Shouldn't this be in the tomcat docs, rather than in site??
dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 25/11/2002 07:26:31 AM:

> acoliver    2002/11/24 12:26:31
>   Added:       xdocs/site idedev-rdtomcat.xml
>                docs/site idedev-rdtomcat.html
>   Log:
>   instructions for making tomcat remote debuggable
>   Revision  Changes    Path
>   1.1                  jakarta-site/xdocs/site/idedev-rdtomcat.xml
>   Index: idedev-rdtomcat.xml
>   ===================================================================
>   <?xml version="1.0"?>
>   <document>
>     <properties>
>       <author email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Andrew C. Oliver</author>
>       <title>IDE Developer's Guide - Setting up Tomcat for Remote 
> Debugging</title>
>     </properties>
>   <body>
>     <section name="Setting up Tomcat for Remote Debugging">
>      <p>
>       So you're ready to take the leap?  You're going to edit a batch 
>       Take a deep breath, now go to <a href="
> ">VIM Online</a> and download "vi for windows" so that you have a 
> decent editor to use...
>       I'm only kidding.  (You should know this guide is written using 
vim but
>       your computer, your choice ;-)).  We'll step you through the 
basics and 
>       what to stick in the file (its really simple) and you just use
> your favorite
>       editor to edit the file.  Just ensure that your editor saves 
> the file back
>       in text format and doesn't adorn it with markup or special 
> characters, etc.
>      </p>
>     </section>
>     <section name="Disabling tomcat as a service">
>      <p>
>       Make sure Tomcat isn't running as a service.  I don't think 
> you can remote
>       debug a service, and running it this way isn't too useful for 
> development.
>       Goto Start->Settings->Control Panel->Administrative 
>       (in each version of Windows these move around so you may have to 
>       for them).  Look for "Apache Tomcat" or "Tomcat" or something 
> to that effect
>       and stop it.  Open its properties and switch it to "Manual" if it 
>       currently loading Automatically.  Once your done, close all that 
>      </p>
>     </section>
>     <section name="Editing the tomcat batch file">
>      <p>
>       Make sure that Tomcat isn't running already.  Presumably, you've 
shut it
>       down as a service, and know how to shut it down as a shell script 
if you
>       started it that way. 
>      </p>
>      <p>
>       Open the Windows Explorer (not Internet Explorer.  Open the 
> thing you use
>       to move files and folders around).  Navigate to where you 
>       Tomcat.  (Probably C:\Program files\Apache Tomcat...)  Now 
> navigate under
>       it to the "bin" subdirectory and edit a file called "catalina.
> bat" in your
>       favorite editor.  Scroll down to the line that says: 
>       "rem Guess CATALINA_HOME if not defined" and just before it 
> add this line
>       via cut and paste (don't worry, you don't need to know what most 
of this
>       means...I sure as heck don't!): 
>       "SET CATALINA_OPTS=-server -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.
> compiler=NONE -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,
> address=8000" minus the quotes of course.
>       Save and exit.
>      </p>
>      <p>
>       So what did that do for you?  Well later on in the script the 
> contents of
>       CATALINA_OPTS are passed to the "java" command.  You could also 
>       remote debugging for other programs by making sure the contents of 
>       after the equal sign were passed to the "java" command.  These
> options tell
>       the java command not to run the <a href="http://java.sun.
> com/products/hotspot/">HotSpot compiler</a>, enable the remote 
> debugging, and most importantly to
>       communicate with your IDE on port 8000 (that last part is the 
> thing you're
>       most likely to change so note that!).  If something else is 
> already running
>       on port 8000, change this to something a little higher or lower 
(but not
>       8080 because thats probably where tomcat is running you know). 
>      </p>
>     </section>
>     <section name="Environment Variables and Starting Tomcat">
>      <p>
>       So now you're ready to start tomcat as a shell script. 
> Provided you have 
>       TOMCAT_HOME and JAVA_HOME defined already you can probably 
> double click the
>       "startup.bat" (which later runs catalina.bat), if not then you 
>       probably define those by right clicking on "My Computer" (from
> the desktop)
>       and clicking "properties" then the "advanced" tab and 
> "environment variables". 
>      </p>
>      <p>
>       If you want to set tomcat up for all users of your station 
> then click new
>       under "System" otherwise do it under "User" environment variables. 
>       you're the only user, its probably safe to do it under System 
> in case your
>       id ever changes.  Define TOMCAT_HOME to point to the directory you 

>       installed TOMCAT in, define JAVA_HOME to wherever the 
> directory you installed
>       Java.  Click OK or Apply.  Go click on that "startup.bat". 
> You should be
>       good to go from the Tomcat side.  If not then you can probably 
open a 
>       "Command Prompt window, "cd %TOMCAT_HOME%" and type 
>      </p>
>     </section>
>     <section name="Why your Sysadmin won't let you run this in 
>      <p>
>       Gosh remote debuggers are nice!  Wouldn't it be nice to have this 
>       in production?  HECK NO!  Running with debugging turned on and the 

>       HotSpot JIT compiler turned off is a SERIOUS performance drain. 
>       particularly noticable on your workstation with you as one of the 
>       and few users, but in production we're talking BAD!  Next, this is 
>       mother of security breeches!  Meaning letting anyone connect 
> to your server
>       and set a breakpoint, probably would be bad... 
>      </p>
>     </section>
>    </body>
>   </document>
>   1.1                  jakarta-site/docs/site/idedev-rdtomcat.html
>   Index: idedev-rdtomcat.html
>   ===================================================================
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>                           </td>
>                       <td width="80%" align="left" valign="top">
> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%">
>         <tr><td bgcolor="#525D76">
>           <font color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica,sanserif">
>             <a name="Setting up Tomcat for Remote 
> Debugging"><strong>Setting up Tomcat for Remote Debugging</strong></a>
>           </font>
>         </td></tr>
>         <tr><td>
>           <blockquote>
>                                       <p>
>       So you're ready to take the leap?  You're going to edit a batch 
>       Take a deep breath, now go to <a href="
> ">VIM Online</a> and download "vi for windows" so that you have a 
> decent editor to use...
>       I'm only kidding.  (You should know this guide is written using 
vim but
>       your computer, your choice ;-)).  We'll step you through the 
basics and 
>       what to stick in the file (its really simple) and you just use
> your favorite
>       editor to edit the file.  Just ensure that your editor saves 
> the file back
>       in text format and doesn't adorn it with markup or special 
> characters, etc.
>      </p>
>                               </blockquote>
>           </p>
>         </td></tr>
>         <tr><td><br/></td></tr>
>       </table>
>                                                   <table border="0" 
> cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%">
>         <tr><td bgcolor="#525D76">
>           <font color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica,sanserif">
>             <a name="Disabling tomcat as a 
> service"><strong>Disabling tomcat as a service</strong></a>
>           </font>
>         </td></tr>
>         <tr><td>
>           <blockquote>
>                                       <p>
>       Make sure Tomcat isn't running as a service.  I don't think 
> you can remote
>       debug a service, and running it this way isn't too useful for 
> development.
>       Goto Start-&gt;Settings-&gt;Control Panel-&gt;Administrative 
> Tools-&gt;Services
>       (in each version of Windows these move around so you may have to 
>       for them).  Look for "Apache Tomcat" or "Tomcat" or something 
> to that effect
>       and stop it.  Open its properties and switch it to "Manual" if it 
>       currently loading Automatically.  Once your done, close all that 
>      </p>
>                               </blockquote>
>           </p>
>         </td></tr>
>         <tr><td><br/></td></tr>
>       </table>
>                                                   <table border="0" 
> cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%">
>         <tr><td bgcolor="#525D76">
>           <font color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica,sanserif">
>             <a name="Editing the tomcat batch file"><strong>Editing 
> the tomcat batch file</strong></a>
>           </font>
>         </td></tr>
>         <tr><td>
>           <blockquote>
>                                       <p>
>       Make sure that Tomcat isn't running already.  Presumably, you've 
shut it
>       down as a service, and know how to shut it down as a shell script 
if you
>       started it that way. 
>      </p>
>                                                   <p>
>       Open the Windows Explorer (not Internet Explorer.  Open the 
> thing you use
>       to move files and folders around).  Navigate to where you 
>       Tomcat.  (Probably C:\Program files\Apache Tomcat...)  Now 
> navigate under
>       it to the "bin" subdirectory and edit a file called "catalina.
> bat" in your
>       favorite editor.  Scroll down to the line that says: 
>       "rem Guess CATALINA_HOME if not defined" and just before it 
> add this line
>       via cut and paste (don't worry, you don't need to know what most 
of this
>       means...I sure as heck don't!): 
>       "SET CATALINA_OPTS=-server -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.
> compiler=NONE -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,
> address=8000" minus the quotes of course.
>       Save and exit.
>      </p>
>                                                   <p>
>       So what did that do for you?  Well later on in the script the 
> contents of
>       CATALINA_OPTS are passed to the "java" command.  You could also 
>       remote debugging for other programs by making sure the contents of 
>       after the equal sign were passed to the "java" command.  These
> options tell
>       the java command not to run the <a href="http://java.sun.
> com/products/hotspot/">HotSpot compiler</a>, enable the remote 
> debugging, and most importantly to
>       communicate with your IDE on port 8000 (that last part is the 
> thing you're
>       most likely to change so note that!).  If something else is 
> already running
>       on port 8000, change this to something a little higher or lower 
(but not
>       8080 because thats probably where tomcat is running you know). 
>      </p>
>                               </blockquote>
>           </p>
>         </td></tr>
>         <tr><td><br/></td></tr>
>       </table>
>                                                   <table border="0" 
> cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%">
>         <tr><td bgcolor="#525D76">
>           <font color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica,sanserif">
>             <a name="Environment Variables and Starting 
> Tomcat"><strong>Environment Variables and Starting Tomcat</strong></a>
>           </font>
>         </td></tr>
>         <tr><td>
>           <blockquote>
>                                       <p>
>       So now you're ready to start tomcat as a shell script. 
> Provided you have 
>       TOMCAT_HOME and JAVA_HOME defined already you can probably 
> double click the
>       "startup.bat" (which later runs catalina.bat), if not then you 
>       probably define those by right clicking on "My Computer" (from
> the desktop)
>       and clicking "properties" then the "advanced" tab and 
> "environment variables". 
>      </p>
>                                                   <p>
>       If you want to set tomcat up for all users of your station 
> then click new
>       under "System" otherwise do it under "User" environment variables. 
>       you're the only user, its probably safe to do it under System 
> in case your
>       id ever changes.  Define TOMCAT_HOME to point to the directory you 

>       installed TOMCAT in, define JAVA_HOME to wherever the 
> directory you installed
>       Java.  Click OK or Apply.  Go click on that "startup.bat". 
> You should be
>       good to go from the Tomcat side.  If not then you can probably 
open a 
>       "Command Prompt window, "cd %TOMCAT_HOME%" and type 
>      </p>
>                               </blockquote>
>           </p>
>         </td></tr>
>         <tr><td><br/></td></tr>
>       </table>
>                                                   <table border="0" 
> cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%">
>         <tr><td bgcolor="#525D76">
>           <font color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica,sanserif">
>             <a name="Why your Sysadmin won't let you run this in 
> production"><strong>Why your Sysadmin won't let you run this in 
> production</strong></a>
>           </font>
>         </td></tr>
>         <tr><td>
>           <blockquote>
>                                       <p>
>       Gosh remote debuggers are nice!  Wouldn't it be nice to have this 
>       in production?  HECK NO!  Running with debugging turned on and the 

>       HotSpot JIT compiler turned off is a SERIOUS performance drain. 
>       particularly noticable on your workstation with you as one of the 
>       and few users, but in production we're talking BAD!  Next, this is 
>       mother of security breeches!  Meaning letting anyone connect 
> to your server
>       and set a breakpoint, probably would be bad... 
>      </p>
>                               </blockquote>
>           </p>
>         </td></tr>
>         <tr><td><br/></td></tr>
>       </table>
>                                           </td>
>                   </tr>
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>                       <div align="center"><font color="#525D76" 
>                       Copyright &#169; 1999-2002, Apache Software 
>                       </em></font></div>
>                   </td></tr>
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>       </html>
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