Re: [VOTE] Graduate JSPWiki from Incubator

2012-04-16 Thread Janne Jalkanen


On 16 Apr 2012, at 01:46, Juan Pablo Santos Rodríguez wrote:

 Hello all,
 The Apache JSPWiki project entered Incubator in October of 2007. Since then
 we have added two new committers from diverse organizations. The codebase
 of our product has been growing slowly but surely, and we think is mature
 enough to go through graduation; also, we have made two releases following
 the ASF policies and guidelines. Thanks to the mentorship we have received
 through this period, we have learnt to self-govern and grow our community
 using accepted Apache practices.
 Given these milestones, I feel that JSPWiki is ready to graduate from
 The first step towards graduation is to vote as a community that JSPWiki is
 ready to graduate. If the vote is successful, we will draft a board
 resolution proposal and call it to vote on the general Incubator list. The
 complete graduation process is described [1].
 Please cast your votes:
 [  ]  +1 Graduate JSPWiki from Incubator
 [  ]  +0 Indifferent to graduation status of JSPWiki
 [  ]  +1 Reject graduation of JSPWiki from Incubator
 This vote will remain open for at least 72 hours from now.
 juan pablo

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Re: Ready to Graduate?

2010-10-19 Thread Janne Jalkanen

JSPWiki has lost a massive amount of steam in the last year or so due to 
committers lives interfering with contributions. No known cure exists for life, 

Simply put, I don't think anyone has the capacity right now to do the 
graduation.  I do not know whether the situation will change. We have discussed 
this among ourselves, but have no real conclusions.

Code-wise the only real showstopper is actually making a release. There's still 
some trickle of contributions coming in, but they're mostly only for the 
non-Apache releases we did a long time ago.

Advice useful.


On Oct 18, 2010, at 22:12 , Noel J. Bergman wrote:

 Please evaluate the status of your project with respect to graduation.  Why,
 for example, are Thrift and JSPWiki not yet ready to fly?  What about Ace?
   --- Noel
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Re: Making up policy on the fly

2009-08-20 Thread Janne Jalkanen

I think a big cause of frustration for poddlings and mentors is the
unpredictable nature of release reviews with each vote for a release
or RC respin getting a different set of best practice requirements
depending on who is around to review.

Yes. If knowing about the policy means wading through all the old  
board resolutions (like with the @author -policy, which is not  
mentioned anywhere on the web site - who knows how many other such  
policies we have that a podling does not know of?), it creates a very  
frustrating situation - not to mention a very inconsistent situation  
where copying another podling or an existing Apache TLP results in the  
wrong way.

Could we make following best
practices what ever we decide those are a graduation requirement
instead of a release requirement? So releases which don't clearly
violate some ASF policy are voted out quickly and its the poddling
graduation that is delayed until they've done a release we're all
happy with.



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Re: [appeal] Help JSPWiki Graduate!

2009-08-16 Thread Janne Jalkanen

On Aug 10, 2009, at 06:49 , David Crossley wrote:

Gee, i hope that more people will assist with this offer
to review your project status. That was supposed to be
your week to have some special attention.

It's holiday season - I myself haven't had anything but cellphone  
access to the intahweb until this weekend ;-)

Yes, we're keeping our task list in JIRA instead of the web page,
simply because it's a lot easier, and encourages participation more
than a static HTML file somewhere.

I know. However, that page is what the incubation docs ask for.
Remember that the Incubator PMC (all volunteers with no time)
currently has 38 projects to oversee. We must have such information
in a consistent place and format.

True; I added a JIRA issue on it. But it does not have to be updated  
until right before graduation, yes?

That is a high-level summary, whereas your Jira can provide
detail for some tasks.

A good idea would be to add the links.

I suggest adding a link to it alongside all other proposals


OK, good.  And then a script copies it in the right place during
release process, I take it?

See general instructions in

No, the websites are managed in SVN. Your project's
committer does ssh to the server and deliberately does
an 'svn up' (of course after initial checkout) in

Yes, that's what I meant - someone must have a release script which  
checks out the necessary bits from SVN, builds the release and  
deposits it in a right place.  Anybody have a good example of such a  

I meant adding the KEYS file to that distribution area
as explained by the various How to ASF mirror docs.



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Re: [appeal] Help JSPWiki Graduate!

2009-08-09 Thread Janne Jalkanen

The podling Status page hasn't been updated in ages.
Personally i would at least add some News items in there.
That would help to encourage more participants and helps
the IPMC at graduation review time.
There are some items that i expect are already done.
Investigate some other projects status files.

Yes, we're keeping our task list in JIRA instead of the web page,  
simply because it's a lot easier, and encourages participation more  
than a static HTML file somewhere.  We should probably have a link to  
the relevant JIRA issues so that the info is in one place (as you well  
know, information kept in multiple locations is always out of date).

We have multiple news channels out there (a blog, the wiki, an a  
twitter account).  So perhaps we should just feed the Twitter news  
stream in a badge onto the page?

Clutch shows that there is one new committer since entry.

It should show two new committers; Harry Metske and Florian Holeczek.   
Don't know why that is.

It gets that from the status News section. I tried to find
your Incubator Proposal wiki page and compare with the current
list of committers, but could not find it.

The incubator proposal wiki page is at

and provide decent patches. Getting more committers
should encourage others.


I suggest practicing ahead of time, as it will be less
frustrating when you go for the real release. Note down
your steps. Look around other projects and TLPs - many
have notes about their release process so that other devs
can assist and can do it themselves next time.

Releasing is a process we've done over many times :-).

Most say that whoever is designated the Release Manager
needs to be prepared to put in a large amount of time.

Unfortunately, nobody over here has a large amount of time available :- 
(.  JSPWiki is *fully* voluntary, which means that other priorities  
are more important often.  This BTW explains our very long incubation  
time as well.

License headers:
I glanced at some files. Looks okay. If not already done,
then i suggest running RAT or using other tools from the
committers repository.

I see that your LICENSE file includes references to
the supporting products licenses. Personally i think that
that is a reasonable solution to a hard maintenance problem.
Others say that we are required to display actual text of
all licenses there.

Yes, we chose to put the actual licenses under doc/ with the LICENSE  
file being a reference to them.  Otherwise it becomes a real PITA to  
maintain, esp. considering that we've been changing our support  
libraries quite a lot recently.

Hmmm, i think that this file is intended for actual
notices that are requested in the various supporting products

Never really knew the purpose :-)

One thing that you can get ready prior to release
is the distribution area at w.a.o/dist/incubator/jspwiki/


Look around other TLPs. Many have HEADER.html etc. files.
(Yes i know that not many other incubating projects do it.)
For people who stumble directly to mirrors or worse,
directly to w.a.o/dist/ space, rather than going via your
project's download page, these notices encourage them to
download from the mirrors instead, and provide instructions
for download verification. For example see Forrest.
We store those ancillary files in our SVN.

OK, good.  And then a script copies it in the right place during  
release process, I take it?

I am not sure what the requirements are to notify that
the release is by a project in incubation. There are some
docs at site. See the mirror headers
at w.a.o/dist/incubator/ top-level. There is some disclaimer
text there that you might like to use too.

Yes, it's something that we've been wondering...  Our release scheme  
will look interesting with a version numbering such as JSPWiki-3.0.0- 
alpha-1-incubating. ;-)

The KEYS file is something else that you can get ready ahead
of release time. Even if it only contains the signature of
the Release Manager. Better with more, of course.

It should be up to date already.

Anyway, i hope that helps a little to ease your next phase.

Thanks; that should help!

One interesting question is what we should do to domain.  
I'm quite willing to give it to ASF, no worries, just to ease any  
potential trademark issues; but whether ASF wants it is another matter.


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Re: [appeal] Help Us Graduate!

2009-08-05 Thread Janne Jalkanen


I completely missed this email the first time around. I think JSPWiki  
would certainly benefit from the attention - we're fairly close to  
having all the bits and pieces in place (minus a release or two).   
It's just that we're slightly unsure as to what to do... When I  
collected the list of Things To Do Before Graduation ( 
), I think I found at least two, if not three, separate lists.

Wouldn't mind if you guys took a peek at the different items on the  
JIRA milestone above and gave your comments.  I (and most of the other  
devs, most of whom are Europeans) are on holiday right now, but we  
should be getting back to speed in a week or two.

Personally, I would like to get most of the issues looked at in  
advance so that we wouldn't have to bump our heads against the oh,  
but your release is missing X, do it all again too many times.


On 5 Aug 2009, at 06:16, David Crossley wrote:

On Nov 21, 2008 William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

I'd like to suggest a thread on general@ for each of those projects
who believe they are close to graduation, but not sure what to do
next.  To kick off such a thread, email *me* with a summary (like
you do for status reports) of where your project is now in terms
of community, code, releases and functionality.  Don't forget to tell
everyone *what* the code does, the language it's coded in, etc :)

Most importantly, point out what help *you* think it needs.
(Once launch the discussion your fellow podling members can offer
their perceptions and opinion about what's needed, so we'll get a
balanced view.)

Here are the rules to keep this fun...

 Reply to *me*, not the list, so I can put one podling up for help
 at a time.  Keep this subject so I can keep them in their own  
 If I see something missing, I'll help with editing the appeal so  
 everyone has enough information to jump in if they want to help.   
 also lets you remain anonymous, if you prefer - just tell me  

 Only one of these at a time, let's give each podling our undivided
 attention on gene...@.  I'll post the first appeal just as soon as
 I get it.

 Exactly one week of general@ discussion to help solicit the advise,
 help needed, advise, and possibly attract some other helpers reading
 general@ to your podling-dev@ list.  Then let another have their  

 After a week, I'll kick off the second podling based on whichever
 appeal is next in my email queue, then the third, etc etc.  Betting
 we can discuss and help out four podlings before we take a break
 for the holidays, and pick back up in January.

Anyone want to give this a try?

I am very disappointed that no podlings took up your suggestion.

I wonder if the various podling developers are attentive
to this general@ list.


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Re: PPMC Member list

2009-04-18 Thread Janne Jalkanen

I don't remember adding PPMC members to such a file in the podlings
that I've been mentoring - my guess would be that we just stopped
maintaining that file.

Can anyone confirm?

AFAICT we udpdate the poddling status page with the PPMC members.

Should I file a JIRA issue to get it fixed from the website?

BTW, how do new PPMC members get added to the project-private - 
mailing lists? That info is missing from the guide too.


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Re: Starting a new incubation

2009-03-18 Thread Janne Jalkanen
 Jaffre does not need skeletons/stubs. The endpoints are pojos, parameters
 and return values are objects.
 No registry is required.
 Jaffre Connectors listen well-defined ports that can easily be bound to a
 specific address. They are firewall friendly. 
 An experienced programmer will be able to fly over, and understand the whole
 Jaffre code in less than an hour.
 Jaffre is intended to be easily customized.

OK, I'm sold on this project by this speech alone. +1 ;-)

/Janne, who really wishes he could get back the hours he spent configuring RMI 
over the years

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Re: Champion needed for new workflow project proposal

2009-03-02 Thread Janne Jalkanen

I don't mind championing you but as mentioned by others, there will be
several hurdles to overcome. To change the license, you will have to  
get an
agreement from everybody who ever contributed a patch to the source  
you plan
to incubate, even for a minor bug fix. I don't know how painful that  

be in your case.

IANAL, but why would you need a CLA for a minor bug fix or small  
patch? For copyright to form, the item needs to be long and complex  
enough to be recognized as original - a few lines don't a copyrighted  
work make.

With JSPWiki, we took CLAs from major contributors (of which there  
were over 20, that was quite a job) when they were identifiable, and  
rewrote the sections which didn't have an identifiable author or for  
which CLA could not be obtained.


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Re: UIMA [WAS Re: Suspending Projects]

2009-02-20 Thread Janne Jalkanen
 My pet hypothesis (or maybe I'm just looking for excuses) is
 this: UIMA is heavily used in academia.  Now academics have no
 problems with open source, to the contrary.  But they have an
 overwhelming need to publish and build up a reputation.  So
 they like to publish their source code on their own web site,
 where it's clear it's their work, rather than contribute to
 some community effort.  If you look around, you'll see all
 manner of university efforts around UIMA, but very little of
 that code finds its way back into the ASF repo.

FWIW, I've noticed this with JSPWiki too - there are at least three
(maybe four-five) separate forks of the JSPWiki codebase within the
academia, with little contribution back to us.

There are a few additional reasons for this: 

* The authors feel that their code is not mature enough for inclusion,
  and often they may be right - code is created to solve a specific
  problem and on a proof-of-concept level with little regard to
  e.g. maintainability.

* Often, the forks are not maintained after the paper is completed and
  published.  The authors move to different subjects, and have little
  interest to keep working on the codebase (which might be needed in
  case of invasive modifications)

* It brings them no benefit to contribute back, since there is little
  attachment to the project itself.  What's important is their
  modifications; the project itself is just necessary noise which
  allows them to tinker with their grand ideas.

(Yeah, I worked for the uni for three years ;-)


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Re: How to start a new workflow project on ASF

2009-02-04 Thread Janne Jalkanen
* you'll need to relicense from LGPL to ASL 2.0, can you have a  
agreement from all the copyright holders (probably all past  

At least for JSPWiki this was a fairly big job.  You might want to  
look at for the kind of  
tracking we did.  In the end, we had to reimplement two software  
modules because we couldn't get Software Grants, or the module had so  
many authors we didn't know who really owned the copyright on it.  So  
be prepared for that.

It is a good idea to start simply by firing off an email to all the  
past committers to check if they are even reachable. If you can't  
reach most of them, you know you are in trouble :-).


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Re: ** MISSING ** January Incubator Reports

2009-01-12 Thread Janne Jalkanen

Where are the reports for BlueSky, Cassandra, Imperius, JSPWiki,  
Stonehenge,, Sanselan, Tashi, Thrift, and VCL?  This is unacceptable  
to have

so many projects disregarding the need to report.

JSPWiki has been added.

Sorry guys, the report has been ready for a few days in the repo  
already, but there were some personal circumstances which made me  
forget to copy it to the wiki earlier today.


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Some advice needed on JSPWiki package names

2009-01-04 Thread Janne Jalkanen

Hi ho folks!

We were preparing for a massive rename from our old jspwiki name  
space to the org.apache.jspwiki.* -package to prepare for our first  
Apache release when we hit a major snag.

Turns out that Jasper JSP compiler has a bug in it, and it thinks all  
classes with their FQN starting with org.apache.jsp are it's own,  
instead of org.apache.jsp. (note the trailing period).  We are  
tracking this issue at

Now, Jasper has this fixed in the trunk, but since it's used rather  
widely in other servlet containers, it means that very few servlet  
containers will be able to run JSPWiki for quite a while.

We've got some fairly hackish ways around this (which cause pain), so  
the question to Incubator folks is - can we use a different package  
name than org.apache.jspwiki for our project, or does it require a  
full rename of the project itself?  For example,  
org.apache.x.jspwiki where x can range from being a literal x  
to something else?

We'd hate to lose the JSPWiki brand (due to four missing characters  
in an another project!) because we've existed for over seven years  
and have an established name.  In addition, figuring out a new name  
for a project is always a real pain...

Any ideas/advice from more experienced people?  Any other options  
than those listed at JSPWIKI-465?


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Re: On incubating releases

2008-10-03 Thread Janne Jalkanen
 So the first thing that happens post graduation is that you piss off the 
 entire community by breaking all backwords compatibility by changing all 
 the package names?   Ick.  Not a good first experience once out of the 

We (JSPWiki) will do this by taking advantage of the package change and 
our API.  Since everything will be broken anyway, the package change
does not matter (or it does, but hopefully the benefits will outweigh
the cries of murder from the plugin developers).

We *are* releasing outside of Apache into our pre-incubation release
channel (with big disclaimers about this not being an ASF release
everywhere, even if our mailing lists do reside on, etc).
However, we do use the ASF release process to vote, make sure the
artifacts are fine, etc.  This is a part of the training to be an ASF

We will start releasing into the incubator (whatever the
release channel is) once we change the packages to org.apache, and do
the API rewriting work then in the org.apache namespace.

It's tricky, and has been a lengthy process, because we had so much
baggage from being an LGPL project.  But it's working out okay.


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Key signing practicalities Was: status of PGP support in Maven

2008-09-24 Thread Janne Jalkanen

So you assume that that can not be hacked? What if a
signing key *IS* in KEYS but not signed by anyone (because the  

has never attended an Apache key signing event)?

Which reminds me - if one does not attend an Apache key signing event  
(which tend to be in faraway countries, traveling to which usually  
means parting with lots of cash), how *does* one get the key signed?   
Is there a regional list somewhere?

Any people near Helsinki, Finland who are willing to have a coffee  
and sign my key? ;-)


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Re: [DISCUSS] Names for the Web2.0kit

2008-09-22 Thread Janne Jalkanen

Just in case nobody mentioned this to you yet: Olio is the Finnish  
word for object as in object relational database or object- 
oriented programming.  You may or may not find this suitable. :-)

Unfortunately, it also means that there are quite a few Finnish IT  
companies with the word olio in their name.  Also, is  
owned by a Finnish web design company (though they haven't put  
anything on it yet).  Again, this may or may not be suitable. :-/


On 22 Sep 2008, at 19:44, Shanti Subramanyam - PAE wrote:

Olio is short and easy. I don't like the hodgepdge defintion. But  
then the dictionary also says medley, potpourri etc. which have  
more positive connotations.

So either Ketero or Olio is fine.


On 09/20/08 09:52, Henning Schmiedehausen wrote:
We seem to have some way to check these through  
Once we

narrowed down to two or three candidates, we can check these there.
Ketero sounds a lot like Kitaro. :-)
Olio is nice (and short, which I like).
On Sat, 2008-09-20 at 02:44 -0700, Craig L Russell wrote:
There's a software consulting company in Bangalore called Sonata   
Software. Too close for comfort. 

Looking on Google, Olio, Potpourri  don't appear to have conflicts.

Mix Match is a PC product for photoshopping picture frames. Not  
really  a conflict to me.

Shanti Software is a consulting services company. Too close for me.

Ketero is ok. One of the top hits on Google is this email thread!  
But  Katera Software is a similar-sounding name. Cetero is a  
medical  research company. Not a conflict.

My favorites, in order:


On Sep 16, 2008, at 1:12 PM, Shanti Subramanyam - PAE wrote:

Since I didn't see any response to the proposed names below,  
here  are a couple more :

sonata (4 movements: web/cache/objectstore/db ? )


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] Web20Kit: A Web 2.0 technology evaluation  

Date: Thu, 04 Sep 2008 09:51:30 -0700
From: Shanti Subramanyam [EMAIL PROTECTED]
References: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Here are some suggestions for alternate names :

(3 above indicating we're trying to mix and match components)

Ketero (Ethiopian I believe for 'appointment') or Catero


Craig L Russell wrote:

Hi Martin,

On Aug 26, 2008, at 7:51 PM, Martin Cooper wrote:

Yeah, an association with WebKit was my first assumption as well.

Agreed. New name.initiate().run().


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Craig L Russell
Architect, Sun Java Enterprise System
408 276-5638 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
P.S. A good JDO? O, Gasp!

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Re: SVN move

2008-07-28 Thread Janne Jalkanen
So, to make this a little more clear, when Wicket performed a few  
releases on their old project site was their old Subversion  

shutdown and the ASF Subversion repository exclusively used?

Yes. We are volunteers. Having to maintain 2 repositories would have
been prohibitive. We made it absolutely clear that if we were not able
to create releases from our code base, and had to maintain 2
repositories, we would not have joined Apache.

I can also say the same for JSPWiki.  Having to maintain two code  
repositories, two issue trackers and a total of four mailing lists  
would be too much of a pain.  Both to developers and users.

I don't think JSPWiki would've attempted Apache Incubation if that  
were a requirement.

Yes. When we imported our repository we included everything (full
history) from our old SVN repository.

Ditto.  The Incubation work has been concentrating on relicensing the  
code under AL 2.0, and learning the Apache ways of working.  We  
release updates to the old releases using our own distribution  
mechanism (for the general user, there is no trace of Apache  
anywhere, except the fact that the issue tracker is on ASFs site, and  
so is the mailing list).  However, this gives us a great way to  
practice the Apache way of working with minimal disruption to  

Since JSPWiki code has been under various versions of GPL since 2001,  
this relicensing stuff has taken quite a while, including pieces of  
code which needed to be completely rewritten from scratch.  If that  
work had to be done in two repositories at the same time, we might as  
well have forgotten about it.

It was clear from the beginning that the transition of a large  
project into Apache would not be easy or fast, especially since all  
of the committers are working on a volunteer basis.  I find the  
Incubator to be an excellent safe haven where this work can be done.

Yes, but older versions are no longer maintained (we currently only
support ASF releases, provided there are no security issues).

This is also our plan; there is no desire to continue maintenance of  
the LGPL-version of the code, once the ASF transition and incubation  
is complete.

/Janne, who is sorry he can't contribute much to this conversation -  
I'm on holiday behind a slow cell connection...

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Re: [DISCUSS] Podlings with existing releases and community

2008-07-03 Thread Janne Jalkanen


I think this is good, as it codifies an existing practice.


On 3 Jul 2008, at 20:42, Craig L Russell wrote:


Many projects that come to Apache already have existing releases.  
Some are still beta but others have already shipped a few  
production versions.

This raises the issue of how to build on their existing communities  
while they work on doing project management the Apache way,  
changing package names, voting on releases, updating licenses, and  
documenting provenance.

Most of what I've seen about how to do this is in the mentor guide:  
IP Clearance: Initial Clean Up; and On Repackaging. The focus  
here is on cleaning up the code base. No mention of cutting non- 
Apache releases from the import part of the repository.

I'd like to expand on this a bit. It's very difficult to manage two  
code bases in two different repositories during a several-month  
(best case) to years (worst case) incubation period.

I'd like to propose explicitly allowing existing communities to  
continue to develop code in the import part of their repository  
while they are cleaning up their IP, updating licenses, and  
changing package names.

We can document that existing projects with communities may need to  
have a few releases using the original package names during  
incubation. While transitioning to releases the Apache way, a  
podling can release code from the import part of their  
repository. These releases are not incubator releases and do not  
need to be approved by an Apache PMC.

Does anyone see issues with this, before I propose a patch to the  



Craig L Russell
Architect, Sun Java Enterprise System
408 276-5638 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
P.S. A good JDO? O, Gasp!

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Re: Again: The Maven Repository

2008-06-26 Thread Janne Jalkanen

It sounds as if waiting at the last possible second to move from
org.jsecurity.* to org.apache.jsecurity.* is the best option for us.
That way we can move over to the Apache SVN as soon as possible, but
impact the existing community only when absolutely necessary.

This is what we decided with JSPWiki as well - since renaming the  
packages is going to cause massive breakage of all 3rd party apps  
anyway, we'll use it as an opportunity to refactor some of the APIs  
in order to avoid a double breakage in concurrent versions.

In the mean time, we'll release using the old mechanism through - we'll just use Apache processes and infra to train  
ourselves in the Apache way of working while we transition everything  
under the Apache license (which we BTW completed just this week - if  
you check out the trunk, there should be no more LGPL dependencies  
around ;-).


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Re: maven repository

2008-05-31 Thread Janne Jalkanen

The package names have to change when a podling comes into the
incubator (to the org.apache namespace).  So, the blow has to happen
anyway.  I'm not suggesting we enforce this for existing podlings
necessarily, but future ones should probably do it.  Once the podling
graduates, the plugins would need to change the package name they use
because they are now based on an official ASF library.  Is
find/replace really that difficult?

*Once* is doable.  We can do a lot of refactoring of old code during  
that anyway, clean away unused APIs, etc.

*Twice* (that is, once from com.ecyrd.jspwiki to  
org.apache.incubator.jspwiki; then from org.apache.incubator.jspwiki  
to org.apache.jspwiki) is not so nice.

Besides, us doing search-replace on other people's code and then  
redistributing it is very probably not ok anyway.  Our own code is  
trivial to modify; all the external code is not.


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Re: maven repository

2008-05-30 Thread Janne Jalkanen

As an end user, I would _hate_ to have to change all of my code to
reference a totally new package structure after the podling graduates.
 That's a major pain...

With JSPWiki we have plenty of plugins and other extensions donated  
by people over the years.  Every binary break means that we obsolete  
most of this stuff (unless we can take the responsibility of  
recompiling everything).  Every binary break means that we will have  
to answer questions from people running obsolete software because  
they can't afford the cost of the upgrade because they have money  
invested in the customizations.

So it's not only the pain of upgrading the package definitions;  
changing packages issues a damaging blow to the ecosystem nurtured in  
the incubator.  Sometimes the impact can be minimal; sometimes it  
could be rather bad.


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SGAs and CCLAs?

2008-03-01 Thread Janne Jalkanen


During the relicensing efforts of JSPWiki, some people returned  
Software Grants, some ICLAs.  ICLAs I can find at http://, but how do I check that ASF  
has received the SGAs?  How about corporate CCLAs?


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Re: Subversion vs other source control systems

2008-02-13 Thread Janne Jalkanen
No, there was no vote and is not vote, nor is there any choice.   
Subversion is one of the few things that the Board has mandated,  
imposed on all projects.  Period.  Pretty much end of discussion.

I would assume though that if there is enough interest among the  
community, the subject of supporting something like Git could be  
opened up with the Board, yes?

/Janne, who does not really know how this bit of ASF works...

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Re: moving a failed incubation project

2008-01-23 Thread Janne Jalkanen
very much agreed and I guess if one can show a migration path (as I  
have suggested) which doesn't break too much, then I think nobody  
should mind renaming the packages.

But with the ASF member hat on I think the package org.apache.*   
is  something which the ASF should protect, just as the logo and  
the brand name itself resp. add a policy to the incubation process  
which people have to agree to when entering the incubation phase.

With respect to JSPWiki, we would have an interesting situation:  Our  
last release, 2.6.0, which is LGPL, is in the com.ecyrd.jspwiki  
package, and we have dozens and dozens of modules which are depending  
on it.  In fact, our structure is such that we encourage people do  
develop their own plugin modules rather than do anything else.  There  
are plenty of these contributed at, and probably a lot  
more plugins inside companies which are not available to us.

With 2.8, we are just planning to take the 2.6, and make an  
Apachified version of it in the incubation process.  No real  
functionality change, just minor upgrades and fixes, and get an  
Apache-licensed version out as quickly as possible.

WIth 3.0, we are planning to revamp most of the APIs, and we've been  
flagging this as a break point.

Now, if we, with 2.8, have to change to org.apache.*, we will  
obviously break compatibility with any of the existing plugins.  Then  
again, with 3.0, we will break it again.   This will cause some  
ruckus in our developer base, and we'd certainly like to keep the 2.8  
as compatible to 3.0 as possible, that is, keep using the  
com.ecyrd.jspwiki package throughout the 2.8 phase and move to  
org.apache together with the API break in 3.0.

Any advice or policies?


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Re: Apache SW Grant in other languages?

2007-11-18 Thread Janne Jalkanen

You might find interpretations or explanations in other languages,
but those would of course not be legally binding. Who would be
willing to expose him- or herself to the legal liability resulting
from a translation error?

I suppose anybody whose English is not strong enough - after all, you  
need to understand what you are signing, and the chances of getting  
an erroneous interpretation are far less, if the document is  
translated by a professional translator, as opposed to yourself  
having learned English for three years at school a dozen years ago,  
and currently mostly use it to read comments at Youtube videos.

Legal text is often difficult enough to understand in your native  
language, and often uses vocabulary which you would never normally  
encounter in your daily life - even if you used English a lot.  Yes,  
software authors often have strong English skills, but going legal is  
another matter entirely.  As you say, translation errors may cause  
legal liability.  So, failing to understand the legal text, they  
would rather NOT sign the document, which in turn means no contribution.

Having a native translation and the original legal text side by side  
would make it a lot more approachable by non-native English people.   
I know ASF *is* an US entity, but many contributor's aren't.  Out of  
JSPWiki active contributors, only one lives in the US, and we have a  
lot of users from India and China.  I would applaud ways to help  
these people to get more involved...

I'll also contact legal-discuss on this.


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Re: Apache SW Grant in other languages?

2007-11-18 Thread Janne Jalkanen

Who would be willing to publish a translation claiming
that it is authoritative, and thereby expose him- or
herself to legal liability towards people that rely
on this translation instead of the original?

Ah, gotcha.  Yup, you're right.

Maybe one could collect some donations and then
hire a lawyer to create a professional translation,
either authoritative or with all the necessary
disclaimers in place.

That might be useful from ASF's point of view.  There are precedents,  
e.g. with Creative Commons.  And copyright legislation is relatively  
harmonized across countries anyway (thanks to the Berne convention,  
and the ceaseless lobbying of the copyright management associations).


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Apache SW Grant in other languages?

2007-11-16 Thread Janne Jalkanen


One of my contributors is asking if either the CLA or the Software  
Grant are available in other languages than English (French, Dutch or  
German preferred).

Couldn't find anything directly off the Apache website... Any knowledge?


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Re: [DISCUSS] PDFBox proposal

2007-11-15 Thread Janne Jalkanen
 How? Just curious.

We don't have built-in PDF generation from pages, which is one of the
more requested features.  Apparently many companies like the ability
to create documentation on a wiki, and then dumping it to a PDF for


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Re: [DISCUSS] PDFBox proposal

2007-11-14 Thread Janne Jalkanen

JSPWiki could certainly use it!  +1 from me...


On Nov 15, 2007, at 03:08 , Jukka Zitting wrote:


Ben Litchfield, the author of the PDFBox library, has been working
with us at the ApacheCon preparing a proposal to bring PDFBox into the
Apache Incubator. See
for the current draft of the proposal.

Some of the details are yet to be worked out, but the general idea is
there. All comments and questions are welcome!


Jukka Zitting

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Re: [VOTE] JSPWiki Incubation

2007-09-17 Thread Janne Jalkanen

Thank you for your vote of confidence.  We shall endeavour to be  
worth your trust! :-)


On 17 Sep 2007, at 23:53, Dave wrote:

On 9/12/07, Noel J. Bergman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Are we ready to incubate?

Time to sum up the vote:

+1 Matthieu Riou
+1 Alexey Petrenko
+1 Martijn Dashorst

Binding votes:
+1 Craig Russell
+1 Noel Bergman
+1 Henri Yandell
+1 Nicolas Hedman
+1 Ted Husted
+1 Dave Johnson
+1 Jukka Zitting
+1 Bertrand Delacretaz
+1 Henning Schmiedehausen

And we have mentors:
- Dave Johnson
- Sam Ruby
- Henning Schmiedehausen
- Craig L Russell

Congratulations JSPWiki project, you are accepted into the Apache
Incubator. May you enjoy your time in incubation, but not so much that
you lose your desire to graduate ;-)

I will go ahead and submit the mailing list and subversion space
requests to the Infrastructure JIRA. I'll take a look at the latest
Incubator docs first and Roller's old request as an example before I
do that.

What else should we be doing now to get the new podling in place?

- Dave

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2007-09-06 Thread Janne Jalkanen

In my (totally non-lawyer) opinion, the cleanest way to change the
JSPWiki code to the Apache License might be for the project to release
an Apache License version of their code, before coming to the
Incubator, using their existing release channels.

This would mean that the existing community has agreed on this, with
the release being a very public notice of the agreement.

There's just one catch: if we do the license change first, and then  
Apache says nah, we're not interested, we have done all the work  
for nothing.

Also, moving the development (and the mailing lists) to Apache  
Incubator would also be a very public notice of the agreement.  We  
would, of course, make big noise about this on our web site as well.

All of our current contributors are aware of this already and have  
agreed to the license change.  The people who are no longer a part of  
the community would not notice it on the Apache website, nor on the  
JSPWiki web site - they are no longer using the software anyway.

And, as I said, we have already tracked down everyone (save one, and  
I know his boss personally ;-) and received permission to do this.  I  
don't know whether all of them need to sign a CLA though...

We are tracking the progress here:


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2007-09-06 Thread Janne Jalkanen

Well, let me put it this way: it would be kinda dumb to run our
public wiki site on another wiki engine. ;-)

Dumb? So we must already be dumb, then, to be running other things  
like JVMs

that don't come from the ASF, rather than our own.

Nonono, what I meant was that it would be odd to have  
running on Confluence or Moin Moin - it would look like we are not  
eating our own dog food.

It's not at all clear from that list that those are wikis and not just
regular web sites. Does JSPWiki have an auto-export capability, like
Confluence does, so that pages can be offloaded to static  
resources, instead

of hitting the wiki all the time?

All of the resources listed are wikis (except, obviously, the mailing  
list.  Even the blog is a wiki, though it is not open to the general  
public to edit).  There is an external tool which allows a full or  
subset of files to be turned into static HTML resources, if  
necessary, but we do not currently provide one ourselves.

You'll need a dedicated team of people, not just one person, that is
committed to doing this on an ongoing basis.

Very true.  Being a hobby project has allowed us to be somewhat  
lenient towards things like web site availability (though having said  
that, we have two maintainers in two timezones, and in general our  
downtimes happen only when we upgrade something).  This is one of the  
questions highlighted in our proposal, and help from the ASF is  
needed towards resolving these - I can't tell you how to run your  
services :-)


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2007-09-06 Thread Janne Jalkanen

On 6 Sep 2007, at 17:20, Gwyn Evans wrote:

While agreeing that it's something that needs looking at closely, I'm
not I'm not sure it's downbeat as I think you're suggesting. The
3rd-party licencing policy at
redirects to the draft at,
but that suggests that, especially for use in binary form, licences
such as CDDL or CPL aren't necessarily incompatible...

That is exactly where the category B is coming from.  Do we need to  
wait until ASF gets the 3rd party license policy completed?

Please note that it would be *impossible* for us to work without some  
of the category B libraries, such as the JUnit testing library.
Also, things like JavaMail libraries are highly useful for our user  
experience (e.g. sending email in case the user forgets his  
password).  If there is an Apache-compatible implementation  
available, then fine.

There are some custom licenses out there where we would need help  
from ASF's lawyers to check whether the licenses are really ok.   
Having to reimplement e.g. a permissive HTML-parser or a caching  
library would be a real PITA.


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2007-09-06 Thread Janne Jalkanen

Is there a roadmap for when JSPWiki will have all of the features and
functionality of both Confluence and MoinMoin, including the  
macros we use, and the migration tools so that we can move all the  
data from these existing wikis to JSPWiki? Without that, I don't  
see us
replacing our existing wikis with JSPWiki, and I'm absolutely not  
in favour

of adding a third wiki flavour to our infrastructure.

Is this the real reason JSPWiki wants to come to the ASF? To be the  

that the ASF runs on?

Well, frankly, I don't really care what other projects are  
running :-).  It's up to each project to choose the kind of  
infrastructure they choose.  And I certainly see the point of not  
complicating the infrastructure.

But, over time, migration tools will certainly emerge.  We have so  
far not really been working on such things, as it hasn't really been  
a priority.  Whether then the decision is made by ASF to adopt  
JSPWiki as an official tool is pretty much out of my hands.  I would  
certainly like to see it happen, and can offer help, but I'm not  
exactly holding my breath.  It's certainly not a driving factor in  
this whole transition.  The way I see it, it's a decision that ASF  
will do based on ASF's own needs :-)


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2007-09-05 Thread Janne Jalkanen

I believe Janne has already looked into this and has a good list of
all former contributors. Janne, can you comment on the difficulty of
this challenge?

Already ahead of you.  We have all but one tracked down and all have  
already agreed.  The question is whether they need to sign CLAs or  
whether it is just enough that they verbally in an email agree to the  
license change.

I have discounted people who have just sent simple patches, since in  
my admittedly non-legal opinion, simple patches do not cross the  
boundary of an original work, and therefore cannot be claimed to be  


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2007-08-30 Thread Janne Jalkanen
This is interesting. Have you seen, that we are currently voting on  

Jackrabbit list to enter Sling into the incubator. You may find more
information at [1].

Yes, actually I did.   I think it is something we can consider  
later.  JSPWiki needs to do quite a lot of things internally than  
just render content, so it is yet unclear how that could possibly be  
applied and whether it would fit our needs.  I mean - at the moment  
we don't really need Sling for anything, because we already have  
everything in place, and we don't have any pressing needs to change it.

But I'm certainly keeping my eyes open on that one. :-)


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