Re: [gentoo-amd64] mythfrontend on AMD64 - will it work with qt-4? (cannot connect to database)

2007-05-15 Thread Raffaele BELARDI
I'm also experimenting with mythtv on an amd64, but for now I have
frontend, backend and mywql running on the same diskless machine so I
don't have direct answer for you. But in my system the frontend works fine.

If memory serves (I'm on a different system now), during the emerge of
mythtv qt3 library was pulled in, not qt4. That was a couple of weeks
ago, at the time there was no qt3support flag yet, or I did not notice
it. Maybe you could try emerging qt-3 instead of qt-4 with qt3support



Mark Knecht wrote:
   I'm in the early stages of a complete MythTV update across my
 network. I have the backend nearly working in an IA32 machine. It runs
 fine but isn't getting all the channels correctly yet. In parallel
 with that effort I'm trying to get the frontend working again on my
 AMD64 machine. At this point I can connect to the mythconverg database
 by hand:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ mysql -h -u mythtv -p mythconverg
 Enter password:
 Reading table information for completion of table and column names
 You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
 Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
 Your MySQL connection id is 43
 Server version: 5.0.40 Gentoo Linux mysql-5.0.40
 Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.
 mysql exit
   However when I try to start the frontend it complains like this:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ mythfrontend --geometry 800x600
 2007-05-14 19:56:19.577 Using runtime prefix = /usr
 2007-05-14 19:56:19.585 DPMS is active.
 QSqlDatabase: QMYSQL3 driver not loaded
 QSqlDatabase: available drivers:
 2007-05-14 19:56:19.595 New DB connection, total: 1
 2007-05-14 19:56:19.595 Unable to connect to database!
 2007-05-14 19:56:19.596 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
 QSqlQuery::exec: database not open
 QSqlQuery::exec: database not open
 2007-05-14 19:56:19.646 DB Error (KickDatabase):
 Query was:
 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
   After doing some reading I find that the long time answer to this
 question is compiling qt with mysql support. I believe I've done that
 but it still didn't work. I noticed a new flag about qt3support so I
 rebuilt qt with that turned on but it still fails to connect:
 lightning ~ # emerge -pv qt
 These are the packages that would be merged, in order:
 Calculating dependencies... done!
 [ebuild   R   ] x11-libs/qt-4.2.3-r1  USE=cups dbus gif jpeg mysql
 opengl png qt3support zlib -accessibility -debug -doc -examples
 (-firebird) -glib -mng -nas -nis -odbc -pch -postgres -sqlite -sqlite3
 -xinerama INPUT_DEVICES=-wacom 0 kB
 Total: 1 package (1 reinstall), Size of downloads: 0 kB
 lightning ~ #
   Is there a known problem with mythfrontend on AMD64? I'm pretty
 lost for things to try right now.
   Thanks in advance for any ideas.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-amd64] Re: Gentoo crashing?

2007-05-15 Thread Duncan
Peter Davoust [EMAIL PROTECTED] posted
[EMAIL PROTECTED], excerpted
below, on  Mon, 14 May 2007 17:08:42 -0400:

 things, and see how it goes. brbr-Peterbrbrdivspan
 class=gmail_quoteOn 5/14/07, b class=gmail_sendernamea
 href=mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED][EMAIL PROTECTED]/a/b lt;a

FWIW, I was trying to ignore this, but after multiple posts, it's 
becoming difficult to do so.  Please kill the HTML.  While your at it, 
top posting isn't so great either, but it's not the security issue that 
HTML posting can be, so killing the HTML is the big thing.

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master.  Richard Stallman

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-amd64] Gentoo crashing?

2007-05-15 Thread Antoine Martin
Hash: SHA512

 Peter Davoust [EMAIL PROTECTED] skribis:
 Well, the last time it locked up was while running emerge --sync,
 which I'm running now with no apparent problems... yet.
 I'm no expert, but locking up during syncing seems to me the sort of
 thing a screwball kernel might do. I can't explain bzip troubles as
 easily that way, but is it just that the system has frozen up while a
 bzip was going on?
I've had bzip2 problems with overheating laptop cpus before.
Also gcc would mis-compile and tell you about it.


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Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-amd64] Gentoo crashing?

2007-05-15 Thread Antoine Martin
Hash: SHA512

Peter Davoust wrote:
 Actually, one thing I probably should mention is that it hasn't locked
 up while running anything GUI yet. Maybe that's just luck of the draw,
 but it may be important. Who knows. And to answer your previous
 question, by crash I mean it locks up completely. The mouse driver
 operates for a few seconds, but after that it's frozen entirely.
Quite odd. Could be interrupt related, have you tried booting with
noapic and/or acpi=off?

 even ctrl+atl+del does it. You know, the other thing that makes me
 curious about it being a hardware glitch is that it does this with gdm,
 I think (see previous thread: GDM hates me). Well, the last time it
 locked up was while running emerge --sync, which I'm running now with no
 apparent problems... yet.
Version: GnuPG v2.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-amd64] mythfrontend on AMD64 - will it work with qt-4? (cannot connect to database)

2007-05-15 Thread Brett Johnson
On Mon, May 14, 2007 at 07:59:52PM -0700, Mark Knecht wrote:
   I'm in the early stages of a complete MythTV update across my
 network. I have the backend nearly working in an IA32 machine. It runs
 fine but isn't getting all the channels correctly yet. In parallel
 with that effort I'm trying to get the frontend working again on my
 AMD64 machine. 
   However when I try to start the frontend it complains like this:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ mythfrontend --geometry 800x600
 2007-05-14 19:56:19.577 Using runtime prefix = /usr
 2007-05-14 19:56:19.585 DPMS is active.
 QSqlDatabase: QMYSQL3 driver not loaded
 QSqlDatabase: available drivers:
 2007-05-14 19:56:19.595 New DB connection, total: 1
 2007-05-14 19:56:19.595 Unable to connect to database!
 2007-05-14 19:56:19.596 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
 QSqlQuery::exec: database not open
 QSqlQuery::exec: database not open
 2007-05-14 19:56:19.646 DB Error (KickDatabase):
 Query was:
 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
First, I believe MythTV still required QT3. The QT package is slotted,
so you should be able to have both 3 and 4 installed. If you upgraded
MySQL on the AMD64 box, you may want to rebuild QT3 with something like
emerge -av =dev-libs/qt3*

If that doesn't fix it, it sounds like it could be a password encryption 
problem. I had a similar problem when I tried using a RHEL box as a 
front end. The RHEL distribution only supported MySQL 4.0.x and my back 
end DB is MySQL 5.x. I could connect fine from the command line, but the 
front end could not. After a bit of research I determined it was a 
password encryption problem. I decided the easiest solution for me was to 
create a second account for the mythconverg DB and encrypt the password 
using the old_password function.  You can also upgrade the client to 5.x. 
If it's already at 5.x you may need to re-encrypt the password for the 

You may want to look at
and try some of the suggestions.

Hope this helps.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-amd64] Gentoo crashing?

2007-05-15 Thread Peter Hoff
I can't even get 2.6.21 to compile. I was getting unhappy about that, but 
perhaps I've been looking at it the wrong way?

- Original Message 
From: Dustin C. Hatch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2007 10:25:46 PM
Subject: Re: [gentoo-amd64] Gentoo crashing?


I have been having that problem for quite some
time now.  It was really bad when I upgraded to 2.6.21.  I downgraded
back to 2.6.20-r4 and I haven't had near the problems.  I am not sure
what it is, but you aren't the only one with that problem.

Peter Davoust wrote:
Ok, I just conquered my gdm issues in a previous thread,
and now I'm finding that gentoo is crashing on me! Twice so far, gentoo
has crashed at fairly inappropriate times. I've used gentoo before, and
not once has it crashed meaninglessly. First, I think I was listing a
directory, and it totally froze, and then the second time I was
unzipping a bzipped archive of the latest kernel sources and it came to
a dead halt. I had to hard reboot the machine, it wasn't fun. I'm
starting to get worried, especially since if it can't handle a little
tar.bz2 file, then it certainly can't emerge anything. I'm sure you'll
be wanting some logs, and I'll get them to you next time I boot gentoo.
I've got 2 gig of RAM, and a dual core processor, so those aren't the
problem, and my hard drive has plenty of free space (talking gigs
here), so that's not it either. It sounds like it's something really
obvious that I'm overlooking, but I don't understand how it could just
stop. Even the normal clicking associated with the processor thinking
just halts. Isn't that weird? 



Dustin C. Hatch

Re: [gentoo-amd64] Gentoo crashing?

2007-05-15 Thread Peter Davoust

Ok, I thought I had turned it to plain text, but gmail is obsessive
about these things. Ok, so I haven't tried with acpi off. One
interesting development is that I've been trying to get my nvidia
graphics card working (no luck, by the way), and when I logon, startx
(doesn't work), then kill x, edit the config and try to start it
again, it crashes, sure thing. So if nothing else that establishes a
point where it will definately crash and I can reproduce the error.
Other than that I'm clueless.

On 5/15/07, Antoine Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hash: SHA512

Peter Davoust wrote:
 Actually, one thing I probably should mention is that it hasn't locked
 up while running anything GUI yet. Maybe that's just luck of the draw,
 but it may be important. Who knows. And to answer your previous
 question, by crash I mean it locks up completely. The mouse driver
 operates for a few seconds, but after that it's frozen entirely.
Quite odd. Could be interrupt related, have you tried booting with
noapic and/or acpi=off?

 even ctrl+atl+del does it. You know, the other thing that makes me
 curious about it being a hardware glitch is that it does this with gdm,
 I think (see previous thread: GDM hates me). Well, the last time it
 locked up was while running emerge --sync, which I'm running now with no
 apparent problems... yet.

Version: GnuPG v2.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-amd64] Gentoo crashing?

2007-05-15 Thread Peter Davoust

Cool, so it isn't hardware (hopefully). How to I downgrade my kernel?


On 5/15/07, Peter Hoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I can't even get 2.6.21 to compile. I was getting unhappy about that, but
perhaps I've been looking at it the wrong way?

- Original Message 
From: Dustin C. Hatch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2007 10:25:46 PM
Subject: Re: [gentoo-amd64] Gentoo crashing?

 I have been having that problem for quite some time now.  It was really bad
when I upgraded to 2.6.21.  I downgraded back to 2.6.20-r4 and I haven't had
near the problems.  I am not sure what it is, but you aren't the only one
with that problem.

 Peter Davoust wrote:
Ok, I just conquered my gdm issues in a previous thread, and now I'm finding
that gentoo is crashing on me! Twice so far, gentoo has crashed at fairly
inappropriate times. I've used gentoo before, and not once has it crashed
meaninglessly. First, I think I was listing a directory, and it totally
froze, and then the second time I was unzipping a bzipped archive of the
latest kernel sources and it came to a dead halt. I had to hard reboot the
machine, it wasn't fun. I'm starting to get worried, especially since if it
can't handle a little tar.bz2 file, then it certainly can't emerge anything.
I'm sure you'll be wanting some logs, and I'll get them to you next time I
boot gentoo. I've got 2 gig of RAM, and a dual core processor, so those
aren't the problem, and my hard drive has plenty of free space (talking gigs
here), so that's not it either. It sounds like it's something really obvious
that I'm overlooking, but I don't understand how it could just stop. Even
the normal clicking associated with the processor thinking just halts.
Isn't that weird?


Dustin C. Hatch

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-amd64] Gentoo crashing?

2007-05-15 Thread Peter Hoff
Just because Memtest86 went 30% without failure does not mean your RAM is 30% 
OK. It should run for at least a full loop, and I typically run it for at least 
2 loops (though only once have I seen a system suddenly start spewing errors it 
didn't have during the first loop, and I've run it on a lot of systems). It 
does take a while, so you probably don't want to sit around watching it. I 
usually let it run overnight while I sleep.

- Original Message 
From: Peter Davoust [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2007 2:08:42 PM
Subject: Re: [gentoo-amd64] Gentoo crashing?

Ok, so I compiled a new kernel, and it seemed to work. I booted the new kernel, 
I was able to unzip and install dhcpcd, ndiswrapper, wireless-tools, and cab 
extract. Then, once the wireless was working, I tried emerge --search dhcpcd, 
because gentoo apparently doesn't like my manually configured dhcpcd CRASH! 
I ran memtest86+, as suggested, and it got to at least 30% without a failure. 
I'll try it again, but at least 30% of my memory is in tact. I'll try to emerge 
some other things, and see how it goes. 


On Mon, May 14, 2007 at 02:04:30AM -0400, Peter Davoust wrote:
Ok, first, while I appreciate your advice, this is a brand new laptop

and there's no way I'm running bonnie++ (that's prime95, right?), or
anything with the words cpu and burn in the same sentence on this
thing. Memtest86 might be an option as long as it has no potential to

kill anything. I agree, it could be the heat, and that was the first
thing that came to my mind, but Vista boots and runs for long periods
of time with no issues. I'll check it out with the new kernel in the

morning and see what it does.

Any new laptop should have the hardware smarts not to smoke itself, or
something really is broken.  It may shut down unexpectedly (which I
also consider a design bug), but actually causing damage is unlikely.

That said, this really sounds like a RAM problem, so I would run
memtest86 first.  Memtest86 has zero chance of smoking any system that
has passed a factory QA check.

I had a Gentoo system (a server) that pretty much ran (to be honest, it

was a heavily used database server that stayed up for a good 3 months in
this state).  However, its clock was skewed something like 10m/hour (I
now think this was due to lost ticks during processing of memory


I tried all the various kernel flags, largemem, etc., only to find out
that the problem was (as others on this thread have posted) incompatible
RAM.  I point this out only to say that bad RAM can cause *very* unusual

problems (not just the segfaults you'd expect), and to say that lots of
complex operations (like Vista, for example) can continue to run just
fine in such a broken environment.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-amd64] Gentoo crashing?

2007-05-15 Thread Bernhard Auzinger
Am Dienstag 15 Mai 2007 schrieb Peter Hoff:
 I can't even get 2.6.21 to compile. I was getting unhappy about that, but
 perhaps I've been looking at it the wrong way?

My suggestion is to boot without X, without loading the graphic driver module 
(nvidia, ati) and without any other driver that is not needed for basic 
functionality (dvb, bttv, alsa, usb . . .). Maybe you should try not to load 
the network driver too. If it is not the heat, you could have some interrupt 
issues. A while ago, with my old P3, I had a similar problem. My problem was 
that my network-controller and my soundcard didn't like to share an interrupt 
together :) and the system hung up very often. For me it was unreproduceable, 
what caused my problems, but finally I got behind it by testing each 
component step by step.

So don't become desperate. Try everything you have in your mind. Sometimes the 
least promising possibility solves the problem

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-amd64] Gentoo crashing?

2007-05-15 Thread Peter Hoff

- Original Message 
From: Peter Davoust [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2007 7:11:20 PM
Subject: Re: [gentoo-amd64] Gentoo crashing?

I know it doesn't actually burn the cpu, but I'd rather not cook any components 
if I don't have to. From what I know of torture tests, they run the cpu so hot 
it starts making computational errors, am I right? It still makes me nervous. I 
was hoping to be able to fix the issue just by recompiling my kernel, but no 
such luck. I'll mess with it some more and see what I can do. Can you give me 
any advice as to what I should to to a) not violate my warrantee and b) avoid 
killing my computer as much as possible? Could it just be something with my 
Gentoo install? I guess that's a stupid question; I've had this problem on an 
older computer, but it was a Desktop and it was much easier to swap components 
without messing up my warrantee. So if it were a hardware problem, wouldn't you 
think that suse 
10.2 would have run into it as well? I used to run 10.2 (used to as in 3 days 
ago) for hours on end without any problems at all. I agree that Gentoo can run 
the computer harder, but that doesn't quite click. 


You're being silly. Software torture tests are not going to kill your hardware. 
Just run them and see what you get. Memtest will give you the address where the 
error occured, and I've always been able to determine which stick was bad from 
that, using a little deductive reasoning (I usually verify by testing the 
sticks alone, but so far I've not been wrong).

As for voiding your warranty, memory and the hard drive are typically 
considered user-servicable parts. In fact, most of the time if either of those 
are the problem they'll just send you the parts and you'll have to replace them 
yourself anyway.

More on torturing hardware: really, the only component that's at all vulnerable 
to this is the hard drive, simply because it's a mechanical device, but it will 
take an absurdly long time to do any actual damage. I used to test hard drives 
for video servers (think Tivo, but starting at $100k). We tried a wide variety 
of drive testing suites, but it turned out none of them ran the drives harder 
than our normal application. A surprising number of the oldest version of our 
product are still running, on the original drives, after over 10 years, in 
situations that are very demanding (like serving multiple channels for 
DirecTV). So, really, stop being so paranoid about software torture tests. It 
is a complete myth that you can ruin your hardware by running them.

Re: [gentoo-amd64] mythfrontend on AMD64 - will it work with qt-4? (cannot connect to database)

2007-05-15 Thread Mark Knecht

On 5/15/07, Brett Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Mon, May 14, 2007 at 07:59:52PM -0700, Mark Knecht wrote:
   I'm in the early stages of a complete MythTV update across my
 network. I have the backend nearly working in an IA32 machine. It runs
 fine but isn't getting all the channels correctly yet. In parallel
 with that effort I'm trying to get the frontend working again on my
 AMD64 machine.

   However when I try to start the frontend it complains like this:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ mythfrontend --geometry 800x600
 2007-05-14 19:56:19.577 Using runtime prefix = /usr
 2007-05-14 19:56:19.585 DPMS is active.
 QSqlDatabase: QMYSQL3 driver not loaded
 QSqlDatabase: available drivers:
 2007-05-14 19:56:19.595 New DB connection, total: 1
 2007-05-14 19:56:19.595 Unable to connect to database!
 2007-05-14 19:56:19.596 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
 QSqlQuery::exec: database not open
 QSqlQuery::exec: database not open
 2007-05-14 19:56:19.646 DB Error (KickDatabase):
 Query was:
 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...

First, I believe MythTV still required QT3. The QT package is slotted,
so you should be able to have both 3 and 4 installed. If you upgraded
MySQL on the AMD64 box, you may want to rebuild QT3 with something like
emerge -av =dev-libs/qt3*

If that doesn't fix it, it sounds like it could be a password encryption
problem. I had a similar problem when I tried using a RHEL box as a
front end. The RHEL distribution only supported MySQL 4.0.x and my back
end DB is MySQL 5.x. I could connect fine from the command line, but the
front end could not. After a bit of research I determined it was a
password encryption problem. I decided the easiest solution for me was to
create a second account for the mythconverg DB and encrypt the password
using the old_password function.  You can also upgrade the client to 5.x.
If it's already at 5.x you may need to re-encrypt the password for the

You may want to look at
and try some of the suggestions.

Hope this helps.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Hi Brett.
  Thanks for responding.

  I have both qt3 and qt4 installed:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ eix -I x11-libs/qt
[I] x11-libs/qt
Available versions:
   (3) 3.3.4-r8 3.3.8-r2
   (4) 4.2.3-r1 ~*4.3.0_beta1 ~4.3.0_rc1
   {accessibility cups dbus debug doc examples firebird gif glib
immqt immqt-bc input_devices_wacom ipv6 jpeg mng mysql nas nis odbc
opengl pch png postgres qt3support sqlite sqlite3 ssl tiff xinerama
Installed versions:  3.3.8-r2(3)(09:05:22 PM 04/18/2007)(cups
-debug -doc -examples -firebird gif -immqt -immqt-bc ipv6 mysql -nas
-nis -odbc opengl -postgres -sqlite -xinerama)
 4.2.3-r1(4)(07:42:10 PM
05/14/2007)(-accessibility cups dbus -debug -doc -examples -firebird
gif -glib -input_devices_wacom jpeg -mng mysql -nas -nis -odbc opengl
-pch png -postgres qt3support -sqlite -sqlite3 -xinerama zlib)
Description: The Qt toolkit is a comprehensive C++
application development framework.

  As far as I can tell Myth and most everything else does depend on qt3:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ equery depends =x11-libs/qt-3.3.8-r2
[ Searching for packages depending on =x11-libs/qt-3.3.8-r2... ]
app-cdr/k3b-1.0.1 (=x11-libs/qt-3.3*)
app-crypt/qca-1.0-r2 (=x11-libs/qt-3.3*)
app-text/poppler-bindings-0.5.4 (qt3? =x11-libs/qt-3*)
dev-libs/dbus-qt3-old-0.70 (=x11-libs/qt-3*)
kde-base/kdebase-3.5.5-r4 (=x11-libs/qt-3.3*)
kde-base/kdelibs-3.5.5-r10 (=x11-libs/qt-3.3.8-r2)
kde-misc/filelight-1.0_rc2 (=x11-libs/qt-3.3*)
media-sound/qjackctl-0.2.22 (=x11-libs/qt-3*)
media-tv/mythtv-0.20.1_p13344 (=x11-libs/qt-3.3*)
x11-themes/mythtv-themes-0.20.1 (=x11-libs/qt-3.3*)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ equery depends =x11-libs/qt-4.2.3-r1
[ Searching for packages depending on =x11-libs/qt-4.2.3-r1... ]
app-text/poppler-bindings-0.5.4 (qt4? =x11-libs/qt-4*)

  I did upgrade mysql to version 5 so I'll try rebuilding qt3 using
this command:

emerge -av =x11-libs/qt-3*

  If the info above suggests other ideas please post back when you
get a chance.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-amd64] Gentoo crashing?

2007-05-15 Thread Isidore Ducasse
le Tue, 15 May 2007 08:57:01 -0400
Peter Davoust [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit:

 Ok, I thought I had turned it to plain text, but gmail is obsessive
 about these things. Ok, so I haven't tried with acpi off. 

My brother's computer (intel dual core, as far as I remember) used to hang up 
randomly when used with acpi. He also had a problem with the preemption option 
inkernel, leading to hang-ups. But those issues had nothing to do with loading 

I'll have a glance at gmail's options next time I use the web interface; sorry 
for the inconvenience if the [ originally text ] message gets blown as html.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-amd64] Re: Gentoo crashing?

2007-05-15 Thread Isidore Ducasse
le Tue, 15 May 2007 11:06:23 + (UTC)
Duncan [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit:

 Peter Davoust [EMAIL PROTECTED] posted
 [EMAIL PROTECTED], excerpted
 below, on  Mon, 14 May 2007 17:08:42 -0400:
  things, and see how it goes. brbr-Peterbrbrdivspan
  class=gmail_quoteOn 5/14/07, b class=gmail_sendernamea
  href=mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED][EMAIL PROTECTED]/a/b lt;a
 FWIW, I was trying to ignore this, but after multiple posts, it's 
 becoming difficult to do so.  Please kill the HTML.  While your at it, 
 top posting isn't so great either, but it's not the security issue that 
 HTML posting can be, so killing the HTML is the big thing.

It seems my messages get transformed to have both text/plain and text/html 
bodies. Is this what you receive from me? Does it bother?
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-amd64] mythfrontend on AMD64 - will it work with qt-4? (cannot connect to database)

2007-05-15 Thread Mark Knecht

It seems that re-emerging qt3 solved this problem. My remote frontend
is working fine.

Now to solve the remaining problems on the backend.

thanks all!


On 5/15/07, Mark Knecht [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 5/15/07, Brett Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, May 14, 2007 at 07:59:52PM -0700, Mark Knecht wrote:
I'm in the early stages of a complete MythTV update across my
  network. I have the backend nearly working in an IA32 machine. It runs
  fine but isn't getting all the channels correctly yet. In parallel
  with that effort I'm trying to get the frontend working again on my
  AMD64 machine.
However when I try to start the frontend it complains like this:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ mythfrontend --geometry 800x600
  2007-05-14 19:56:19.577 Using runtime prefix = /usr
  2007-05-14 19:56:19.585 DPMS is active.
  QSqlDatabase: QMYSQL3 driver not loaded
  QSqlDatabase: available drivers:
  2007-05-14 19:56:19.595 New DB connection, total: 1
  2007-05-14 19:56:19.595 Unable to connect to database!
  2007-05-14 19:56:19.596 No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
  QSqlQuery::exec: database not open
  QSqlQuery::exec: database not open
  2007-05-14 19:56:19.646 DB Error (KickDatabase):
  Query was:
  No error type from QSqlError?  Strange...
 First, I believe MythTV still required QT3. The QT package is slotted,
 so you should be able to have both 3 and 4 installed. If you upgraded
 MySQL on the AMD64 box, you may want to rebuild QT3 with something like
 emerge -av =dev-libs/qt3*

 If that doesn't fix it, it sounds like it could be a password encryption
 problem. I had a similar problem when I tried using a RHEL box as a
 front end. The RHEL distribution only supported MySQL 4.0.x and my back
 end DB is MySQL 5.x. I could connect fine from the command line, but the
 front end could not. After a bit of research I determined it was a
 password encryption problem. I decided the easiest solution for me was to
 create a second account for the mythconverg DB and encrypt the password
 using the old_password function.  You can also upgrade the client to 5.x.
 If it's already at 5.x you may need to re-encrypt the password for the

 You may want to look at
 and try some of the suggestions.

 Hope this helps.

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Hi Brett.
   Thanks for responding.

   I have both qt3 and qt4 installed:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ eix -I x11-libs/qt
[I] x11-libs/qt
 Available versions:
(3) 3.3.4-r8 3.3.8-r2
(4) 4.2.3-r1 ~*4.3.0_beta1 ~4.3.0_rc1
{accessibility cups dbus debug doc examples firebird gif glib
immqt immqt-bc input_devices_wacom ipv6 jpeg mng mysql nas nis odbc
opengl pch png postgres qt3support sqlite sqlite3 ssl tiff xinerama
 Installed versions:  3.3.8-r2(3)(09:05:22 PM 04/18/2007)(cups
-debug -doc -examples -firebird gif -immqt -immqt-bc ipv6 mysql -nas
-nis -odbc opengl -postgres -sqlite -xinerama)
  4.2.3-r1(4)(07:42:10 PM
05/14/2007)(-accessibility cups dbus -debug -doc -examples -firebird
gif -glib -input_devices_wacom jpeg -mng mysql -nas -nis -odbc opengl
-pch png -postgres qt3support -sqlite -sqlite3 -xinerama zlib)
 Description: The Qt toolkit is a comprehensive C++
application development framework.

   As far as I can tell Myth and most everything else does depend on qt3:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ equery depends =x11-libs/qt-3.3.8-r2
[ Searching for packages depending on =x11-libs/qt-3.3.8-r2... ]
app-cdr/k3b-1.0.1 (=x11-libs/qt-3.3*)
app-crypt/qca-1.0-r2 (=x11-libs/qt-3.3*)
app-text/poppler-bindings-0.5.4 (qt3? =x11-libs/qt-3*)
dev-libs/dbus-qt3-old-0.70 (=x11-libs/qt-3*)
kde-base/kdebase-3.5.5-r4 (=x11-libs/qt-3.3*)
kde-base/kdelibs-3.5.5-r10 (=x11-libs/qt-3.3.8-r2)
kde-misc/filelight-1.0_rc2 (=x11-libs/qt-3.3*)
media-sound/qjackctl-0.2.22 (=x11-libs/qt-3*)
media-tv/mythtv-0.20.1_p13344 (=x11-libs/qt-3.3*)
x11-themes/mythtv-themes-0.20.1 (=x11-libs/qt-3.3*)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ equery depends =x11-libs/qt-4.2.3-r1
[ Searching for packages depending on =x11-libs/qt-4.2.3-r1... ]
app-text/poppler-bindings-0.5.4 (qt4? =x11-libs/qt-4*)

   I did upgrade mysql to version 5 so I'll try rebuilding qt3 using
this command:

emerge -av =x11-libs/qt-3*

   If the info above suggests other ideas please post back when you
get a chance.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-amd64] Gentoo crashing?

2007-05-15 Thread Peter Davoust

Now wait a minute, not everyone has $100k to spend on a brand new
laptop. I'm a student, and I have a single computer to last me through
two years of highschool and and at least a few years of college, and
there's no way I'm going to screw up my computer without some
insurance, ok? Before I run anything on this machine, I'm going to
make sure that I'm still under warrantee, whether the parts are user
servicable or not. Now if you call that being silly, then that's your
choice, but it's my choice if I want to be cautious, even overly so.

On that note, I did buck up and run memtest86+ from a Ubuntu livecd,
and after several loops (about 1h 30 min of straight testing) I didn't
get a single error. It was on Test #6 when I stopped, so I think the
memory's chill. Besides, as I said before, when I run anything GUI
(enlightement, right now), it's fine. I just have to jump in and out
of terminal really quickly. The fact that it likes to crash after
starting x server twice makes me think I might have a few damaged
portions on my harddrive. Does that sound about right? Of course, that
sounds like it could be a kernel issue too. If I can figure out how to
downgrade my kernel, maybe that will solve it.

I just clicked the plain text button and the setting has held for
this entire thread. Come to think of it, I may have actually converted
it back to Rich Text a few weeks back.


On 5/15/07, Peter Hoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

- Original Message 
From: Peter Davoust [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2007 7:11:20 PM
Subject: Re: [gentoo-amd64] Gentoo crashing?

I know it doesn't actually burn the cpu, but I'd rather not cook any
components if I don't have to. From what I know of torture tests, they run
the cpu so hot it starts making computational errors, am I right? It still
makes me nervous. I was hoping to be able to fix the issue just by
recompiling my kernel, but no such luck. I'll mess with it some more and see
what I can do. Can you give me any advice as to what I should to to a) not
violate my warrantee and b) avoid killing my computer as much as possible?
Could it just be something with my Gentoo install? I guess that's a stupid
question; I've had this problem on an older computer, but it was a Desktop
and it was much easier to swap components without messing up my warrantee.
So if it were a hardware problem, wouldn't you think that suse 10.2 would
have run into it as well? I used to run 10.2 (used to as in 3 days ago) for
hours on end without any problems at all. I agree that Gentoo can run the
computer harder, but that doesn't quite click.


You're being silly. Software torture tests are not going to kill your
hardware. Just run them and see what you get. Memtest will give you the
address where the error occured, and I've always been able to determine
which stick was bad from that, using a little deductive reasoning (I usually
verify by testing the sticks alone, but so far I've not been wrong).

As for voiding your warranty, memory and the hard drive are typically
considered user-servicable parts. In fact, most of the time if either of
those are the problem they'll just send you the parts and you'll have to
replace them yourself anyway.

More on torturing hardware: really, the only component that's at all
vulnerable to this is the hard drive, simply because it's a mechanical
device, but it will take an absurdly long time to do any actual damage. I
used to test hard drives for video servers (think Tivo, but starting at
$100k). We tried a wide variety of drive testing suites, but it turned out
none of them ran the drives harder than our normal application. A surprising
number of the oldest version of our product are still running, on the
original drives, after over 10 years, in situations that are very demanding
(like serving multiple channels for DirecTV). So, really, stop being so
paranoid about software torture tests. It is a complete myth that you can
ruin your hardware by running them.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-amd64] Gentoo crashing?

2007-05-15 Thread Bob Sanders
Peter Davoust, mused, then expounded:
 Now if you call that being silly, then that's your
 choice, but it's my choice if I want to be cautious, even overly so.

Computers are routinely tested at the design stage to run full load 
from a temperature range of 0F to 120F.  If you're concerned about heat,
insure there is at least 1 of air space between the bottom of the
case and the surface it's on - prop it up.  It'll be fine.
 On that note, I did buck up and run memtest86+ from a Ubuntu livecd,
 and after several loops (about 1h 30 min of straight testing) I didn't
 get a single error. It was on Test #6 when I stopped, so I think the
 memory's chill. 

Memtest will only find bit errors.  It's not able to test much other
than that.  It's pretty poor at finding memory problems that exist at
the bonderies of the dimm.  The easist way to do that is, if it's
possible on your laptop, is to swap the dimms.  If the problem moves
or occurs much, much sooner, then it's a dimm issue.  If it doesn't
change, then run only one dimm at a time and try again.  That would
eliminate the memory as the cause of the problem.

 Besides, as I said before, when I run anything GUI
 (enlightement, right now), it's fine. I just have to jump in and out
 of terminal really quickly. The fact that it likes to crash after
 starting x server twice makes me think I might have a few damaged
 portions on my harddrive. Does that sound about right? Of course, that
 sounds like it could be a kernel issue too. If I can figure out how to
 downgrade my kernel, maybe that will solve it.

No it sounds like a flakey Gfx driver.  Try running a later or earlier
driver, if it's an nvidia or ati.  If it's not then you'll need to try
a different version of Xorg.

And if it is a third party driver, try running just the 2D Xorg variant
and see if the issue still occurs.

Also, it would help us a bit if the specs of your laptop - chipset, etc.
were given. 

And FWIW - our corp spam filter thinks your email may be spam.  So there
still seems to be a formatting issue.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-amd64] Gentoo crashing?

2007-05-15 Thread Wil Reichert

Now wait a minute, not everyone has $100k to spend on a brand new
laptop. I'm a student, and I have a single computer to last me through
two years of highschool and and at least a few years of college, and
there's no way I'm going to screw up my computer without some
insurance, ok? Before I run anything on this machine, I'm going to
make sure that I'm still under warrantee, whether the parts are user
servicable or not. Now if you call that being silly, then that's your
choice, but it's my choice if I want to be cautious, even overly so.

Keep in mind the programs mentioned are not supposed to break your
hardware but to discover if its already got problems.  Yes, they do
put stress on various components, but thats the entire point - a lot
of issues don't show themselves under 'normal' usage.

On that note, I did buck up and run memtest86+ from a Ubuntu livecd,
and after several loops (about 1h 30 min of straight testing) I didn't
get a single error. It was on Test #6 when I stopped, so I think the
memory's chill. Besides, as I said before, when I run anything GUI
(enlightement, right now), it's fine. I just have to jump in and out
of terminal really quickly. The fact that it likes to crash after
starting x server twice makes me think I might have a few damaged
portions on my harddrive. Does that sound about right? Of course, that
sounds like it could be a kernel issue too. If I can figure out how to
downgrade my kernel, maybe that will solve it.

Try 'badblocks' from a livecd.  Its got a read-only mode which will
not harm your existing data.  This is sounding more and more like a
kernel issue.  You haven't mentioned the specs on your laptop, but its
a recent core 2 model, you'll find its devices are poorly supported in
anything less that 2.6.19 / 2.6.20.


I just clicked the plain text button and the setting has held for
this entire thread. Come to think of it, I may have actually converted
it back to Rich Text a few weeks back.


On 5/15/07, Peter Hoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 - Original Message 
 From: Peter Davoust [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, May 14, 2007 7:11:20 PM
 Subject: Re: [gentoo-amd64] Gentoo crashing?

 I know it doesn't actually burn the cpu, but I'd rather not cook any
 components if I don't have to. From what I know of torture tests, they run
 the cpu so hot it starts making computational errors, am I right? It still
 makes me nervous. I was hoping to be able to fix the issue just by
 recompiling my kernel, but no such luck. I'll mess with it some more and see
 what I can do. Can you give me any advice as to what I should to to a) not
 violate my warrantee and b) avoid killing my computer as much as possible?
 Could it just be something with my Gentoo install? I guess that's a stupid
 question; I've had this problem on an older computer, but it was a Desktop
 and it was much easier to swap components without messing up my warrantee.
 So if it were a hardware problem, wouldn't you think that suse 10.2 would
 have run into it as well? I used to run 10.2 (used to as in 3 days ago) for
 hours on end without any problems at all. I agree that Gentoo can run the
 computer harder, but that doesn't quite click.


 You're being silly. Software torture tests are not going to kill your
 hardware. Just run them and see what you get. Memtest will give you the
 address where the error occured, and I've always been able to determine
 which stick was bad from that, using a little deductive reasoning (I usually
 verify by testing the sticks alone, but so far I've not been wrong).

 As for voiding your warranty, memory and the hard drive are typically
 considered user-servicable parts. In fact, most of the time if either of
 those are the problem they'll just send you the parts and you'll have to
 replace them yourself anyway.

 More on torturing hardware: really, the only component that's at all
 vulnerable to this is the hard drive, simply because it's a mechanical
 device, but it will take an absurdly long time to do any actual damage. I
 used to test hard drives for video servers (think Tivo, but starting at
 $100k). We tried a wide variety of drive testing suites, but it turned out
 none of them ran the drives harder than our normal application. A surprising
 number of the oldest version of our product are still running, on the
 original drives, after over 10 years, in situations that are very demanding
 (like serving multiple channels for DirecTV). So, really, stop being so
 paranoid about software torture tests. It is a complete myth that you can
 ruin your hardware by running them.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-amd64] Re: Gentoo crashing?

2007-05-15 Thread Duncan
Peter Davoust [EMAIL PROTECTED] posted
[EMAIL PROTECTED], excerpted
below, on  Tue, 15 May 2007 11:48:41 -0400:

 I just clicked the plain text button and the setting has held for
 this entire thread. Come to think of it, I may have actually converted
 it back to Rich Text a few weeks back.

Thanks. (^_^)

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master.  Richard Stallman

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-amd64] Re: Gentoo crashing?

2007-05-15 Thread Duncan
Isidore Ducasse [EMAIL PROTECTED] posted
[EMAIL PROTECTED], excerpted below, on  Tue, 15 May 2007
14:51:41 +0200:

 It seems my messages get transformed to have both text/plain and
 text/html bodies. Is this what you receive from me? Does it bother?

This one was just text.  Thanks. (^_^)

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master.  Richard Stallman

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-amd64] Gentoo crashing?

2007-05-15 Thread Peter Hoff
Yes, thinking that running a software based test is going to damage your 
hardware is silly. Maybe 20 years ago that was possible, but on modern hardware 
the very idea is absurd. You really should run all of the tests recommended 
earlier in this thread.

I don't think you understand what I mean by a loop in Memtest. Unless you 
have run all of the tests at least once, you have not done a loop (there are 8, 
IIRC). The amount of time you ran it for is irrelevant, as that's totally 
system dependent. I've had systems with 32M take 3 hours to complete a loop, 
and I've had systems with 1G do it in less than 45 minutes. Processor type and 
speed, RAM type and speed, memory controller, system bus... all of these are 
factors in how long it takes to complete a Memtest loop. BTW, Memtest tells you 
how many loops it has completed, and it automatically starts over on the first 
test once it completes the last one.

As for not wanting to put your fingers on the hardware, that's justifiable, 
especially if you aren't prepared to protect your equipment from electrostatic 
discharge. But, warranty questions can't be answered here, you'd have to talk 
to the vendor you got it from. I'm just telling you what my experience has 
been. Dell, for example, really doesn't want to pay someone to swap parts for 
you, and will do everything they can to get you to do it yourself. If you're 
really that worried about it, though, you could take it to the local computer 
repair shop. Most of the good ones can handle Linux these days.

I am also a student, and I have never had $100k to spend on a system, I was 
just trying to give you an idea of the level of experience I have with hardware 
testing. Those are systems that I used to test and repair, not systems that I 

- Original Message 
From: Peter Davoust [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2007 8:48:41 AM
Subject: Re: [gentoo-amd64] Gentoo crashing?

Now wait a minute, not everyone has $100k to spend on a brand new
laptop. I'm a student, and I have a single computer to last me through
two years of highschool and and at least a few years of college, and
there's no way I'm going to screw up my computer without some
insurance, ok? Before I run anything on this machine, I'm going to
make sure that I'm still under warrantee, whether the parts are user
servicable or not. Now if you call that being silly, then that's your
choice, but it's my choice if I want to be cautious, even overly so.

On that note, I did buck up and run memtest86+ from a Ubuntu livecd,
and after several loops (about 1h 30 min of straight testing) I didn't
get a single error. It was on Test #6 when I stopped, so I think the
memory's chill. Besides, as I said before, when I run anything GUI
(enlightement, right now), it's fine. I just have to jump in and out
of terminal really quickly. The fact that it likes to crash after
starting x server twice makes me think I might have a few damaged
portions on my harddrive. Does that sound about right? Of course, that
sounds like it could be a kernel issue too. If I can figure out how to
downgrade my kernel, maybe that will solve it.

I just clicked the plain text button and the setting has held for
this entire thread. Come to think of it, I may have actually converted
it back to Rich Text a few weeks back.


On 5/15/07, Peter Hoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 - Original Message 
 From: Peter Davoust [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, May 14, 2007 7:11:20 PM
 Subject: Re: [gentoo-amd64] Gentoo crashing?

 I know it doesn't actually burn the cpu, but I'd rather not cook any
 components if I don't have to. From what I know of torture tests, they run
 the cpu so hot it starts making computational errors, am I right? It still
 makes me nervous. I was hoping to be able to fix the issue just by
 recompiling my kernel, but no such luck. I'll mess with it some more and see
 what I can do. Can you give me any advice as to what I should to to a) not
 violate my warrantee and b) avoid killing my computer as much as possible?
 Could it just be something with my Gentoo install? I guess that's a stupid
 question; I've had this problem on an older computer, but it was a Desktop
 and it was much easier to swap components without messing up my warrantee.
 So if it were a hardware problem, wouldn't you think that suse 10.2 would
 have run into it as well? I used to run 10.2 (used to as in 3 days ago) for
 hours on end without any problems at all. I agree that Gentoo can run the
 computer harder, but that doesn't quite click.


 You're being silly. Software torture tests are not going to kill your
 hardware. Just run them and see what you get. Memtest will give you the
 address where the error occured, and I've always been able to determine
 which stick was bad from that, using a little deductive reasoning (I usually
 verify by testing the sticks alone, but so far I've not been 

Re: [gentoo-amd64] Re: Gentoo crashing?

2007-05-15 Thread Peter Hoff
- Original Message 
From: Isidore Ducasse [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Very interesting post!
Could you explain what mobo means?
And BTW (_almost_ off-topic...) I've heard that RAM sticks should be identical 
when plugged on the same motherboard, but it was some good vendor advice so 
I'd rather rely on some experienced user's answer.
So is there an issue if two RAM sticks of different brands are plugged on the 
same motherboard? What if, whilst of the same brand, they don't have the same 
capacity? Could Peter's issue be related to this kind of problem?

For the most part RAM sticks are identical. I have seen some issues in the past 
where this was not the case, but this was back in the bad old days of SIMMs. 
The issue I saw was where a manufacturer streamlined their design and were able 
to start manufacturing  sticks with 4 layer circuit boards instead of the usual 
6 layers. The slightly thinner board result in occasional problems with flakey 
connections in RAM slots that were designed for the thicker ones.

I've also heard of some long term corrosion problems in RAM slots when the slot 
pins were of a different metal than the pins on the stick, but I've never 
actually seen it myself.

Really, the main problems you'll run into are due to different quality levels 
from different manufacturers. As someone else in this thread mentioned, not all 
manufacturers can be reliedd upon to give accurate representations of the 
timing settings their RAM can handle.

Re: [gentoo-amd64] Gentoo crashing?

2007-05-15 Thread Barry . SCHWARTZ
Peter Davoust [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Other than that I'm clueless.

Have you tried vanilla-sources? After all, anything in gentoo-sources
that isn't in vanilla-sources is by definition unaccepted code. :)

Also with the nvidia, it's easier to keep the nv driver running than
the nvidia driver, as long as you remove anything to do with the
nvidia driver; plus with nv you don't need to patch a big,
suspicious-looking black box into your kernel, the way you do with the
nvidia driver.

Barry.SCHWARTZ ĉe chemoelectric punkto org
  Free stuff / Senpagaj varoj:
'Democracies don't war; democracies are peaceful countries.' - Bush

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-amd64] Re: Gentoo crashing?

2007-05-15 Thread Bob Sanders
Peter Hoff, mused, then expounded:
 - Original Message 
 From: Isidore Ducasse [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Very interesting post!
 Could you explain what mobo means?

   mobo == motherboard

 And BTW (_almost_ off-topic...) I've heard that RAM sticks should be 
 identical when plugged on the same motherboard, but it was some good vendor 
 advice so I'd rather rely on some experienced user's answer.
 So is there an issue if two RAM sticks of different brands are plugged on the 
 same motherboard? What if, whilst of the same brand, they don't have the same 
 capacity? Could Peter's issue be related to this kind of problem?

I've seen a case, my own laptop - IBM X31, where it was impossible to 
re-install winXP or to compile
certain programs on Gentoo because the DDR DIMMs were unmatched.  Either ran 
fine by itself, but
the memory controller didn't work properly with DIMMs of different capacities.  
And there were
no bit errors reported by memtest86.

Replaced both with a matched pair, and no more problems.
 I've also heard of some long term corrosion problems in RAM slots when the 
 slot pins were of a different metal than the pins on the stick, but I've 
 never actually seen it myself.

This is repaired by simply removing and re-installing the DIMMs.  The process 
will break up the
oxidation on the connector pins and on the fingers of the DIMMs via the wiping 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-amd64] Gentoo crashing?

2007-05-15 Thread Peter Davoust

Ok, so I may try a stress test if I get a chance, but I'd much rather
try an older kernel version first. As far as specs, Turion64 dual
core, nvidia GeForce go 6150, 2gb ram (of some kind, not sure, I know,
it's deplorable), 120 gb hard disk, other than that I'm not sure,
unless you're looking for asthetics, which I assume you aren't. Can
anyone tell me how to emerge an older kernel? I'm not that good with
portage, and I'm not sure how to emerge older versions. I think I knew
at one point, but that was a while ago. Thanks.


On 5/15/07, Wil Reichert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Now wait a minute, not everyone has $100k to spend on a brand new
 laptop. I'm a student, and I have a single computer to last me through
 two years of highschool and and at least a few years of college, and
 there's no way I'm going to screw up my computer without some
 insurance, ok? Before I run anything on this machine, I'm going to
 make sure that I'm still under warrantee, whether the parts are user
 servicable or not. Now if you call that being silly, then that's your
 choice, but it's my choice if I want to be cautious, even overly so.
Keep in mind the programs mentioned are not supposed to break your
hardware but to discover if its already got problems.  Yes, they do
put stress on various components, but thats the entire point - a lot
of issues don't show themselves under 'normal' usage.

 On that note, I did buck up and run memtest86+ from a Ubuntu livecd,
 and after several loops (about 1h 30 min of straight testing) I didn't
 get a single error. It was on Test #6 when I stopped, so I think the
 memory's chill. Besides, as I said before, when I run anything GUI
 (enlightement, right now), it's fine. I just have to jump in and out
 of terminal really quickly. The fact that it likes to crash after
 starting x server twice makes me think I might have a few damaged
 portions on my harddrive. Does that sound about right? Of course, that
 sounds like it could be a kernel issue too. If I can figure out how to
 downgrade my kernel, maybe that will solve it.
Try 'badblocks' from a livecd.  Its got a read-only mode which will
not harm your existing data.  This is sounding more and more like a
kernel issue.  You haven't mentioned the specs on your laptop, but its
a recent core 2 model, you'll find its devices are poorly supported in
anything less that 2.6.19 / 2.6.20.


 I just clicked the plain text button and the setting has held for
 this entire thread. Come to think of it, I may have actually converted
 it back to Rich Text a few weeks back.


 On 5/15/07, Peter Hoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  - Original Message 
  From: Peter Davoust [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, May 14, 2007 7:11:20 PM
  Subject: Re: [gentoo-amd64] Gentoo crashing?
  I know it doesn't actually burn the cpu, but I'd rather not cook any
  components if I don't have to. From what I know of torture tests, they run
  the cpu so hot it starts making computational errors, am I right? It still
  makes me nervous. I was hoping to be able to fix the issue just by
  recompiling my kernel, but no such luck. I'll mess with it some more and see
  what I can do. Can you give me any advice as to what I should to to a) not
  violate my warrantee and b) avoid killing my computer as much as possible?
  Could it just be something with my Gentoo install? I guess that's a stupid
  question; I've had this problem on an older computer, but it was a Desktop
  and it was much easier to swap components without messing up my warrantee.
  So if it were a hardware problem, wouldn't you think that suse 10.2 would
  have run into it as well? I used to run 10.2 (used to as in 3 days ago) for
  hours on end without any problems at all. I agree that Gentoo can run the
  computer harder, but that doesn't quite click.
  You're being silly. Software torture tests are not going to kill your
  hardware. Just run them and see what you get. Memtest will give you the
  address where the error occured, and I've always been able to determine
  which stick was bad from that, using a little deductive reasoning (I usually
  verify by testing the sticks alone, but so far I've not been wrong).
  As for voiding your warranty, memory and the hard drive are typically
  considered user-servicable parts. In fact, most of the time if either of
  those are the problem they'll just send you the parts and you'll have to
  replace them yourself anyway.
  More on torturing hardware: really, the only component that's at all
  vulnerable to this is the hard drive, simply because it's a mechanical
  device, but it will take an absurdly long time to do any actual damage. I
  used to test hard drives for video servers (think Tivo, but starting at
  $100k). We tried a wide variety of drive testing suites, but it turned out
  none of them ran the drives harder than our normal application. A surprising
  number of the oldest version 

Re: [gentoo-amd64] Gentoo crashing?

2007-05-15 Thread Bob Sanders
Peter Davoust, mused, then expounded:
 Ok, so I may try a stress test if I get a chance, but I'd much rather
 try an older kernel version first. As far as specs, Turion64 dual
 core, nvidia GeForce go 6150, 2gb ram (of some kind, not sure, I know,
 it's deplorable), 120 gb hard disk, other than that I'm not sure,
 unless you're looking for asthetics, which I assume you aren't. Can
 anyone tell me how to emerge an older kernel? I'm not that good with
 portage, and I'm not sure how to emerge older versions. I think I knew
 at one point, but that was a while ago. Thanks.

emerge -av =gentoo-sources-2.6.18-r7  (something like that)

But, as yu have an nvidia card, I suggest doing the following

vim /etc/portage/package.keywords
x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers ~amd64
emerge -uDNav nvidia-drivers

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Re: [gentoo-amd64] Gentoo crashing?

2007-05-15 Thread Isidore Ducasse
le Tue, 15 May 2007 19:58:40 +0100
Antoine Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit:

   Try running a later or earlier
  driver, if it's an nvidia or ati.  If it's not then you'll need to try
  a different version of Xorg.
 IIRC, there are issues with nvidia and framebuffer modes.
 Try booting with vga=normal on the kernel command line.

Yes, I use nvidia-drivers and udev keeps loading the nvidiafb LKM, which 
doesn't work since we've been presented. I even tried to update udev rules, 
moving the nvidia* rule to nvidia, so that it would only load the private 
firmware, but in vain.

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Re: [gentoo-amd64] Gentoo crashing?

2007-05-15 Thread Hemmann, Volker Armin
On Mittwoch, 16. Mai 2007, Isidore Ducasse wrote:
 le Tue, 15 May 2007 19:58:40 +0100

  IIRC, there are issues with nvidia and framebuffer modes.
  Try booting with vga=normal on the kernel command line.

 Yes, I use nvidia-drivers and udev keeps loading the nvidiafb LKM, 

why are you building the nvidiafb crap in the first place?

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Re: [gentoo-amd64] Gentoo crashing?

2007-05-15 Thread david
Isidore Ducasse wrote:
 le Tue, 15 May 2007 19:58:40 +0100
 Antoine Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit:

  Try running a later or earlier
 driver, if it's an nvidia or ati.  If it's not then you'll need to try
 a different version of Xorg.
 IIRC, there are issues with nvidia and framebuffer modes.
 Try booting with vga=normal on the kernel command line.


 Yes, I use nvidia-drivers and udev keeps loading the nvidiafb LKM, which 
 doesn't work since we've been presented. I even tried to update udev rules, 
 moving the nvidia* rule to nvidia, so that it would only load the private 
 firmware, but in vain.

From the guide;

*Important: * For x86 and AMD64 processors, the in-kernel driver
conflicts with the binary driver provided by nVidia. If you will be
compiling your kernel for these CPUs, you must completely remove support
for the in-kernel driver as shown:

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Re: [gentoo-amd64] mythfrontend on AMD64 - will it work with qt-4? (cannot connect to database)

2007-05-15 Thread Drake Donahue

- Original Message - 
From: Mark Knecht [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2007 11:12 AM
Subject: Re: [gentoo-amd64] mythfrontend on AMD64 - will it work with qt-4? 
(cannot connect to database)

It seems that re-emerging qt3 solved this problem. My remote frontend
is working fine.

Now to solve the remaining problems on the backend.

thanks all!



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[gentoo-amd64] mythtv

2007-05-15 Thread gigli

I just want to throw out a question. I have used Gentoo about a year and
half, for about 6 months i used it as fileserver and mythbackend and
frondendsystem (frontend only for editing the recordings) and it worked
perfectly. I had a few problems with the installation sometimes,
hardfreezes and such, i believe this was a misconfiguration of the
kernel or that just some kernels didn't work as they should. But at the
end the real problem was that every time that i shut down the
mythfrontend my screen just get black, i couldn't switch to another
shell or something, just reboot the computer or maybe start the xserver
again through ssh. Logs didn't reveal anything. I thought it was in the
qt3 library, but i don't know.

I used an ~amd64 profile 2006.1, xfce4, nvidia-drivers, Asus A8V deluxe,
so the hardware is not exotic (and it works perfect in Xubuntu). Since i
never did solve this issue i now use Xubuntu which works perfectly, but
i do miss Gentoo. So my question is if anyone have had a similair error
and solved it, and if the 2007.0 profile is working as expected? As it
takes a couple of hours to install Gentoo i really don't want to do it
in vain.

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Re: [gentoo-amd64] mythtv

2007-05-15 Thread Peter Davoust

Well, actually you can now boot the livecd and install with a GUI
fairly quickly, I don't know if you could before. That's not the cool
way to install Gentoo, but it works fairly well. If you do decide to
install that way, trust me, don't do a networkless install: it only
installs a bare bones system meaning no dhclient, kernel sources or
anything. You may already know that, but I thought I should throw that
out there just in case.


On 5/15/07, gigli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I just want to throw out a question. I have used Gentoo about a year and
half, for about 6 months i used it as fileserver and mythbackend and
frondendsystem (frontend only for editing the recordings) and it worked
perfectly. I had a few problems with the installation sometimes,
hardfreezes and such, i believe this was a misconfiguration of the
kernel or that just some kernels didn't work as they should. But at the
end the real problem was that every time that i shut down the
mythfrontend my screen just get black, i couldn't switch to another
shell or something, just reboot the computer or maybe start the xserver
again through ssh. Logs didn't reveal anything. I thought it was in the
qt3 library, but i don't know.

I used an ~amd64 profile 2006.1, xfce4, nvidia-drivers, Asus A8V deluxe,
so the hardware is not exotic (and it works perfect in Xubuntu). Since i
never did solve this issue i now use Xubuntu which works perfectly, but
i do miss Gentoo. So my question is if anyone have had a similair error
and solved it, and if the 2007.0 profile is working as expected? As it
takes a couple of hours to install Gentoo i really don't want to do it
in vain.

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[gentoo-amd64] Old package in portage ?

2007-05-15 Thread Vladimir Strycek

Hi all

o facing issue with rrdtool on gentoo amd64 box.. mainly python 
extension for it...

net-analyzer/rrdtool 1.2.15-r3
py-rrdtool 1.0_beta1
Python 2.4.3
GCC 3.4.6 (Gentoo 3.4.6-r2, ssp-3.4.6-1.0, pie-8.7.10

it give me error like this:

 import rrdtool
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File stdin, line 1, in ?
ImportError: dynamic module does not define init function (initrrdtool)

I was told that this issue has been fixed in new version of rrd tool rrdtool 
1.2.23-r1 but this one isnt in portage..

Do i have to compile it from source my self ?

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