CVE-2023-26031: Privilege escalation in Apache Haoop Yarn container-executor binary on Linux systems

2023-11-15 Thread Masatake Iwasaki
Severity: critical

Affected versions:

- Apache Hadoop 3.3.1 before 3.3.5


Relative library resolution in linux container-executor binary in
Apache Hadoop 3.3.1-3.3.4 on Linux allows local user to gain root
privileges. If the YARN cluster is accepting work from remote
(authenticated) users, this MAY permit remote users to gain root

Hadoop 3.3.0 updated the " YARN Secure Containers
" to add a feature for executing user-submitted applications in
isolated linux containers.

The native binary HADOOP_HOME/bin/container-executor is used to launch
these containers; it must be owned by root and have the suid bit set
in order for the YARN processes to run the containers as the specific
users submitting the jobs.

The patch " YARN-10495 . make the rpath of
container-executor configurable" modified the library loading path for
loading .so files from "$ORIGIN/" to ""$ORIGIN/:../lib/native/". This
is the a path through which is located. Thus it is is
possible for a user with reduced privileges to install a malicious
libcrypto library into a path to which they have write access, invoke
the container-executor command, and have their modified library
executed as root.
If the YARN cluster is accepting work from remote (authenticated)
users, and these users' submitted job are executed in the physical
host, rather than a container, then the CVE permits remote users to
gain root privileges.

The fix for the vulnerability is to revert the change, which is done
in  YARN-11441 ,
"Revert YARN-10495". This patch is in hadoop-3.3.5.

To determine whether a version of container-executor is vulnerable,
use the readelf command. If the RUNPATH or RPATH value contains the
relative path "./lib/native/" then it  is at risk

$ readelf -d container-executor|grep 'RUNPATH\|RPATH'
0x001d (RUNPATH)Library runpath:

If it does not, then it is safe:

$ readelf -d container-executor|grep 'RUNPATH\|RPATH'
0x001d (RUNPATH)Library runpath: [$ORIGIN/]

For an at-risk version of container-executor to enable privilege
escalation, the owner must be root and the suid bit must be set

$ ls -laF /opt/hadoop/bin/container-executor
---Sr-s---. 1 root hadoop 802968 May 9 20:21 /opt/hadoop/bin/container-executor

A safe installation lacks the suid bit; ideally is also not owned by root.

$ ls -laF /opt/hadoop/bin/container-executor
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 yarn hadoop 802968 May 9 20:21 /opt/hadoop/bin/container-executor

This configuration does not support Yarn Secure Containers, but all
other hadoop services, including YARN job execution outside secure
containers continue to work.

This issue is being tracked as YARN-11441

Required Configurations:

The owner of the container-executor binary must be set to "root" and
suid set bit such that callers would execute the binary as root. These
operations are a requirement for "YARN Secure Containers".

In an installation using the hadoop.tar.gz file the binary's owner is
that of the installing user, and without the suid permission is not at

However, Apache BIgtop installations set the owner and permissions
such that installations may be vulnerable

The container-executor binary is only vulnerable on some Hadoop/Bigtop
releases. It is possible to verify whether a version is vulnerable
using the readelf command.

Work Arounds:

*  Upgrade to Apache Hadoop 3.3.5
*  If Yarn Secure Containers are not required, remove all execute
permissions on bin/container-executor ; change its owner from root, or
simply delete it.
*  If Yarn Secure Containers are required on a vulnerable release and
upgrade is not possible, replace the container-executor binary with
that of the 3.3.5 release.

As most Hadoop installations do not use Yarn Secure Containers,
removing execute permissions from the container-executor binary a is
sufficient to secure the systems; deletion ensures that no security
scanners will report the issue.


Esa Hiltunen (finder)
Mikko Kortelainen (finder)
The Teragrep Project (sponsor)


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CVE-2021-25642: Apache Hadoop YARN remote code execution in ZKConfigurationStore of capacity scheduler

2022-08-25 Thread Masatake Iwasaki
Severity: important

Versions affected:

2.9.0 to 2.10.1, 3.0.0-alpha to 3.2.3, 3.3.0 to 3.3.3


ZKConfigurationStore which is optionally used by CapacityScheduler of
Apache Hadoop YARN deserializes data obtained from ZooKeeper without
validation. An attacker having access to ZooKeeper can run arbitrary
commands as YARN user by exploiting this.


Users should upgrade to Apache Hadoop 2.10.2, 3.2.4, 3.3.4 or later
(containing YARN-11126) if ZKConfigurationStore is used.


Apache Hadoop would like to thank Liu Ximing for reporting this issue.

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CVE-2022-25168: Apache Hadoop: Command injection in org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileUtil.unTarUsingTar

2022-08-04 Thread Masatake Iwasaki
Severity: important

Versions affected:

2.0.0 to 2.10.1, 3.0.0-alpha to 3.2.3, 3.3.0 to 3.3.2


Apache Hadoop's FileUtil.unTar(File, File) API does not escape the
input file name before being passed to the shell. An attacker can
inject arbitrary commands.

This is only used in Hadoop 3.3
InMemoryAliasMap.completeBootstrapTransfer, which is only ever run by
a local user.

It has been used in Hadoop 2.x for yarn localization, which does
enable remote code execution.

It is used in Apache Spark, from the SQL command ADD ARCHIVE. As the
ADD ARCHIVE command adds new binaries to the classpath, being able to
execute shell scripts does not confer new permissions to the caller.

SPARK-38305. "Check existence of file before untarring/zipping", which
is included in 3.3.0, 3.1.4, 3.2.2, prevents shell commands being
executed, regardless of which version of the hadoop libraries are in


Users should upgrade to Apache Hadoop 2.10.2, 3.2.4, 3.3.3 or upper
(including HADOOP-18136).


Apache Hadoop would like to thank Kostya Kortchinsky for reporting this issue.

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[ANNOUNCE] Apache Hadoop 3.2.4 release

2022-07-21 Thread Masatake Iwasaki

On behalf of the Apache Hadoop Project Management Committee,
I'm pleased to announce that Hadoop 3.2.4 has been released.

This is the third stable release of Apache Hadoop 3.2 line.

It contains 153 bug fixes, improvements and enhancements since 3.2.3.

Users are encouraged to read the overview of major changes[1] since 3.2.3.
For details of 153 bug fixes, improvements, and other enhancements since the 
previous 3.2.3 release,
please check release notes[2] and changelog[3].


As the release notes highlight, this release contains HADOOP-18088 "Replace
log4j 1.x with reload4j"

This ensures that the version of log4j shipped is free of known CVEs. the
standard log4j 1.2.17 has some known CVEs in classes which were never uses;
reload4j cuts them out. Audit scanning tools should stop highlighting
perceived risks here.

If you are using maven exclusions to manage logging libraries, or were
otherwise replacing the log4j artifacts in deployments, note the different
library/artifact names which need to be handled.

Many thanks to everyone who helped in this release by supplying patches,
reviewing them, helping get this release building and testing reviewing the
final artifacts.

Masatake Iwasaki

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CVE-2021-37404: Apache Hadoop: Heap buffer overflow in libhdfs native library

2022-06-10 Thread Masatake Iwasaki
Severity: important

Versions affected:

2.9.0 to 2.10.1, 3.0.0 to 3.1.4, 3.2.0 to 3.2.2, 3.3.0 to 3.3.1


There is a potential heap buffer overflow in libhdfs native code.
Opening a file path provided by user without validation may result in
a denial of service or arbitrary code execution.


Users should upgrade to Apache Hadoop 2.10.2, 3.2.3, 3.3.2 or upper.


This issue was discovered by Igor Chervatyuk.

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[ANNOUNCE] Apache Hadoop 2.10.2 release

2022-05-31 Thread Masatake Iwasaki

On behalf of the Apache Hadoop Project Management Committee,
I'm pleased to announce that Hadoop 2.10.2 has been released.

This is the second stable release of Apache Hadoop 2.10 line.

It contains 211 bug fixes, improvements and enhancements since 2.10.1.

Users are encouraged to read the overview of major changes[1] since 2.10.1.
For details of 211 bug fixes, improvements, and other enhancements since the 
previous 2.10.1 release,
please check release notes[2] and changelog[3].


As the release notes highlight, this release contains HADOOP-18088 "Replace
log4j 1.x with reload4j"

This ensures that the version of log4j shipped is free of known CVEs. the
standard log4j 1.2.17 has some known CVEs in classes which were never uses;
reload4j cuts them out. Audit scanning tools should stop highlighting
perceived risks here.

If you are using maven exclusions to manage logging libraries, or were
otherwise replacing the log4j artifacts in deployments, note the different
library/artifact names which need to be handled.

Many thanks to everyone who helped in this release by supplying patches,
reviewing them, helping get this release building and testing reviewing the
final artifacts.

Masatake Iwasaki

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Re: [ANNOUNCE] CVE-2022-26612: Apache Hadoop: Arbitrary file write in FileUtil#unpackEntries on Windows

2022-04-13 Thread Masatake Iwasaki
Hi Gautham,

Let me know about versions affected.
Is the version prior to 3.1.0 affected?
The cause seems to be  the code introduced by HADOOP-15170.

I want to know this for releasing 2.10.2.
If branch-2.10 too is affected, I need to backport HADOOP-18155.

Masatake Iwasaki

On Mon, Apr 11, 2022 at 5:13 PM Gautham Banasandra  wrote:
> Hi Akira,
>> What are the fixed versions?
> 3.2.3, all releases 3.4 onwards contain the fix.
>> What's the mitigation?
> Here are the possible mitigations (mutually exclusive of each other) in the 
> order of effectiveness -
> 1. Upgrade to the fixed versions.
> 2. Do not run any of the YARN daemons in admin mode on Windows.
> 3. Do not use symlinks in tar.
>> Would you update the CVE list in ?
> Sure, I'll do it shortly.
> Thanks,
> --Gautham
> On Sat, 9 Apr 2022 at 13:46, Akira Ajisaka  wrote:
>> HI Gautham,
>> Thank you for your announcement.
>> What are the fixed versions? What's the mitigation? Would you update the CVE 
>> list in ?
>> -Akira
>> On Thu, Apr 7, 2022 at 11:36 PM Gautham Banasandra  
>> wrote:
>>> The unTar function [1] uses unTarUsingJava function on Windows and the
>>> built-in tar utility on Unix and other OSes:
>>> if(Shell.WINDOWS) {
>>>   // Tar is not native to Windows. Use simple Java based implementation for
>>>   // tests and simple tar archives
>>>   unTarUsingJava(inFile, untarDir, gzipped);
>>> }
>>> else {
>>>   // spawn tar utility to untar archive for full fledged unix behavior such
>>>   // as resolving symlinks in tar archives
>>>   unTarUsingTar(inFile, untarDir, gzipped);
>>> }
>>> The function verifies that the extracted TAR entry is under the expected
>>> targetDirPath[2]:
>>> if (!outputFile.getCanonicalPath().startsWith(targetDirPath)) {
>>>   throw new IOException("expanding " + entry.getName()
>>>   + " would create entry outside of " + outputDir);
>>> }
>>> However it doesn't apply the same restriction to the target of an extracted
>>> symlink[3]:
>>> if (entry.isSymbolicLink()) {
>>>   // Create symbolic link relative to tar parent dir
>>>   Files.createSymbolicLink(FileSystems.getDefault()
>>>   .getPath(outputDir.getPath(), entry.getName()),
>>>   FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(entry.getLinkName()));
>>>   return;
>>> }
>>> As a result, a TAR entry may create a symlink under the expected extraction
>>> directory which points to an external directory. A subsequent TAR entry may
>>> extract an arbitrary file into the external directory using the symlink
>>> name. This however would be caught by the same targetDirPath[4] check on
>>> Unix because of the getCanonicalPath call. However on Windows,
>>> getCanonicalPath doesn't resolve symbolic links, which bypasses the check.
>>> unpackEntries during TAR extraction follows symbolic links which allows
>>> writing outside expected base directory on Windows.
>>> [1]=
>>> [2]=
>>> [3]=
>>> [4]=
>>> Credit:
>>> This issue was reported by a member of GitHub Security Lab, Jaroslav
>>> Lobačevski (
>>> References:

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[ANNOUNCE] Apache Hadoop 3.2.3 release

2022-03-28 Thread Masatake Iwasaki

Hi all,

It gives me great pleasure to announce that
the Apache Hadoop community has released Apache Hadoop 3.2.3.

This is the third stable release of Apache Hadoop 3.2 line.
It contains 328 bug fixes, improvements and enhancements since 3.2.2.

For details of bug fixes, improvements, and other enhancements
since the previous 3.2.2 release, please check release notes[1] and 


Best Regards,
Masatake Iwasaki

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Re: [ANNOUNCE] Apache Hadoop 2.10.1 release

2020-09-22 Thread Masatake Iwasaki

Hi all,

It was pointed out that the
contains old contents due to missing updates on my creation of the RC.
# Thanks, Jonathan Hung.

I would like to leave it as is since the docs are part of signed artifacts.
Other pages including RELEASENOTES and CHANGES have valid contents.

Masatake Iwasaki

On 2020/09/23 5:17, Masatake Iwasaki wrote:

Hi all,

I am happy to announce that the Apache Hadoop 2.10.1 has been released.

Apache Hadoop 2.10.1 is the second release in the Apache Hadoop 2.10 line.
You can download the release from the Download page [1].
The release details, including links to list of major features,
release notes, and changelog, are on the 2.10.1 announcement page [2].


Masatake Iwasaki

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[ANNOUNCE] Apache Hadoop 2.10.1 release

2020-09-22 Thread Masatake Iwasaki

Hi all,

I am happy to announce that the Apache Hadoop 2.10.1 has been released.

Apache Hadoop 2.10.1 is the second release in the Apache Hadoop 2.10 line.
You can download the release from the Download page [1].
The release details, including links to list of major features,
release notes, and changelog, are on the 2.10.1 announcement page [2].


Masatake Iwasaki

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Re: [ANNOUNCE] New Hadoop Committer - Masatake Iwasaki

2016-02-01 Thread Masatake Iwasaki

Thank you, everyone!


On 1/29/16 03:19, Neelesh Salian wrote:

Congratulations Masatake!

On Wed, Jan 27, 2016 at 6:37 PM, Tsuyoshi OZAWA 
< <>> 

On behalf of the Apache Hadoop PMC, I am pleased to announce that
    Masatake Iwasaki has been elected as a committer on the Apache Hadoop
project. We appreciate all of Masatake's hard work thus far, and we
look forward to his continued contributions.

Welcome Masatake!

- Tsuyoshi

Neelesh Srinivas Salian
Customer Operations Engineer


Re: [ANNOUNCE] New Hadoop Committer - Sangjin Lee

2015-10-01 Thread Masatake Iwasaki

Congratulations, Sanjin Lee!

Masatake Iwasaki

On 9/30/15 20:17, Karthik Kambatla wrote:

[bcc: general@, please bcc: (and not cc:) general@ if you want to include]

On behalf of the Apache Hadoop PMC, I am very pleased to announce that
Sanjin Lee has been elected a committer on the Apache Hadoop project
recognizing his continued contributions to the project.

Sangjin is already a branch committer on YARN-2928 and can hit the ground
running :)

Welcome Sangjin!


Re: [ANNOUNCE] New Hadoop Committer - Ming Ma

2015-06-19 Thread Masatake Iwasaki

Congratulations, Ming Ma!

On 6/18/15 12:55, Chris Nauroth wrote:

On behalf of the Apache Hadoop PMC, I am pleased to announce that Ming Ma
has been elected as a committer on the Apache Hadoop project.  We
appreciate all of Ming's hard work thus far, and we look forward to his
continued contributions.

Welcome, Ming!

--Chris Nauroth

Re: [ANNOUNCE] New Hadoop committer - Varun Vasudev

2015-06-16 Thread Masatake Iwasaki

Congratulations, Varun Vasudev!

On 6/16/15 09:54, Vinod Kumar Vavilapalli wrote:

Hi all,

It gives me great pleasure to announce that the Apache Hadoop PMC recently
invited Varun Vasudev to become a committer in the project, to which he

We deeply appreciate his efforts in the project so far, specifically in the
areas of YARN and MapReduce. Here’s looking forward to his
continued contributions going into the future!

Welcome aboard and congratulations, Varun!


On behalf of the Apache Hadoop PMC

Re: [ANNOUNCE] New Hadoop committer - Lei (Eddy) Xu

2015-06-15 Thread Masatake Iwasaki

Congratulations, Lei Xu!

On 6/15/15 14:50, Andrew Wang wrote:

Hello all,

It is my pleasure to announce that Lei Xu, also known as Eddy, has accepted
the Apache Hadoop PMC's invitation to become a committer. We appreciate all
of Eddy's hard work thus far, and look forward to his continued

Welcome and congratulations, Eddy!

Andrew, on behalf of the Apache Hadoop PMC

Re: [ANNOUNCE] New Hadoop Committers - Akira Ajisaka and Tsuyoshi Ozawa

2014-12-17 Thread Masatake Iwasaki

Congratulations, Akira and Tsuyoshi!

Masatake Iwasaki

(12/18/14, 0:55), Steve Loughran wrote:

On behalf of the Apache Hadoop PMC, I am pleased to announce that Akira
and Tsuyoshi Ozawa have been elected as committers on the Apache
Hadoop project. We appreciate all the work they have put into the project
so far, and look forward to their future contributions.

Welcome, Akira  and Tsuyoshi!
