Just since it bit me on some infra boxes this evening, a quick reminder
that you should generally never DEPEND on virtual/linux-sources in your

It's trivial to build a fully working system, and never have /usr/src
get populated.

1. Never RDEPEND on virtual/linux-sources, it will bring kernel sources
   in during binpkg installs.
2. linux-mod.eclass does correctly bring in virtual/linux-sources as
   needed, so if you are building kernel modules, inherit it rather than
   including your own DEPEND for sources.
3. kernel_is: Version-specific virtual/linux-sources statements are generally
   useless, as you have no idea what kernel version is at /usr/src/linux
   or is pointed to by the various build variables. You should use the
   kernel_is function of linux-info.eclass instead.

Robin Hugh Johnson
Gentoo Linux: Developer, Trustee & Infrastructure Lead
E-Mail     : robb...@gentoo.org
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