[gentoo-dev] Re: /etc/udev/rules.d nightmare - orphaned files in /etc

2006-11-26 Thread Wiktor Wandachowicz
Sven Köhler skoehler at upb.de writes:

 i had some orphaned files in /etc/udev/rules.d. Namely 40-fuse.rules and
 The files were never removed, since they are protected - aren't they?
 So that is _very_, _very_ unpractical, because the older your gentoo
 gets, the more of such orphaned files you get.

Something similar (orphaned HAL policy preventing USB automounting) already has
bitten some users recently, including me:


BTW, I really like the pace of changes in udev and hal. At least one can see
that the projects are live and kicking :-) That said, it would be nice if
portage/whatever took care of this so users wouldn't be forced to mess with the
udev and/or hal policies...


gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

[gentoo-dev] Re: Democracy: No silver bullet

2006-09-03 Thread Wiktor Wandachowicz
Richard Fish wrote:

  I suppose that there is a way that Gentoo can follow, only that its leaders,
  developers and users need to see it clearly. Is there a publicly visible
  page that contains current goals for new releases? Where all sub-project
  leaders could add their own goals, coherent with the general vision?
  I couldn't find it, but maybe I haven't looked in the right places?
 The problem I see is that for Gentoo the releases are not really
 useful milestones for most projects.  A release is really significant
 for a few core packages, but what is the real downside for users if
 Xorg 7.2 is stabilized one week after a release?  Outside of the fact
 that they have to compile it themselves instead of using the GRP
 package...not much that I see.

After using Gentoo for a good while I appreaciate very much the constant
development policy, which prevents the need to upgrade my system to new
releases. I've seen one Ubuntu user dist-upgrading its installation - it went
with some problems, and they were substantially bigger than I'm having doing
occasionally emerge -avuD world.

But to be honest, stabilization of packages was not my point. ((BTW, stable
X.org, KDE or GNOME would IMO delay the release for a week, so users wouldn't
need to upgrade in such a short time frame - but that's what I think))

I was rather thinking about bigger, user-visible changes. Obviously a big
version bump of widely known and used package would fit this category, too.
Good news could include, for example, new stable kernel + udev (with better
support for [many-nice-features]), GNOME/KDE/XFCE/etc, even easier installer,
Gentoo-branded themes (Grub, splash, gdm theme, wallpaper, icons, colors (?)),
stable porthole, improved portage... These are the things people are looking
for - better, faster, easier. Opportunistic? Yes. Drugery for developers to
come up with such a list and then hold their word in time? Yes. Is it needed
at all? IMO, yes.

 For a distro like Ubuntu, a release is very significant, as it is the
 platform that users will be running for the next 6-18 months.

And for Gentoo it's about 6 next months where new blood, umm.. new users
/the beloved newbies ;)/ come to the project based on the reviews in news
sites. I, for example, got to know about Gentoo after reading a good review
on the site I was visiting quite often (linuxnews.pl). When I took a look
at the Handbook by the first time I was sold immediately. I was thinking
for a long time about installing LFS and only the time was an issue. Then
here came Gentoo and my world changed... for better.

Having said that, releases are targeted mostly for new users. Release media
become more and more filled with features and are more user-friendly than
ever (GNOME running from LiveCD, graphical installer, and so on). Lots of
*visible* changes (even though they are minor or trivial) buy new hearts and
minds for Gentoo. Do you now see what I've meant?

I'm not imposing that Gentoo development should depend on a time-based
milestones but new releases of installation media do happen and are needed.
It would be easier for journalists, newbies, etc. to compare Gentoo against
other distros if some kind of list of features that would-be-nice-to-have
before every release existed.

 Do you think Ubuntu roadmaps would be useful without being tied to a

Of course not. But that's exactly why people know beforehand that Dapper
would contain one list of features and be stable, while Edgy (advertised
as developers' dream) can be somewhat rough but most probably will contain
another list of new and exciting features. Example [1].

 Or could project status reports (as discussed here recently) fit the
 same bill?

Thanks for pointing this out. Need to re-read the archives.

With best regards,
Wiktor Wandachowicz

[1] Upstart in Universe

gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

[gentoo-dev] Re: The Age of the Universe

2006-09-03 Thread Wiktor Wandachowicz
Simon Stelling wrote:

 Edgar Hucek wrote:
  I know my tools but not necessarly the normal user who wanna use gentoo
  and is ending frustrated.
 If the users are too lazy to read the documentation, why should we care
 about them?

Because we risk that Gentoo may receive the user-UN-friendly label and
become irrelevant in the long run? I know it ain't gonna happen, but still.

Both Edgar and you have some valid points. He refers mostly to the out-of-box
experience, which includes compiling GNOME and its dependencies at the install
time. With USE=accessibility enabled, which makes perfect sense for people
with disabilities. And then the first-ever Gentoo installation breaks on the
speech-tools and festival.

How would *you* feel in such case?

You OTOH bring to the table a fact that developers shouldn't be that much
concerned with the stabilization/testing of packages before new release of
installation media. But new releases *ARE* targeted specifically at new users
and it's them who suffer the most. Next to it is the reputation of Gentoo and
its developers. Edgar's call was targeted mostly at releng and QA teams, who
should poke developers to decrease number of similar problems.

I maintain a bunch of Debian/sparc, Debian/i386, Gentoo/amd64, Gentoo/x86,
Solaris/sparc, Ubuntu/i686 boxes and mind you, out-of-box experience at
install time means A LOT.

More respect to the users = more respect to Gentoo.

Wiktor Wandachowicz

PS. I'm already on the CC list of bug #116030 for the same reasons, but
I've been mostly quiet because I do know my tools ;) But OTOH I've been
already running Gentoo for a while

gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

[gentoo-dev] Re: Democracy: No silver bullet

2006-09-02 Thread Wiktor Wandachowicz
Donnie Berkholz wrote:

 When I think about where Gentoo was when we turned into a democracy
 years ago, and where Gentoo is now, I don't see much of a difference on
 the large scale. We lack any global vision for where Gentoo is going, we
 can't agree on who our audience is, and everyone's just working on
 pretty much whatever they feel like.
 When I joined, Daniel Robbins was in charge, period. Seemant Kulleen and
 Jon Portnoy were basically his lieutenants. What Daniel said was what
 happened, and woe to anyone who angered him. This generally worked out
 pretty well, but _as Gentoo grew, it didn't scale_. Everything
 significant still had to go through Daniel for personal approval.

While I'm not a developer, I was thinking along similar lines some time ago.
Or make it like a year ago? Good leadership is important in many undertakings
of the real life, including (but not limited to) open-source projects.

After some time spent using Gentoo some comparisons against other known
projects naturally came to my mind. Linux kernel, Debian, PCLinuxOS - they
were first to think about. From these I concluded that in some brilliant
cases a project with a strong leadership, not fearing to make unpopular
decisions sometimes, progresses ahead nicely in the long run. From the
aforementioned three, Debian with its social contract, goals and the way it
is maintained is an exceptional phenomenon. It seems to me that the key to a
success lies in a good, respectful leadership, trust and good communication.

I'm sure that at least some of you read kerneltrap, but this recent topic
concerning NetBSD future (or lack thereof?) has some sad truths in it [1].

While I do not fear end of the Gentoo project (far from it!) I too sense
some lack of a general vision of where is it going now. Not delving into
philosophical considerations of democracy vs dictatorship I feel that the
current democracy approach Gentoo utilizes makes sense. But there are many
examples of healthy democracies, where citizens are seriously involved in
the process (western Europe countries, in general) as well as weak
democracies, where even though the process exists citizens feel powerless
(like in some new democracies in eastern Europe countries).

I suppose that there is a way that Gentoo can follow, only that its leaders,
developers and users need to see it clearly. Is there a publicly visible
page that contains current goals for new releases? Where all sub-project
leaders could add their own goals, coherent with the general vision?
I couldn't find it, but maybe I haven't looked in the right places?
And if it doesnt' exist I am convinced that it should be created, say, for
2007.0 release at least. Ubuntu has such plans, for one, so all developers
and users are able to learn what to expect from the upcoming release.
It also serves as a check list of what the expected goals were and what the
outcome was.

Maybe I should raise such concerns to the User Representatives first, but
the overall flow of ideas was IMO rather worth to be sent to the mailing
list in a complete form. If you feel otherwise, I apologize.

With best regards,
Wiktor Wandachowicz

[1] NetBSD: Founder Fears End Of Project

gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

[gentoo-dev] Re: GPL and Source code providing

2006-06-28 Thread Wiktor Wandachowicz
Mivz mivz at alpha.spugium.net writes:

 Then I have got this one question, I don't need a answer too.
 How free is free software if you need a lawyer and a expensive server
 just to be able to publish your addition under your own name?

This is free as in *freedom*. GPL says that you cannot restrict the freedom of
other people. So, ditributing the modified, GPL-ed programs without the access
to the source code with said modifications restrict others from seeing how it
was achieved and tinkering with the code (i.e. improving it more).

Sorry, but there's no free lunch (as in *beer). If you build upon the work of
others and it happens that this work is under GPL, then you either must behave
(give access to the source code) or write your own version of the software from
the ground. And compiling a distro from the source code and creating a binary
download, CDs, upgrades, etc. *is* a derivative work IMHO. The same is for
single packages that are under GPL.

I mean, if someone is able to create its own web page and put a binary
download(s) of its work, then how hard is it to comply with the GPL
license and just put some more links to the source code?
It's like the (old?/new?) Decalogue: You shall not steal.

Read this:
Richard Stallman, interviewed at GPLv3 Conference in Barcelona, by Sean Daly
The interesting thing starts at 07:36 of the transcript.

Also read this, if you haven't done so before:

Wiktor Wandachowicz (SirYes)

PS. Sorry for the noise, but I thought this issue needed clarification.

gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

[gentoo-dev] Re: GPL and Source code providing

2006-06-28 Thread Wiktor Wandachowicz
Mivz mivz at alpha.spugium.net writes:

 But if your modification is on top of the Gentoo system and your build
 your own Live cd, like Kororaa, do you have to provide all the sources
 of all the program's on the live cd?

Well, if you *modify* programs that you want to put on said live cd (like adding
your own patches, different from the official ones found in portage) then IMO
you should at least give access to the patches. If you aim to create a 
separate distribution, thus using your own repository, web site and portage tree
(for example), then it makes perfect sense to provide a full source code as 

But in the case of Gentoo offshot which intends to use existing Gentoo
infrastucture (mirrors, sources, etc.) I'd suggest to consult the original
copyright (copyleft?) holders, that means Gentoo officials. Just in case.

Wiktor Wandachowicz

PS. I'll stop posting now as IANAL and the above are only my own opinions.

gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

[gentoo-dev] Re: GWN Comments

2006-06-20 Thread Wiktor Wandachowicz
Patrick Lauer patrick at gentoo.org writes:

  I'd like to propose some form of ability to post user comments to GWN
  stories.  I suppose a full blown CMS system would work,
 (Ab)using a blog for that might work

Well, the Gentoo Forums users are already used to its commenting system.
Especially with the BBCode in place, which allows a nice formatting of
the messages. Blog is a different thing with different rules.
Who would like to administer that?

   but for the ease
  of time I'm suggesting that perhaps we open up a GWN section on the forums
  and post the text of the GWN (or perhaps each section) in a new thread
  each week and allow users to write comments.
 Sounds like a good idea. 

This is a COOL idea! A global forum with a text-only copy of current GWN
would enable more users to actually read it. And adding comments would be
even more beneficial. I think that it would be best to place it near the top
of forums listing, like this:

News  Announcements
Read this before submitting your first post to any forum
Gentoo Weekly News
The GWN summarizes the key events in the Gentoo project each week.
This forum contains a copy of

Adding a sticky thread that explains what GWN is, where it is located [1] and
where to get an RSS feed for GWN [2] would be quite fine too. The only problem
could be to prevent creating topics in this forum by regular users, and giving
the ability to post comments only.

Additionally, a script for automatically converting GWN to the forums BBCode
format, with a link to the original version (with pictures, mostly) would
probably be needed as well. This would be similar to the existing GLSA
announcements [3] (GLSA's are both sent via e-mail and posted to the forums
right now).

I'm positively sure that it wouldn't be that much work, with the obvious
benefit for the users. More forum posters would definitely read GWN this way,
because, frankly, not every Gentoo user is subscribed to the GWN newsletter.
But OTOH they do visit forums more frequently.

Best regards,
Wiktor Wandachowicz

[1] http://www.gentoo.org/news/en/gwn/gwn.xml
[2] http://www.gentoo.org/news/en/gwn/rss.xml
[3] http://forums.gentoo.org/viewforum-f-16.html

gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

[gentoo-dev] UTF-8 encoding and file format of manuals

2006-06-01 Thread Wiktor Wandachowicz
Respectful Gentoo developers,

I would like to ask what do you think about UTF-8 encoded manual pages?
I mean, the files like ls.1.gz, which are used by honorable man program.
Recently I attacked the problem a little and before submitting any
patches/proposals to Gentoo bugzilla I'd like to know your opinions first.

Disclaimer: for daily use I have LANG=pl_PL.UTF-8 and LC_ALL=pl_PL.UTF-8,
but the original issue is of a more universal nature.

Back on subject. ISO-8859-* 8-bit encodings are fine and most localized
manuals use them. However, there are some examples where UTF-8 manuals are
installed as well. Namely, newest portage uses linguas_pl by this means:

$ emerge -pv portage
[ebuild   R   ] sys-apps/portage-2.1_rc3-r3  USE=-build -doc LINGUAS=pl

In effect, a translated manual pages are added to the system. The problem
is that they use UTF-8 encoding. Having both man-pages-pl and this version
of portage installed gives unexpected results. This way man ls prints all
the letters with correct encoding, but man emerge does not. On the other
hand, if man is configured to display UTF-8 encoded manuals correctly,
all the other manuals print funny characters instead of desired output.

I wrote a simple script [1] which checks all installed Polish manuals by
using file program. For pl locale it produces currently about ~70kB
of text, and for default locale it's about 458kB. After grepping for all
occurences of UTF I've found out that only the newest portage's manuals
are in UTF-8 (pl), plus: flow.1, gnome-keyring-manager.1, ImageMagick.1,
Encode::Unicode::UTF7.3pm (but I think they are false positives, anyway).

While it's easy to contact Polish translators of the portage's manuals so
they could correct them, the problem will have to be solved sooner or later.
UTF-8 encoded manuals will probably occur with higher frequency, and some
general resolution should be made.

After some discussion on the Polish forum [2] I've learnt about groff
deficiencies with UTF-8 handling. However, a wrapper exists [3] that helps
somewhat in that matter. But it also requires that all manuals be unified
wrt. encoding: *all* ISO-8859-* or *all* UTF-8, no compromise.
So I don't know what course to take.

Summing up:
* UTF-8 manuals: good or bad?
* how to handle mixed encodings of manuals?
* should man and/or groff handle UTF-8 better?
* should an eclass function be created to aid in correcting the encoding
  of manual pages while installing them?

Any constructive comments are more than welcome!

Best regards,
Wiktor Wandachowicz

[1] http://ics.p.lodz.pl/~wiktorw/gentoo/checkman
[2] http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-p-3352287.html
[3] http://hoth.amu.edu.pl/~d_szeluga/groff-utf8.tar.bz2

gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

[gentoo-dev] Re: et_EE locale and language of error messages

2006-05-22 Thread Wiktor Wandachowicz
Marc Hildebrand zypher at gentoo.org writes:

  What do you think? LC_ALL=C in portage or not?
  - Stefan
 Well this problem (localized error messages) exists since I know linux 
 and the solution has always been use per user locale settings and keep 
 LC_ALL=POSIX or =C as a system default.
 Maybe we should just update the docs?

A bug regarding this issue has been filled:

From the current state of portage code, the patch in question while useful is
not necessary. Portage already defines in /usr/lib/portage/portage_const.py:

USER_CONFIG_PATH= /etc/portage

which is then used in /usr/lib/pym/portage.py:


and consequently in /usr/lib/bin/ebuild.sh:

if [ -f ${PORTAGE_BASHRC} ]; then

So, if the documentation is updated (and possibly advertized in next GWN), no
change (even small) is necessary.

And while I can voice my (user's) opinion, I *really* like the idea of forcing
the sane emerge environment by this one-liner. So in fact I'm torn apart...

Wiktor Wandachowicz

gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

[gentoo-dev] Re: Gentoo theming during bootup

2006-04-09 Thread Wiktor Wandachowicz
 Having a Gentoo theme here helps to associate the
 theme with the distribution. Nobody forced me to do this. I just like it :)

In his blog (http://www.livingwithpenguins.blogspot.com/), Steven O.
writes in the Fresh WORKING install of Gentoo:

 One of the coolest things about the Fluxbox guide is that the guy
 that wrote it included all of the Gentoo theamed items, so after
 you get it setup you can have a *true Gentoo box*.

Guess I'm not the only one... :-)


gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

[gentoo-dev] Re: Gentoo theming during bootup

2006-04-08 Thread Wiktor Wandachowicz
Carsten Lohrke carlo at gentoo.org writes:

 How do you want not to enforce it?
Have you actually read the proposal? It's quite sensible and is entitled:

 Proposal: Integrated boot themes on LiveCDs and installations

I suppose that the themes would be defaulted to on the LiveCDs and optional
for regular installations - typical emerge-if-you-need-it situation.

 Still, the basic question is: Why!?
Because it may lead to the creation of well thought out and integrated themes
for several programs that are able to use them? Including more robustness
and/or functionality similar to the one that the gfxboot provides?

 There's no benefit for the user, who will choose whatever theming
 he wants anyways.
I for one would be delighted if there was such new set of themes. I'd use
them right away. To be honest, I tend to match my bootsplash theme with the
one that's used on the current LiveCD. Somehow I feel I need that when people
come and ask me What Linux distro do you use?. If it happens that they ask
when I boot my laptop they can watch the nice graphical progress (bootsplash)
and finally my gdm theme. Having a Gentoo theme here helps to associate the
theme with the distribution. Nobody forced me to do this. I just like it :)

 Imho it's superfluous
To be honest, there are not so many themes out there that are worth
installing. A good set of Gentoo themes is one of the best ideas
I've heard for a long time. (!)

 and therefore wasted time.
I understand your point. But are you sure that spreading the negative energy
and killing the idea is best? No progress is done without breaking rules
and working against the inertia of habits.

 I for one favor to stick with that, what upstream provides.
I guess you should be able to leave with that. No one would force you to
switch the splashes/background/themes unless you wanted it.

And while we are at it, is there any chance that the bug #124920
could be taken into account while creating new gdm theme?


gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list