Re: Mark as Junk not implemented in Seek? (was Re: delete not implemented!)

2008-03-11 Thread Scott Longberry

When it's commercial software, that's called negligence. When it's  
open source software, that's called enthusiasm!



  I'm guilty of showing off this extension a bit too early :-)


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Re: My departure + the future of Timeline and Exhibit

2008-02-20 Thread Scott Longberry

Hi David,

I'll chime in with the others with my congratulations! You've been  
extremely helpful and I am sure Metaweb will be glad to have you.

As for opinions as to where to go with Timeline and Exhibit, I  
wouldn't mind seeing them become open source projects. I'd be happy to  
continue contributing in what small ways that I can.

As for where to host the code, I do not have any practical experience,  
so I can't really offer any concrete advise here, but i would like to  
point out the obvious. Where ever the code ends up being hosted, it  
will need to be 1)  extremely reliable and 2) very fast. Because  
Exhibit is hosted for all of its users, if the host goes down or  
experiences a bottleneck, everyone who uses Exhibit is affected. It  
makes me wonder if there is some way of mirroring the host and load  
sharing between the mirrors...

General mailing list

Re: Odd Exhibit Behavior in IE7

2007-12-05 Thread Scott Longberry
Hmmm... I'm not seeing anything obvious to me. Maybe David or someone  
else with more knowledge can look into it. I'll keep looking though!


On Dec 4, 2007, at 2:33 PM, MD wrote:


Thanks for the quick response!

It seems simple enough, but it's not working. Is there a specific  

that I need to place the coordinator id?

I'm wondering if, through all my revisions, I might have some  
misplaced code

or remnants of older code that is throwing a wrench into things.

Any ideas?



-Original Message-

On Behalf Of Scott Longberry
Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2007 10:58 AM
To: General List
Subject: Re: Odd Exhibit Behavior in IE7

Hi MD,

I can't help with the IE behavior you are seeing but I should be able
to point you in the right direction for the other part of your post...

Also related to this, I would like to coordinate the event bubbles
similar to the US Presidents Exhibit in the online Exhibit examples.
What I mean by that is that when I click on a timeline event, the
bubble pops up for it on the timeline and on the map simultaneously
(and vice-versa).

What you are looking for are coordinators. You can read about them
here but the
general gist is that you put one in your page like this:

 div ex:role=coordinator id=coordinator-a /div

and then, in each view that you want to tie together, you reference  

div ex:role=view

div ex:role=exhibit-view
ex:label=View As Timeline

will tie your timeline and map views together.

Nice page, by the way, good luck with it!


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inline: SLemailsalutationrgb72.gif

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What changed in Exhibit

2007-11-20 Thread Scott Longberry
Hi All,

I was looking at my page today and noticed that some things have  
changed with exhibit. I now have the little scissors icon back (which  
I had dropped from the page). My page that used to allow you to flip  
back and forth between list view and timeline view no longer has an  
option for the timeline. My pop up windows when a user clicks on an  
event for details no longer appear. And, finally, Firebug is  
displaying errors:

TypeError: exhibit has no properties message=exhibit has no properties
TypeError: exhibit has no properties XmlHttp: Error handling  

My page hasn't changed in months. Was a new release rolled out to the  
server recently? If so, what do I need to do to make my app compatible  
with it?


General mailing list

Re: How to create a search box or Go to YEAR box

2007-05-29 Thread Scott Longberry

Hi Kris,

Something along the lines of this will work. The only problem is that  
there is no error checking so if someone enters something other than  
an integer, things tend to blow up.

		FORM NAME=date_select ACTION=javascript: centerTimeline 
			INPUT TYPE=text NAME=goto_date VALUE=INPUT TYPE=submit  
VALUE=Jump to Year



On May 24, 2007, at 12:50 PM, Kris Thomas-Vander Lugt wrote:


I am a teacher rather inexperienced in web design looking to  
incorporate Simile Timeline in a course I'm teaching online about  
German literature.  We've created the basic timeline and added  
events, but we're finding it difficult to scroll through decades or  
centuries of events in the top band.  Is there some way to add a  
search box that would allow users to enter the year they want to go  
to and have that time period show up? ( i.e. Go to 2007 and have  
it automatically scroll forward from the timeline's starting point,  
which is currently somewhere around 1700, to 2007)

Our very crude draft can be located at:

Kristin T. Vander Lugt

Assistant Professor of German Studies
Iowa State University
Department of World Languages and Cultures
3102 Pearson Hall
Ames, IA 50011

Departmental Website:

Phone:  (515) 294-2759
Fax:  (515) 294-9914
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Re: Exhibits invisible to Google

2007-01-25 Thread Scott Longberry
As one who started out just using Timeline and then moved to the  
Exhibit application, I can say that I was a little disappointed that  
Exhibit didn't read XML. More because I had to change my application  
that generated the XML document over to output JSON instead than  
anything else, but I do still think it would be nice to have the  
choice of input formats.


On Jan 25, 2007, at 9:15 AM, derek | idea company wrote:

 Hi David and all,
 What if instead of using json files Exhibit used standard XML/RSS
 feeds.  Google reads those when searching for them, and you can also
 have your exhibit pugged by the ever popular Feedburner and other
 fancy RSS readers.  There might also be easier ways to integrate into
 other software or upgrading to a Database if the dataset becomes
 larger then a flat file can handle.

 Derek Kinsman
 The Idea Company

 New Media Designer

 David Huynh wrote:
 Hi all,

 Exhibit suffers from the same Achilles heel as other Ajax  
 the dynamic content that gets inserted on-the-fly is totally  
 to Google. My whole web site is now invisible to Google :-)  
 Perhaps this
 is the biggest impediment to adoption.

 Johan has added some code that allows Exhibit to load data from HTML
 tables. This lets your data be shown even if Javascript is  
 disabled and
 lets your data be visible to Google. However, HTML tables are  
 clunky to
 store data.

 There is another alternative: inserting your data encoded as JSON
 between pre.../pre and then getting Exhibit to grab that text out
 and eval(...) it. If Javascript is disabled, the data is displayed as
 JSON--not so pretty.

 However, if the data is fed from another source, such as Google
 Spreadsheets, then neither of these approaches can be used.

 We've also entertained the idea of using the browser's Save Page  
 feature to snapshot a rendered exhibit and then using that as the  
 page. Exhibit still gets loaded into that page, but it would  
 not change the DOM until some user action requires it to. However,  
 browser's Save Page As... feature doesn't do a very good job of  
 the generated DOM.

 So, I think anything we do would look pretty much like a hack and  
 for only some cases. We also risk getting blacklisted by Google's
 crawler. So, what do we do? Is it possible to ask Google to scrape  
 exhibit-data links in the heads of the pages? And how do we do that?


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Improving load times

2007-01-25 Thread Scott Longberry
Hi David and all,

Does anyone have suggestions as to how to improve load times for  
Exhibit  Exhibit w/ Timeline views? I am starting to have people  
complaining about the amount of time that it is taking to load the  
page initially. Looking at the bundle.js file for Exhibit, it's  
almost half a meg and that's before I load my data into the view.  
Even with a DSL line, the page has a very noticeable lag (about 20 -  
30 seconds in some cases).

Thanks for any suggestions!


General mailing list

Re: Exhibits invisible to Google

2007-01-25 Thread Scott Longberry
You mean that David isn't an army of programmers? You could have  
fooled me by the number of times he has answered my questions  
regarding Exhibit and Timeline and the time stamp on the email has  
been later than 8 PM!

Thanks for the great work, David!


On Jan 25, 2007, at 11:32 AM, David R. Karger wrote:

 In an ideal world (ie, one with an infinite number of coders :), babel
 would be inside exhibit.  Exhibit would natively read all the  
 that babel currently translates.  There is no technical barrier to  
 and it would enhance the tool by letting authors publish in whatever
 structured data representation they wanted and edit it in real time
 without having to got through an interaction with a translation  

 In this non-ideal world, the reason for babel is that a number of
 fast-enough parsing tools, such as the one babel uses to translate
 bibtex to rdf, exist in java that do not exist in javascript.  Since
 David Huynh had finite time, he used them.

 Just as exhibit has a library of different views, it would be natural
 for it to have a library of parsers for different structured data
 formats.  So I could say
 and then
 link href=mybib.js type=application/bibtex rel=exhibit/data /

 All that is standing in our way is the lack of an army of  
 programmers :)

 derek | idea company wrote:
 That might work indeed.  However, I was thinking something on par  
 say how Timeline was using an XML file, using something similar  
 of a JSON file.  It would also be easier to create, edit and  
 manage it
 in a live environment, making it possible for multiple exhibit  
 A simple xml editor could be created to edit and update a file in  
 That way, users wouldn't have work around a spreadsheet and either
 export it with Babel or get access to the google spreadsheet and  
 do all
 the publish/republish.  Just a thought, might be out of the scope  
 of the

 Derek Kinsman
 The Idea Company

 New Media Designer

 David Huynh wrote:

 Oh that might work! So, maybe something like this?

 link rel=exhibit/data type=application/json
   href=my-data.json /

 link rel=exhibit/google-spreadsheets-data  
 alt=json-in-javscript /

 !-- Just for you, Google! --
 link rel=alternate type=application/rss+xml title=RSS 2.0
 url=; /

 link rel=alternate type=application/rss+xml title=RSS 2.0
 o08841867754116283182.6102151849127695926/od6/public/basic /

 How confident are we that this will work?


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Re: Timeline MONTH Band Problem

2007-01-19 Thread Scott Longberry
Hi David,

This is a problem that I was experiencing myself until yesterday. I  
am serving the files locally (not running off the Simile distro) and  
I changed the following function:


in the labellers.js file so that the case statement for month added  
one more to the labelInterval call. I'll admit that I looked at the  
labelInterval function to try to fix the problem at its root, but I  
was sure what else I would break messing around with it.

  In my case, I also added a call to


and prepended this to my result so that my band displays the month  
and year (Jan 2007 for example). So, here's how my case statemnt  
looks now:

 case Timeline.DateTime.MONTH:
 var m = date.getUTCMonth();
 if (m == 0) {
 text = Timeline.GregorianDateLabeller.getMonthName(m,  
this._locale) +   + (this.labelInterval(date,  
Timeline.DateTime.YEAR).text + 1);
 emphasized = true;
 } else {
 text = Timeline.GregorianDateLabeller.getMonthName(m,  

I'm sure that my fix is pretty much a hack and that David will come  
up with a better solution though!


On Jan 19, 2007, at 10:19 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I am experiencing a problem with MONTH in Timeline.  When I
 do a MONTH band, it places the wrong year in the January
 slot, making the year one too early.  In other words, when
 2006 should appear in the January slot in a band, 2005
 appears instead.  However, when I change the band to YEAR
 there is no problem.  For example go to to see
 the use of the YEAR band with no problem and everything
 placed in the correct location.  Go to to see
 the probelm when using the MONTH band (David L. Cohen should
 be appearing for May 12, 1965 NOT May 12, 1964).  Nothing
 else in my code has changed except changing the bands
 intervalUnit period from MONTH to YEAR.  I also am
 expeiencing this problem with other Timeline files.  Thank
 you for your assistance.

 David L. Cohen


 Check your Email accounts at

 Login from home, work, school.  Anywhere!

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No items in list

2007-01-19 Thread Scott Longberry
Hi all,

Does anyone have any suggestions for dealing with the Exhibit views  
in the  situation where there are no items in the JSON data? For  
example, if there are no items in the JSON file, the view panel comes  
up with a not configured error.

Also, is there a javascript function call that I can use to tell the  
Exhibit to reload the JSON file?

I know that Exhibit wasn't initially intended to work this way, but I  
am pushing it to work with dynamic data by generating the JSON file  
on the fly.

Thanks for the help!

General mailing list

Re: Exhibit question

2007-01-18 Thread Scott Longberry

On Jan 18, 2007, at 7:37 AM, Johan Sundström wrote:

 On 1/18/07, David Huynh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Scott,

 That iframe is used to detect when the user presses the Back and  
 buttons of the browser so that undo/redo can be supported. What  
 kind of
 problem is it causing you?

 Probably not Scott's problem, but one I have encountered on my own in
 intrusive composition scenarios: when __history__.html is loaded into
 a frame from a site where it does not exist, and where the error page
 contains javascript code which breaks free of frames (such as if(
 window != top ) top.location = location;), this wreaks havoc, shutting
 down Exhibit and anything else along with it.

 It would be useful having the option of specifying somehoe that
 Exhibit first try to load the history page via SimileAjax, ensuring
 that it is the history page it expects, before loading it into the
 iframe. Or, doing away with loading an external file at all, if

  / Johan Sundström,

 General mailing list

My problem actually lies in the fact that I am using Ruby on Rails to  
write my site and am using Exhibit underneath this application layer  
for display purposes. Rails uses routing to determine which  
application controller should handle an incoming request. So, what  
happens in my case is that the page requests the __history__.html  
file from the directory that created the Exhibit view and Rails  
interprets that as a request to the controller and passes in the  
history file name as a parameter to the controller. The controller is  
actually expecting an id for lookup in the database by default, so it  
assumes that I want to look up __history__.html and isn't all that  
happy about the results.

I found in the code how to turn off the history iFrame and have done  
so as a temporary fix. However, the history feature is pretty nice  
and I would like to eventually turn it back on. I will take a look at  
the routing configuration for Rails and see if there is a way to tell  
the application that a request for the particular filename should be  
a proxy to somewhere else.

However, I do like Johan's suggestion of doing away with the external  
file if at all possible. Or, at least make it a configurable option  
to tell Exhibit where to look for the file.

Thanks for the help!

General mailing list

Exhibit question

2007-01-17 Thread Scott Longberry
Hi all,

Can someone give me some idea as to what the iframe that sources from  
__history__.html actually does? It is wreaking havoc with some other  
programs that I am incorporating into the same page.


General mailing list

Re: Exhibit and Ajax.updater

2007-01-16 Thread Scott Longberry
Hi David,

I happen to be using Firebug and there are no errors coming from  
Javascript. I guess what I was really wondering was if there could be  
any namespace conflicts with the Ajax namespace?



On Jan 15, 2007, at 8:30 PM, David Huynh wrote:

 Scott Longberry wrote:
 Hi all,

 I am trying to embed a link into a text string being fed to Exhibit.
 If I view the source, the link looks like the following:

 a href=# onclick=alert('Get link!!!'); new Ajax.Updater
 id=196', {asynchronous: true}); return false;Demo 7049-32/a

 I put the alert into the link just to prove that javascript was
 getting evaluated when I click on the generated link (it is). The
 problem is that the Ajax.Updater never fires. Is there some
 incompatibility between the Prototype JS library and the Simile Ajax
 library? I use prototype everywhere else in my code, so I would like
 to use it here as well if I could.

 Are you seeing any error in the Javascript console (in Firefox)? I'd
 recomment FireBug for debugging:

 General mailing list

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Re: Exhibit and Ajax.updater

2007-01-16 Thread Scott Longberry
Hi All,

I apologize for the waste of bandwidth. There is no conflict with  
Prototype's Ajax.Updater.

You just need to be using it correctly...


On Jan 16, 2007, at 7:52 AM, Scott Longberry wrote:

 Hi David,

 I happen to be using Firebug and there are no errors coming from
 Javascript. I guess what I was really wondering was if there could be
 any namespace conflicts with the Ajax namespace?



 On Jan 15, 2007, at 8:30 PM, David Huynh wrote:

 Scott Longberry wrote:
 Hi all,

 I am trying to embed a link into a text string being fed to Exhibit.
 If I view the source, the link looks like the following:

 a href=# onclick=alert('Get link!!!'); new Ajax.Updater
 id=196', {asynchronous: true}); return false;Demo 7049-32/a

 I put the alert into the link just to prove that javascript was
 getting evaluated when I click on the generated link (it is). The
 problem is that the Ajax.Updater never fires. Is there some
 incompatibility between the Prototype JS library and the Simile Ajax
 library? I use prototype everywhere else in my code, so I would like
 to use it here as well if I could.

 Are you seeing any error in the Javascript console (in Firefox)? I'd
 recomment FireBug for debugging:

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Re: Exhibit and Ajax.updater

2007-01-16 Thread Scott Longberry
Hi David,

Thanks for the reply. I just sent an I'm an idiot post but since  
you were kind enough to reply, I'll go ahead and divulge just how  
much on an idiot I am. :)

My Javascript was correct (which is why Firebug showed no errors,  
even when I was tracing XmlHTTPRequests). However, the guys who write  
browsers are smarter than I am and therefore won't actually let you  
execute cross domain scripting security bugs that you have written  
into your app.

The good news is, with a little refactoring, I can now have detailed  
information bubbles pop up over the top of my Exhibit views.

Thanks for the help!


On Jan 16, 2007, at 9:03 AM, David Huynh wrote:

 Scott Longberry wrote:
 Hi David,

 I happen to be using Firebug and there are no errors coming from
 Javascript. I guess what I was really wondering was if there could be
 any namespace conflicts with the Ajax namespace?

 There shouldn't be. I call our stuff SimileAjax just to avoid  

 You can use Firebug's console to evaluate some expressions, including

 {asynchronous: true})

 You can also evaluate some expressions like


 and see if it's looking alright.




 On Jan 15, 2007, at 8:30 PM, David Huynh wrote:

 Scott Longberry wrote:

 Hi all,

 I am trying to embed a link into a text string being fed to  
 If I view the source, the link looks like the following:

 a href=# onclick=alert('Get link!!!'); new Ajax.Updater
 id=196', {asynchronous: true}); return false;Demo 7049-32/a

 I put the alert into the link just to prove that javascript was
 getting evaluated when I click on the generated link (it is). The
 problem is that the Ajax.Updater never fires. Is there some
 incompatibility between the Prototype JS library and the Simile  
 library? I use prototype everywhere else in my code, so I would  
 to use it here as well if I could.

 Are you seeing any error in the Javascript console (in Firefox)? I'd
 recomment FireBug for debugging:

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Exhibit and Ajax.updater

2007-01-15 Thread Scott Longberry
Hi all,

I am trying to embed a link into a text string being fed to Exhibit.  
If I view the source, the link looks like the following:

a href=# onclick=alert('Get link!!!'); new Ajax.Updater 
id=196', {asynchronous: true}); return false;Demo 7049-32/a

I put the alert into the link just to prove that javascript was  
getting evaluated when I click on the generated link (it is). The  
problem is that the Ajax.Updater never fires. Is there some  
incompatibility between the Prototype JS library and the Simile Ajax  
library? I use prototype everywhere else in my code, so I would like  
to use it here as well if I could.


General mailing list

A bunch of Timeline questions

2006-12-29 Thread Scott Longberry
Hi All,

Before I begin, I do want to state that I find the Timeline software  
extremely beneficial and I really like it. I'm not complaining with  
these questions, I'm just confused! :)

Please forgive me if these questions are simple, but I have looked  
through the documentation and the code and haven't found any answers  

I have downloaded the timeline code from the svn repository and am  
running it locally from my server. These problems appear if I am  
running the code locally or remotely from the simile server. My data  
is coming in the form of an XML file being loaded into the timeline.

First, it appears that the I have something configured wrong in my  
setup. I send an event with a date of Dec 27 and it actually gets  
displayed on the 28th. I have filtering and highlighting set up from  
the example.js file and when I highlight the event, the highlight div  
appears in the correct location even though the actual event is in  
the wrong place.

Second, I have three bands set up. The top is by day, the second is  
by week and the third by month. When using the highlighting I  
mentioned before, only the top two bands have the events highlighted.  
The month band doesn't show anything.

Third, the week and month band are set up just to show the line  
indicators as to where and event is. I would like to increase the  
size of these elements to make them more obvious. I can't find in the  
code where these are handled. Just a pointer in the right direction  
would be helpful here.

Finally, I am trying to modify the highlight colors for the default  
theme in the theme.js file. However, if I change them here, they do  
not change in the browser, even after dumping cache and reloading the  
page. Is there somewhere else that these are set that are overriding  
my changes?

Once again, I apologize for so many questions at once!

General mailing list

Re: A bunch of Timeline questions

2006-12-29 Thread Scott Longberry
Hi again,

Well, I seem to have solved two of my problems. I'm still working on  
the other two. I thought I would send along the solutions in case  
others need them in the future.

 First, it appears that the I have something configured wrong in my
 setup. I send an event with a date of Dec 27 and it actually gets
 displayed on the 28th. I have filtering and highlighting set up from
 the example.js file and when I highlight the event, the highlight div
 appears in the correct location even though the actual event is in
 the wrong place.

It turns out that I had centering turned on for a higher level div in  
my page that contains the div the timeline is in. This got inherited  
by the instant div that gets created by the timeline and the title  
for the event was getting centered inside the div and thus moving  
over to another day in the timeline. A suggestion here would be to  
override the text-align style attribute to be left aligned in event  
title divs.

 Finally, I am trying to modify the highlight colors for the default
 theme in the theme.js file. However, if I change them here, they do
 not change in the browser, even after dumping cache and reloading the
 page. Is there somewhere else that these are set that are overriding
 my changes?

I didn't actually solve this one, but found what is probably the  
correct way of doing it. Instead of changing the default theme, I  
over rode it with theme.event.highlightColors = [].

Two down, two to go. Any help on the other two would definitely be  


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