On Apr 6, 2005 4:36 PM, Ian F. Darwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (that's me) wrote:

As has been discussed on this list & on tomcat-dev, the Tomcat people
are interested in "moving up".

Attached please find a Resolution to this effect from the proposed new
Tomcat PMC to the Board.

This is a binding procedural vote to be decided by a simple majority of
those eligible and casting votes (as per
http://www.apache.org/foundation/voting.html).  All current members of
the Jakarta PMC have binding votes.  Since this involves creation of a
new project I believe we should give people a week to vote; votes must
therefore be registered by midnight Eastern time on Wednesday, 13 April

At that point we will tally the votes and, if the vote is in the
affirmative, forward the Resolutions to the Board.

The question:
   I vote in support of the proposal to move Tomcat to an Apache Top
Level Project as
   detailed in the attached Resolution.

[ ] +1 Vote in support
[ ] 0 Abstain
[ ] -1 Vote against

There having been approximately 25 votes in favor, none against, and nobody wishing to go on record as abstaining:-), I declare the motion to have been passed.

Tomcat TLP: Full Steam Ahead!

Thanks to all who voted!

Ian Darwin

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