Alex Karasulu wrote:

Gump is complaining because it does not know what to do with the SLF4J dependency. It would be nice if we could just turn Gump off. It has never given true warnings.

mmm.. turning it off is not really recommended..gump is supposed to give visibility on the build and integration status. It would be better to work with the gump people to figure out what's wrong in order to fix it for good so that it gives meaningful warning,

Obviouslly the dependencies are not uptodate (aspectj is listed, spring is missing, mina depends on netty2, etc...) but I have failed to understand the gump reports for many months now, I'm very lost when browsing the projects details and reports. Maybe all it takes is to update descriptors via 'maven gump:multiproject'. Gump people will probably figure that out in 10sec

NB: what's happening with the gump project repository ? it's not visible via viewcvs.



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