
Unfortunately, the NFSRDMA transport cannot make your disks go faster. If the storage subsystem is incapable of keeping up with IPoIB, then it won't be able to keep up with NFSRDMA either.

To compare NFSRDMA and IPoIB performance absent a very fast storage subsystem you'll need to keep the file sizes small enough such that they fit within the server cache.


Jeff Becker wrote:
Hi. Just passing this on in case you missed it. Do you have any advice
on what knobs to tweak to get better performance (than NFS/IPoIB)? Thanks.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        RE: [ofa-general] NFS-RDMA (OFED1.4) with standard
distributions ?
Date:   Mon, 10 Nov 2008 16:27:50 +0000
From:   Ciesielski, Frederic (EMEA HPC&OSLO CC) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:     Jeff Becker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
CC: <>

That's great, thanks.

I ran some tests with the 2.6.27 kernel as server and client, and basically it 
works fine.

I could not find yet any situation where NFS-RDMA would outperform NFS/IPoIB, 
at least when you compare apples to apples (same clients, same server, same 
protocol, and not just write to/read from the caches), and it even seems to 
have severe performance issues for reading with files larger than the memory 
size of the client and the server.
Hopefully this will improve when more users will be able to give valuable 


-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Becker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, 08 November, 2008 22:35
To: Ciesielski, Frederic (EMEA HPC&OSLO CC)
Subject: Re: [ofa-general] NFS-RDMA (OFED1.4) with standard distributions ?

Ciesielski, Frederic (EMEA HPC&OSLO CC) wrote:
Is there any chance that the new NFS-RDMA features coming with OFED
1.4 work with standard and current distributions, like RHEL5, SLES10 ?
Not yet, but I'm working on it. I intend for NFSRDMA to work on 2.6.27 and 
2.6.26 for OFED 1.4. The RHEL5 and SLES10 backports will likely be done for 
OFED 1.4.1. Thanks.


Did anybody test this, or would pretend it is supposed to work ?

I mean without building a 2.6.27 or equivalent kernel on top of it,
keeping almost full support from the vendors.

Enhanced kernel modules may not be sufficient to work around the
limitations of old kernels...


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