Re: Clerezza, Stanbol, Jena, Semantic Commons, WDYT?

2010-11-11 Thread Andy Seaborne

On 10/11/10 23:28, Jeremy Carroll wrote:

- The core API for (mutable) graphs in:,%20org.apache.clerezza.rdf.core.UriRef,%20org.apache.clerezza.rdf.core.Resource)

IteratorTriple filter(NonLiteral subject, UriRef predicate, Resource


ExtendedIteratorTriple find(Node s, Node p, Node o)

seems to be the fundamental choice.

The latter was the choice Chris Dollin and I made in 2002/2003 and I
still find it preferable, for program uniformity, to the closer to the
spec choice in Clerezza.
We were writing the spec at the same time, and I always saw it as a
description of a Web exchange format, and not of a programming interface
(for instance implementing RDF Semantics Rec is hard with the Clerezza

Isn't the model interface operation a more appropriate comparision 
because that is what the application sees?

StmtIterator listStatements(Resource s, Property p, RDFNode o)

Graph.find is the SPI interface to storage. The Graph level has named 
variables, not just RDF terms.  SPARQL uses this, heavily.

In SPARQL, literals can occur in any position during query processing. 
Patterns involving literals as subjects, or as predicates, just simply 
don't match the data (section 12.3.1).

Once upon a time, when we were going Jena1-Jena2, the idea was that the 
application API was just one presentation.  There could be other RDF 
APIs over the SPI.  There's not been a second RDF presentation API but 
the design concept was there and still is.  All the interfaces in the 
API are mainly implemented only once, and I'm not aware of any users 
which use the extensibility within the Resource API anymore 
(Parliament/BBN used to - I think they now use an associated 
datastructure to map to internal information for any API 
resources/literals from their storage).  The Resource-level API 
implementation could be simplified if theer is only one implementation 
of that presentation.  There is generality in Jena that we thought was a 
good idea at the time but looking at way the world has gone since, not 
all of it is used or useful nowadays.  Better use of factory/interface 
at the SPI would be more helpful. The experimental Jena3 core also has 
extension nodes and graph nodes with an eye to future possible needs 
from the standards world.

I am not quite sure what that means in terms of this discussion which is
more procedural than technical.

Same here.

Advice on an appropriate discussion forum welcome - while we're in a 
state of exploring the relationships of projects, I'm guessing that here 
is the only common place there is.


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Re: Clerezza, Stanbol, Jena, Semantic Commons, WDYT?

2010-11-11 Thread Bertrand Delacretaz

On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 11:21 AM, Andy Seaborne wrote:
 ...Advice on an appropriate discussion forum welcome - while we're in a state
 of exploring the relationships of projects, I'm guessing that here is the
 only common place there is...

Best might be to move this discussion to the clerezza dev list for now?

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several Stanbol developers are subscribed AFAIK.


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Re: Clerezza, Stanbol, Jena, Semantic Commons, WDYT?

2010-11-10 Thread Jeremy Carroll

- The core API for (mutable) graphs in:,%20org.apache.clerezza.rdf.core.UriRef,%20org.apache.clerezza.rdf.core.Resource)

IteratorTriple filter(NonLiteral subject, UriRef predicate, 
Resource object)


ExtendedIteratorTriple find(Node s, Node p, Node o)

seems to be the fundamental choice.

The latter was the choice Chris Dollin and I made in 2002/2003 and I 
still find it preferable, for program uniformity, to the closer to the 
spec choice in Clerezza.
We were writing the spec at the same time, and I always saw it as a 
description of a Web exchange format, and not of a programming interface 
(for instance implementing RDF Semantics Rec is  hard with the Clerezza 

I am not quite sure what that means in terms of this discussion which is 
more procedural than technical.
Like in all things people make different choices and have different 
preferences, and a decision to all use the same libraries would be a 
restriction in design freedom, on such issues, which might be good, or 
might be bad.



- graph isomorphism code

what are the goals of the Clerezza isomorphism code? The Jena code is 
essentially scoped to testing, so that I checked that small pathological 
cases were OK, and larger non-pathological cases, but it is not meant to 
have production level performance, particular on graphs for which 
something like nauty would be more appropriate.


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Re: Clerezza, Stanbol, Jena, Semantic Commons, WDYT?

2010-11-09 Thread Paolo Castagna

Olivier Grisel wrote:

On 8 November 2010 15:54, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:


I'm following up on discussions here regarding relationships between
the incubating Clerezza podling and incoming Stanbol and Jena podlings
(see proposals at

Do people agree with the following structure?

1. Clerezza, Stanbol and Jena are independent podlings, each aiming
for top-level status

There is a depedency relationship:

- Stanbol is a of application level HTTP services and set of OSGi
components that use:
- Clerezza as an OSGi service provider which in turn is using:
- Jena as a lib for parsing and serializing RDF models and as a SPARQL
enabled triple store.

These are, at the moment, the Jena classes used by some of the
Clerezza modules:


Reto Bachmann-Gmür wrote (on jena-devel):
 In Clerezza Jena is used in the implementation of some modules:
 - Jena Based Serializers and Parsers
 - Jena Sparql
 - Jena TDB Based storage
 - Implementation of the Jena API on top of Clerezza Graphs (jena.facade)

 Apart for the last one the modules are independent of Jena in terms of
 the API they expose. Clerezza can be used without any of these modules
 but if one of these are used Clerezza needs Bundles for the whole of
 Jena, it would be nice if the various modules could depend only on the
 parts of Jena that are actually needed by them.


The dependency between Clerezza and Jena is optional as many OSGi
services in Clerezza can also work with sesame as an alternative RDF
lib and triple store.

2. A Semantic Commons area is created for common code between these
(and other) projects. Details to be discussed, this does probably not
warrant a separate Apache project, but might be managed by Clerezza,
as they were here first.

Ok on the principle but I would suggest not to create this as long we
don't have any code that does not belong to one of the three previous
projects. Developers of the upstream project should try to take care
an not reinvent the wheel and try to move new features and bugfix to
upstream if they naturally belong there.

3. It is expected that those projects will have a number of committers
in common, as there are many collaboration possibilities.


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Re: Clerezza, Stanbol, Jena, Semantic Commons, WDYT?

2010-11-09 Thread Reto Bachmann-Gmuer
Hi Jeremy

One of Clerezza aims was to use an RDF api that is maximally close to RDF
abstract syntax and semantics, on this RDF core api we have different
façades and utilities as well as a frontend adapter implementing the jena
API. Related standards like SPARQL and the various serialization formats are
supported as well, respective engines can be added at runtime (when running
in a OSGI container). We decided to design our own API as we found the
various API available (jena, openrdf, rdf2go) would neither be as modular
nor as close to the spec as we wanted them to be. The API comes with the
typical utilities like a command line tool and a maven plugin for the
transformation of vocabularies into classes

Apart from core part tightly coupled to RDF and related specs Clerezza also
provides a framework for implementing rest applications (JAX-RS). The
encourages design pattern is that requests are answered in terms of RDF
(i.e. a graph and typically a selected resource within this graph), clerezza
takes care about content-negotiation and for RDF formats the serializer
registered for that media type is used. For non RDF formats a template
(typically a Scala Server Pages) is selected and takes care of the

I described this parts of Clerezza because they seem to be quite close to
what you suggest for commons. As it is hard to share utilities without
having shared APIs for the core stuff our code deals with I think some
efforts in this area could have the greatest benefit.

If you have some time, I would like to encourage feedback on the respective
APIs as currently used in Clerezza

- The core API for (mutable) graphs in:
- Utilities (including resource-centric API):

These two layers are similar to the Graph/Model separation in Jena.


On Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 7:32 PM, Jeremy Carroll jer...@topquadrant.comwrote:

 To make the commons discussion more concrete I would suggest the following
  items for the commons:

 - an IRI library
 - some code to do with vocabularies.
 - connecting to a URL and doing semweb aware content negotiation (this is
 typically done badly)

 (Actually the IRI code should probably be wider, Jena initially used the
 xerces URI code but then the needs exceeded what they supported)


 On 11/8/2010 7:22 AM, Ian Dickinson wrote:

 On 08/11/10 15:09, Mattmann, Chris A (388J) wrote:

 Wow! Jena is proposing to come to Apache??!

 Yep, the proposal has been under discussion for some time within the
 project, and Ross is now taking the lead in bringing it publicly into
 the incubator process.

 Bertrand wrote:

 1. Clerezza, Stanbol and Jena are independent podlings, each aiming
 for top-level status

 2. A Semantic Commons area is created for common code between these
 (and other) projects. Details to be discussed, this does probably not
 warrant a separate Apache project, but might be managed by Clerezza,
 as they were here first.

 3. It is expected that those projects will have a number of committers
 in common, as there are many collaboration possibilities.

 As an Apache newbie it's hard to comment definitively, but it's not
 clear to me what the common needs of the projects might be, and how
 dependencies would handled. Are there examples of existing commons
 areas between Apache projects, other than basic application-library


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Re: Clerezza, Stanbol, Jena, Semantic Commons, WDYT?

2010-11-09 Thread Andy Seaborne
I haven't understood yet the relationship of Stanbol and Clerezza to be 
able to say anything about how a commons area between those two systems 
might work.  In terms of direct dependencies, does Stanbol just directly 
depend on Clerezza and only indirectly on Sesame, Jena rdf2go and the 
OWLAPI that the proposal lists?

Jena has two levels of API, the Model/Statement/Resource that 
applications usually use, and the SPI Graph/Triple/Node thathe the 
storage and inference layers plug into.  Roughly, speaking, the API 
faces upwards to applications and the SPI downwards to components. 
There is also the same design for the support for RDF datasets for 
SPARQL.  SPARQL, especially SPARQL Update, works on quads for named graphs.

There are significant investments by users in uses of both API and SPI 
and the cost of change for users isn't trivial.  Worse, the SPI is used 
by systems that are distributed on making any change over messy. There 
needs to be a real advantage to change.

Speaking personally, I'm not strongly motivated by a common API; I don't 
think it helps the semantic web enough compared with other things I 
could work on.  If others are working on one, I'll do what I can to make 
my contributions work as smoothly as possible with that through 
discussing what hooks and flexibility I can contribute to Jena to make 
it work smoothly with other systems.

I'm not particularly worried about there being several APIs since that's 
the state we're in and I don't see it changing particularly quickly 
because there are large investments in deployed systems that exists.  As 
some of these systems themselves are distributed onwards, chnage woudl 
be slow.

Most of my contribution is storage and query which works at the lower 
level anyway, so it has less effect on me but the SPARQL related parts 
of the public APIs are mostly my fault. I am currently working on a 
SPARQL 1.1 compliant server - the on-the-wire standardization is more 
important.  Working on storage and query does result in a slight 
obsession with efficiency - storage and query need to be tightly coupled 
for performance.

Jeremy identified the IRI library as a potential contribution to a 
commons area.  It is free-standing, and does not use or call any Jena 
RDF code - it depends only on ICU4J (and JUnit + Jflex in the build).

The client-side content negotiation code in Jena could do with an 
upgrade so if there is system-independent code that can be reused for 
the systems here and more widely, that would be great.  I would use it 
as I need to provide code-level access to for client SPARQL 1.1 access.

If nothing else, shared knowledge and expertise would move things along 
faster, and even if functionality needs tying to specific systems, 
having all the projects in Apache greatly helps community.


PS Reto - GVS [*] isn't on the list of thing to contribute to Apache as 
we're focusing on the core system that is used and we support.  But that 
does not preclude including GVS either now or later.  It is covered by 
our agreement-in-principle with HP.  Do you want to do that?

[*] Reto wrote a graph versioning system for Jena several years ago.

On 08/11/10 21:39, Reto Bachmann-Gmuer wrote:

Hi Jeremy

One of Clerezza aims was to use an RDF api that is maximally close to RDF
abstract syntax and semantics, on this RDF core api we have different
façades and utilities as well as a frontend adapter implementing the jena
API. Related standards like SPARQL and the various serialization formats are
supported as well, respective engines can be added at runtime (when running
in a OSGI container). We decided to design our own API as we found the
various API available (jena, openrdf, rdf2go) would neither be as modular
nor as close to the spec as we wanted them to be. The API comes with the
typical utilities like a command line tool and a maven plugin for the
transformation of vocabularies into classes

Apart from core part tightly coupled to RDF and related specs Clerezza also
provides a framework for implementing rest applications (JAX-RS). The
encourages design pattern is that requests are answered in terms of RDF
(i.e. a graph and typically a selected resource within this graph), clerezza
takes care about content-negotiation and for RDF formats the serializer
registered for that media type is used. For non RDF formats a template
(typically a Scala Server Pages) is selected and takes care of the

I described this parts of Clerezza because they seem to be quite close to
what you suggest for commons. As it is hard to share utilities without
having shared APIs for the core stuff our code deals with I think some
efforts in this area could have the greatest benefit.

If you have some time, I would like to encourage feedback on the respective
APIs as currently used in Clerezza

- The core API for (mutable) graphs in:

Re: Clerezza, Stanbol, Jena, Semantic Commons, WDYT?

2010-11-09 Thread Florent Guillaume
On Tue, Nov 9, 2010 at 1:19 PM, Andy Seaborne wrote:
 Jeremy identified the IRI library as a potential contribution to a commons
 area.  It is free-standing, and does not use or call any Jena RDF code - it
 depends only on ICU4J (and JUnit + Jflex in the build).

Please note that Abdera already has an IRI library.


Florent Guillaume, Director of RD, Nuxeo
Open Source, Java EE based, Enterprise Content Management (ECM)   +33 1 40 33 79 87

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Re: Clerezza, Stanbol, Jena, Semantic Commons, WDYT?

2010-11-09 Thread Andy Seaborne

On 09/11/10 16:22, Florent Guillaume wrote:

On Tue, Nov 9, 2010 at 1:19 PM, Andy Seaborne  wrote:

Jeremy identified the IRI library as a potential contribution to a commons
area.  It is free-standing, and does not use or call any Jena RDF code - it
depends only on ICU4J (and JUnit + Jflex in the build).

Please note that Abdera already has an IRI library.


Thanks for pointing that out.  I see it has a test suite as well and it 
would be good to make sure we've got things right.

Illegal IRIs in data have been a bit of a plague in RDF data and the IRI 
library (written by Jeremy) is a response to that.  It checks both rules 
for specific IRI schemes and also recommended forms as IRIs are often 
com pared for equality.  The library is quite picky.  It includes 
profiles for RDF URI references, IRI and the compromise we use in Jena 
as a balance of legacy and spec exactness.

There is an online test service for RDF data in non-RDF/XML formats at:

The IRIs are checked with the IRI library.


A few examples:

http://example/a b

Code: 17/WHITESPACE in PATH: A single whitespace character. These match 
no grammar rules of URIs/IRIs. These characters are permitted in RDF URI 
References, XML system identifiers, and XML Schema anyURIs.


Code: 0/ILLEGAL_CHARACTER in PATH: The character violates the grammar 
rules for URIs/IRIs.


Code: 13/DEFAULT_PORT_SHOULD_BE_OMITTED in PORT: If the port is the 
default one for the scheme it should be omitted.
http://example:80/ Code: 14/PORT_SHOULD_NOT_BE_WELL_KNOWN in PORT: 
Ports under 1024 should be accessed using the appropriate scheme name


Code: 61/SCHEME_PATTERN_MATCH_FAILED in PATH: The scheme specific syntax 
rules are violated.

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Re: Clerezza, Stanbol, Jena, Semantic Commons, WDYT?

2010-11-09 Thread Jeremy Carroll

On 11/9/2010 8:22 AM, Florent Guillaume wrote:

On Tue, Nov 9, 2010 at 1:19 PM, Andy Seaborne  wrote:

Jeremy identified the IRI library as a potential contribution to a commons
area.  It is free-standing, and does not use or call any Jena RDF code - it
depends only on ICU4J (and JUnit + Jflex in the build).

Please note that Abdera already has an IRI library.


I'll take a look, it may take a little time.


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Re: Clerezza, Stanbol, Jena, Semantic Commons, WDYT?

2010-11-09 Thread Jeremy Carroll
I could be accused of having gone overboard ... each of the slightly 
different specs as an explicit representation in the code ...
Having changed job and looking at this from a different perspective I am 
less convinced by the pickiness.
There is a largely unrealized goal in the IRI code to link errors right 
back to the specs so that the error messages quote chapter and verse.


On 11/9/2010 8:52 AM, Andy Seaborne wrote:

On 09/11/10 16:22, Florent Guillaume wrote:

On Tue, Nov 9, 2010 at 1:19 PM, Andy Seaborne  wrote:
Jeremy identified the IRI library as a potential contribution to a 
area.  It is free-standing, and does not use or call any Jena RDF 
code - it

depends only on ICU4J (and JUnit + Jflex in the build).

Please note that Abdera already has an IRI library. 


Thanks for pointing that out.  I see it has a test suite as well and 
it would be good to make sure we've got things right.

Illegal IRIs in data have been a bit of a plague in RDF data and the 
IRI library (written by Jeremy) is a response to that.  It checks both 
rules for specific IRI schemes and also recommended forms as IRIs are 
often com pared for equality.  The library is quite picky.  It 
includes profiles for RDF URI references, IRI and the compromise we 
use in Jena as a balance of legacy and spec exactness.

There is an online test service for RDF data in non-RDF/XML formats at:

The IRIs are checked with the IRI library.


A few examples:

http://example/a b

Code: 17/WHITESPACE in PATH: A single whitespace character. These 
match no grammar rules of URIs/IRIs. These characters are permitted in 
RDF URI References, XML system identifiers, and XML Schema anyURIs.


Code: 0/ILLEGAL_CHARACTER in PATH: The character violates the grammar 
rules for URIs/IRIs.


Code: 13/DEFAULT_PORT_SHOULD_BE_OMITTED in PORT: If the port is the 
default one for the scheme it should be omitted.
http://example:80/ Code: 14/PORT_SHOULD_NOT_BE_WELL_KNOWN in PORT: 
Ports under 1024 should be accessed using the appropriate scheme name


Code: 61/SCHEME_PATTERN_MATCH_FAILED in PATH: The scheme specific 
syntax rules are violated.

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Re: Clerezza, Stanbol, Jena, Semantic Commons, WDYT?

2010-11-09 Thread Andy Seaborne

On 09/11/10 16:59, Jeremy Carroll wrote:

I could be accused of having gone overboard ...

yes ... :-)

Having changed job and looking at this from a different perspective I am
less convinced by the pickiness.

At least leave the picky mode there, please.  It's been very helpful in 
working with data generated by one organisation and used by another. 
Script generated IRIs have been

Once dubious data gets into a database, it's troublesome to get it out. 
Having the data storage only cover the required spec common ground is 

TDB uses the IRI profile (not RDF URI references) as strict as possible 
except that these two warnings are switched off:

  that is {, }, |, \, ^, `
  It's the | that I found used in generated IRIs.

Whitespace is handled separately.
  are syntax errors.

  because people invent schemes for data.

I did find the most strict mode a bit too strict :-)


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Re: Clerezza, Stanbol, Jena, Semantic Commons, WDYT?

2010-11-09 Thread Bertrand Delacretaz
On Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 3:54 PM, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
 ...I'm following up on discussions here regarding relationships between
 the incubating Clerezza podling and incoming Stanbol and Jena podlings...

Thanks everybody for your replies, I think they show that the proposed
semantic commons might make sense, but we shouldn't rush things until
there's actually something to put in there.


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Re: Clerezza, Stanbol, Jena, Semantic Commons, WDYT?

2010-11-09 Thread Tommaso Teofili
2010/11/8 Reto Bachmann-Gmuer

 I described this parts of Clerezza because they seem to be quite close to
 what you suggest for commons. As it is hard to share utilities without
 having shared APIs for the core stuff our code deals with I think some
 efforts in this area could have the greatest benefit.


Also in Clerezza there are some ontologies [1] defined which would be good
to share in a semantic repository for ontologies. I think especially
Clerezza and Stanbol would benefit from such a common repo. This, in my
opinion, would fit well into semantic commons.


[1] :

Clerezza, Stanbol, Jena, Semantic Commons, WDYT?

2010-11-08 Thread Bertrand Delacretaz

I'm following up on discussions here regarding relationships between
the incubating Clerezza podling and incoming Stanbol and Jena podlings
(see proposals at

Do people agree with the following structure?

1. Clerezza, Stanbol and Jena are independent podlings, each aiming
for top-level status

2. A Semantic Commons area is created for common code between these
(and other) projects. Details to be discussed, this does probably not
warrant a separate Apache project, but might be managed by Clerezza,
as they were here first.

3. It is expected that those projects will have a number of committers
in common, as there are many collaboration possibilities.



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Re: Clerezza, Stanbol, Jena, Semantic Commons, WDYT?

2010-11-08 Thread Ross Gardler
As champion for Jena I agree in principle. I can't speak for the Jena team if 
course, but representatives are tracking this list and have started discussing 
in their project list. 

I will be making the formal Jena proposal here very soon (just as soon as I'm 
not limited to the iPhone) - its in the wiki if people want a preview. 


Sent from my mobile device.

On 8 Nov 2010, at 14:54, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:

 I'm following up on discussions here regarding relationships between
 the incubating Clerezza podling and incoming Stanbol and Jena podlings
 (see proposals at
 Do people agree with the following structure?
 1. Clerezza, Stanbol and Jena are independent podlings, each aiming
 for top-level status
 2. A Semantic Commons area is created for common code between these
 (and other) projects. Details to be discussed, this does probably not
 warrant a separate Apache project, but might be managed by Clerezza,
 as they were here first.
 3. It is expected that those projects will have a number of committers
 in common, as there are many collaboration possibilities.
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Re: Clerezza, Stanbol, Jena, Semantic Commons, WDYT?

2010-11-08 Thread Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Wow! Jena is proposing to come to Apache??! Sweet! We've used it in OODT since 
2003...looking forward to it!


On 11/8/10 7:04 AM, Ross Gardler wrote:

As champion for Jena I agree in principle. I can't speak for the Jena team if 
course, but representatives are tracking this list and have started discussing 
in their project list.

I will be making the formal Jena proposal here very soon (just as soon as I'm 
not limited to the iPhone) - its in the wiki if people want a preview.


Sent from my mobile device.

On 8 Nov 2010, at 14:54, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:


 I'm following up on discussions here regarding relationships between
 the incubating Clerezza podling and incoming Stanbol and Jena podlings
 (see proposals at

 Do people agree with the following structure?

 1. Clerezza, Stanbol and Jena are independent podlings, each aiming
 for top-level status

 2. A Semantic Commons area is created for common code between these
 (and other) projects. Details to be discussed, this does probably not
 warrant a separate Apache project, but might be managed by Clerezza,
 as they were here first.

 3. It is expected that those projects will have a number of committers
 in common, as there are many collaboration possibilities.



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Chris Mattmann, Ph.D.
Senior Computer Scientist
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, CA 91109 USA
Office: 171-266B, Mailstop: 171-246
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Computer Science Department
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 USA

Re: Clerezza, Stanbol, Jena, Semantic Commons, WDYT?

2010-11-08 Thread Olivier Grisel
On 8 November 2010 15:54, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:

 I'm following up on discussions here regarding relationships between
 the incubating Clerezza podling and incoming Stanbol and Jena podlings
 (see proposals at

 Do people agree with the following structure?

 1. Clerezza, Stanbol and Jena are independent podlings, each aiming
 for top-level status

There is a depedency relationship:

- Stanbol is a of application level HTTP services and set of OSGi
components that use:
- Clerezza as an OSGi service provider which in turn is using:
- Jena as a lib for parsing and serializing RDF models and as a SPARQL
enabled triple store.

The dependency between Clerezza and Jena is optional as many OSGi
services in Clerezza can also work with sesame as an alternative RDF
lib and triple store.

 2. A Semantic Commons area is created for common code between these
 (and other) projects. Details to be discussed, this does probably not
 warrant a separate Apache project, but might be managed by Clerezza,
 as they were here first.

Ok on the principle but I would suggest not to create this as long we
don't have any code that does not belong to one of the three previous
projects. Developers of the upstream project should try to take care
an not reinvent the wheel and try to move new features and bugfix to
upstream if they naturally belong there.

 3. It is expected that those projects will have a number of committers
 in common, as there are many collaboration possibilities.



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Re: Clerezza, Stanbol, Jena, Semantic Commons, WDYT?

2010-11-08 Thread Bertrand Delacretaz
On Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 4:14 PM, Olivier Grisel wrote:
 On 8 November 2010 15:54, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
... 1. Clerezza, Stanbol and Jena are independent podlings, each aiming
 for top-level status

 There is a depedency relationship:...

Agreed - I meant independent communities, code dependencies are expected.


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Re: Clerezza, Stanbol, Jena, Semantic Commons, WDYT?

2010-11-08 Thread Chris Mattmann
Correction: actually not sure about 2003 but seems like we been using it for 
that long!

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-Original Message-
From: Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2010 07:09:13 
Subject: Re: Clerezza, Stanbol, Jena, Semantic Commons, WDYT?

Wow! Jena is proposing to come to Apache??! Sweet! We've used it in OODT since 
2003...looking forward to it!


On 11/8/10 7:04 AM, Ross Gardler wrote:

As champion for Jena I agree in principle. I can't speak for the Jena team if 
course, but representatives are tracking this list and have started discussing 
in their project list.

I will be making the formal Jena proposal here very soon (just as soon as I'm 
not limited to the iPhone) - its in the wiki if people want a preview.


Sent from my mobile device.

On 8 Nov 2010, at 14:54, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:


 I'm following up on discussions here regarding relationships between
 the incubating Clerezza podling and incoming Stanbol and Jena podlings
 (see proposals at

 Do people agree with the following structure?

 1. Clerezza, Stanbol and Jena are independent podlings, each aiming
 for top-level status

 2. A Semantic Commons area is created for common code between these
 (and other) projects. Details to be discussed, this does probably not
 warrant a separate Apache project, but might be managed by Clerezza,
 as they were here first.

 3. It is expected that those projects will have a number of committers
 in common, as there are many collaboration possibilities.



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Chris Mattmann, Ph.D.
Senior Computer Scientist
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, CA 91109 USA
Office: 171-266B, Mailstop: 171-246
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Computer Science Department
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 USA

Re: Clerezza, Stanbol, Jena, Semantic Commons, WDYT?

2010-11-08 Thread Ian Dickinson
On 08/11/10 15:09, Mattmann, Chris A (388J) wrote:
 Wow! Jena is proposing to come to Apache??! 
Yep, the proposal has been under discussion for some time within the
project, and Ross is now taking the lead in bringing it publicly into
the incubator process.

Bertrand wrote:
 1. Clerezza, Stanbol and Jena are independent podlings, each aiming
 for top-level status

 2. A Semantic Commons area is created for common code between these
 (and other) projects. Details to be discussed, this does probably not
 warrant a separate Apache project, but might be managed by Clerezza,
 as they were here first.

 3. It is expected that those projects will have a number of committers
 in common, as there are many collaboration possibilities.
As an Apache newbie it's hard to comment definitively, but it's not
clear to me what the common needs of the projects might be, and how
dependencies would handled. Are there examples of existing commons
areas between Apache projects, other than basic application-library



Ian Dickinson   Epimorphics Ltd, Bristol, UK
cell: +44-7786-850536  landline: +44-1275-399069

Epimorphics Ltd.  is a limited company registered in England
(no. 7016688). Registered address: Court Lodge, 105 High St,
  Portishead, Bristol BS20 6PT, UK

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Re: Clerezza, Stanbol, Jena, Semantic Commons, WDYT?

2010-11-08 Thread Bertrand Delacretaz
Hi Ian,

On Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 4:22 PM, Ian Dickinson wrote:
 ...Bertrand wrote:
 2. A Semantic Commons area is created for common code between these
 (and other) projects. Details to be discussed, this does probably not
 warrant a separate Apache project, but might be managed by Clerezza,
 as they were here first

 As an Apache newbie it's hard to comment definitively, but it's not
 clear to me what the common needs of the projects might be, and how
 dependencies would handled. Are there examples of existing commons
 areas between Apache projects, other than basic application-library

The best example is of course - my idea is that
utilities and libraries that might be useful for several of those new
semantic projects should be shared whenever possible, to avoid
duplication of efforts.

As Olivier notes, it's best to create such a commons area only when we
really need it, there's no need to define things precisely right now.


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Re: Clerezza, Stanbol, Jena, Semantic Commons, WDYT?

2010-11-08 Thread Donald Whytock
Perhaps would be a better example?  Should there be a

On Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 11:51 AM, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
 Hi Ian,

 On Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 4:22 PM, Ian Dickinson wrote:
 ...Bertrand wrote:
 2. A Semantic Commons area is created for common code between these
 (and other) projects. Details to be discussed, this does probably not
 warrant a separate Apache project, but might be managed by Clerezza,
 as they were here first

 As an Apache newbie it's hard to comment definitively, but it's not
 clear to me what the common needs of the projects might be, and how
 dependencies would handled. Are there examples of existing commons
 areas between Apache projects, other than basic application-library

 The best example is of course - my idea is that
 utilities and libraries that might be useful for several of those new
 semantic projects should be shared whenever possible, to avoid
 duplication of efforts.

 As Olivier notes, it's best to create such a commons area only when we
 really need it, there's no need to define things precisely right now.


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Re: Clerezza, Stanbol, Jena, Semantic Commons, WDYT?

2010-11-08 Thread Ian Dickinson
Hi Donald,

On 08/11/10 17:01, Donald Whytock wrote:
 Perhaps would be a better example?  Should there be a
I looked around in and I couldn't see anything that said
what the goals of that project are, separate from the goals of the
individual sub-projects. Where should I be looking?

As others have noted, the three semantic web-related projects currently
being proposed have rather different objectives and provide different
capabilities. I personally don't object in principle to factoring out
common code or needs where that's useful, but +1 to Olivier: let's wait
until a clear requirement is identified.



Ian Dickinson   Epimorphics Ltd, Bristol, UK
cell: +44-7786-850536  landline: +44-1275-399069

Epimorphics Ltd.  is a limited company registered in England
(no. 7016688). Registered address: Court Lodge, 105 High St,
  Portishead, Bristol BS20 6PT, UK

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Re: Clerezza, Stanbol, Jena, Semantic Commons, WDYT?

2010-11-08 Thread Ross Gardler
For me this proposal means we should be aware of possibilities. There is no 
intention of forcing collaboration on incubating projects. Each project should 
continue to work on it's own graduation. 

However there will probably be code that fan be shared. The sharif of 
appropriate code can only serve to strengthen each of the communities. The key 
word being appropriate

Sent from my mobile device.

On 8 Nov 2010, at 17:30, Ian Dickinson wrote:

 Hi Donald,
 On 08/11/10 17:01, Donald Whytock wrote:
 Perhaps would be a better example?  Should there be a
 I looked around in and I couldn't see anything that said
 what the goals of that project are, separate from the goals of the
 individual sub-projects. Where should I be looking?
 As others have noted, the three semantic web-related projects currently
 being proposed have rather different objectives and provide different
 capabilities. I personally don't object in principle to factoring out
 common code or needs where that's useful, but +1 to Olivier: let's wait
 until a clear requirement is identified.
 Ian Dickinson   Epimorphics Ltd, Bristol, UK
 cell: +44-7786-850536  landline: +44-1275-399069
 Epimorphics Ltd.  is a limited company registered in England
 (no. 7016688). Registered address: Court Lodge, 105 High St,
  Portishead, Bristol BS20 6PT, UK
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Re: Clerezza, Stanbol, Jena, Semantic Commons, WDYT?

2010-11-08 Thread Benson Margulies
I sense an iPhone at work here.

Would that be Omar Sharif?

On Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 1:04 PM, Ross Gardler wrote:
 For me this proposal means we should be aware of possibilities. There is no 
 intention of forcing collaboration on incubating projects. Each project 
 should continue to work on it's own graduation.

 However there will probably be code that fan be shared. The sharif of 
 appropriate code can only serve to strengthen each of the communities. The 
 key word being appropriate

 Sent from my mobile device.

 On 8 Nov 2010, at 17:30, Ian Dickinson wrote:

 Hi Donald,

 On 08/11/10 17:01, Donald Whytock wrote:
 Perhaps would be a better example?  Should there be a
 I looked around in and I couldn't see anything that said
 what the goals of that project are, separate from the goals of the
 individual sub-projects. Where should I be looking?

 As others have noted, the three semantic web-related projects currently
 being proposed have rather different objectives and provide different
 capabilities. I personally don't object in principle to factoring out
 common code or needs where that's useful, but +1 to Olivier: let's wait
 until a clear requirement is identified.


 Ian Dickinson                   Epimorphics Ltd, Bristol, UK
 cell: +44-7786-850536              landline: +44-1275-399069
 Epimorphics Ltd.  is a limited company registered in England
 (no. 7016688). Registered address: Court Lodge, 105 High St,
              Portishead, Bristol BS20 6PT, UK

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Re: Clerezza, Stanbol, Jena, Semantic Commons, WDYT?

2010-11-08 Thread Jeremy Carroll
To make the commons discussion more concrete I would suggest the 
following  items for the commons:

- an IRI library
- some code to do with vocabularies.
- connecting to a URL and doing semweb aware content negotiation (this 
is typically done badly)

(Actually the IRI code should probably be wider, Jena initially used the 
xerces URI code but then the needs exceeded what they supported)


On 11/8/2010 7:22 AM, Ian Dickinson wrote:

On 08/11/10 15:09, Mattmann, Chris A (388J) wrote:

Wow! Jena is proposing to come to Apache??!

Yep, the proposal has been under discussion for some time within the
project, and Ross is now taking the lead in bringing it publicly into
the incubator process.

Bertrand wrote:

1. Clerezza, Stanbol and Jena are independent podlings, each aiming
for top-level status

2. A Semantic Commons area is created for common code between these
(and other) projects. Details to be discussed, this does probably not
warrant a separate Apache project, but might be managed by Clerezza,
as they were here first.

3. It is expected that those projects will have a number of committers
in common, as there are many collaboration possibilities.

As an Apache newbie it's hard to comment definitively, but it's not
clear to me what the common needs of the projects might be, and how
dependencies would handled. Are there examples of existing commons
areas between Apache projects, other than basic application-library


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Re: Clerezza, Stanbol, Jena, Semantic Commons, WDYT?

2010-11-08 Thread Jeremy Carroll

On 11/8/2010 7:14 AM, Olivier Grisel wrote:

There is a depedency relationship:

- Stanbol is a of application level HTTP services and set of OSGi
components that use:
- Clerezza as an OSGi service provider which in turn is using:
- Jena as a lib for parsing and serializing RDF models and as a SPARQL
enabled triple store.

  Developers of the upstream project should try to take care
an not reinvent the wheel and try to move new features and bugfix to
upstream if they naturally belong there.

I think all of the items I identified are currently in the Jena 
ballpark, and could safely stay there with this structure.

Possibly no need to separate them out

However we may want a vocabulary area in Jena where any dependent apache 
project can commit their specific vocabularies


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Re: Clerezza, Stanbol, Jena, Semantic Commons, WDYT?

2010-11-08 Thread Ross Gardler
Indeed this iPhone is a pain in so many ways. Even worse I seem to have become 
blind to so many of it's useful corrections. 

I suppose sharing of appropriate code makes more sense than sharif, but I 
wouldn't mind having Omar around if that can be pulled off. 

Sent from my mobile device.

On 8 Nov 2010, at 18:15, Benson Margulies wrote:

 I sense an iPhone at work here.
 Would that be Omar Sharif?
 On Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 1:04 PM, Ross Gardler wrote:
 For me this proposal means we should be aware of possibilities. There is no 
 intention of forcing collaboration on incubating projects. Each project 
 should continue to work on it's own graduation.
 However there will probably be code that fan be shared. The sharif of 
 appropriate code can only serve to strengthen each of the communities. The 
 key word being appropriate
 Sent from my mobile device.
 On 8 Nov 2010, at 17:30, Ian Dickinson wrote:
 Hi Donald,
 On 08/11/10 17:01, Donald Whytock wrote:
 Perhaps would be a better example?  Should there be a
 I looked around in and I couldn't see anything that said
 what the goals of that project are, separate from the goals of the
 individual sub-projects. Where should I be looking?
 As others have noted, the three semantic web-related projects currently
 being proposed have rather different objectives and provide different
 capabilities. I personally don't object in principle to factoring out
 common code or needs where that's useful, but +1 to Olivier: let's wait
 until a clear requirement is identified.
 Ian Dickinson   Epimorphics Ltd, Bristol, UK
 cell: +44-7786-850536  landline: +44-1275-399069
 Epimorphics Ltd.  is a limited company registered in England
 (no. 7016688). Registered address: Court Lodge, 105 High St,
  Portishead, Bristol BS20 6PT, UK
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Re: Clerezza, Stanbol, Jena, Semantic Commons, WDYT?

2010-11-08 Thread Bertrand Delacretaz
On Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 6:01 PM, Donald Whytock wrote:
 Perhaps would be a better example?  Should there be a

That's a possibility, but I would keep such a website for information
that's common to ASF semantic projects, as opposed to making it an
umbrella project. (and are such umbrella projects
that group a number of more or less closely related subprojects.

The current trend is to move away from such umbrella projects, so that
top-level projects are clearly focused and their PMCs can work towards
a clearly defined set of goals.


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Re: Clerezza, Stanbol, Jena, Semantic Commons, WDYT?

2010-11-08 Thread Andy Seaborne

On 08/11/10 18:32, Jeremy Carroll wrote:

To make the commons discussion more concrete I would suggest the
following items for the commons:

- an IRI library
- some code to do with vocabularies.
- connecting to a URL and doing semweb aware content negotiation (this
is typically done badly)

(Actually the IRI code should probably be wider, Jena initially used the
xerces URI code but then the needs exceeded what they supported)


Good idea.  The IRI code is independent of the rest of Jena and is 
valuable in it's own right.

ARP (Jena RDF/XML parser) is also independent of the Jena code structure 
and once was (is it still possible to get just ARP?).  It's just the 
final step of generation that turns the output of parsing into 
Jena-specific objects.  Might be worth splitting out if it would be useful.

The lowest level of RIOT parsing, which defines the tokens for creating 
any of the Turtle family of langauges, is not Jena dependent.  The 
actual RIOT parsers themselves are as they directly generate 
Jena-specific objects to avoid the copy overhead.  It's a performance 

[RIOT is a set of faster parsers for non-XML serializations of RDF, 
currently part of ARQ, but should migrate to Jena core when fully 
stable. - original need was parsers for formats capable of delivering to 
the TDB database at full loading speed without heavy CPU load.]

But the command line tools based on RIOT which parse or validate one 
format are reusable - they use Jena internally, but the input and output 
are completely standard.

The RDF validator Eyeball is also a useful tool in its own right.


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Re: Clerezza, Stanbol, Jena, Semantic Commons, WDYT?

2010-11-08 Thread Andy Seaborne

On 08/11/10 17:30, Ian Dickinson wrote:

Hi Donald,

On 08/11/10 17:01, Donald Whytock wrote:

Perhaps would be a better example?  Should there be a

I looked around in and I couldn't see anything that said
what the goals of that project are, separate from the goals of the
individual sub-projects. Where should I be looking?

As others have noted, the three semantic web-related projects currently
being proposed have rather different objectives and provide different
capabilities. I personally don't object in principle to factoring out
common code or needs where that's useful, but +1 to Olivier: let's wait
until a clear requirement is identified.

I agree.  I don't think that a semantic XYZ is useful if that makes 
semantic some sort of different software.  Semantic web technology is 
getting used more widely and a semantic commons or formal grouping of 
projects risks creating the idea that it's all or nothing, which isn't 
the case, hopefully.


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