----- Original Message -----
From: "Chen, Alan (GSAM)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi,
> I wonder if you have any plans to implement an Object Relational mapping
> framework.
> I am very interested to participate in such a project because I don't see
> EJB entity bean as the solution for all developments.  In fact, most
> who purchase J2EE servers most likely should be using TomCat instead
> because they are just buying a very expensive servlet engine with a jdbc
> connection pool.
> With an OR layer, we can easily turn TomCat into a scalable application
> server and developers can focus on writing business rules and logics.  We
> could follow JDO spec to start with and I really think an open source JDO
> can penetrate into the development community much quicker than Sun's
> Reference implementation.

Or you could petition Sun to open source the reference implementation of JDO
then others can contribute to it & extend it - like they've already done
with Serlvets & JSP (Tomcat) and the standard tag library (JSTL).

Remember to look out for Castor though I don't think its JDO compatible.


Then there's Torque in the Turbine project which is in a similar space,
though not JDO.



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