I'm not interested by maintaining www-plugins/gnash anymore, since it's
really boring to keep it working and up-to-date.
For example, few days ago a bug for bump it was opened, just for a
development release (even if it's a beta...) 3 patches o_O. And this is
just a begining...

The funny thing is upstream is not cooperative at all, autotools patches
are not accepted (that's why I don't send them on upstream, I meant with
an attitude like that it's just useless sorry...) . And when you want to
commit suicide per bump it's not normal (mainly because autotools aren't
standard and are so ugly, just unfixable, just for fun ask diego :D)

Probably gnash will be nice and powerful in a very long time (I hope),
but for now... a lot of work has to be done.

I don't know how to ask this favour: I need help ?! SOS ?! or just "go
ahead, I'm glad to give you this ebuild."

Mhhh... what else ? That all !
Have fun with gentoo, and most important : good luck ! :D

Romain Perier
Gentoo Linux Developer
Responsabilities : GNOME/KDE/AMD64/Desktop-effects/Sunrise
E-Mail           : mrpo...@gentoo.org
Site             : http://dev.gentoo.org/~mrpouet
Blog             : http://blogs.gentoo.org/mrpouet
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