Re: [PROPOSAL] MRUnit entry into the Apache Incubator

2011-02-27 Thread ant elder
On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 10:00 PM, Eric Sammer  wrote:

> == Rationale ==
> MRUnit has existed as a contrib component of Apache Hadoop. This has served
> to introduce users to the library and to provide necessary functionality to
> developers in the form of development support. That said, MRUnit is not
> necessarily an intrinsic component of Hadoop proper and could benefit from
> being a standalone project in that:
>  * A separate project would support an independent development and release
> schedule allowing for faster iteration and response to user requests.
>  * Separating adjunct projects from the core Hadoop codebase simplifies
> Hadoop's build and release.
>  * MRUnit users can get a simpler artifact in a way most appropriate to
> development time (i.e. Maven or Ivy repositories).
>  * MRUnit can build out independent support for different versions of Hadoop
> without requiring circular dependencies or testing issues.

I don't know, none of those things really sound like justification for
a separate TLP, keeping something like this nearby to Hadoop MapReduce
seems like it would help give it a better chance of long term survival
 to me. Wouldn't simply moving mrunit out from
hadoop/mapreduce/trunk/src to somewhere else so it can do its own
releases and deploy its artifacts achieve all those objectives?


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[PROPOSAL] MRUnit entry into the Apache Incubator

2011-02-27 Thread Eric Sammer

I'd like to propose MRUnit - a library to aid in the development of unit
tests of Apache Hadoop map reduce jobs - be accepted into the Apache
Incubator. The proposal is up on the Incubator wiki at as well as pasted below.

Thanks in advance for all feedback.

= MRUnit, a library to support unit testing of Hadoop MapReduce jobs =

== Abstract ==
MRUnit is a java library that provides mocks and infrastructure for writing
unit tests for Hadoop MapReduce jobs and related components.

== Proposal ==
MRUnit is a java library to facilitate unit testing of Hadoop MapReduce jobs
by providing drivers and mock objects to simulate the Hadoop runtime
environment of a map reduce job. This code base already exists as a
subproject of the Apache Hadoop MapReduce project and lives in the "contrib"
directory of the source tree.

== Background ==
Writing unit tests of MapReduce jobs can be a tedious process. User code can
quickly become entangled with Hadoop APIs making testing difficult and error
prone. In many cases, users will simply forgo testing given the complexity
of the environment. MRUnit was created as a simple library users can use in
conjunction with test suites like JUnit to provide a harness for injecting
appropriate mock objects.

== Rationale ==
MRUnit has existed as a contrib component of Apache Hadoop. This has served
to introduce users to the library and to provide necessary functionality to
developers in the form of development support. That said, MRUnit is not
necessarily an intrinsic component of Hadoop proper and could benefit from
being a standalone project in that:
 * A separate project would support an independent development and release
schedule allowing for faster iteration and response to user requests.
 * Separating adjunct projects from the core Hadoop codebase simplifies
Hadoop's build and release.
 * MRUnit users can get a simpler artifact in a way most appropriate to
development time (i.e. Maven or Ivy repositories).
 * MRUnit can build out independent support for different versions of Hadoop
without requiring circular dependencies or testing issues.

Having greater development and tooling support for Hadoop makes the project
accessible to a wider audience by reducing the chance of bugs.

== Initial Goals ==
 * Provide a new home for the existing codebase.
 * Make artifacts available via Maven and / or Ivy.
 * Expand test support for other Hadoop components (e.g. Partitioners)
 * Establish a lightweight, independent release cycle.

== Current Status ==
=== Meritocracy ===
MRUnit was originally created by Aaron Kimball, and has had some
contributions from members of the Hadoop community. By becoming its own
project, significant contributors to MRUnit would become committers, and
allow the project to grow.

=== Community ===
The MRUnit community is predominantly composed of engineers who author
MapReduce jobs running against Apache Hadoop. Given that this library
appeals to a specific subset of the overall Apache Hadoop community, it
makes sense to decouple its release cycle from that of Hadoop as a whole, to
allow more rapid iteration in this space.

=== Core developers ===

Aaron Kimball wrote most of the original code and is familiar with open
source and Apache-style development, being a Hadoop committer. A number of
other contributors have provided patches to this codebase over time. Eric
Sammer has worked as a committer on Flume, a github-based open source

=== Alignment ===
MRUnit aligns with Hadoop as it aims to be a testing harness and framework
for the Hadoop MapReduce framework.

== Known Risks ==
=== Orphaned products ===
All members of the team are committed to making MRUnit a success.

=== Inexperience with Open Source ===
The initial code comes from Hadoop where it was developed in an open-source,
collaborative way. All the initial committers are committers on other Apache
projects (with the exception of Eric who is experienced with open source
development at Github and other communities), and are experienced in working
with new contributors.

=== Homogenous Developers ===
The initial set of committers is from a diverse set of organizations, and
geographic locations. They are all experienced with developing in a
distributed environment.

=== Reliance on Salaried Developers ===
It is expected that MRUnit will be developed on a combination of volunteer
and salaried time.

=== Relationships with Other Apache Products ===
MRUnit will depend on many other Apache Projects as already mentioned above
(e.g. Hadoop).

=== A Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand ===
We think that MRUnit will benefit from The Apache Incubator. There was
discussion about moving this project entirely out of Apache Hadoop and into
e.g., Github (as a fork), but after Chris Mattmann prompted some discussions
on the Hadoop general list to stick around in the Incubator, many of the
MRUnit enthusiasts (Eric, Patrick, Nige, etc.) thought it would be