Re: Gump up and running on

2010-11-11 Thread Stefan Bodewig
On 2010-11-09, Stefan Bodewig wrote:

> commons-lang3 has test failures [...] I'll add a report element to the
> descriptor so we can see the reasons for the errors.


java.lang.InternalError: Can't connect to window server - not enough 
at java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary0(

Maybe it helps if you add


to your workspace definition?


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Re: Gump up and running on

2010-11-09 Thread Stefan Bodewig
On 2010-11-09, Sander Temme wrote:

> I have updated to document
> the installation on Adam.  Let me know if I missed something obvious.

Looks good at first glance but I'll read it over once again later.

> -if not self._checkWithDashVersion('NAnt', "no NAnt builds"):
> -if not self._checkWithDashVersion('NAnt.exe', "no NAnt 
> builds"):
> +if not self._checkWithDashVersion('NAnt', "no NAnt builds", 
> '-help'):
> +if not self._checkWithDashVersion('NAnt.exe', "no NAnt 
> builds", '-help'):

0.85 is pretty old (0.86 is the latest released version with 0.90 being
in beta).

> What we're running is the live branch: what is our backport/merge
> policy?  Can I commit to this, or should I commit to trunk first and
> then bring it across?

So far I've comitted to trunk, waited for the FreeBSD jail to complete a
run just to be sure I didn't break anything and then merged the change
to live.  I don't care to which branch you apply the patch as long as it
becomes part of both live and trunk.

> I also found this necessary to run:

> -from rdflib.URIRef import URIRef
> -from rdflib.Literal import Literal
> -from rdflib.BNode import BNode
> -from rdflib.Namespace import Namespace
> -from rdflib.constants import TYPE
> +from rdflib import URIRef
> +from rdflib import Literal
> +from rdflib import BNode
> +from rdflib import Namespace
> +from rdflib import TYPE


> I don't know enough Python to know (and don't have the cycles to find
> out) what's going on here.

Me neither.  It doesn't cause problems on the other systems (but there
is some whining about the RDFDescriber when Gump starts).  I'd say
commit it to trunk and we'll see what the jail says.

> Any thoughts on the projects that are currently failing?

Strangely it says NAnt hasn't been found.  I'll put it on my TODO list
to investigate.  In my environment NUnit doesn't build after the first
updates because Bazaar works not the same way the updater expects it to
- another TODO item that will stay low priority until the main
installation needs Bazaar support.

commons-lang3 has test failures, it is not too uncommon for tests to
only pass on mainstream Java platforms (we have some test projects that
only fail in the FreeBSD jail but pass on the Ubuntu box).  I don't know
whether the Mac is a developer platform for commons-lang.  I'll add a
report element to the descriptor so we can see the reasons for the

You need to build args4j manually without "--offline" once.  Just do a
"maven jar" inside /Users/Shared/gump/workspace/args4j/args4j.

Certain dependencies are installed into Maven 1.x's local repository and
not via the Gump descriptor since otherwise all Maven 1.x projects would
effectively need to depend on Velocity and Jelly (which itself is built
via Maven 1.x).


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Re: Gump up and running on

2010-11-08 Thread Sander Temme
>> The midnight run will tell.
> Looks fine from here.  You'll need git in order to get far with Ant
> based builds since you really want JUnit to be there.
> If you ever get the whole of testbase working, you'll likely see build
> module update errors with NUnit.  So far I haven't invested time into
> figuring out the problem - bazaar merge talks about uncommitted changes
> which I don't understand since Gump doesn't touch the checked out trees.

I have updated to document the 
installation on Adam.  Let me know if I missed something obvious.  

We're now running with all environment checks green due to a symlink:

lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  19 Nov  7 14:04 /usr/local/bin/NAnt.exe -> 

and this patch: 

Index: python/gump/core/run/
--- python/gump/core/run/ (revision 1032853)
+++ python/gump/core/run/ (working copy)
@@ -414,8 +414,8 @@
 def _check_nant(self):
 if not self.checked:
-if not self._checkWithDashVersion('NAnt', "no NAnt builds"):
-if not self._checkWithDashVersion('NAnt.exe', "no NAnt 
+if not self._checkWithDashVersion('NAnt', "no NAnt builds", 
+if not self._checkWithDashVersion('NAnt.exe', "no NAnt 
builds", '-help'):
 self.noNAnt = self._checkWithDashVersion('nant',
  "no NAnt builds",

NAnt is found as nant since the file system is case insensitive.  

What we're running is the live branch: what is our backport/merge policy?  Can 
I commit to this, or should I commit to trunk first and then bring it across? 

I also found this necessary to run: 

Index: python/gump/actor/rdf/
--- python/gump/actor/rdf/  (revision 1032869)
+++ python/gump/actor/rdf/  (working copy)
@@ -36,14 +36,14 @@
 from gump.core.model.state import *
 from gump.util import *
-from rdflib.URIRef import URIRef
-from rdflib.Literal import Literal
-from rdflib.BNode import BNode
-from rdflib.Namespace import Namespace
-from rdflib.constants import TYPE
+from rdflib import URIRef
+from rdflib import Literal
+from rdflib import BNode
+from rdflib import Namespace
+from rdflib import TYPE
 # Import RDFLib's default TripleStore implementation.
-from rdflib.TripleStore import TripleStore
+from rdflib import TripleStore
 class RDFDescriber(AbstractRunActor):
I don't know enough Python to know (and don't have the cycles to find out) 
what's going on here.  Without this, Gump won't run.  With this, it merely 

Any thoughts on the projects that are currently failing? 


Sander Temme
PGP FP: FC5A 6FC6 2E25 2DFD 8007  EE23 9BB8 63B0 F51B B88A

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Re: Gump up and running on

2010-11-07 Thread Stefan Bodewig
On 2010-11-07, Sander Temme wrote:

> So M3 picks up M2_HOME and infers the classworlds location from it?

If it is set, yes.

If M2_HOME is not set, it will infer it from the location of the wrapper
script - assuming the regulear layout of a maven distribution
(i.e. M2_HOME is one directory up closer to the root than the directory
holding thw wrapper script).

> So will it run with classworlds 1.1 (which came with Maven 2) instead
> of the plexus-classworlds-2.2.3.jar that comes with it?

No.  That's why Gump requires M3_HOME and sets M2_HOME to the value
provided as M3_HOME when running mvn 3.x.

We could have do it differently inside Gump - not providing M2_HOME at
all to the forked process when running mvn and have the wrapper scripts
figure out the rest.  This might provide better results with system
installed versions of mvn.

Still we'd need a way to provide the absolute path of the wrapper
scripts since both (mvn 2.x and 3.x) have the same name.

> The midnight run will tell.

Looks fine from here.  You'll need git in order to get far with Ant
based builds since you really want JUnit to be there.

If you ever get the whole of testbase working, you'll likely see build
module update errors with NUnit.  So far I haven't invested time into
figuring out the problem - bazaar merge talks about uncommitted changes
which I don't understand since Gump doesn't touch the checked out trees.


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Re: Gump up and running on

2010-11-06 Thread Sander Temme

On Nov 6, 2010, at 10:56 PM, Stefan Bodewig wrote:

> On 2010-11-05, Sander Temme wrote:
>> As of this morning, we are running the live branch on our new Xserve,
>>, with a restricted set of projects
>> (testbase/profile.xml).
> Great!

Yeah.  And later that same day, Apple EOLs the Xserve platform.  Fortunately, 
the work done on it applies completely to the regular MacOSX version that we 
run on our laptops.

>> I encourage everyone to check out the build results.  I'm interested in why 
>> the maven and mvn checks fail with things like:
>> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 
>> com/werken/forehead/Forehead
> For mvn3 support the M3_HOME env variable is required inside Gump.  I
> should document that somewhere but wouldn't know where.

I have installed maven3 from MacPorts. 

> The mvn wrapper script used by Maven 2.x and 3.x look for an environment
> variable M2_HOME to locate classworlds-*.jar which contains the classes
> forehead package.  Gump sets this variable based on M2_HOME and
> M3_HOME.  This relies on wrapper scripts and installation layouts as
> they are provided by the binary maven distributions but may very well
> fail on system installed versions of Maven.
> The Maven 1.x case is likely similar with MAVEN_HOME being set when run
> inside Gump but not when you run maven from the command line.

Yes, that made the difference.  I have tweaked the environment variables to 
point to the real install directories for all three, instead of just pointing 
to a symlink for the wrapper script.  

So M3 picks up M2_HOME and infers the classworlds location from it?  So will it 
run with classworlds 1.1 (which came with Maven 2) instead of the 
plexus-classworlds-2.2.3.jar that comes with it?  Won't it have trouble with 
the stale version?  How broken is that?

The midnight run will tell.


Sander Temme
PGP FP: FC5A 6FC6 2E25 2DFD 8007  EE23 9BB8 63B0 F51B B88A

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Re: Gump up and running on

2010-11-06 Thread Stefan Bodewig
On 2010-11-05, Sander Temme wrote:

> As of this morning, we are running the live branch on our new Xserve,
>, with a restricted set of projects
> (testbase/profile.xml).


> I encourage everyone to check out the build results.  I'm interested in why 
> the maven and mvn checks fail with things like:

> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 
> com/werken/forehead/Forehead

For mvn3 support the M3_HOME env variable is required inside Gump.  I
should document that somewhere but wouldn't know where.

The mvn wrapper script used by Maven 2.x and 3.x look for an environment
variable M2_HOME to locate classworlds-*.jar which contains the classes
forehead package.  Gump sets this variable based on M2_HOME and
M3_HOME.  This relies on wrapper scripts and installation layouts as
they are provided by the binary maven distributions but may very well
fail on system installed versions of Maven.

The Maven 1.x case is likely similar with MAVEN_HOME being set when run
inside Gump but not when you run maven from the command line.


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Re: Gump up and running on

2010-11-05 Thread Sander Temme

On Nov 5, 2010, at 2:57 PM, Davanum Srinivas wrote:

> Sander,
> Can you please download say maven 2.2.1 from 
> and create a link (/usr/bin/mvn)
> "Warning  "/usr/bin/mvn" command not found, no Maven 2.x builds"

Maven2 comes with the Apple dev tools: 

adam:log sctemme$ /usr/bin/mvn --version
Apache Maven 2.2.1 (r801777; 2009-08-06 12:16:01-0700)
Java version: 1.6.0_22
Java home: /System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents/Home
Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: MacRoman
OS name: "mac os x" version: "10.6.4" arch: "x86_64" Family: "mac"

However, apparently Gump can't satisfactorily find it.


> thanks,
> dims
> On 11/05/2010 02:48 PM, Sander Temme wrote:
>> Folks, 
>> As of this morning, we are running the live branch on our new Xserve, 
>>, with a restricted set of projects (testbase/profile.xml).  
>> For debugging purposes, and since the run finishes in three minutes, I'm 
>> running it every 15 minutes.  You can see the results on: 
>> I encourage everyone to check out the build results.  I'm interested in why 
>> the maven and mvn checks fail with things like: 
>> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 
>> com/werken/forehead/Forehead
>> Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.werken.forehead.Forehead
>>  at$
>>  at Method)
>>  at
>>  at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
>>  at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
>>  at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
>> and 
>> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 
>> org/codehaus/classworlds/Launcher
>> Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: 
>> org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher
>>  at$
>>  at Method)
>>  at
>>  at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
>>  at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
>>  at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
>> respectively... they don't do that from the command line. 
>> Etc.  Any comments appreciated and if you want to poke around on the box, I 
>> can make you an account.  Let me know. 
>> S.
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

Sander Temme
PGP FP: FC5A 6FC6 2E25 2DFD 8007  EE23 9BB8 63B0 F51B B88A

View my availability:

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Re: Gump up and running on

2010-11-05 Thread Sander Temme

On Nov 5, 2010, at 2:59 PM, Davanum Srinivas wrote:

> You can also download 3.x from the same location and set a M3_HOME for gump 
> to find it.
> "Warning  M3_HOME environmental variable not found, no mvn3 builds."

I will do this.  


> thanks,
> dims
> On 11/05/2010 02:57 PM, Davanum Srinivas wrote:
>> Sander,
>> Can you please download say maven 2.2.1 from 
>> and create a link (/usr/bin/mvn)
>> "Warning "/usr/bin/mvn" command not found, no Maven 2.x builds"
>> thanks,
>> dims
>> On 11/05/2010 02:48 PM, Sander Temme wrote:
>>> Folks, 
>>> As of this morning, we are running the live branch on our new Xserve, 
>>>, with a restricted set of projects (testbase/profile.xml).  
>>> For debugging purposes, and since the run finishes in three minutes, I'm 
>>> running it every 15 minutes.  You can see the results on: 
>>> I encourage everyone to check out the build results.  I'm interested in why 
>>> the maven and mvn checks fail with things like: 
>>> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 
>>> com/werken/forehead/Forehead
>>> Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.werken.forehead.Forehead
>>> at$
>>> at Method)
>>> at
>>> at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
>>> at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
>>> at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
>>> and 
>>> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 
>>> org/codehaus/classworlds/Launcher
>>> Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: 
>>> org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher
>>> at$
>>> at Method)
>>> at
>>> at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
>>> at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
>>> at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
>>> respectively... they don't do that from the command line. 
>>> Etc.  Any comments appreciated and if you want to poke around on the box, I 
>>> can make you an account.  Let me know. 
>>> S.
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

Sander Temme
PGP FP: FC5A 6FC6 2E25 2DFD 8007  EE23 9BB8 63B0 F51B B88A

View my availability:

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Re: Gump up and running on

2010-11-05 Thread Davanum Srinivas

You can also download 3.x from the same location and set a M3_HOME for gump to 
find it.

"WarningM3_HOME environmental variable not found, no mvn3 builds."


On 11/05/2010 02:57 PM, Davanum Srinivas wrote:
> Sander,
> Can you please download say maven 2.2.1 from 
> and create a link (/usr/bin/mvn)
> "Warning  "/usr/bin/mvn" command not found, no Maven 2.x builds"
> thanks,
> dims
> On 11/05/2010 02:48 PM, Sander Temme wrote:
>> Folks, 
>> As of this morning, we are running the live branch on our new Xserve, 
>>, with a restricted set of projects (testbase/profile.xml).  
>> For debugging purposes, and since the run finishes in three minutes, I'm 
>> running it every 15 minutes.  You can see the results on: 
>> I encourage everyone to check out the build results.  I'm interested in why 
>> the maven and mvn checks fail with things like: 
>> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 
>> com/werken/forehead/Forehead
>> Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.werken.forehead.Forehead
>>  at$
>>  at Method)
>>  at
>>  at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
>>  at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
>>  at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
>> and 
>> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 
>> org/codehaus/classworlds/Launcher
>> Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: 
>> org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher
>>  at$
>>  at Method)
>>  at
>>  at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
>>  at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
>>  at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
>> respectively... they don't do that from the command line. 
>> Etc.  Any comments appreciated and if you want to poke around on the box, I 
>> can make you an account.  Let me know. 
>> S.

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Re: Gump up and running on

2010-11-05 Thread Davanum Srinivas

Can you please download say maven 2.2.1 from and create a link (/usr/bin/mvn)

"Warning"/usr/bin/mvn" command not found, no Maven 2.x builds"


On 11/05/2010 02:48 PM, Sander Temme wrote:
> Folks, 
> As of this morning, we are running the live branch on our new Xserve, 
>, with a restricted set of projects (testbase/profile.xml).  
> For debugging purposes, and since the run finishes in three minutes, I'm 
> running it every 15 minutes.  You can see the results on: 
> I encourage everyone to check out the build results.  I'm interested in why 
> the maven and mvn checks fail with things like: 
> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 
> com/werken/forehead/Forehead
> Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.werken.forehead.Forehead
>   at$
>   at Method)
>   at
>   at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
>   at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
>   at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
> and 
> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 
> org/codehaus/classworlds/Launcher
> Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher
>   at$
>   at Method)
>   at
>   at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
>   at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
>   at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
> respectively... they don't do that from the command line. 
> Etc.  Any comments appreciated and if you want to poke around on the box, I 
> can make you an account.  Let me know. 
> S.

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Gump up and running on

2010-11-05 Thread Sander Temme

As of this morning, we are running the live branch on our new Xserve,, with a restricted set of projects (testbase/profile.xml).  

For debugging purposes, and since the run finishes in three minutes, I'm 
running it every 15 minutes.  You can see the results on:

I encourage everyone to check out the build results.  I'm interested in why the 
maven and mvn checks fail with things like: 

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.werken.forehead.Forehead
at Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(


Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher
at Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(

respectively... they don't do that from the command line. 

Etc.  Any comments appreciated and if you want to poke around on the box, I can 
make you an account.  Let me know. 


Sander Temme
PGP FP: FC5A 6FC6 2E25 2DFD 8007  EE23 9BB8 63B0 F51B B88A

View my availability:

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