can do to fix it.

So, scenario of use is: 

If Gump knows what dependancies a particular project has, when the 
project and each of its dependencies last built successfully and it 
knows how to get the source from CVS, it should be possible to list all 
the CVS changes that have happened since the last successful build.  Of 
course, if each gump installation also knows of other gump installations 
including the JRE, it might be possible to further reduce the list of 
changes by sharing results between gumps.

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cvs commit: gump/python/storage/results

2004-03-08 Thread ajack
ajack   2004/03/08 14:28:09

  1) Make GumpSet have modules/moduleSequence to match projects/projectSequence,

  not just modules.


  2) Reworked command line (a hack) to allow it to set GumpRunOptions


  3) Try making the commandline scripts a little more friendly to adhoc usage
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.5   +4 -4  gump/python/gump/test/
  RCS file: /home/cvs/gump/python/gump/test/,v
  retrieving revision 1.4
  retrieving revision 1.5
  diff -u -r1.4 -r1.5
  ---  17 Feb 2004 21:54:21 -  1.4
  +++  8 Mar 2004 22:28:08 -   1.5
  @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
  for p in projects:
  print " Project : " + p.getName()
  -   sequence=gumpSet.getSequence()   
  +   sequence=gumpSet.getProjectSequence()   
  print "Project Sequence:" + str(len(sequence))
  for p in sequence:
  print " Sequence: " + p.getName()
  1.38  +5 -9  gump/python/gump/
  RCS file: /home/cvs/gump/python/gump/,v
  retrieving revision 1.37
  retrieving revision 1.38
  diff -u -r1.37 -r1.38
  ---  2 Mar 2004 21:11:39 -   1.37
  +++  8 Mar 2004 22:28:08 -   1.38
  @@ -92,16 +92,12 @@
   if __name__=='__main__':
   # Process command line
  -args = handleArgv(sys.argv)
  +(args,options) = handleArgv(sys.argv)
   # get parsed workspace definition
  -# TODO populate...
  +workspace=WorkspaceLoader().load(ws, options.isQuick())
   # The Run Details...
  1.23  +2 -5  gump/python/gump/
  RCS file: /home/cvs/gump/python/gump/,v
  retrieving revision 1.22
  retrieving revision 1.23
  diff -u -r1.22 -r1.23
  --- 24 Nov 2003 18:32:19 -  1.22
  +++ 8 Mar 2004 22:28:08 -   1.23
  @@ -37,12 +37,12 @@
   if __name__=='__main__':
   # Process command line
  -args = handleArgv(sys.argv)
  +(args,options) = handleArgv(sys.argv)
   # get parsed workspace definition
  +workspace=WorkspaceLoader().load(ws, options.isQuick())
   # Check Environment (eventually not do this each time)
  @@ -56,9 +56,6 @@
   # to screen.
   #check(workspace, ps, context, 0)
  -# TODO populate...
   # The Run Details...
  1.10  +46 -11gump/python/gump/
  RCS file: /home/cvs/gump/python/gump/,v
  retrieving revision 1.9
  retrieving revision 1.10
  diff -u -r1.9 -r1.10
  --- gumprun.py3 Mar 2004 00:49:52 -   1.9
  +++ gumprun.py8 Mar 2004 22:28:08 -   1.10
  @@ -46,8 +46,9 @@
   """ Contains the primary works sets -- to save recalculating and
   passing so many individual things around """
   def __init__(self, workspace, pexpr=None, \
  -projects=None, sequence=None, \
  -modules=None, repositories=None ):
  +projects=None, projectSequence=None, \
  +modules=None, moduleSequence=None, \
  +repositories=None ):
   if not self.workspace:
   raise RuntimeError, 'A non-None workspace is require'
  @@ -67,24 +68,32 @@
   # Project Build Sequence
  -if not sequence:
  +if not projectSequence:

cvs commit: gump/profile gump.xml

2004-03-08 Thread leosimons
leosimons2004/03/08 13:57:22

  Modified:profile  gump.xml
  Jicarilla has a few dependencies which are not built by gump. Let's build against 
some infamous jars-in-cvs until we get this sorted out.
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.318 +1 -0  gump/profile/gump.xml
  Index: gump.xml
  RCS file: /home/cvs/gump/profile/gump.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.317
  retrieving revision 1.318
  diff -u -r1.317 -r1.318
  --- gump.xml  4 Mar 2004 13:12:12 -   1.317
  +++ gump.xml  8 Mar 2004 21:57:22 -   1.318
  @@ -232,6 +232,7 @@*checkout*/jicarilla/jicarilla-sandbox/platform/gump/gump-module.xml?content-type=text/xml&rev=HEAD"/>

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Re: [RT] Moving gump forward

2004-03-08 Thread Daniel F. Savarese

In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Adam R. B. Jack" writes:
>judging health, we had one gentleman go to the trouble of digging out the
>algorythm for FOG from Gumpy CVS, evaluating it, and submitting a JIRA entry
>(which I agree with, BTW). That is effort, that is motivation. The loss of
>"team pride" (maybe) of having their FOG factor halved was a motivator.

I had actually written a couple aborted emails (parts of which I cut and
pasted into the improvement issue report) about the topic over preceding
months that I never sent to the list because they sounded like I was
making mountains out of mole hills and adding unnecessary noise when Gump
committers were hard at work making more important improvements.  I'm sure
I sent a poorly articulated email about it around the time FOG was first
added to the generated results.  At any rate, it's been on my mind for a
while since I believe it's inevitable lots of folks are going to pay
attention to Gump because it's so handy.  The FOG factor halving just
reminded me of the topic and gave me a concrete example of why it can be 

>think we (as a group) keep overlooking one main thing. Gump is a social
>experiment but we keep using the techie's golden hammer -- more
>technology -- to try to solve it.
>In summary -- my point is we've not explored the social solutions to the
>Gumpmeister headache, and I'd love to hear other ideas on how we could
>leverage that.

I agree with what you said.  If everyone is paying attention to Gump,
then it matters little if you can't pin down exactly who's responsible
for a failure because everyone who gets a nag works toward identifying
the nature of the problem and coordinates with other projects to resolve
the problem.  Ultimately, Gump fosters cross-project cooperation.

>Perhaps we ought copy 'affected' projects on nags, so the recipient &
>those affected know who is affecting them. Nags are (right now) too
>personal/private & a team can quietly sit on them.

I think that would be very useful, but it could be limited
in some way so that code bases used by hundreds of projects (e.g.,
parts of commons) don't generate hundreds of nags.  Perhaps affected
projects would receive an abbreviated email and another one after
the problem is resolved.  Also, you don't want a cascade of emails
going out because of failures in multiple code bases and affected
projects.  So maybe a summary nag could go out to each project,
tailored to that project.  The summary would list all failures
in code bases that depend on the project and all failures in
code bases depended on by the project.  Actually for the "depended on"
code bases, it's probably better to list all dependencies and 
success or failure status of each because a code base can cause
a failure in a project and still have built successfully.  These
customized failure summaries would avoid the need to automatically
determine the exact source of a failure and whom to nag because
it presents humans with a list of possible places to start hunting.
Only if everybody ignores the emails does it fail to provide any
benefit.  If a small group of projects take an active interest, their
connections to other projects should propagate responsiveness in general
over time.


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cvs commit: gump/project smartfrog.xml

2004-03-08 Thread ajack
ajack   2004/03/08 11:32:23

  Modified:project  smartfrog.xml
  Trying a different CVS set-up, for testing.
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.15  +1 -1  gump/project/smartfrog.xml
  Index: smartfrog.xml
  RCS file: /home/cvs/gump/project/smartfrog.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.14
  retrieving revision 1.15
  diff -u -r1.14 -r1.15
  --- smartfrog.xml 7 Mar 2004 19:49:12 -   1.14
  +++ smartfrog.xml 8 Mar 2004 19:32:23 -   1.15
  @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
  + dir="smartfrog" module="core"/>

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cvs commit: gump/project jakarta-jmeter.xml

2004-03-08 Thread sebb
sebb2004/03/08 10:39:22

  Modified:project  jakarta-jmeter.xml
  Still trying to get rid of zip files from the classpath
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.77  +6 -6  gump/project/jakarta-jmeter.xml
  Index: jakarta-jmeter.xml
  RCS file: /home/cvs/gump/project/jakarta-jmeter.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.76
  retrieving revision 1.77
  diff -u -r1.76 -r1.77
  --- jakarta-jmeter.xml5 Mar 2004 10:57:48 -   1.76
  +++ jakarta-jmeter.xml8 Mar 2004 18:39:22 -   1.77
  @@ -173,7 +173,7 @@

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Re: [RT] Moving gump forward

2004-03-08 Thread Adam R. B. Jack
Leo wrote plenty -- with this just being a snippet:

> = The Human Factor =
> What I really like about gump is the principle that we emulate developer
> behaviour as much as possible.

Yup, me too, I liked it when you posted to Avalon-Dev also. Maybe we need a
logo of some crazied gung-ho half-blind half-carpel-tunneled geek who just
can't see a CVS commit message they don't want to tinker with. ;-)

The rest of what you wrote -- made me reconsider my last posting. I'm not
saying that aspects of Gump aren't broken, and we need just promote, I just
think we need to promote for those happily using Gump right now. For those
with simple build systems things really aren't that that bad. I wonder if
that is the majority or not.

That said, Gump is very sensetive to the build system, and I like the IDE
comparison/analogy/proposal. Doing a build is a compile plus a jar (plus
perhaps unit tests/others?). I'd like Stefan's input on if we allowed a

[Gump Wiki] New: HistoricalResultsDatabase

2004-03-08 Thread general
   Date: 2004-03-08T08:22:26
   Editor: AdamJack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Wiki: Gump Wiki
   Page: HistoricalResultsDatabase

   no comment

New Page:

= HistoricalResultsDatabase =


= Requirements =

 * Needs to be supported/supportable/available by [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 * Needs to be accessible by Python 2.2
 * Needs to be able to store 1 year or more of data (more?)
 * Needs to be resilient over time (changing in projects/metadata)

= Assumptions =

 * This will be an RDBMS repository

= Issues =

= Schema = 

= Proposal #1: MySQL database =


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[Gump Wiki] Updated: FrontPage

2004-03-08 Thread general
   Date: 2004-03-08T08:10:50
   Editor: AdamJack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Wiki: Gump Wiki
   Page: FrontPage

   no comment

Change Log:

@@ -10,6 +10,10 @@
  * GumpInternals
  * GumpScripts
+= Design Topics =
+ * HistoricalResultsDatabase
 = 'Special' Wiki pages =

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cvs commit: gump/python/gump/document

2004-03-08 Thread ajack
ajack   2004/03/08 08:04:09

  We are showing dependees not dependencies
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.95  +4 -4  gump/python/gump/document/
  RCS file: /home/cvs/gump/python/gump/document/,v
  retrieving revision 1.94
  retrieving revision 1.95
  diff -u -r1.94 -r1.95
  --- forrest.py8 Mar 2004 05:40:50 -   1.94
  +++ forrest.py8 Mar 2004 16:04:08 -   1.95
  @@ -504,7 +504,7 @@
   projectsSection=document.createSection('Projects with issues...')
  -'Dependencies',  \
  +'Dependees', \
   'Duration\nin state','Project State'])
   for project in sortedProjectList:

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Re: [RT] Moving gump forward

2004-03-08 Thread Adam R. B. Jack

Good topic, thanks for raising it, it is time.

> Gump is an incredible idea and has no equivalent thing anywhere else.
> Still, it requires lots of energy from the gumpmaisters to keep it
> [...]
>Gump social maintenance costs are still too high on the gumpmaisters
> and not well distributed horizontally across the various projects.

Stefano, I concur with your observations, and like your proposals, but I
think we (as a group) keep overlooking one main thing. Gump is a social
experiment but we keep using the techie's golden hammer -- more
technology -- to try to solve it. Making things easier for users who don't
care about what we do is just going to make it easier for them not to care.

We have a social experiment, yet we've (so far) failed to exercise the
social options. The Gump team know OSS, they know (as good as anybody) what
drives folks, what motivates, what inspires. Even though we accept that
nobody can engineer this, we can attempt to leverage it & work with it.

Right after I posted to commons-dev about Gump, and it's aspirations to
judging health, we had one gentleman go to the trouble of digging out the
algorythm for FOG from Gumpy CVS, evaluating it, and submitting a JIRA entry
(which I agree with, BTW). That is effort, that is motivation. The loss of
"team pride" (maybe) of having their FOG factor halved was a motivator.

I think Gump needs to get out there, go in-your-face public. Now that we are
TLP we have a forum to get messages out ( but we need to
acquire traffic & work with existing public forums. We ought use community@
[or similar] and Peas-n-Carrots (& Planet Apache). I'm no marketeer, but I
think we need to market Gump results -- not market Gump [although that might
come], but the results. Some [RT] style ideas:

- We need to post (weekly?) to community@ the top FOGs, top improvers and
bottom FOGs. We need to be public about which projects are strong, which are
upcoming, and which are failing w/o attention. It is fine to generate a WWW
site of results, as we do, but we need to live-and-breath those results,
make them reach out and touch people.

- We need to get to a point where Gump is the first place somebody comes in
order to determine if they wish to use a new product/package. A conversation
around "why would we introduce a product with a FOG of 0.1 when we are at
1.5?" ought be common.

- We need to make FOG (or Gump score, whatever) an active thing. Perhaps
PMCs ought evaluate FOG before allowing a project out of sandbox, out of
incubation. [Note this is *RT*, not proposal].

- I think we need a nice 'I rate with Gump' icon, that dynamically links to
their score.

[Before we do, we need the numbers to really mean something, and to take
into consideration some key aspects -- depth of dependences, distance
between two projects -- some Googlesque value of 'links to' (where teams are
'rating' each other through usage/referencing.)

Gump stats are in their infancy, and not taking into consideration much of
the value of the metadata graph. I think we ought add much more to it also,
like 'friend of' (even if not a dependee). Maybe even add 'who associates
with' (an individual aspect) -- so we can follow folks we like. I could go
on and on and on ... and will w/ an [RT] sometime soon, I hope.]

Along the lines of what Stefano said, but adding a little to the social

- Perhaps we ought copy 'affected' projects on nags, so the recipient &
those affected know who is affecting them. Nags are (right now) too
personal/private & a team can quietly sit on them. [This said, I think we
want to push the positives -- values of success -- not try nagging folks
into action.]

- Perhaps we 'nag' folks when their FOG goes up into the next level (a
positive :-) and also when it drops down to another level. Yes, as Stefano
said, we ought (occasionally) let folks know their status even if things are
status quo.

In summary -- my point is we've not explored the social solutions to the
Gumpmeister headache, and I'd love to hear other ideas on how we could
leverage that.



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cvs commit: gump/src/documentation/content/xdocs index.xml

2004-03-08 Thread bodewig
bodewig 2004/03/08 06:27:45

  Modified:src/documentation/content/xdocs index.xml
  Throw in some additional info about Gump installations
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.8   +3 -3  gump/src/documentation/content/xdocs/index.xml
  Index: index.xml
  RCS file: /home/cvs/gump/src/documentation/content/xdocs/index.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.7
  retrieving revision 1.8
  diff -u -r1.7 -r1.8
  --- index.xml 8 Mar 2004 14:09:28 -   1.7
  +++ index.xml 8 Mar 2004 14:27:45 -   1.8
  @@ -148,13 +148,13 @@";>Covalent 

  +Traditional Gump";>CocoonDev 
  +Traditional Gump";>LSD 

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Re: cvs commit: gump/src/documentation/content/xdocs/python usage.xml

2004-03-08 Thread Stefan Bodewig
On 8 Mar 2004, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   Add a mailing list page,

Note that the (un)subscribe links are broken since forrest tries to
obfuscate the email addresses.  Is there any way to selectively turn
off obfuscation here?

Not that I'd mind turning it off completely as it doesn't help anyway.


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cvs commit: gump/src/documentation/content/xdocs/python usage.xml

2004-03-08 Thread bodewig
bodewig 2004/03/08 06:09:29

  Modified:src/documentation/content/xdocs index.xml site.xml
   src/documentation/content/xdocs/python usage.xml
  Added:   src/documentation/content/xdocs mail.xml
  Add a mailing list page, fix references to jakarta-gump
  Revision  ChangesPath
  1.7   +1 -1  gump/src/documentation/content/xdocs/index.xml
  Index: index.xml
  RCS file: /home/cvs/gump/src/documentation/content/xdocs/index.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.6
  retrieving revision 1.7
  diff -u -r1.6 -r1.7
  --- index.xml 4 Mar 2004 17:26:10 -   1.6
  +++ index.xml 8 Mar 2004 14:09:28 -   1.7
  @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
 Where is Gump?
  1.11  +1 -4  gump/src/documentation/content/xdocs/site.xml
  Index: site.xml
  RCS file: /home/cvs/gump/src/documentation/content/xdocs/site.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.10
  retrieving revision 1.11
  diff -u -r1.10 -r1.11
  --- site.xml  29 Feb 2004 19:03:39 -  1.10
  +++ site.xml  8 Mar 2004 14:09:28 -   1.11
  @@ -42,10 +42,7 @@


  -"; label="Search 
  -"; label="Browse 
  +"; label="Wiki"/>"; 

  1.1  gump/src/documentation/content/xdocs/mail.xml
  Index: mail.xml

  Gump Mailing Lists


  Mailing Lists
Please read the";>guidelines of
the Jakarta Project before subscribing and posting to the
Gump general list as they apply to this list as well.
Like almost all lists of the Apache Software Foundation,
Gump's list is a subscriber only lists, this means you have to
subscribe before you can post to the list.  Please note that any
HTML parts sent to the lists will be removed by our mailing list
software - you shouldn't be sending HTML mails anyway.
General List
Medium Traffic
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Subscribe
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Unsubscribe";>Archive";>alternative Archive
  This is the list where participating developers, users and
  metadata maintainers of Gump meet and discuss issues, code and
  metadata changes/additions, etc. Subscribers to this list get
  notices of each and every code/metadata change, build results,
  testing notices, etc.


  1.8   +1 -1  gump/src/documentation/content/xdocs/python/usage.xml
  Index: usage.xml
  RCS file: /home/cvs/gump/src/documentation/content/xdocs/python/usage.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.7
  retrieving revision 1.8
  diff -u -r1.7 -r1.8
  --- usage.xml 29 Feb 2004 19:03:39 -  1.7
  +++ usage.xml 8 Mar 2004 14:09:29 -   1.8
  @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
   python gump\gui\ -w ..\myworkspace.xml

  -cd /jakarta-gump/python
  +cd /gump/python
   export PYTHONPATH=`pwd`
   python gump/gui/ -w ../myworspace.xml


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Re: [RT] Moving gump forward

2004-03-08 Thread Leo Simons
Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
RT is where you throw you thought in the mix and see what happens. It 
could be the best thing or the most silly idea.
this is a good one. Summary of some important thoughts so far.

  Gump social maintenance costs are still too high on the gumpmaisters 
and not well distributed horizontally across the various projects.
indeed. Gump as a social experiment takes its toll on the experimentors.

As I said previously, gump is just too verbose. Beside gump own 
developers, Gump is the kind of web site that you look at only when 
there are problems.
you know, I'm inclined to design a 'mock' workflow package here, conduct 
tests of people's behaviour, improve the mock, etc. The gump workflow is 

Not that I actually know much about user interface testing ;)

at this point I'll let the discussion start on what should be on that page.
we need guinea pigs :-D

   = Workflow =

let's try to describe the optimal gump workflow. I've found (in 
describing this to other people), that the current gump workflow is much 
like working on (someone else's) spagetti code. It seems we need the 
equivalent of "code insight" features.

How would that work? Send me an e-mail saying my project failed to 
build. Include a link that will take me to the (highlighted) part of the 
build output that seems to be the problem. Make references to classnames 
'n stuff clickable. Clicking on a classname (ie as spit out by the 
compiler when there's a problem) takes me to the build log of the 

If another project failed because of my change, send me an e-mail 
pointing to that failure (those failures). Indicate the classes that 
seem to be the problem. Tell me when the project started failing and 
provide me a ViewCVS link that indicates the class that is apparently 
causing problems for the other project.

As a first step, let people look at the cvs history themselves. 
Automation seems nice, but there's also a lot that can be done just by 
making the UI as powerful as possible.

But since we're going by leaps and bounds right now...we need a 
wiki-style workflow. Ditch CVS and provide me with an "edit this 
descriptor" page. The task of finding the right descriptor to edit can 
be several minutes of work. That should change to several seconds.

   = The Human Factor =

What I really like about gump is the principle that we emulate developer 
behaviour as much as possible.

We could just let the metadata point to the sources, do away with ant 
alltogether, and implement an IDE-like compiler. But then gump would be 
able to build lots of things that might fail to build on the commandline.

  = The friggin' broken buildsystem =

It's not always a classfile change that broke things. In the avalon 
case, for example, the projects that are failing to build haven't seen 
very significant API change. The build itself is broken.

Maybe we should fall back to trying a non-ant build when that happens. 
Is it possible to detect an ant (or maven) failure as opposed to an api 
change? Is it worthwhile to seperate it out.

= Let's go relational =

We want to build a complex, flexible, relational model of all these 
builds. Maybe its just me, but XML doesn't express that too well. It's 
much easier to express some fomrs of "intelligence" in SQL.

Enough brainstorming for tonight.
I have more to say, but gotta run right now :-D

- Leo Simons

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"We started off trying to set up a small anarchist community, but
 people wouldn't obey the rules."
-- Alan Bennett

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Re: feature request: top critical failures

2004-03-08 Thread Stefan Bodewig
On Sun, 07 Mar 2004, Stefano Mazzocchi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> With "nobody gives a damn" I meant none of the avalon people.

They are possibly busy bashing each other.  Oops, off topic.

> There are two paths here:
>   1) make gump smart enough to work with that's out there

The problem with most of the excalibur components is that their build
files simply don't work.  Neither using Gump nor running Ant from the
command line.  I'm not sure whether they'd actually build using Maven,
I've come to have my doubts here as well.

But this probably is the only option for Gump, run Maven for projects
that build using Maven since the developers will never run the build
files they provide and thus never know that those build files don't

>> I will give a shout to the xdoclet guys concerning this later.

Antoine, consider pinging Erik Hatcher, he has commit access to the
xdoclet module.


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Re: [RT] Moving gump forward

2004-03-08 Thread Daniel F. Savarese

In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Daniel F. Savarese
" writes:
>Another heuristic approach that would work for Java projects at
>least, would be to analyze the build failure messages.  Usually
>they'll reference a class or class member/method that is in
>a dependent code base.  Develop an evolving library of patterns
>to extract the offending methods/classes/etc. and then discover
>what jar they came from.

Right after I sent that I realized that there's a more effective variation
of this idea.  The compiler often knows exactly why a compile failed.  It
should be possible to extend one of the several Java compilers out there
with some Gump-aware code that will map the package an offending programming
construct belongs to back to the project it belongs to.  That doesn't
help you directly in the case when an API artifact is removed or renamed
(although it does help when a method signature changes), but it does
help you narrow down the change based on the packages imported by the
file.  So you can limit the scope of dependencies on which you apply
the brute force comparative build approach.  In fact, for Java code,
instead of going to the trouble of enhancing the compiler, it may be
enough just to look at the packages in the file(s) that failed to compile
based on the error message spewed by the compiler.

Maybe it's better to think about how a human goes through the process
of tracking down the source of a failure and see how that can be emulated.
Again, that's assuming that 100% accurate solutions are too computationally
expensive to be practical.  That's it for my RT contribution.  I'm on EST.


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Re: feature request: top critical failures

2004-03-08 Thread Stefan Bodewig
On Sat, 6 Mar 2004, Adam R. B. Jack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> I will try to suggest a new build.xml to the avalon team for this
>> component. May be it could be built with Maven, but I do not know
>> Maven, and I do not know either the interface between gump and
>> Maven.
> The way is it (was) meant to work is on types "maven ant" (I think
> this is the goal, to get a build.xml) and "maven gump" to get a Gump
> descriptor.

I think that this is not what the Avlon team has done, it looks more
as if they had tried to manually create Ant build files to simulate

"maven ant" and "maven gump" have some quirks as well, at least with
some versions of Maven - Ant build files sometime contain absolute
paths that are only correct for the machine that has done "maven ant".

> I beleive Stefan knows of a reason why some  need to get things to work, but that can be step two.

He has some vague theories ;-)

> BTW: We do now have Gump (at least Gumpy) building via Maven, and
> I'd like to see it tried on something real. This occurs when  is used instead of  and one
using  so we can compare the results.

> I'd be tempted to have Gump write the build script on the fly, from
> the information in the metadata,

This would never work 8-)


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Re: [RT] Moving gump forward

2004-03-08 Thread Daniel F. Savarese

In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Stefano Mazzocchi writes:
>Now, I think it's possible (even if computationally expensive) to 
>understand exactly what commit broke the build and to nag the exact 
>person and the community and copy all the offended people.
>for those not familiar with exponential growth, it's enough to say that 
>if the build took a minute it would take gump 2,5 billion years to find 
>out what broke the build.

Why don't you start with the easy stuff.  If a build of project A
fails, we know all builds depending on project A will fail.  But
if project A is dependent on project B, and project B failed, then
we keep on walking up the tree to find the first build that failed.
Okay, so now that leaves the issue of a build failing because of
an API or some other change in a dependent project that built
successfully.  For projects with a small number of dependencies,
use the brute force approach you described.  For projects with a
large number dependencies, develop some heuristics.  You can
reason that if project B makes a change that breaks project A and
if C also depends on project B, then there's a chance project C
might also have broken.  Since Gump builds a ton of code bases,
a decent number of culprits (i.e., project B) could be identified
by analyzing the dependencies shared by projects that failed to
build.  You can then apply the brute force approach to only those
shared dependencies if they number below some manageable figure.
Another heuristic approach that would work for Java projects at
least, would be to analyze the build failure messages.  Usually
they'll reference a class or class member/method that is in
a dependent code base.  Develop an evolving library of patterns
to extract the offending methods/classes/etc. and then discover
what jar they came from.

Anyway, those are some inelegant, inxact, and simplistic--but perhaps
useful in some instances--suggestions about how to start adding the
functionality you describe that would buy time to figure out how to do
it right.  That is, assuming it's a hard problem that requires a good
while to figure out.  My reasoning is that it's okay to nag the
wrong projects every once in a while as long as you nag the right projects
most of the time.  And on first glance, based on your comments, it seems
easier to implement that than to figure out the right project to nag all
the time.


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