Re: [gentoo-dev] ML changes

2007-07-13 Thread Vieri Di Paola

As a non-dev who recently joined this list, I think it
would be too bad for me if you made those policy

Basically, I neither have the skills nor the time
(yet) to even try to become a dev but I truly enjoy
contributing once in a while especially for packages
I use at work.

Since I'm not yet in a position of wanting to become a
dev, I don't use IRC. Also, I find e-mails a lot more
convenient when time is a limiting factor.

The fact is that I joined this list with the intention
of asking whether someone can help me out with a
couple of reports I posted in such as

I already contacted jokey (Markus) several months ago
via e-mail and we agreed that he would have setup
proxy maintenance for the shorewall ebuilds so that
I could contribute patches and learn from his
suggestions. We never got to do anything because we
simply stopped e-mailing.

So basically, I'd like to take advantage of this list
before I get excluded and ask anyone if it's possible
for a plain user like me to make occasional
package-specific contributions in the form of proxy
maintenance or the likes.

I also feel that an open dev mailing list can be
useful for contributing users to learn from
experienced devs a few things that aren't always
obvious (eg. a recent post titled cyclic
dependencies). If you think I should direct my
queries to another list then please let me know.

Markus, if you have a chance to read this then I'd be
glad to resume our e-mail interchange, if you're still
willing to. If you're overloaded with work then maybe
someone else could help out?

Thank you all for making Gentoo what it is.
And sorry for the long post.


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Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: cyclic dependency

2007-07-05 Thread Vieri Di Paola

--- Christian Faulhammer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Is a
 PDEPEND possible?

I followed your suggestion and posted a couple of
ebuilds for the upcoming Shorewall 4 package:

I am not seeing cyclic dependency issues anymore.

Thanks for any suggestions.



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[gentoo-dev] cyclic dependency

2007-07-02 Thread Vieri Di Paola

How can one avoid cyclic dependencies in custom

soft1.ebuild DEPENDs on soft2
soft2.ebuild also DEPENDs on soft1
(both packages are required; none of the two works
alone so it wouldn't make sense to install just one)

Is there a function that can be used to check whether
a certain package+version has already been emerged?


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Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: cyclic dependency

2007-07-02 Thread Vieri Di Paola

--- Christian Faulhammer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Vieri Di Paola [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Is there a function that can be used to check
  a certain package+version has already been
  has_version, but in what way do they depend on each
 other?  Is a
 PDEPEND possible?

I'm not an experienced ebuild scripter.
I only knew of RDEPEND and DEPEND.
Now I'm reading this on PDEPEND:

The two software packages depend at run-time.
I'll try PDEPEND.
Thank you.


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Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: cyclic dependency

2007-07-02 Thread Vieri Di Paola

--- Marijn Schouten (hkBst) [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Vieri Di Paola wrote:
  The two software packages depend at run-time.
 then they can simply RDEPEND on eachother. The
 package manager should do the
 right thing.

No, it reports a cyclic dependency.

 Questions like this one are best asked in
 #gentoo-dev-help IRC channel,

I currently don't have an IRC client and am not really
used to using them, especially without X.
Anyway, I guess I'll end up connecting some day.

Thanks for your time.


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