Re: [discuss] graduation: what is the 'hand over'?

2007-05-05 Thread Leo Simons

On May 3, 2007, at 5:56 PM, Martijn Dashorst wrote:

I am in the process of going through the graduation guide
(graduation.xml in the guides directory of the incubator website),

wow, that's pretty detailed. It's also not linked from the main menu.

and I came across a TODO: section and didn't know what to do with  
it (no

pun intended).

What is the post-graduation 'Hand Over'?

No idea. Heh. I think we don't really have one.

The board@ tries to notify us almost immediately after they vote on  
any resolution; usually via an e-mail to board@ as well as the  
relevant private@ PMC list if that applies. I guess the Chairman is  
always supposed to do that, but he's a busy man, so others help out.  
Sometimes they all forget, and the way to work around that is to nag  
your favorite board member into sending an email after you don't hear  
anything (say, 72 hours) after the board meeting (I recommend people  
pick Henri for nagging, since he's often most responsive for these  
kinds of questions) so they remember.

After such a board resolution, apache will have a new PMC with an  
associated new chair/VP, who can then act on their own behalf (like  
requesting infra resources). We assume (given that they're all  
graduated and stuff), they'll know what to do next.

In practice it's not that great of an assumption. So a pattern that  
has worked pretty well in the past is that the most active/ 
experienced/gullible mentor becomes the PMC chair initially, and then  
optionally that person can help groom someone else from within the  
community to take over after a few months.

To me the process for a TLP is in a simplified form:

- make sure status files and the like are up-to-date and completed

- create graduation proposal
- vote on the proposal by the ppmc
- vote on the proposal by the ipmc
- vote on the proposal by the board

instant karma

Heh. The new PMC has the power to ask for karma, at least, but  
response times from infrastructure may vary :-). Follow procedures

for interacting with [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- move podling resources to TLP resources

There's a checklist at 

That checklist is missing at least

  * new chair subscribes to board@ mailing list
  * new chair subscribes to infrastructure@ mailing list
  * new chair gets self added to pmc chairs group in svnauth
  * entire PMC reviews
(add salt since process docs are permanently out-of-date)
  * chair reviews
(add salt since process docs are permanently out-of-date)
   (no idea why the tidbits on that page live over there, most  
of it should be at www.a.o/dev/)

   (to figure out how to write reports for the board@)
  * for the first 3 months after graduation, chair submits a
report to the board every month. After that, slot into the
quarterly reporting schedule. Work with [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  * stick around the incubator and help future projects have
an easier time than you did

The graduation guide says that there are two things following the move
of the resources:
* The Hand Over

I guess I sort-of gave an answer, above.

* solving Remaining Obstacles

No idea what those would be. It depends.

Perhaps the IPMC can shed a light on this question?

In general, the amount of documentation for how to be a PMC is a  
lot less than we have for how to incubate. PMCs are supposed to be  
self-managing, which means each PMC figures out what their  
obstacles are all by themselves.

Usually by the time a project graduates it knows what to expect in  
terms of handholding (i.e.: not much) or extensive and correct policy  
documentation (i.e.: not much). So obstacles can include things such  
as we need a unix group on people.a.o to own our releases or we  
need a solaris zone on the zone server to host a demo version of our  
software or I need to figure out how to make Marvin (a mailbot)  
send me those you-need-to-send-your-board-report reminders.


- Leo the process weenie

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[suggestion] making documentation management more lightweight

2007-05-05 Thread Leo Simons


The whole jira-patch-commit workflow for the documentation seems  
annoying. At least it annoys me -- in particular the patches don't  
show up in my email so I have to visit jira which I try and avoid as  
much as possible :-).


1) create

   writeable by *all* committers

   svn cp \
   vi infrastructure/trunk/subversion/authorization/asf-authorization
   svn commit infrastructure/trunk/subversion/authorization/asf- 

2) create an svn:externals on 

   like this


   so that you can see the work-in-progress at

3) instead of sending documentation patches, people who are helping
   with the documentation work on the staging branch

4) set up for staging/ and trunk/
   * see
   * make sure to block the revision from step #2!

5) propose documentation changes on the mailing list
   * get diffs

 cd incubator/trunk --bidirectional diff  ~/staging-diffs.txt
 # or use -r to get only a few revisions

   * send diff to mailing list for discussion and lazy
 consensus approval

6) merge

   cd incubator/trunk --bidirectional avail --bidirectional # or use -r12345,...
   svn commit -F svnmerge-commit-message.txt
   cd ../staging
   svn commit -F svnmerge-commit-message.txt

7) rejoice at the lightweight workflow, which also survives Robert's
   laptop sinking to the bottom of the sea!



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Re: [suggestion] making documentation management more lightweight

2007-05-05 Thread Michael Wechner

Leo Simons wrote:


The whole jira-patch-commit workflow for the documentation seems  
annoying. At least it annoys me -- in particular the patches don't  
show up in my email so I have to visit jira which I try and avoid as  
much as possible :-).


1) create

   writeable by *all* committers

   svn cp \
   vi infrastructure/trunk/subversion/authorization/asf-authorization
   svn commit infrastructure/trunk/subversion/authorization/asf- 

2) create an svn:externals on 

   like this


   so that you can see the work-in-progress at

3) instead of sending documentation patches, people who are helping
   with the documentation work on the staging branch

4) set up for staging/ and trunk/
   * see
   * make sure to block the revision from step #2!

5) propose documentation changes on the mailing list
   * get diffs

 cd incubator/trunk --bidirectional diff  ~/staging-diffs.txt
 # or use -r to get only a few revisions

   * send diff to mailing list for discussion and lazy
 consensus approval

6) merge

   cd incubator/trunk --bidirectional avail --bidirectional # or use -r12345,...
   svn commit -F svnmerge-commit-message.txt
   cd ../staging
   svn commit -F svnmerge-commit-message.txt

7) rejoice at the lightweight workflow, which also survives Robert's
   laptop sinking to the bottom of the sea!

what about a CMS with a workflow, which would sit on top SVN accessing 
both branches (staging resp. draft and live) and hence would
allow devs still accessing it through other SVN clients and also allow 

the live site as static SVN update?

We have implemented versioning and workflow into Yulup 
(, which is available within the recent trunk 
version or next week's release. Yulup does decouple this functionality 
from the actual server implementation.

I would be happy to help to set something up in case this would make 
sense for the incubator folks.





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Michael Wechner
Wyona  -   Open Source Content Management   -Apache Lenya
+41 44 272 91 61

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Re: [suggestion] making documentation management more lightweight

2007-05-05 Thread Leo Simons

On May 5, 2007, at 7:55 PM, Michael Wechner wrote:
what about a CMS with a workflow, which would sit on top SVN  
accessing both branches (staging resp. draft and live) and hence  
would allow devs still accessing it through other SVN clients and  
also allow updating the live site as static SVN update?

Ah, that's an old subject! Several people have done prototypes along  
these lines (I've done about one and a half in python, but in python  
the most promising codebase is probably (still) SubWiki), and I'll  
argue something like this (edit this page links backed by  
subversion) is what we really really want. Mozilla has (or had) it  
for their site.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] was set up with this in mind, ages ago, and  
there's still some requirements/designs lying around for how it would  
work. David Crossley is a good person to ask about it.

I think one of the problems why this effort has stalled has been that  
apache has so many CMS or CMS-ish tools that it is really hard to  
come up with a common way to do things that satisfies enough people  
to make setting it up worthwhile, so you get into loads of arguing.

We have implemented versioning and workflow into Yulup (http://, which is available within the recent trunk version  
or next week's release. Yulup does decouple this functionality from  
the actual server implementation.

I would be happy to help to set something up in case this would  
make sense for the incubator folks.

I'd rather not see a tool like this for a project-specific setup --  
anything that writes to SVN needs to be very carefully evaluated for  
security and stability reasons and be maintained and supported by  
[EMAIL PROTECTED] If you're interested in signing up for the bigger  
job, please work with site-dev@ (and infrastructure@).

I can tell you right now that something off of trunk of a non- 
Apache project that's in a 0.x release series, doesn't document how  
it uses SVN, and is licensed under the GPL is not that likely to  
receive a warm welcome immediately. I could set something up will  
also probably receive a healthy amount of scepticism; I wrote a blog  
post about why that is ages ago:

all that said, don't let me discourage you (too much)! We could  
definitely use this, but you'll have to volunteer for (quite) a bit  
more work and get some others to help out ;-)



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Re: [suggestion] making documentation management more lightweight

2007-05-05 Thread Michael Wechner

Leo Simons wrote:

On May 5, 2007, at 7:55 PM, Michael Wechner wrote:

what about a CMS with a workflow, which would sit on top SVN  
accessing both branches (staging resp. draft and live) and hence  
would allow devs still accessing it through other SVN clients and  
also allow updating the live site as static SVN update?

Ah, that's an old subject! Several people have done prototypes along  
these lines (I've done about one and a half in python, but in python  
the most promising codebase is probably (still) SubWiki), and I'll  
argue something like this (edit this page links backed by  
subversion) is what we really really want. Mozilla has (or had) it  
for their site.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] was set up with this in mind, ages ago, and  
there's still some requirements/designs lying around for how it would  
work. David Crossley is a good person to ask about it.

I think one of the problems why this effort has stalled has been that  
apache has so many CMS or CMS-ish tools that it is really hard to  
come up with a common way to do things that satisfies enough people  
to make setting it up worthwhile, so you get into loads of arguing.

well, it seems to me that SVN is the common denominator at the ASF and 
only a tool
which is able to connect to SVN will satisfy enough people within the 
ASF. That's one of the reasons I have spent time how a CMS can use SVN 
as a data repo.

We have implemented versioning and workflow into Yulup (http://, which is available within the recent trunk version  
or next week's release. Yulup does decouple this functionality from  
the actual server implementation.

I would be happy to help to set something up in case this would  make 
sense for the incubator folks.

I'd rather not see a tool like this for a project-specific setup --  
anything that writes to SVN needs to be very carefully evaluated for  
security and stability reasons and be maintained and supported by  

I understand, but I would assume writing to draft/staging SVN on a 
dedicated zone would be less an issue and then allow dedicated people to 
merge from there into the live SVN as you describe it above.

If you're interested in signing up for the bigger  job, please work 
with site-dev@ (and infrastructure@).

I can tell you right now that something off of trunk of a non- 
Apache project that's in a 0.x release series, doesn't document how  
it uses SVN, and is licensed under the GPL is not that likely to  
receive a warm welcome immediately. I could set something up will  
also probably receive a healthy amount of scepticism; I wrote a blog  
post about why that is ages ago:

all that said, don't let me discourage you (too much)! We could  
definitely use this, but you'll have to volunteer for (quite) a bit  
more work and get some others to help out ;-)

I very well understand what you are saying ;-) and I don't want to 
impose anything, but I believe that I finally have the tools at hand to 
do this and I am currently working on this for my own needs. Hence I 
wanted to ask and see how big the skepticism is and I don't mean this 
cynical, but just would like to be constructive.

Anyway I will start with 
and will see how far I will get and will hopefully come back within 
reasonable time :-)





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Michael Wechner
Wyona  -   Open Source Content Management   -Apache Lenya
+41 44 272 91 61

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Re: counting downloads

2007-05-05 Thread Marshall Schor

Noel J. Bergman wrote:

Garrett Rooney wrote:


The mirror system makes this an essentially unsolvable problem.

And in addition to all of your other valid points, there is the problem of
having a a farm of caching proxies on the ISP side of the net, leading to
the seemingly odd case that the more popular a download, the less likely you
are to get a good count, because the more likely it is to be served from the
caching proxies.
--- Noel


One confusion I have: If we count clicks on the download link, it 
seems that even if that link led to a mirror page, it would count 
pretty accurately (except of course if a person clicked to download, and 
then didn't bother going through with it).  I guess it would also miss 
the case where people somehow found their way to a download mirror 
*without* going through the project download page.  Did I miss 
something, or would this give a reasonable estimate of downloads?


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Re: counting downloads

2007-05-05 Thread Garrett Rooney

On 5/5/07, Marshall Schor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

One confusion I have: If we count clicks on the download link, it
seems that even if that link led to a mirror page, it would count
pretty accurately (except of course if a person clicked to download, and
then didn't bother going through with it).  I guess it would also miss
the case where people somehow found their way to a download mirror
*without* going through the project download page.  Did I miss
something, or would this give a reasonable estimate of downloads?

Unless they don't download it via your link, or they download more
than once (getting copies on multiple machines?), or any number of
other things that can throw your numbers off.  It's a losing battle
for statistics that IMO aren't very useful anyway.  All download
counts are good for is ego stroking, there are better ways to spend
time and energy.


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Re: counting downloads

2007-05-05 Thread Eelco Hillenius

Unless they don't download it via your link, or they download more
than once (getting copies on multiple machines?), or any number of
other things that can throw your numbers off.  It's a losing battle
for statistics that IMO aren't very useful anyway.  All download
counts are good for is ego stroking, there are better ways to spend
time and energy.

I agree with most of the comments here. But one thing download
statistic imho *are* useful for is measuring progress. Even if the
absolute numbers aren't useful, and trends are not reliable, it
definitively gives an idea of whether a project is gaining attention
or not.

Another thing is that even if statistics aren't reliable, people still
often want to have them. Matt Raible's talk on ApacheCon listed job
counts per framework on Dice for instance. Completely useless, but
people seem to love to hear it, even at Apache. Or there is my
publisher asking me for download statistics of the project I'm
involved in and using Amazon's ranking of a competing book to
'determine' the market potential for the topic.

Imho, it's enough to say that we/ Apache doesn't want to spend energy
on something that is technically hard or impossible and that in the
opinion of the people who have to support it serves little value.


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