On Fri, Apr 27, 2007 at 07:54:00AM +0200, Steffen Brumm wrote:
> and darwin is satan, other beliefs than christianity - death penalty, fight 
> the sciences, womans have to go behind the cooker or into the open flame, 
> only conservapedia is real,...

This certainly is an interesting first post to the Gentoo development
list, not sure if it's pure trolling or just a joke gone bad.
In any way, this is not exactly Gentoo development related and not
really CoC [1] compliant. Please read the CoC before posting again.

Everyone else, please don't reply to this subthread as well for the
same reasons.


[1] http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/council/coc.xml

Wernfried Haas (amne) - amne at gentoo dot org
Gentoo Forums: http://forums.gentoo.org
IRC: #gentoo-forums on freenode - email: forum-mods at gentoo dot org

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