[Jakarta Wiki] Updated: SiteInfo

2005-02-27 Thread general
   Date: 2005-02-27T21:33:02
   Editor: HenriYandell
   Wiki: Jakarta Wiki
   Page: SiteInfo
   URL: http://wiki.apache.org/jakarta/SiteInfo

   Board reports online, though not linked to site yet.

Change Log:

@@ -48,6 +48,6 @@
  4. SVN information in addition to CVS information. - '''DONE'''
  5. Translation sites. What to do about them. 
  6. Removal of information that may be found at [http://www.apache.org/dev/], 
the Incubator or other ASF locations.
- 7. Posting of board reports to the site. - ''Hen''
+ 7. Posting of board reports to the site. - '''READY TO GO LIVE''' - 
  8. Move 'In Memoriam' to the whoweare.html page in Feb 2005. - '''DONE'''
  9. Switch google link to a form. - '''DONE'''

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[Jakarta Wiki] Updated: JakartaBoardReport-December2004

2005-02-27 Thread general
   Date: 2005-02-27T21:38:32
   Editor: HenriYandell
   Wiki: Jakarta Wiki
   Page: JakartaBoardReport-December2004
   URL: http://wiki.apache.org/jakarta/JakartaBoardReport-December2004

   no comment

Change Log:

@@ -1,157 +1 @@
-(!!Has been sent to the board, please do not modify!!)
-(Only noticed recent Lucene release prior to sending report, so it's lacking 
an entry in the sub-projects section)
-== October-December 2004 ==
-=== Status ===
-The last three months have seen the first migrations from CVS to SVN in the 
Jakarta project with the ORO and Velocity projects moving over. More projects 
are expected to move over in the next quarter, with ECS and Commons being the 
first two targetted. 
-The board suggested that the previous report needed more sub-project news, and 
so for this reoprt any sub-project that has a release, or a change in status, 
needs to supply a short piece of text on the current situation for that part of 
Jakarta. The community has responded very well and the chair has not had to 
write any of the subproject section this time around.
-Being able to use LGPL has been brought up a few times in the last quarter. It 
has come up with a desire to use Hibernate in various codebases and Dumbster 
for unit tests in Commons-Email. Dumbster relicenced under ASL 2.0 wihle 
Hibernate use is still unsolved. Linked to this was a similar issue with 
JGraph, which dual-licenced with MPL in order to allow us to use it, though the 
move for this did not come from within the Jakarta community afaik. I'll be 
aiming to report back to the community on the status of this issue in the week 
after the next board meeting.
-On the licence side, a Commons component (VFS) wishes to have a component 
which depends on a Novell licence. We're currently treating this as similar to 
Sun's licensing for JavaMail. Imports allowed, but no jars in CVS or iBiblio.
-Additionally, we have a Clover license for use by Jakarta (and the rest of the 
ASF). This should make it easier for us to show the high level of our unit 
-In terms of releases, the major points of this quarter's releases are a set of 
1.0's from the Commons sub-project (Math, Configuration, Jelly-RC1, Chain) 
which shows that the Commons community continues to grow, and the stable Tomcat 
5.5 release, our most popular product.
-=== Possible plans for the next quarter ===
- * Lucene and Slide both considering TLP.
- * Commons HttpClient to Jakarta sub-project.
- * Turbine JCS to Jakarta sub-project.
- * More Subversion migrations - ECS and Commons in the planning.
- * Turbine migration to SVN under consideration -- desire JCS resolution.
- * Improvement of the download page.
- * Automate creation of Maven bundles and automate bundle uploading to Maven 
repository, even for projects which use Ant (not Maven) for building.
-=== Releases ===
- December 
- * 9 December 2004 - Commons Chain 1.0
- * 9 December 2004 - Commons Math 1.0
- * 7 December 2004 - Lucene 1.4.3
- * 3 December 2004 - Commons Validator 1.1.4
- * 2 December 2004 - Tomcat 5.5.5-beta
- November 
- * 25 November 2004 - Tomcat 5.0.30-beta
- * 23 November 2004 - Commons Jelly 1.0-RC1
- * 21 November 2004 - Commons HttpClient 3.0 beta1
- * 19 November 2004 - JMeter 2.0.2
- * 10 November 2004 - Tomcat 5.5.4 (first stable release of Tomcat 5.5)
- October 
- * 30 October 2004 - Tomcat 5.5.4-alpha
- * 28 October 2004 - Turbine 2.3.1
- * 17 October 2004 - Tapestry 3.0.1
- * 11 October 2004 - Tomcat 4.1.31-stable
- * 11 October 2004 - Commons HttpClient 2.0.2
- * 11 October 2004 - Commons Configuration 1.0
- * 06 October 2004 - Tomcat 5.5.3-alpha
- * 06 October 2004 - Tomcat 5.0.29-beta
- * 04 October 2004 - Commons Betwixt 0.6
-=== Community changes ===
-= New ASF members =
- * 19 November 2004 - Yoav Shapira (yoavs) - Tomcat, Commons
-= New PMC members =
- * 11 October 2004 - James Mason (masonjm) - Slide
- * 19 October 2004 - Robert Burell Donkin (rdonkin) - Commons
-= New Committers =
- * 4 December 2004 - Warwick Burrows (wburrows) - Slide
- * 12 November 2004 - Oliver Heger (oheger) - Commons
- * 7 November 2004 - Hans Gilde (hgilde) - Commons
- * 6 November 2004 - Bernhard Messer (bmesser) - Lucene
- * 25 September 2004 - David Spencer (dspencer) - Lucene
-=== Infrastructure news ===
-=== Subproject news ===
- (based on projects that have had a notable event, ie) release, change of 
location within Jakarta)
- * Commons
-   * Betwixt
- Betwixt is a bean - xml binder. Jakarta Commons Betwixt 0.6 featured a 
refactored codebase including rewriting bean reading code but preserved 
backwards compatibility with the earlier releases. A 0.6.1 release (with more 
functionality and some bug fixes) is expected soon.
-Betwixt is small component closely related to several other commons 
components. The 

[Jakarta Wiki] Updated: JakartaBoardReport-March2004

2005-02-27 Thread general
   Date: 2005-02-27T21:39:01
   Editor: HenriYandell
   Wiki: Jakarta Wiki
   Page: JakartaBoardReport-March2004
   URL: http://wiki.apache.org/jakarta/JakartaBoardReport-March2004

   no comment

Change Log:

@@ -1,25 +1 @@
-= Attachment E: Status report for the Apache Jakarta Project =
-The Jakarta community would like to mention an official thanks and warm
-and heartfelt appreciation to our outgoing chair, Sam Ruby.  We
-recognize that he was instrumental in guiding it through a sometimes
-difficult period of high growth, and we all value his considerate and
-thoughtful contributions.
-== Jakarta Project Report - March 2004 ==
- * As the board is obviously aware, the Jakarta PMC has changed chairs, with 
the retirement :) of Sam Ruby and the appointment of Geir Magnusson Jr.
- * We officially added 37 committers to the Jakarta PMC.  These additions were 
from the previous two months, and we are starting the process of identifying 
new candidates and voting again.
- * We feel we had a successful transition to the new Apache Software License 
v2.0  The entire Jakarta Commons and commons sandbox has been converted, and 
the community is very aware of the need to ensure that both the spirit and 
letter of the boards instructions regarding the license are followed.  Thanks 
to all at the ASF for help in clearing up our questions regarding the process.
- * The HiveMind codebase currently located in Jakarta Commons has completed 
it's software grant from WebCT, the employer of the primary author, and the 
Jakarta PMC has approved a proposal to make HiveMind a new Jakarta sub-project. 
 Along with the PMC's support, the community response to the proposal was very 
positive.  We have checked with the Incubator PMC, and there have been no other 
issues raised preventing this from happening.
- * The Jakarta Struts sub-project has voted to apply for ASF top-level\ 
project status.  The Jakarta PMC supports this and urges the board to accept 
their proposal ASAP.
- * The HttpClient component of Jakarta Commons has voted to apply for Jakarta 
sub-project status.  We are waiting the formal proposal, and don't foresee any 
- * We recognize that our charter is woefully inadequate, and intend to produce 
a revision to submit for board approval in the near future.
- * The Jakarta PMC had a long and sometimes heated discussion about the 
board's recommendation that author tags be removed from code.  I think that we 
collectively understand the motivation and how a community has to be careful 
that author tags don't lead to territorial ownership of what is community-owned 
code.  However, I urge that the board do not mandate their removal, allowing 
the individual communities to police themselves on this issue.  Many of us, 
myself included, value the author tags because we recognize that it's human 
nature to be proud of one's work, and the author tag is (one) way in which new 
community members can initially find value in contribution.  Finally, we would 
appreciate some clarification on how removal of the tags changes the legal 
exposure of the committers or the ASF.  I, for one, don't grok the legal 
+Sent to the board and published at: 

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[Jakarta Wiki] Updated: JakartaBoardReport-July2004

2005-02-27 Thread general
   Date: 2005-02-27T21:39:28
   Editor: HenriYandell
   Wiki: Jakarta Wiki
   Page: JakartaBoardReport-July2004
   URL: http://wiki.apache.org/jakarta/JakartaBoardReport-July2004

   no comment

Change Log:

@@ -1,183 +1 @@
-(Has been sent to the board. Please do not edit.)
-== April-July 2004 ==
-=== Status ===
-Prior to his departure, Geir started some discussion (PMC list) concerning 
Jakarta charter revisions and the various documents describing the governance 
of Jakarta. The current documents are quite out of date in places - The number 
of PMC seats is set at seven. Expect more on this.
-The PMC resolved a lack of oversight issue concerning the tomcat-security 
list, and two committers have stepped up to moderate it. Equally, the General 
list turned out to be lacking many moderators, so one of the themes for the 
next month may be to double-check our moderation coverage.
-Discussions on improved download pages to make it easier for user's to 
download distributions and more obvious on how to handle PGP/MD5 signatures 
have occured on the general list.
-Dion Gillard has volunteered to be a Junior Apmail Apprentice to try and take 
some of common workload off of infrastructure.
-=== Releases ===
- April 
- * Commons Net 1.2.0
- * Jetspeed 1.5
- * Tapestry 3.0
- * Velocity 1.4
- May 
- * Cactus 1.6, 1.6.1
- * Commons IO 1.0
- * Commons Net 1.2.1
- * Tomcat 5.0.24
- * Slide 2.0
- * Velocity Tools 1.1
- June 
- * Commons Collections 2.1.1, 3.1
- * Commons DBCP 1.2, 1.2.1
- * Commons Logging 1.0.4
- * Commons Net 1.2.2
- * Commons Pool 1.2
- * Tomcat 5.0.27 Beta
- July 
- * Tomcat 5.0.27 Stable 
- * Commons Betwixt 0.5
- * HiveMind 1.0-beta-1
-=== Community changes ===
- May 
-The following were all added to the Jakarta PMC: 
- * Jeff Dever
- * Mark Diggory
- * James Taylor
- * Mark Thomas
- * Michael Becke
- * Oleg Kalnichevski
- * Steve Cohen
- * Adrian Sutton
- * Ortwin Gluck
- * Daniel Florey
- * Martin Holz 
- June 
- * Emmanuel Bourg joins as a committer to Commons.
- * Matthew Inger joins as a Jakarta committer.
- * Knut Wannheden joins as a committer to HiveMind.
- * Roy Winston joins as a committer to Commons.
- * Geir Magnusson Jr resigning as PMC Chair, Henri Yandell taking over.
- July 
- * Travis Savo joins as a committer.
- * James M. Mason joins as a committer to Slide.
-Four new PMC members have been voted on to the PMC and will be passed onto the 
board when they have all replied.
-=== Subproject news ===
-(** implies report based on the mailing lists by the chair)
- Alexandria ** 
-(dormant project)
- BCEL ** 
-User list is active, Dev list is less so.
- BSF ** 
-Again, User list is active, Dev list is less so.
- Cactus ** 
-User list very active, dev list very quiet, mainly automated emails. I believe 
a Cactus-2 is in the planning.
- Commons ** 
-Commons has, as always, been very active. Outside of the components 
-work over the last quarter has gone into the build and site generation system 
using Maven. 
- * Chain was promoted from the Sandbox to Commons Proper.
- Commons HttpClient 
- * 2.0.1 and 3.0 alpha 2 releases are planned for the near future.
- * HttpClient plans to move to the Jakarta level after version 3.0
- ECS ** 
-The developer list has been quiet for the last quarter. Occasional questions 
are asked on the user list.
- HiveMind 
-HiveMind is moving steadily towards an initial beta release.
- JMeter ** 
-Very active user and dev lists. The JMeter sub-community appears to be busily 
working on bugfixing.
- Lucene 
-Lucene 1.4 Final has been released. 
- ORO 
-Pattern matching engine factories were added in response to needs expressed
-by Commons, including a wrapper for J2SE 1.4 java.util.regex.  Also, 
-were separated out into separate jars for users who need only one pattern 
-engine and are sensitive to jar file size.  A combined jar with everything is 
-provided as users fall into two camps on this issues.  More discussion of ORO 
-occurred on commons-dev than on oro-dev recently.  There's no ETA for the next
-release, which will probably be version 2.1.
- POI 
-Work on the next release of POI has been ongoing, but no release date has been 
- Regexp 
-Nothing happened this month. No release date for the next release, 1.4, has 
been set.
- Slide 
-Slide 2.1 release is under preparation including lots of nice new features. A 
first beta is to be expected in August. CVS will branch with the release of 
this beta.
- Taglibs ** 
-The sub-community is largely dealing with user queries concerning JSTL and the 
Standard tag-library, Apache's implementation of JSTL. 

[Jakarta Wiki] Updated: JakartaBoardReport-September2004

2005-02-27 Thread general
   Date: 2005-02-27T21:40:03
   Editor: HenriYandell
   Wiki: Jakarta Wiki
   Page: JakartaBoardReport-September2004
   URL: http://wiki.apache.org/jakarta/JakartaBoardReport-September2004

   no comment

Change Log:

@@ -1,109 +1 @@
-(Has been sent to the board. Please do not edit.)
-== July-September 2004 ==
-=== Status ===
-This is a 2 month report due to the month-late report at the July board 
-The PMC bylaws have been updated to match the current practice. 
-Most notably, we removed the 7-member limitation and monthly meetings, 
-making the Jakarta PMC (on paper) less of a board and more of a group of 
active committers. 
-Turbine-JCS is planning to request promotion to a full Jakarta subproject. JCS 
is a Java cache. 
-HttpClient's promotion from Commons to Jakarta subproject is still planned 
once a 3.0 final release has been made.
-The PMC discussed whether action on protection of the Jakarta trademark was 
needed, though no action has been taken. It was agreed (through lack of 
argument) that projects should be referred to as Apache Xxxx and not Apache 
Jakarta Xxxx or some other combination. A side-effect of the conversation saw 
the sun.com sites mentioning Tomcat change to refer to it as Apache Tomcat. 
-=== Possible plans for the next quarter ===
-Robert Burrel Donkin has volunteered to migrate ECS over to SVN as a trial 
-I (Henri Yandell) plan to organize improvements to the Jakarta download page, 
which is in dire need of improvements.
-=== Releases ===
- September 
- * 22 September 2004 - HiveMind 1.0 (final) Released
- * 19 September 2004 - Commons HttpClient 3.0 alpha2 Released
- * 16 September 2004 - DataGrid, Mailer and RDC Taglibs Released in the 
- * 15 September 2004 - Tomcat 5.5.2-alpha Released
- * 12 September 2004 - HiveMind 1.0-rc-2 Released
- * 9 September 2004 - Jelly 1.0-beta-4 Released
- * 9 September 2004 - Digester 1.6 Released
- * 7 September 2004 - Tomcat 5.5.1 Released
- * 7 September 2004 - Commons JEXL 1.0 Released
- August 
- * 31 August 2004 - Tomcat 5.5.0 Released
- * 28 August 2004 - Tomcat 5.0.28 Released
- * 26 August 2004 - HiveMind 1.0-rc-1 Released
- * 25 August 2004 - Commons Validator 1.1.3 Released
- * 22 August 2004 - Commons Launcher 1.1 Released
- * 15 August 2004 - Commons Attributes 2.1 Released
- * 02 August 2004 - HiveMind 1.0-beta-2
- * 02 August 2004 - Commons BeanUtils 1.7
- * 01 August 2004 - Commons JXPath 1.2
- * 01 August 2004 - Commons HttpClient 2.0.1
- July 
- * 26 July 2004 - JK 1.2.6 Released
- * 21 July 2004 - Standard Taglibs 1.1.1 and 1.0.6 Released
- * 10 July 2004 - Commons Codec 1.3
-=== Community changes ===
-= New PMC members =
- * 14 August 2004 - Ingo Brunberg
- * 14 August 2004 - Unico Hommes
- * 14 August 2004 - Simon Kitching
- * 14 August 2004 - Stefan Lützkendorf
-= New Committers =
- * 13 September 2004 - James Carman (jcarman) - HiveMind
- * 13 September 2004 - Peter Courcoux (pcourcoux) - Turbine
- * 07 September 2004 - Peter Rossbach (pero) - Tomcat
- * 03 September 2004 - Shinsuke Sugaya (shinsuke) - Jetspeed (still in Jakarta 
- * 03 September 2004 - Paul Ferraro (pferraro)
- * 09 August2004 - Davide Savazzi (dsavazzi) - Slide
- * 09 August2004 - Ryan Rhodes (rrhodes) - Slide
- * 31 July  2004 - Daniel Naber (dnaber) - Lucene
-=== Infrastructure news ===
-Henning Schmiedehausen is moderating the Turbine JCS list.
-=== Subproject news ===
-(** implies report based on the mailing lists by the chair)
- **Commons 
-Both Jelly and Math are close to a 1.0 release. Grant is going to leave the 
sandbox to fold back into Maven. Betwixt close to 0.6 release.
- HiveMind 
-Voted in James Carman as a new committer and proceeded through to a 1.0 final 
release. Work is underway on 1.1 features.
- **Taglibs 
-After a lot of domination by the JSTL implementation, the Taglibs project has 
some new activity with the announcement of three new taglibs in the sandbox. 
Mailer2, a complete rewrite of a previous Mailer taglib; DataGrid, a taglib for 
tabular representation; and RDC, Reusable Dialog Components, a taglib for voice 
- Tapestry 
-Work on the 3.1 release (including significant reworking around a HiveMind 
infrastructure) is under way. No new releases expected for several weeks at the 
- Tomcat 
-Tomcat 5.5 is the next branch in the Tomcat 5.x major release. While it 
supports the same Servlet and JSP Specification versions as Tomcat 5.0.x, there 
are significant changes in many areas under the hood.  To indicate the 
magnitude of these changes, which include backwards-incompatible changes such 
as removal of some internal APIs and the default dependency on J2SE 5.0, we 
chose 5.5 as the branch number as opposed to 5.1.  We hope to 

[site] board reports

2005-02-27 Thread Henri Yandell
The board reports are now on the site 
(http://jakarta.apache.org/site/pmc/board-reports.html), though I've not 
come up with a good place to link them in yet navigation-wise.

The page needs a tiny bit of text at the top too, to set the context.
The process I'll follow is to publish the wiki page to the site when I 
send it to the board; which helps to set it in stone somewhat.

Next up, time to start working on the March 2005 board report :)
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