I added the following entry to profiles/base/use.stable.mask:

# dev-lang/ruby:2.1 is not stable.

This is needed for <https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=505920>, as
otherwise rexical would generate the following repoman error:

  dependency.bad                18
   dev-ruby/rexical/rexical-1.0.5-r3.ebuild: DEPEND:
['>=dev-ruby/hoe-2.6.2[ruby_targets_ruby21]', '>=dev-ruby/hoe-2.6.2[
ruby_targets_ruby21]', 'dev-ruby/test-unit:2[ruby_targets_ruby21]',
'dev-lang/ruby:2.1', 'dev-ruby/rdoc[ruby_targets_ruby21]',
rgets_ruby21]', 'virtual/rubygems[ruby_targets_ruby21]',

Feel free to recommend better solutions to this in case I missed
something - this error appeared in the middle of this multiple-packages
stabilization, and it seemed better than e.g. reverting the keyword
changes, especially that they're needed for security bug
<https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=513290> .


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