Donnie Berkholz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> posted [EMAIL PROTECTED],
excerpted below, on  Thu, 08 May 2008 16:33:28 -0700:

> Here is the summary from today's council meeting. The complete log will
> show up at shortly.

FWIW, the log entry at the URL above is still yielding a 404.  <poke>  
Yes, I know "shortly" is relative, but in the absolute, it /has/ been a 
day and a half.  =8^/

Meanwhile, I'd like to take the opportunity while I have it to thank the 
council members.  Multiple hour meetings each month, you guys are 
certainly taking your responsibilities seriously, and there's another one 
this month due to unfinished business after the 2 and a half that you 
met.  Apart from the time, some of the decisions are anything but easy.  
It's not something everyone's cut out for, definitely.  I expect I'm 
talking for many when I say thanks, and that I'm glad someone's willing 
to make the sacrifice and take the emotional and stress toll it extracts 
to step up and make those decisions, even if I don't personally agree 
with the decisions made at times.

Actually, that's why I like the logs.  It surprises me how often after 
reading the logs I find I agree where I didn't before, and where I don't, 
I at least understand why...  Thus my frustration at not being able to 
peruse the latest one as yet. <yeah, I guess that's another poke> =8^]

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
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