Author: ajack
Date: Thu Sep  2 08:27:08 2004
New Revision: 37388

Complete Peter's patch.

Added: gump/trunk/python/gump/update/
--- (empty file)
+++ gump/trunk/python/gump/update/ Thu Sep  2 08:27:08 2004
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+# Copyright 2003-2004 The Apache Software Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import os.path
+import sys
+from fnmatch import fnmatch
+from gump import log
+from import *
+from gump.core.config import dir, default, basicConfig
+from gump.utils import dump, display, getIndent, logResourceUtilization, \
+                            invokeGarbageCollection
+from gump.utils.note import Annotatable
+from import *
+from import *
+from gump.model.workspace import *
+from gump.model.module import Module
+from gump.model.project import Project
+from gump.model.depend import  ProjectDependency
+from gump.model.stats import *
+from gump.model.state import *
+# Classes
+class P4Updater(RunSpecific):
+    def __init__(self,run):
+        RunSpecific.__init__(self,run)
+        #
+        # A stash of known logins.
+        #
+        #self.logins=readLogins()
+    def updateModule(self,module):
+        """
+            Perform a P4 sync on a module
+        """
+'Perform P4 Sync on #[' + `module.getPosition()` + \
+        #                '] : ' + module.getName())
+        ## Did we 'P4 checkout' already?
+        exists =       os.path.exists(module.getSourceControlStagingDirectory())
+        # Doesn't tell us much...
+        if exists:
+            self.performStatus(module)
+        self.performUpdate(module,exists)        
+        return module.okToPerformWork()      
+    def performStatus(self,module):
+        #  Get the Update Command
+        (repository, root, cmd ) = self.getUpdateCommand(module, True, True)
+        ## Provide P4 logins, if not already there
+        #loginToRepositoryOnDemand(repository,root,self.logins)
+        # Execute the command and capture results        
+        cmdResult=execute(cmd, module.getWorkspace().tmpdir)
+        #
+        # Store this as work, on both the module and (cloned) on the repo
+        #
+        work=CommandWorkItem(WORK_TYPE_UPDATE,cmd,cmdResult)
+        module.performedWork(work)  
+        if not cmdResult.isOk():              
+            log.error('Failed to checkout/update module: ' +   
+    def performUpdate(self,module,exists):
+        """
+            Update this module (checking out if needed)
+        """
+        #  Get the Update Command
+        (repository, root, cmd ) = self.getUpdateCommand(module, exists)
+        #log.debug("P4 Sync Module " + module.getName() + \
+        #               ", Repository Name: " + str(module.repository.getName()))
+        ## Provide P4 logins, if not already there
+        #loginToRepositoryOnDemand(repository,root,self.logins)
+        # Execute the command and capture results        
+        cmdResult=execute(cmd, module.getWorkspace().tmpdir)
+        #
+        # Store this as work, on both the module and (cloned) on the repo
+        #
+        work=CommandWorkItem(WORK_TYPE_UPDATE,cmd,cmdResult)
+        module.performedWork(work)  
+        repository.performedWork(work.clone())
+        # Update Context w/ Results  
+        if not cmdResult.isOk():              
+            log.error('Failed w/ P4 Root ' + root + ' for %s on Repository %s.' \
+                % (, module.repository.getName())) 
+            if not exists:     
+                module.changeState(STATE_FAILED,REASON_UPDATE_FAILED)
+            else:
+                module.addError('*** Failed to update from source control. Stale 
contents ***')
+                # Black mark for this repository
+                repository=module.getRepository()
+                repository.addError('*** Failed to update %s from source control. 
Stale contents ***'  \
+                                    % module.getName())
+                # Kinda bogus, but better than nowt (for now)
+                module.changeState(STATE_SUCCESS,REASON_UPDATE_FAILED)
+        else:
+            module.changeState(STATE_SUCCESS)      
+            # We run P4 so any output means updates occured...
+            if cmdResult.hasOutput():                       
+      'Update(s) received via P4 on #[' \
+                                + `module.getPosition()` + \
+                                '] : ' + module.getName())
+    def preview(self,module):
+        (repository, root, command ) = self.getUpdateCommand(module,False)
+        command.dump()
+        # Doesn't tell us much...
+        #(repository, root, command ) = self.getUpdateCommand(module,True,True)
+        #command.dump()
+        (repository, root, command ) = self.getUpdateCommand(module,True)
+        command.dump()                       
+    def getUpdateCommand(self,module,exists=False,nowork=False):
+        """        
+            Format a commandline for doing the P4 update            
+        """
+        if nowork and not exists:
+            raise RuntimeException('Not coded for this combo.')            
+        root=module.p4.getClientspec()
+        # Prepare P4 sync command...
+        prefix='update'
+        directory=module.getWorkspace().getSourceControlStagingDirectory()
+        #if exists:     
+        #    directory=module.getSourceControlStagingDirectory()            
+        if nowork:
+            prefix='status'
+        cmd=Cmd(       'p4',
+                    prefix+'_'+module.getName(),
+                    directory)
+        ## Allow trace for debug
+        #if module.isDebug():
+        #    cmd.addParameter('-t')
+        ## Request compression
+        #cmd.addParameter('-z3')
+        # Determine if a tag is set, on <p4 or on <module
+        tag=None
+        if module.p4.hasTag():
+            tag=module.p4.getTag()
+        elif module.hasTag():
+            tag=module.getTag()
+        # Do a p4 sync
+        cmd.addParameter('-p',module.p4.getPort())
+        cmd.addParameter('-u',module.p4.getUser())
+        cmd.addParameter('-P',module.p4.getPassword())
+        cmd.addParameter('-c',root)
+        cmd.addParameter('sync')
+        if nowork:
+            cmd.addParameter('-n')
+        if tag:
+            cmd.addParameter(module.getName()+'/...@',tag,' ')
+        else:
+            cmd.addParameter(module.getName()+'/...')
+        #cmd.addParameter(module.getName())
+        return (module.repository, root, cmd)

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