Babeldoc Proposal

2003-06-02 Thread McDonald, Bruce

I am the project leader for the Babeldoc project ( and have 
been tasked to see if we can join the Jakarta project.  We are currently an open 
source project (GPL) hosted on SourceForge but we have found ourselves relying more 
and more on Jakarta code.  Additionally we think that are a good fit for Jakarta since 
Babeldoc is complementary to the projects on Jakarta - Babeldoc does stuff that is not 
done by any other project in Jakarta.  

I have read the guidelines given on your subprojects page and feel that we (mostly) 
comply with all the points.  Please advise me as to the next steps.  We are prepared 
to change the license on the code.


Bruce McDonald.

PS.  This is my work email.  I can be contacted at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Products List available as of 31st May, 2003

2003-06-02 Thread Tetsuya Kitahata
(To: jakarta-general)

Thanks to some feedbacks, probably this list
is more accurate.

And I am still waiting for the reports, feedbacks
to this list.


--Jakarta Productsas of 31st May, 2003--
Jakarta BCEL5.1
Jakarta BSF 2.3.0
Jakarta Commons

BeanUtils   1.6.1
Betwixt 1.0-Alpha
CLI 1.0
Codec   1.1
Collections 2.1
Discovery   0.2-Pre-Release
EL  (Nightly Builds Only)
FileUpload  1.0-Beta1
HttpClient  2.0-Beta1
Jelly   1.0-Beta3
Jexl(Nightly Builds Only)
JXPath  1.1
Latka   1.0-Alpha
Logging 1.0.3
Modeler 1.0
Net 1.0.0
Validator   1.0.2
Jakarta ECS 1.4.1
Jakarta JMeter  1.8.1
Jakarta Log4j   1.2.8
Jakarta ORO 2.0.7 (2.0.8-dev)
Jakarta POI 1.5.1 (1.10-dev)
Jakarta Regexp  1.2 (1.3-dev)
Jakarta Taglibs 1.2 (Standard JSTL)
Jakarta Watchdog4.0.0
Jakarta Cactus  1.4.1
Jakarta Lucene  1.3-rc1
Jakarta GumpN/A
Jakarta Struts  1.1-rc1
Jakarta Tapestry2.4-alpha5 (soon 3.0-beta-1)
Jakarta Turbine 2.2.0 (2.3-dev)
Jakarta Velocity1.3.1
Jakarta Alexandria  0.1
Jakarta Jetspeed1.4.1-beta4
Jakarta Slide   1.0.16
Jakarta Tomcat  3.3.1-alpha
---Jakarta Related--
Apache Ant
Ant 1.5.3
Apache Avalon

Framework   4.1.3

Excalibur   4.1
Phoenix 4.0.3
LogKit  1.2
Apache DB
OJB 1.0-rc3
Torque  3.1-alpha1 (3.1-alpha2-dev)
Apache Httpd
HTTPD   2.0.46
Apache Incubator
AltRMI  0.9.1
FTPServer   0.1
(Lenya  1.0-rc) ... donated to Cocoon
Apache James
James   2.1.3
Apache Maven
Maven   1.0-beta10

Tetsuya Kitahata --  Terra-International, Inc.
(Apache Jakarta Translation, Japanese)

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [PROPOSAL] Tetsuya committer at large: Jakarta

2003-06-02 Thread Tetsuya Kitahata

How can I express my feeling, deepest gratitude .. I am very flattered.

Sure, I would be very pleased to join to your family
(as a citizen) and wanna learn more a lot about your family.

Now, I am translating the apache incubator site, so
I am feeling more closer to apache family.  (Japanese)
I'll DO the best cordially if your families accept me as one
of jakarta/apache citizens.

Best Regards,


P.S. By the way, is there "jakarta-general" project??
I remember that there were discussions about the promotion of 
"jakarta-site" project in July, August last year...


On Sun, 01 Jun 2003 15:18:34 -0400
(Subject: [PROPOSAL] Tetsuya committer at large: Jakarta)
"Andrew C. Oliver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I would like to nominate Tetsuya Kitahata to be a Jakarta committer
> with rights to jakarta-general.  I would nominate him to be a POI
> committer, but most of his patches have been  outside of POI, but have
> benefited all of Jakarta.  Not only is he enhancing the site, but he
> hosts/performs japanese translations for most of our sites.
> I feel he should be recognized with committership and given some form
> of "citizenship" in Jakarta.  We should encourage the kind of
> cross-project participation that Tetsuya shows.
> Given this I've no doubt he'll eventually make it to the PMC level
> and committer of various subprojects, but I think this is a first step.
> -Andy
> On 6/1/03 11:45 AM, "Tetsuya Kitahata" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > Hello, Robert and All.
> > 
> > 
> > Here, I attached the zipped file ( including,
> > 
> > 1. index.xml.txt
> > 2. elsewhere.xml.txt
> > 3. binindex.xml.txt
> > 4. sourceindex.xml.txt
> > 5. stylesheets_project.xml.txt
> > 
> > --
> > 
> > Explanation:
> > 
> > 1: For the enhancement of the top page of Jakarta site.
> > 2: Fixed the date of the release of Scalab
> > 3: Fixed the downloadable directory of new released BCEL (5.1)
> > 4: Same as 3 (above)
> > 5: "./proposals/tapestry" to "./tapestry" (Tapestry is now
> >  the Subproject of Jakarta, not in proposals)
> >  and added link to "ASF Glossary" pages in Incubator
> >  Furthermore, removed duplication of "avalon"
> > 
> > Please apply these.
> > 
> > Sincerely,
> > 
> > --
> > 
> > On Sun, 01 Jun 2003 22:06:36 +0900
> > (Subject: Re: [PATCH] index.xml patch for introduction to related projects
> > (was Re: [PATCH] Re: Jakarta Newsletter ...))
> > Tetsuya Kitahata <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> >> 
> >> Hi, Robert and all.
> >> 
> >> I created new one and put on
> >>
> >> This is my idea.
> >> 
> >> 1. Created a new table for the introductions of related projects.
> >>(Ant, Avalon, DB, Incubator, James and MAVEN)
> >> 2. Added a direct link to related projects' "site" (for incubator
> >>and DB, especially it would be necessary)
> >> 3. Fixed the order of "James Released" and "Scalab released" in
> >>"other news" section. (Sorry, this was my mistake)
> >> 4. Fixed some typos and grammatical errors.
> >> 5. Added direct "ComponentsList" link in the row of Jakarta
> >>Commons' explanations (I think this is very very useful!)
> >> 6. Added "Projects in Proposal" for future enhancements. (Now N/A)
> >> 
> >> And this is based on the newest CVS.
> >> 
> >> If this would be better than the existing one, I'll re-submit
> >> patches within a couple of days.
> >> 
> >> Sincerely,
> >> 
> >> --
> >> 
> >> On Sun, 1 Jun 2003 12:31:06 +0100
> >> (Subject: Re: [PATCH] index.xml patch for introduction to related projects
> >> (was Re: [PATCH] Re: Jakarta Newsletter ...))
> >> robert burrell donkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> 
> >>> i quite like the idea of adding a table giving introductions for related
> >>> projects but i know some other people think that the welcome page is too
> >>> big already.
> >>> 
> >>> opinions, anybody?
> >>> 
> >>> - robert
> >>> 
> >>> On Saturday, May 24, 2003, at 01:29 PM, Tetsuya Kitahata wrote:
> >>> 
>  Hi, Robert and all.
> > applied. many thanks.
> > 
> > i hope you'll find some time to add something about BCEL (and maybe James
> > too) to the next newsletter
> >
> > 9.
>  Thanks you very much. I confirmed.
>  Sure, I will take care of the wiki if possible.
>  Then, I created a new patch for
>  1. Correcting the order of "James Released" and "Scalab released" in
>  "other news" section.
>  2. Adding Tapestry, in proposal, to the table of products list.
>  3. Creating new table for Ant, Avalon, DB, Incubator and James Projects
>  (Jakarta-Related Projects).
>  The look and feel of new index.html might be ..
>  I think this will avoid the confusion for all the new comer
>  to jak

RE: [PROPOSAL] Tetsuya committer at large: Jakarta

2003-06-02 Thread Danny Angus
Andy proposed:

> I would like to nominate Tetsuya Kitahata to be a Jakarta committer with
> rights to jakarta-general.  

Given that Tetsuya is doing so much to publicise Jakarta in the "Far East" and has 
been maintaining Japanese translations of many jakarta (& former jakarta) sub-project 
sites for a while now, and considering the precedent that Rob Oxspring is a 
"documentation only" contributor I heartily agree with this nomination.


(not just because we'll need someone who can answer the questions in Japanese that his 
efforts are sure to provoke. ;-)

Re: [PATCH] Instruction to create a patch to vendors.xml

2003-06-02 Thread Tetsuya Kitahata

On Mon, 26 May 2003 09:57:39 -0400
(Subject: Re: [PATCH] Instruction to create a patch to vendors.xml)
"Andrew C. Oliver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> That seems fair.  Perhaps add "ill-formed patches will be rejected".
> -Andy

You are right. Also, Danny and Steven are right.

Even though I've shown (and other ones) the way to
make a change to vendors.html, there was no one
(no company) who created a patch for it and no one
posted here in this mailing list.

So, I've come to change my mind that the "sanity check"
(remain difficulties to change vendor.html) is still necessary.
It's a decent barrier to discourage sales and marketing
people to use as a marketing vehicle.

Please discard the patch I once submitted,
"[PATCH] Instruction to create a patch to vendors.xml"
in the top of this tree.

Very sorry.


Tetsuya Kitahata --  Terra-International, Inc.

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Apache/Jakarta @ JavaOne?

2003-06-02 Thread Martin Cooper

On Sat, 31 May 2003, Mark Womack - Apache wrote:

> Are there any official or unofficial Jakarta/Apache activities planned around the 
> JavaOne conference in SF?

There's a Struts gathering after the conference finishes on Friday, but
other than that, I'm not aware of any.

Last year, we had a Jakarta get-together in a bar one evening, at which I
enjoyed chatting and putting faces to names, and I'd certainly be up for
something similar this year. I'm afraid I don't have cycles to help set it
up this time around, but if someone else does, I'll most likely show up.

Martin Cooper

> -Mark

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Re: [ANNOUNCE] Release of Commons HttpClient 2.0 Beta 1

2003-06-02 Thread Tetsuya Kitahata

On Mon, 02 Jun 2003 12:29:14 +1000
(Subject: Re: [ANNOUNCE] Release of Commons HttpClient 2.0 Beta 1)
dIon Gillard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Tetsuya Kitahata wrote:
> > Congratulations, Mike and all of HttpClient team.
> > 
> > When will it be relected to ibiblio?
> It's now up there...

Confirmed. Thank you.

Now available at

Tetsuya Kitahata --  Terra-International, Inc.

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Products List available as of 31st May, 2003

2003-06-02 Thread Tetsuya Kitahata


I am personally checking the "versions" of all of the
Jakarta and Jakarta-Related Projects.
The list I've created is below.

If you find some mistakes or anything more to be appended,
please let me know.
(Especially, Avalon's subprojects are in a dense fog for me...)

I hope this will be a help for the all of jakarta-users, watchers
and devs. (Of course, for me ;-)

--Jakarta Productsas of 31st May, 2003--
Jakarta BCEL5.1
Jakarta BSF 2.3.0
Jakarta Commons
::  .. I posted to commons-dev ml
:: and now checking...
Jakarta ECS 1.4.1
Jakarta JMeter  1.7.2
Jakarta Log4j   1.2.8
Jakarta ORO 2.0.7 (2.0.8-dev)
Jakarta POI 1.10-dev
Jakarta Regexp  1.2 (1.3-dev)
Jakarta Taglibs 1.2 (Standard JSTL)
Jakarta Watchdog4.0.0
Jakarta Cactus  1.4.1
Jakarta Lucene  1.3-rc1
Jakarta GumpN/A
Jakarta Struts  1.1-rc1
Jakarta Tapestry2.4-alpha5
Jakarta Turbine 2.3-dev
Jakarta Velocity1.3.1
Jakarta Alexandria  0.1
Jakarta Jetspeed1.4.1-beta4
Jakarta Slide   1.0.16
Jakarta Tomcat  3.3.1-alpha
---Jakarta Related--
Apache Ant
Ant 1.5.3
Apache Avalon

Framework   4.1.3

Excalibur   4.1
Phoenix 4.0.3
LogKit  1.1
Apache DB
OJB 3.1-alpha2-dev
Torque  1.0-rc3
Apache Incubator
AltRMI  0.9.1
FTPServer   0.1
(Lenya  1.0-rc) ... donated to Cocoon
Apache James
James   2.1.3
Apache Maven
Maven   1.0-beta10


Tetsuya Kitahata --  Terra-International, Inc.
(Apache Jakarta Translation, Japanese)

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Release of Commons HttpClient 2.0 Beta 1

2003-06-02 Thread dIon Gillard
Tetsuya Kitahata wrote:

> Congratulations, Mike and all of HttpClient team.
> When will it be relected to ibiblio?
It's now up there...

> And (IMHO) it is better to rewrite
> commons-httpclient
> 2.0-alpha3
> to
> commons-httpclient
> 2.0-beta1

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Re: [ANNOUNCE] Release of Commons HttpClient 2.0 Beta 1

2003-06-02 Thread Tetsuya Kitahata

Congratulations, Mike and all of HttpClient team.

When will it be relected to ibiblio?

And (IMHO) it is better to rewrite




Again, congratulations!!


On Sun, 1 Jun 2003 18:44:37 -0400
(Subject: [ANNOUNCE] Release of Commons HttpClient 2.0 Beta 1)
Michael Becke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The Jakarta Commons HttpClient team is proud to announce the release of 
> HttpClient 2.0 beta 1.  This is the first feature complete release of 
> HttpClient 2.0.  The focus for the rest of the 2.0 development will be 
> on bug fixes and documentation.  Please visit the HttpClient website 
> ( and download this 
> latest release.
> The following changes have been made since Alpha 3:
>   * Changed HttpConnection to use socket timeout instead of busy
> waiting while expecting input.
>   * Added a getResponseContentLength() method to HttpMethod.
>   * Changed HttpClient to accept correctly encoded URLs instead of
> attempting to encode them within HttpClient.
>   * 'Expect: 100-continue' logic factored out into an abstract
> ExpectContinueMethod class
>   * 'Expect: 100-Continue' handshake disabled per default, as it may not 
> work
> properly with older HTTP/1.0 servers or proxies.
>   * Reengineered authentication code.  This includes a fix for
> HttpClient continually attempting to authenticate to digest realms 
> and
> provides for better future extensibility.
>   * Authenticator class deprecated
>   * Improved user documentation and example code.
>   * Added ability to differentiate between different hosts using the
> same realm names.
>   * Added support for specifying a virtual host name to use.
>   * Fixed problem with half-closed connections causing a
> HttpRecoverableException to be thrown when HttpClient attempts to 
> read
> from a socket.
>   * Improved reliability with the HEAD method and servers that
> incorrectly include a response body.
>   * Improved support for connection keep-alive when communicating via a 
> proxy
>   * Added an override of HttpClient.executeMethod that lets the
> caller specify an HttpState object.
>   * HttpConnectionManager is now a property of the HttpClient class,
> not of the HttpState class
>   * Added ability to specify the local address that HttpClient should
> create connections from.
> Thank you,
> Commons HttpClient Development Team
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Tetsuya Kitahata --  Terra-International, Inc.
(Apache Jakarta Translation, Japanese)

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [PROPOSAL] Tetsuya committer at large: Jakarta

2003-06-02 Thread Glen Stampoultzis
I'd agree with that.   I'm seeing him pop up everywhere.

At 05:18 AM 2/06/2003, you wrote:
I would like to nominate Tetsuya Kitahata to be a Jakarta committer with
rights to jakarta-general.  I would nominate him to be a POI committer, but
most of his patches have been  outside of POI, but have benefited all of
Jakarta.  Not only is he enhancing the site, but he hosts/performs japanese
translations for most of our sites.
I feel he should be recognized with committership and given some form of
"citizenship" in Jakarta.  We should encourage the kind of cross-project
participation that Tetsuya shows.
Given this I've no doubt he'll eventually make it to the PMC level and
committer of various subprojects, but I think this is a first step.

On 6/1/03 11:45 AM, "Tetsuya Kitahata" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello, Robert and All.
> Here, I attached the zipped file ( including,
> 1. index.xml.txt
> 2. elsewhere.xml.txt
> 3. binindex.xml.txt
> 4. sourceindex.xml.txt
> 5. stylesheets_project.xml.txt
> --
> Explanation:
> 1: For the enhancement of the top page of Jakarta site.
> 2: Fixed the date of the release of Scalab
> 3: Fixed the downloadable directory of new released BCEL (5.1)
> 4: Same as 3 (above)
> 5: "./proposals/tapestry" to "./tapestry" (Tapestry is now
>  the Subproject of Jakarta, not in proposals)
>  and added link to "ASF Glossary" pages in Incubator
>  Furthermore, removed duplication of "avalon"
> Please apply these.
> Sincerely,
> --
> On Sun, 01 Jun 2003 22:06:36 +0900
> (Subject: Re: [PATCH] index.xml patch for introduction to related projects
> (was Re: [PATCH] Re: Jakarta Newsletter ...))
> Tetsuya Kitahata <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi, Robert and all.
>> I created new one and put on
>> This is my idea.
>> 1. Created a new table for the introductions of related projects.
>>(Ant, Avalon, DB, Incubator, James and MAVEN)
>> 2. Added a direct link to related projects' "site" (for incubator
>>and DB, especially it would be necessary)
>> 3. Fixed the order of "James Released" and "Scalab released" in
>>"other news" section. (Sorry, this was my mistake)
>> 4. Fixed some typos and grammatical errors.
>> 5. Added direct "ComponentsList" link in the row of Jakarta
>>Commons' explanations (I think this is very very useful!)
>> 6. Added "Projects in Proposal" for future enhancements. (Now N/A)
>> And this is based on the newest CVS.
>> If this would be better than the existing one, I'll re-submit
>> patches within a couple of days.
>> Sincerely,
>> --
>> On Sun, 1 Jun 2003 12:31:06 +0100
>> (Subject: Re: [PATCH] index.xml patch for introduction to related projects
>> (was Re: [PATCH] Re: Jakarta Newsletter ...))
>> robert burrell donkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> i quite like the idea of adding a table giving introductions for related
>>> projects but i know some other people think that the welcome page is too
>>> big already.
>>> opinions, anybody?
>>> - robert
>>> On Saturday, May 24, 2003, at 01:29 PM, Tetsuya Kitahata wrote:

 Hi, Robert and all.

> applied. many thanks.
> i hope you'll find some time to add something about BCEL (and maybe 
> too) to the next newsletter
> 9.

 Thanks you very much. I confirmed.
 Sure, I will take care of the wiki if possible.

 Then, I created a new patch for
 1. Correcting the order of "James Released" and "Scalab released" in
 "other news" section.
 2. Adding Tapestry, in proposal, to the table of products list.
 3. Creating new table for Ant, Avalon, DB, Incubator and James Projects
 (Jakarta-Related Projects).

 The look and feel of new index.html might be ..

 I think this will avoid the confusion for all the new comer
 to jakarta (and also for the elder, senior jakarta-n ;-)
 and will be easy introduction to the related (maybe merged into
 jakarta soon) projects.


 Tetsuya Kitahata <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> -
>> Tetsuya Kitahata --  Terra-International, Inc.
>> (Apache Jakarta Translation, Japanese)
>> -
>> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -
> Tetsuya Kitahata --  Terra-International, Inc.
> (Apache Jakarta Translation, Japanese)
> -

Re: [PROPOSAL] Tetsuya committer at large: Jakarta

2003-06-02 Thread Andrew C. Oliver
On 6/1/03 3:49 PM, "Geoff Longman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> I would like to nominate Tetsuya Kitahata to be a Jakarta committer with
>> rights to jakarta-general.  I would nominate him to be a POI committer,
> but
>> most of his patches have been  outside of POI, but have benefited all of
>> Jakarta.  Not only is he enhancing the site, but he hosts/performs
> japanese
>> translations for most of our sites.
> Didn't you already stick your foot in your mouth on the gender issue?

Eh?  No.

> :-)
> Geoff
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Andrew C. Oliver
Custom enhancements and Commercial Implementation for Jakarta POI
For Java and Excel, Got POI?

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [PROPOSAL] Tetsuya committer at large: Jakarta

2003-06-02 Thread Geoff Longman

> I would like to nominate Tetsuya Kitahata to be a Jakarta committer with
> rights to jakarta-general.  I would nominate him to be a POI committer,
> most of his patches have been  outside of POI, but have benefited all of
> Jakarta.  Not only is he enhancing the site, but he hosts/performs
> translations for most of our sites.

Didn't you already stick your foot in your mouth on the gender issue?



To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[PROPOSAL] Tetsuya committer at large: Jakarta

2003-06-02 Thread Andrew C. Oliver
I would like to nominate Tetsuya Kitahata to be a Jakarta committer with
rights to jakarta-general.  I would nominate him to be a POI committer, but
most of his patches have been  outside of POI, but have benefited all of
Jakarta.  Not only is he enhancing the site, but he hosts/performs japanese
translations for most of our sites.

I feel he should be recognized with committership and given some form of
"citizenship" in Jakarta.  We should encourage the kind of cross-project
participation that Tetsuya shows.

Given this I've no doubt he'll eventually make it to the PMC level and
committer of various subprojects, but I think this is a first step.


On 6/1/03 11:45 AM, "Tetsuya Kitahata" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello, Robert and All.
> Here, I attached the zipped file ( including,
> 1. index.xml.txt
> 2. elsewhere.xml.txt
> 3. binindex.xml.txt
> 4. sourceindex.xml.txt
> 5. stylesheets_project.xml.txt
> --
> Explanation:
> 1: For the enhancement of the top page of Jakarta site.
> 2: Fixed the date of the release of Scalab
> 3: Fixed the downloadable directory of new released BCEL (5.1)
> 4: Same as 3 (above)
> 5: "./proposals/tapestry" to "./tapestry" (Tapestry is now
>  the Subproject of Jakarta, not in proposals)
>  and added link to "ASF Glossary" pages in Incubator
>  Furthermore, removed duplication of "avalon"
> Please apply these.
> Sincerely,
> --
> On Sun, 01 Jun 2003 22:06:36 +0900
> (Subject: Re: [PATCH] index.xml patch for introduction to related projects
> (was Re: [PATCH] Re: Jakarta Newsletter ...))
> Tetsuya Kitahata <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi, Robert and all.
>> I created new one and put on
>> This is my idea.
>> 1. Created a new table for the introductions of related projects.
>>(Ant, Avalon, DB, Incubator, James and MAVEN)
>> 2. Added a direct link to related projects' "site" (for incubator
>>and DB, especially it would be necessary)
>> 3. Fixed the order of "James Released" and "Scalab released" in
>>"other news" section. (Sorry, this was my mistake)
>> 4. Fixed some typos and grammatical errors.
>> 5. Added direct "ComponentsList" link in the row of Jakarta
>>Commons' explanations (I think this is very very useful!)
>> 6. Added "Projects in Proposal" for future enhancements. (Now N/A)
>> And this is based on the newest CVS.
>> If this would be better than the existing one, I'll re-submit
>> patches within a couple of days.
>> Sincerely,
>> --
>> On Sun, 1 Jun 2003 12:31:06 +0100
>> (Subject: Re: [PATCH] index.xml patch for introduction to related projects
>> (was Re: [PATCH] Re: Jakarta Newsletter ...))
>> robert burrell donkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> i quite like the idea of adding a table giving introductions for related
>>> projects but i know some other people think that the welcome page is too
>>> big already.
>>> opinions, anybody?
>>> - robert
>>> On Saturday, May 24, 2003, at 01:29 PM, Tetsuya Kitahata wrote:
 Hi, Robert and all.
> applied. many thanks.
> i hope you'll find some time to add something about BCEL (and maybe James
> too) to the next newsletter
> 9.
 Thanks you very much. I confirmed.
 Sure, I will take care of the wiki if possible.
 Then, I created a new patch for
 1. Correcting the order of "James Released" and "Scalab released" in
 "other news" section.
 2. Adding Tapestry, in proposal, to the table of products list.
 3. Creating new table for Ant, Avalon, DB, Incubator and James Projects
 (Jakarta-Related Projects).
 The look and feel of new index.html might be ..
 I think this will avoid the confusion for all the new comer
 to jakarta (and also for the elder, senior jakarta-n ;-)
 and will be easy introduction to the related (maybe merged into
 jakarta soon) projects.
 Tetsuya Kitahata <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> -
>> Tetsuya Kitahata --  Terra-International, Inc.
>> (Apache Jakarta Translation, Japanese)
>> -
>> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -
> Tetsuya Kitahata --  Terra-International, Inc.
> (Apache Jakarta Translation, Japanese)
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTEC

[PATCH] index.xml/elsewhere.xml/binidex.xml/source.xml/project.xml

2003-06-02 Thread Tetsuya Kitahata

Hello, Robert and All.

Here, I attached the zipped file ( including,

1. index.xml.txt
2. elsewhere.xml.txt
3. binindex.xml.txt
4. sourceindex.xml.txt
5. stylesheets_project.xml.txt



1: For the enhancement of the top page of Jakarta site.
2: Fixed the date of the release of Scalab
3: Fixed the downloadable directory of new released BCEL (5.1)
4: Same as 3 (above)
5: "./proposals/tapestry" to "./tapestry" (Tapestry is now
   the Subproject of Jakarta, not in proposals)
   and added link to "ASF Glossary" pages in Incubator
   Furthermore, removed duplication of "avalon"

Please apply these.



On Sun, 01 Jun 2003 22:06:36 +0900
(Subject: Re: [PATCH] index.xml patch for introduction to related projects (was Re: 
[PATCH] Re: Jakarta Newsletter ...))
Tetsuya Kitahata <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi, Robert and all.
> I created new one and put on
> This is my idea.
> 1. Created a new table for the introductions of related projects.
>(Ant, Avalon, DB, Incubator, James and MAVEN)
> 2. Added a direct link to related projects' "site" (for incubator
>and DB, especially it would be necessary)
> 3. Fixed the order of "James Released" and "Scalab released" in
>"other news" section. (Sorry, this was my mistake)
> 4. Fixed some typos and grammatical errors.
> 5. Added direct "ComponentsList" link in the row of Jakarta
>Commons' explanations (I think this is very very useful!)
> 6. Added "Projects in Proposal" for future enhancements. (Now N/A)
> And this is based on the newest CVS.
> If this would be better than the existing one, I'll re-submit 
> patches within a couple of days.
> Sincerely,
> --
> On Sun, 1 Jun 2003 12:31:06 +0100
> (Subject: Re: [PATCH] index.xml patch for introduction to related projects (was Re: 
> [PATCH] Re: Jakarta Newsletter ...))
> robert burrell donkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > i quite like the idea of adding a table giving introductions for related 
> > projects but i know some other people think that the welcome page is too 
> > big already.
> > 
> > opinions, anybody?
> > 
> > - robert
> > 
> > On Saturday, May 24, 2003, at 01:29 PM, Tetsuya Kitahata wrote:
> > 
> > >
> > > Hi, Robert and all.
> > >
> > >
> > >> applied. many thanks.
> > >>
> > >> i hope you'll find some time to add something about BCEL (and maybe James
> > >> too) to the next newsletter
> > >>
> > >
> > > Thanks you very much. I confirmed.
> > > Sure, I will take care of the wiki if possible.
> > >
> > > Then, I created a new patch for
> > > 1. Correcting the order of "James Released" and "Scalab released" in
> > > "other news" section.
> > > 2. Adding Tapestry, in proposal, to the table of products list.
> > > 3. Creating new table for Ant, Avalon, DB, Incubator and James Projects
> > > (Jakarta-Related Projects).
> > >
> > > The look and feel of new index.html might be ..
> > >
> > >
> > > I think this will avoid the confusion for all the new comer
> > > to jakarta (and also for the elder, senior jakarta-n ;-)
> > > and will be easy introduction to the related (maybe merged into
> > > jakarta soon) projects.
> > >
> > > Sincerely,
> > >
> > > Tetsuya Kitahata <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> -
> Tetsuya Kitahata --  Terra-International, Inc.
> (Apache Jakarta Translation, Japanese)
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Tetsuya Kitahata --  Terra-International, Inc.
(Apache Jakarta Translation, Japanese)
Description: Zip compressed data
To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]