problem running the clutch python script

2010-05-01 Thread Marshall Schor
I updated the incubator site for graduating UIMA just now.  As part of
that, I ran the script (on my windows machine, on the SVN
checkout of the incubator site, my version of python being reported as:

Python 2.6.2 (r262:71605, Apr 14 2009, 22:40:02) [MSC v.1500 32 bit
(Intel)] on win32

) and got this console trace, with no changes made to the incubator project.

Gather data from the ReportingSchedule ...
Gather data from the projects-in-incubation table ...
Gather data from the projects-graduated table ...
Gather details from project status files ...
WARN: Name 'Bean Validation' differs from reporting schedule name
WARN: Name 'SocialSite' differs from reporting schedule name 'Socialsite'
ERROR: subversion: Missing from reporting schedule
Gather committers data ...
Gather incubator group mail list data ...
WARN: libcloud: unusual mail list name 'libcloud', assuming it is their
dev list
Gather incubator PGP keys data ...
Gather data about releases ...
ERROR: openwebbeans: graduated project has remains on Incubator mirrors
ERROR: abdera: graduated project has remains on Incubator mirrors
ERROR: sanselan: graduated project has remains on Incubator mirrors
ERROR: pig: graduated project has remains on Incubator mirrors
ERROR: buildr: graduated project has remains on Incubator mirrors
ERROR: uima: graduated project has remains on Incubator mirrors
ERROR: shindig: graduated project has remains on Incubator mirrors
INFO: trafficserver: dormant/retired project has remains on Incubator
INFO: nmaven: dormant/retired project has remains on Incubator mirrors
ERROR: log4php: graduated project has remains on Incubator mirrors
Processing ...
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File, line 586, in module
dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(commands.getoutput(command))
  File C:\p\py\lib\xml\dom\, line 1928, in parseString
return expatbuilder.parseString(string)
  File C:\p\py\lib\xml\dom\, line 940, in parseString
return builder.parseString(string)
  File C:\p\py\lib\xml\dom\, line 223, in parseString
parser.Parse(string, True)
xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError: syntax error: line 1, column 0

I'm not a python expert - so I don't know how to fix this.  Any suggestions?

-Marshall Schor

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Re: problem running the clutch python script

2010-05-01 Thread David Crossley
Marshall Schor wrote:
 I'm not a python expert - so I don't know how to fix this.  Any suggestions?

Sorry about that. The whole thing is a rush job by me,
who is not a even a python bootlace.

There is a note at the top of ...
Note: The 'svn log' queries will only run on UNIX.

Usually i notice a change in SVN or wiki and run it.
There is not usually any urgency, so it is done occasionally.
Sometimes others run it, which is great.

Thanks for trying, and thanks for cleaunp.
All the best to UIMA.


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