Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Xorg-server and my mouse

2009-04-09 Thread Fred Elno

> Dale:
>>Did my etc-update and went to log into KDE.  No keyboard.  No
>>mouse.  No nothing.  I knew the new xorg-server update was going to make
>>me change a few things but I thought I would be ABLE to change the
> *g*
> Today 'emerge --sync' followed by 'emerge -uDN world' changed my xorg to
> 1.5. After 'startx' i had my usual icewm screen but no working mouse or
> keyboard.
>>I had to unplug the computer then add softlevel=boot to get to
>>where I could even fix the stupid thing.
> I preferred ssh from another computer. ;)
>>While I was trying to recover and reading, it appears I have to update
>>my kernel for this thing to work.
> That depends. Look in 'sudo make menuconfig' at Device Drivers->Input
> device support for Event interface. If available and unchecked, select
> it and recompile your kernel.
> I had done so because it was mentioned in the 'Xorg 1.5 Upgrade Guide',
> Wasn't enough, though.
> - Xorg.0.log -
> (EE) Failed to load module "evdev" (module does not exist, 0)
> ---
> But 'modprobe evdev' succeeded. *g*
> After pulling out some hairs and examining 'emerge -pv xorg-server'
> closer i changed
> - /etc/make.conf -
> INPUT_DEVICES="keyboard mouse"
> to
> - /etc/make.conf -
> INPUT_DEVICES="keyboard mouse evdev"
> ---
> and recompiled xorg-server. Now i had working mouse and keyboard under X.
> Then i noticed that my german keyboard layout was gone. The Upgrade
> Guide was not very clear in this point. At least for me.
I have the same problem for my French keyboard layout, so here is what I do:
Change my section InputDevice in /etc/X11/xorg.conf from:

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Keyboard0"
Driver "kbd"
Option "AutoRepeat" "500 30"
Option "XkbRules" "xorg"
Option "XkbModel" "pc105"
Option "XkbLayout" "fr"

To this:

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier  "Keyboard0"
Option  "AutoRepeat" "500 30"
Option  "CoreKeyboard"
Option  "XkbLayout" "fr"
Option  "XkbModel"  "evdev"
Option  "XkbRules""xorg"
Driver  "evdev"

After that I have to find the fdi file for my keyboard and change it according 
my xorg.conf:
Here is what I have in the fdi file:

$ nano /usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/10osvendor/10-keymap.fdi







After that killing X, then restarting hald daemon and when I restart X
I have my French Layout back.

Hope it's help

> Time for a break, so i decided to disable hal for a while, drink some
> coffee and smoke some pipes. ;)
> - /etc/X11/xorg.conf -
> Section "ServerFlags"
>   Option "AutoAddDevices"  "false"
> EndSection
> ---
> Now i have commented out these lines because i found a way for my german
> keyboard layout. Hm, just noticed that i have also to do something for
> my compose key. Sigh.
> Hartmut

* Site  web: *

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Xorg-server and my mouse

2009-04-09 Thread Dale
Hartmut Figge wrote:
> Dale:
>> Did my etc-update and went to log into KDE.  No keyboard.  No
>> mouse.  No nothing.  I knew the new xorg-server update was going to make
>> me change a few things but I thought I would be ABLE to change the
>> thing.
> *g*
> Today 'emerge --sync' followed by 'emerge -uDN world' changed my xorg to
> 1.5. After 'startx' i had my usual icewm screen but no working mouse or
> keyboard.
>> I had to unplug the computer then add softlevel=boot to get to
>> where I could even fix the stupid thing.
> I preferred ssh from another computer. ;)
>> While I was trying to recover and reading, it appears I have to update
>> my kernel for this thing to work.
> That depends. Look in 'sudo make menuconfig' at Device Drivers->Input
> device support for Event interface. If available and unchecked, select
> it and recompile your kernel.
> I had done so because it was mentioned in the 'Xorg 1.5 Upgrade Guide',
> Wasn't enough, though.
> - Xorg.0.log -
> (EE) Failed to load module "evdev" (module does not exist, 0)
> ---
> But 'modprobe evdev' succeeded. *g*
> After pulling out some hairs and examining 'emerge -pv xorg-server'
> closer i changed
> - /etc/make.conf -
> INPUT_DEVICES="keyboard mouse"
> to
> - /etc/make.conf -
> INPUT_DEVICES="keyboard mouse evdev"
> ---
> and recompiled xorg-server. Now i had working mouse and keyboard under X.
> Then i noticed that my german keyboard layout was gone. The Upgrade
> Guide was not very clear in this point. At least for me.
> Time for a break, so i decided to disable hal for a while, drink some
> coffee and smoke some pipes. ;)
> - /etc/X11/xorg.conf -
> Section "ServerFlags"
>   Option "AutoAddDevices"  "false"
> EndSection
> ---
> Now i have commented out these lines because i found a way for my german
> keyboard layout. Hm, just noticed that i have also to do something for
> my compose key. Sigh.
> Hartmut

Sounds like you are having fun with your upgrade too. Unless there is a
miracle and I know it will work, without me having to pull the plug
again, I'm keeping that puppy masked.  I'll stick with this for a while

On my kernel, I'm using 2.6.23.  It was the last one I could get to boot
so i stuck with it.  Anybody see a pattern here?  Thought about not
syncing for a while.  o_O

I wish I had a spare rig to ssh in with.  I loaned one out and his house
burned down with my spare rig in it. 


:-)  :-) 

Re: [gentoo-user] Xorg-server and my mouse

2009-04-09 Thread Dale
Mike Kazantsev wrote:
> On Thu, 09 Apr 2009 21:27:36 -0500
> Dale  wrote:
>> I'm back down to my old xorg-server-1.3* but now my mouse wheel don't
>> work.  Did this thing blow up my rat?  How do i get my mouse wheel to
>> work again?
> Strangely enough, I had the following sections in my xorg.conf for a
> few years now, -hal, and no problems with either mouse, touchpad or
> whatever...
> And before you jump to the conclusions: I use xorg-server-1.6.0 from
> X11 overlay.
>   Section "InputDevice"
>   Identifier  "Keyboard0"
>   Driver  "kbd"
>   Option "XkbLayout" "us,ru(winkeys)"
>   Option "XkbOptions" "grp_led:scroll,grp:caps_toggle"
>   EndSection
>   Section "InputDevice"
>   Identifier  "Mouse0"
>   Driver  "mouse"
>   Option  "Protocol" "auto"
>   Option  "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
>   Option  "ZAxisMapping" "4 5 6 7"
>   EndSection

Well, I emerged the new xorg-server and my GUI crashed after just a few
minutes.  I think it was when I hit the right button on the mouse.  That
was after I re-emerged xorg-server with -hal in package.use.  After
that, I went back to the old xorg-server.  Xorg-server with hal left me
with no keyboard or mouse.

For some reason, no clue as to why, my mouse wheel is working.  It
wasn't working when I logged back into KDE but a little while after
sending the email, it just started working.

Here is my xorg-conf file:

Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier " Configured"
Screen  0  "Screen0" 0 0
InputDevice"Mouse0" "CorePointer"
InputDevice"Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"

Section "Files"

Section "Module"
Load   "glx"
Load   "extmod"
Load   "xtrap"
Load   "record"
Load   "dbe"
Load   "freetype"
Load   "type1"

Section "ServerFlags"

Option "BlankTime" "5"
Option "StandbyTime" "10"
Option "AutoAddDevices""false"

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Keyboard0"
Driver "kbd"

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Mouse0"
Driver "mouse"
Option "Protocol" "auto"
Option "Device" "/dev/input/mouse0"
Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5 6 7"

Section "Monitor"
Identifier "Monitor0"
VendorName "Monitor Vendor"
ModelName  "Monitor Model"
Option "dpms"

# * Users of reduced blanking now need:
# *Option "ReducedBlanking"
# * In the relevant Monitor section(s).
# * Make sure your reduced blanking modelines are safe!

Section "Device"
Identifier "Card0"
Driver "nvidia"
VendorName "nVidia Corporation"
BoardName  "NV34 [GeForce FX 5200]"

Section "Screen"
Identifier "Screen0"
Device "Card0"
Option "DPMS" "TRUE"
SubSection "Display"
Viewport0 0
Modes  "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600"
SubSection "Display"
Viewport0 0
Depth   4
Modes  "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600"
SubSection "Display"
Viewport0 0
Depth   8
Modes  "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600"
SubSection "Display"
Viewport0 0
Depth   15
Modes  "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600"
SubSection "Display"
Viewport0 0
Depth   16
Modes  "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600"
SubSection "Display"
Viewport0 0
Depth   24
Modes  "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600"

I have been using that for a good while now.


:-)  :-) 

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: iptables + dansguardian + squid

2009-04-09 Thread Joseph

On 04/10/09 04:56, James wrote:

Mike Kazantsev> writes:

> Thanks, yes I looked at them; the Gentoo wiki doesn't works: old, obsolete.

Prehaps you can find a few minutes to just copy-paste old article to a
restored wiki, correcting obsolete part... and someone after you won't
have these problems.


The site says this:

This site is read only. No changes can be made. That means it may be out of date
or incorrect and it cannot be corrected. Use at your own risk. Having said that,
it should still be a good guide for most things.

Or is there a way to edit what's there that I missed?

It begs the question, why is this guy in control of the wiki?
Others cannot contribute?


The guy who design this page is trying to help to recover Gentoo-wiki, did a 
quick job but I don't think he maintains it; I track this email on this page:
We can drop him an email and ask him to edit that page to bring it to current standards. 

What do you say Nick :-)? 
The page in question is

is a bit old and need some updating, so it can be of use to Gentoo comunity.


Re: [gentoo-user] Re: iptables + dansguardian + squid

2009-04-09 Thread Joseph

On 04/10/09 10:11, Mike Kazantsev wrote:

On Thu, 9 Apr 2009 22:04:41 -0600
Joseph  wrote:

Thanks, yes I looked at them; the Gentoo wiki doesn't works: old, obsolete.


Now it works.

Prehaps you can find a few minutes to just copy-paste old article to a
restored wiki, correcting obsolete part... and someone after you won't
have these problems.

I've never posted any article on wiki, I think it requires knowledge of xml, 
doesn't it?
The entire configuration of dansguardian.config would need to be slightly modified as it is old and it doesn't load with latest version of dansguardian we 
have in portage, many files changed place etc.

If you want I can assist you, and maybe we can do it.  
It would require adding section on kernel module configuration as this is the main reason why iptable does not work with dansguardian.
We can borrow sections from as that article is well written but is missing "kernel configuration" as well as to what basic modules needs to be 
loaded for dansguardian and squid to work together, and how to check it.


[gentoo-user] Re: iptables + dansguardian + squid

2009-04-09 Thread James
Mike Kazantsev> writes:

> > Thanks, yes I looked at them; the Gentoo wiki doesn't works: old, obsolete.

> Prehaps you can find a few minutes to just copy-paste old article to a
> restored wiki, correcting obsolete part... and someone after you won't
> have these problems.


The site says this:

This site is read only. No changes can be made. That means it may be out of date
or incorrect and it cannot be corrected. Use at your own risk. Having said that,
it should still be a good guide for most things.

Or is there a way to edit what's there that I missed?

It begs the question, why is this guy in control of the wiki?
Others cannot contribute?


[gentoo-user] Re: iptables + dansguardian + squid

2009-04-09 Thread james
Joseph> writes:

> >>

> >

> Thanks, yes I looked at them; the Gentoo wiki doesn't works: old, obsolete.

> The one from is working but in my case I 
had a problem loading the
iptables rules as after upgrading
> kernel to 2.6.27-gentoo-r8 it seems to me 
> they have re-arrange the iptable modules around a
nd I was missing in the kernel:
> without it you can not load:
> iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 80 
-m owner --uid-owner squid -j ACCEPT
> iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 3128 
-m owner --uid-owner squid -j ACCEPT
> Now it works.


good to know. 
Never set it up myself



Re: [gentoo-user] Re: iptables + dansguardian + squid

2009-04-09 Thread Mike Kazantsev
On Thu, 9 Apr 2009 22:04:41 -0600
Joseph  wrote:

> Thanks, yes I looked at them; the Gentoo wiki doesn't works: old, obsolete.
> Now it works.

Prehaps you can find a few minutes to just copy-paste old article to a
restored wiki, correcting obsolete part... and someone after you won't
have these problems.

Mike Kazantsev //

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: iptables + dansguardian + squid

2009-04-09 Thread Joseph

On 04/10/09 03:46, james wrote:

Joseph> writes:

I was following this guide to set it up home filter: iptables, DansGuardian,

and Squid.

Here's a link to get you started

Thanks, yes I looked at them; the Gentoo wiki doesn't works: old, obsolete.

The one from is working but in my case I had a problem loading the iptables rules as after upgrading kernel to 2.6.27-gentoo-r8 it seems to me 
they have re-arrange the iptable modules around and I was missing in the kernel:

without it you can not load:
iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -m owner --uid-owner squid -j ACCEPT
iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 3128 -m owner --uid-owner squid -j 

Now it works.


Re: [gentoo-user] Xorg-server and my mouse

2009-04-09 Thread Mike Kazantsev
On Thu, 09 Apr 2009 21:27:36 -0500
Dale  wrote:

> I'm back down to my old xorg-server-1.3* but now my mouse wheel don't
> work.  Did this thing blow up my rat?  How do i get my mouse wheel to
> work again?

Strangely enough, I had the following sections in my xorg.conf for a
few years now, -hal, and no problems with either mouse, touchpad or
And before you jump to the conclusions: I use xorg-server-1.6.0 from
X11 overlay.

  Section "InputDevice"
  Identifier  "Keyboard0"
  Driver  "kbd"
  Option "XkbLayout" "us,ru(winkeys)"
  Option "XkbOptions" "grp_led:scroll,grp:caps_toggle"

  Section "InputDevice"
  Identifier  "Mouse0"
  Driver  "mouse"
  Option  "Protocol" "auto"
  Option  "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
  Option  "ZAxisMapping" "4 5 6 7"

Mike Kazantsev //

Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-user] Re: Xorg-server and my mouse

2009-04-09 Thread Hartmut Figge

>Did my etc-update and went to log into KDE.  No keyboard.  No
>mouse.  No nothing.  I knew the new xorg-server update was going to make
>me change a few things but I thought I would be ABLE to change the


Today 'emerge --sync' followed by 'emerge -uDN world' changed my xorg to
1.5. After 'startx' i had my usual icewm screen but no working mouse or

>I had to unplug the computer then add softlevel=boot to get to
>where I could even fix the stupid thing.

I preferred ssh from another computer. ;)

>While I was trying to recover and reading, it appears I have to update
>my kernel for this thing to work.

That depends. Look in 'sudo make menuconfig' at Device Drivers->Input
device support for Event interface. If available and unchecked, select
it and recompile your kernel.

I had done so because it was mentioned in the 'Xorg 1.5 Upgrade Guide',

Wasn't enough, though.

- Xorg.0.log -
(EE) Failed to load module "evdev" (module does not exist, 0)

But 'modprobe evdev' succeeded. *g*

After pulling out some hairs and examining 'emerge -pv xorg-server'
closer i changed

- /etc/make.conf -
INPUT_DEVICES="keyboard mouse"


- /etc/make.conf -
INPUT_DEVICES="keyboard mouse evdev"

and recompiled xorg-server. Now i had working mouse and keyboard under X.

Then i noticed that my german keyboard layout was gone. The Upgrade
Guide was not very clear in this point. At least for me.

Time for a break, so i decided to disable hal for a while, drink some
coffee and smoke some pipes. ;)

- /etc/X11/xorg.conf -
Section "ServerFlags"
  Option "AutoAddDevices"  "false"

Now i have commented out these lines because i found a way for my german
keyboard layout. Hm, just noticed that i have also to do something for
my compose key. Sigh.


[gentoo-user] Re: iptables + dansguardian + squid

2009-04-09 Thread james
Joseph> writes:

> I was following this guide to set it up home filter: iptables, DansGuardian,
and Squid.

Here's a link to get you started

Re: [gentoo-user] problem making bootable usb key--FIXED

2009-04-09 Thread maxim wexler

> Judging from the footer from yahoo, I am guessing you're in
> Canada?


> Good luck and keep us posted.

This time I got a better connection and downloaded the iso in one go then ran 
unetbootin on it and this time it worked


Looking for the perfect gift? Give the gift of Flickr!

[gentoo-user] Xorg-server and my mouse

2009-04-09 Thread Dale
Hi folks,

I'm not near as "upset" as I was a little while ago.  I ran my updates
and then took a nap while it was compiling.  I woke up and they were
done.  Did my etc-update and went to log into KDE.  No keyboard.  No
mouse.  No nothing.  I knew the new xorg-server update was going to make
me change a few things but I thought I would be ABLE to change the
thing.  I had to unplug the computer then add softlevel=boot to get to
where I could even fix the stupid thing.

I'm back down to my old xorg-server-1.3* but now my mouse wheel don't
work.  Did this thing blow up my rat?  How do i get my mouse wheel to
work again?

While I was trying to recover and reading, it appears I have to update
my kernel for this thing to work.  Something I can't do because the
latest greatest kernel don't like my rig for some reason.  I posted it
on here somewhere a while back.  Something to the effect that it is
pissed at my IDE chipset.  Looks like the new xorg-server is going to be
masked for a while.

I may have a few more questions before this mess is over.  Right now,
I'm going to go eat some ice cubes.


:-)  :-) 

[gentoo-user] Summer of Code Ideas

2009-04-09 Thread James

Gmane was down for a while, so I'm just now 
catching up on my leisure reading (this list).

Previously a thread was proposed (What annoys you)
on SOC ideas. Although much of the discussion
was the usual suspects; I did not see
many concrete ideas for the SOC folks to

Here's 2 needs listed in bug 209435.

1. We need a framework for plugins with Eclipse on Gentoo.

2. SLIDE is a front end for policy management for SELinux
Note if folks do not like what has been done here, then
perhaps a better frontend for SELinux policy management?

It is entirely possible  that (1) has been fixed ?

Just ideas for SOC.


Re: [gentoo-user] stage 1 howto?

2009-04-09 Thread Mick
On Thursday 09 April 2009, HObbES wrote:
> Hi Mick,
> If you have it, I'd like a copy please.

I must have stored that 2004.1 LiveCD somewhere very safe, because I couldn't 
find it after I had a quick look.  o_O

However, the gentoo website still shows the full installation handbook for 
2004.2, including stage 1 bootstrapping.  In addition to the FAQ link you can 
read the step by step procedure here:

PS.  I assume you want to install it on a x86 machine, otherwise go here and scroll down the page to 
find your architecture.
PPS.  Depending on your machine bootstrapping can take some time.  Make sure 
you md5sum -c the stage source file or you may have to rinse and repeat due 
to a corrupt download.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

[gentoo-user] Re: which package contains latex stmaryrd.sty

2009-04-09 Thread Hartmut Figge
Hartmut Figge:

> * ERROR: dev-texlive/texlive-basic-2008 failed.

The today 'emerge --sync' followed by 'emerge -pv -uDN world' showed
that this package would be emerged. I was curious what would happen.

Well, it failed. Looking for bugs i found
in which 'texmf-update' was recommended as fix. That helped. But then

 * Package 'dev-texlive/texlive-basic-2008' merged despite file
 * collisions. If necessary, refer to your elog messages for the whole
 * content of the above message.


 * Package 'dev-texlive/texlive-latex-2008-r1' merged despite file
 * collisions. If necessary, refer to your elog messages for the whole
 * content of the above message.

Hmmm ...

Also i have now a new version of X

Soon i will shut down my current X and try to start the new one. Could
be interesting. *g*


Re: [gentoo-user] VLC use flags request

2009-04-09 Thread Paul Hartman
On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 2:52 PM, Roy Wright  wrote:
> Howdy,
> I've been having trouble with VLC (saving from disc, h264+a52) and think
> it's related to the set of use flags so was hoping some kind soul with a
> functional VLC wouldn't mind posting their USE flags.

I don't know if mine will do what you're trying to do, but it seems to
work for what I've tried to do. Here are my USE flags:

media-video/vlc-0.9.9a  USE="X a52 aac aalib alsa avahi dbus directfb
dvb dvd fbcon ffmpeg flac hal libcaca libgcrypt libnotify mmx mp3 mpeg
ncurses nsplugin ogg opengl png qt4 samba sdl sse svg truetype v4l
vorbis x264 xml xv (-altivec) -arts -atmo -bidi -cdda -cddax -cddb
-cdio -dc1394 -debug -dirac -dts -esd -fluidsynth -fontconfig -ggi
-gnome -gnutls -httpd -id3tag -jack -kate -libass -libsysfs -libv4l2
-lirc -live -lua -matroska -modplug -musepack -optimisememory -oss
-pda -pulseaudio -pvr -remoteosd -rtsp -run-as-root -schroedinger
-sdl-image -seamonkey -shout -skins -speex -stream (-svga) -taglib
-theora -twolame -upnp -v4l2 -vcdinfo -vcdx -vlm (-win32codecs)
-xinerama -xosd -zvbi"

[gentoo-user] ath5k and laptop cpu frequency scaling

2009-04-09 Thread Paul Hartman
I switched from madwifi-ng to ath5k when I switched from kernel 2.6.28
to 2.6.29 and my wifi speed is unusably slow when the CPU speed is
scaled down. I am talking about trying to ssh into my laptop taking
literally MINUTES to respond when it is running at 800MHz but being
instant when it is running at 2000MHz. If I am emerging or doing
anything to run the CPU, the wifi speed is fine. When I am
interactively using the laptop it's not as much of an issue because
the laptop itself is perfectly normal in its responsiveness, but the
wifi practically dies when the CPU slows down. I tried with cpudyn and
without (using kernel ondemand governor).

Is anyone else using ath5k on a laptop and having this problem? I
don't know if it is the wifi driver, the kernel, or something else. I
did about 3 months worth of updates all at once, so that makes it a
nice big mess for isolating the cause. :)


[gentoo-user] VLC use flags request

2009-04-09 Thread Roy Wright

I've been having trouble with VLC (saving from disc, h264+a52) and think
it's related to the set of use flags so was hoping some kind soul with a
functional VLC wouldn't mind posting their USE flags.


Re: [gentoo-user] Moving Seamonkey email directory.

2009-04-09 Thread Dale
Paul Hartman wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 2:32 PM, Dale  wrote:
>> What's with Seamonkey 2?  I got to check on that.
> >From what I remember, Seamonkey 2 was becoming more
> Firefox-and-Thunderbird like in its browser and e-mail components.
> It's using the newer XUL toolkit and has a Firefox-style add-on
> manager (rendering old seamonkey extensions and themes useless) and I
> believe the e-mail portion might be compatible with Thunderbird?
> Basically a modernization of Seamonkey. Not sure how much of that will
> actually come to reality.

Apparently a lot of changes.  I found this information:

Sounds like some serious changes.  I always tell people that Seamonkey
is like Firefox and Thunderbird in one program.  It's not the same
program but they get the meaning at least.  It's browser and email
together basically.  Plus a few other tidbits like chat etc etc.


:-)  :-) 

Re: [gentoo-user] Moving Seamonkey email directory.

2009-04-09 Thread Paul Hartman
On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 2:32 PM, Dale  wrote:
> What's with Seamonkey 2?  I got to check on that.

>From what I remember, Seamonkey 2 was becoming more
Firefox-and-Thunderbird like in its browser and e-mail components.
It's using the newer XUL toolkit and has a Firefox-style add-on
manager (rendering old seamonkey extensions and themes useless) and I
believe the e-mail portion might be compatible with Thunderbird?
Basically a modernization of Seamonkey. Not sure how much of that will
actually come to reality.

Re: [gentoo-user] Moving Seamonkey email directory.

2009-04-09 Thread Dale
Paul Hartman wrote:
> Ah yes, I forgot the .db files. This reminds me to make backups of my
> .mozilla directory :) Glad you got it all straightened out!

Well, this little tidbit of info may help too.

It tells what all those files are for.  That helped me recover the
password file at least.  There are more links at the bottom as well. 

What's with Seamonkey 2?  I got to check on that.


:-)  :-) 

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: jagged, grey, fine, horizontal lines on xterm border

2009-04-09 Thread Paul Hartman
On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 1:43 PM, 7v5w7go9ub0o <> wrote:
> Paul Hartman wrote:
>> On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 9:07 AM, 7v5w7go9ub0o <>
>> wrote:
>>> So I figured that I should take a snapshot of the old xterm and
>>> post it next to yesterday's posting and allow folks an a:b
>>> comparison. But YIKES - when I looked at the photo on the updated
>>> box, I again saw the cross-hatch. And if I look carefully, I see
>>> the "dots" beneath the "cross-hatch"!?!
>>> So I'm now thinking that -br still works; and that there is some
>>> sort of minuscule frequency/refresh/other difference between the
>>> old and new xorg-server that is accounting for this jagged
>>> appearance on top of the dots.
>> That's really weird. I don't use xterm, but from the man page it
>> looks like you can define various scrollbar options in your X
>> resources file(s). I wonder if you had that set and lost it, or if
>> the system-wide defaults were changes from an update or something.
>> For example:
>> Scrollbar Resources The following resources are useful when specified
>> for the Athena Scrollbar widget:
>> thickness (class Thickness) Specifies the width in pixels of the
>> scrollbar.
>> background (class Background) Specifies the color to use for the
>> background of the scrollbar.
>> foreground (class Foreground) Specifies the color to use for the
>> foreground of the scrollbar.  The ``thumb'' of the scrollbar is a simple
>> checkerboard pattern alternating pixels for foreground and
>> background color.
> I think you're right. I can color the scrollbar and see the
> jaggedness no more.
> But the question is, why do I (and you) see jaggedness when looking at
> that jpeg? I can ignore it, and likely it'll be fine (no jaggedness when
> looking at that particular pattern) the next update, or I can report it
> to bugzilla and let them pass it upstream.  Guess that is what I'm
> presently pondering.
> Thanks for following this!

If you use the xsetroot utility to alter the root window background,
does it carry down to the xterm scrollbar? By that I mean I wonder if
xterm inherits its visual look from the parent or if it is living in
its own little world.

[gentoo-user] Re: jagged, grey, fine, horizontal lines on xterm border

2009-04-09 Thread 7v5w7go9ub0o

Paul Hartman wrote:

On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 9:07 AM, 7v5w7go9ub0o <>

So I figured that I should take a snapshot of the old xterm and
post it next to yesterday's posting and allow folks an a:b
comparison. But YIKES - when I looked at the photo on the updated
box, I again saw the cross-hatch. And if I look carefully, I see
the "dots" beneath the "cross-hatch"!?!

So I'm now thinking that -br still works; and that there is some
sort of minuscule frequency/refresh/other difference between the
old and new xorg-server that is accounting for this jagged
appearance on top of the dots.

That's really weird. I don't use xterm, but from the man page it
looks like you can define various scrollbar options in your X
resources file(s). I wonder if you had that set and lost it, or if
the system-wide defaults were changes from an update or something.
For example:

Scrollbar Resources The following resources are useful when specified
for the Athena Scrollbar widget:

thickness (class Thickness) Specifies the width in pixels of the

background (class Background) Specifies the color to use for the
background of the scrollbar.

foreground (class Foreground) Specifies the color to use for the
foreground of the scrollbar.  The ``thumb'' of the scrollbar is a 
simple checkerboard pattern alternating pixels for foreground and

background color.

I think you're right. I can color the scrollbar and see the
jaggedness no more.

But the question is, why do I (and you) see jaggedness when looking at
that jpeg? I can ignore it, and likely it'll be fine (no jaggedness when
looking at that particular pattern) the next update, or I can report it
to bugzilla and let them pass it upstream.  Guess that is what I'm
presently pondering.

Thanks for following this!

Re: [gentoo-user] Moving Seamonkey email directory.

2009-04-09 Thread Paul Hartman
On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 12:08 PM, Dale  wrote:
> Paul Hartman wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 10:30 AM, Dale  wrote:
> Daniel Pielmeier wrote:
> 2009/4/8 Dale :
> On another thread I had trouble with Seamonkey crashing on certain
> websites.  After some other people said it worked for them and some
> testing on my end, we figured out it was a bad file somewhere in
> ~/.mozilla.  I need to transfer my emails to the new clean .mozilla
> directory.  This is what I have done so far:
> 1: move .mozilla to another directory using cp -av  I moved it to my
> data directory.
> 2: delete ~/.mozilla
> 3: open Seamonkey and let it recreate the new .mozilla directory.
> 4: close Seamonkey
> 5: copy the old Mail directory to the new ~/.mozilla directory.  I made
> sure it went to the right place too.  You know, in the default then some
> weird number thing.
> 6: open Seamonkey and see if the mail is there.  It's not.
> I did check to make sure the permissions were correct.  I feel like
> there may be another file or something that I need to copy but am missing.
> Is there a how to for this?  Has someone did this recently successfully
> and like to share how they did it?  Could I just delete everything but
> the Mail directory and that work?
> This should work but you need to set up your mail account(s) again as
> the account settings itself are not stored in the maildir. But I guess
> you have done this already as seamonkey should remind you about
> creating a new account if it is started without an existing profile.
> Well, this is getting frustrating to say the least.  All I want is to
> save my emails and my passwords but I can't seem to save my passwords.
> When I copy the files needed to save the passwords, I loose my emails
> and then it crashes again when I go to the website that crashes Seamonkey.
> It looks like I will have to loose all my passwords and that sucks.
> I'll be hitting that "lost password" link for months to get that sorted out.
> Still open to ideas tho.  At least I know now that it is the prefs.js
> file that has "issues" with that webiste tho.  It works fine until I
> copy that puppy over to the new .mozilla.
> Dale
> I don't use Seamonkey for Email but I did have a problem where parts
> of my profile directory got corrupted and i had to piece together a
> year-old backup with the current data. I don't know if the email
> portion uses the same files as the browser portion, but the sames
> formed/passwords are in files with .s (sign-on) and .w (wallet)
> extensions. They have random-looking filenames. I had to edid my
> prefs.js and put in the names of my old s and w files into the new
> profile. After that my saved passwords and forms came up like before.
> You are exactly correct.  It gave me fits for a while but I finally copied
> enough of my old prefs.js file over to the new file to get my passwords
> working again.  Basically you have to edit the prefs.js file to point to the
> new password file and there is more than one spot for that.  You also have
> to copy the key3.db file over as well.
> I now have my emails and passwords.  I had to go wash dishes and think on
> this issue to figure that out.
> Now to go set up all my filters again.

Ah yes, I forgot the .db files. This reminds me to make backups of my
.mozilla directory :) Glad you got it all straightened out!

Re: [gentoo-user] Moving Seamonkey email directory.

2009-04-09 Thread Dale
Paul Hartman wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 10:30 AM, Dale  wrote:
>> Daniel Pielmeier wrote:
>>> 2009/4/8 Dale :
 On another thread I had trouble with Seamonkey crashing on certain
 websites.  After some other people said it worked for them and some
 testing on my end, we figured out it was a bad file somewhere in
 ~/.mozilla.  I need to transfer my emails to the new clean .mozilla
 directory.  This is what I have done so far:

 1: move .mozilla to another directory using cp -av  I moved it to my
 data directory.
 2: delete ~/.mozilla
 3: open Seamonkey and let it recreate the new .mozilla directory.
 4: close Seamonkey
 5: copy the old Mail directory to the new ~/.mozilla directory.  I made
 sure it went to the right place too.  You know, in the default then some
 weird number thing.
 6: open Seamonkey and see if the mail is there.  It's not.

 I did check to make sure the permissions were correct.  I feel like
 there may be another file or something that I need to copy but am missing.

 Is there a how to for this?  Has someone did this recently successfully
 and like to share how they did it?  Could I just delete everything but
 the Mail directory and that work?

>>> This should work but you need to set up your mail account(s) again as
>>> the account settings itself are not stored in the maildir. But I guess
>>> you have done this already as seamonkey should remind you about
>>> creating a new account if it is started without an existing profile.
>> Well, this is getting frustrating to say the least.  All I want is to
>> save my emails and my passwords but I can't seem to save my passwords.
>> When I copy the files needed to save the passwords, I loose my emails
>> and then it crashes again when I go to the website that crashes Seamonkey.
>> It looks like I will have to loose all my passwords and that sucks.
>> I'll be hitting that "lost password" link for months to get that sorted out.
>> Still open to ideas tho.  At least I know now that it is the prefs.js
>> file that has "issues" with that webiste tho.  It works fine until I
>> copy that puppy over to the new .mozilla.
>> Dale
> I don't use Seamonkey for Email but I did have a problem where parts
> of my profile directory got corrupted and i had to piece together a
> year-old backup with the current data. I don't know if the email
> portion uses the same files as the browser portion, but the sames
> formed/passwords are in files with .s (sign-on) and .w (wallet)
> extensions. They have random-looking filenames. I had to edid my
> prefs.js and put in the names of my old s and w files into the new
> profile. After that my saved passwords and forms came up like before.

You are exactly correct.  It gave me fits for a while but I finally
copied enough of my old prefs.js file over to the new file to get my
passwords working again.  Basically you have to edit the prefs.js file
to point to the new password file and there is more than one spot for
that.  You also have to copy the key3.db file over as well.

I now have my emails and passwords.  I had to go wash dishes and think
on this issue to figure that out. 

Now to go set up all my filters again. 


:-)  :-) 

[gentoo-user] iptables + dansguardian + squid

2009-04-09 Thread Joseph

I was following this guide to set it up home filter: iptables, DansGuardian, 
and Squid.
in the past it worked but when I try it now eg:

iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -m owner --uid-owner squid -j ACCEPT
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name

Apparently filtering in the nat table is no longer supported. But I'm not good 
in iptables so I need some help here.
Anybody has a good link showing basics how to do it?


[gentoo-user] Re: which package contains latex stmaryrd.sty

2009-04-09 Thread Hartmut Figge
Valmor de Almeida:
>Willie Wong wrote:
>> On Thu, Apr 09, 2009 at 12:32:26AM -0400, Penguin Lover Valmor de Almeida 
>> squawked:

>>> However texlive-mathextra won't emerge. Any advice? Thanks,
>> Not sure if this will help, but try *not* emerging it directly. Add
>> mathextra to the USE for app-text/texlive and emerge --newuse texlive. 

For me

h...@e675 ~ $ emerge -pv texlive-mathextra

These are the packages that would be merged, in order:

Calculating dependencies   . done!
[ebuild  N] dev-texlive/texlive-basic-2008  USE="doc -source" 0 kB
[ebuild  N] dev-tex/mplib-1.110  USE="lua" 0 kB
[ebuild  N] dev-texlive/texlive-fontsrecommended-2008  USE="doc -source" 
41,578 kB
[ebuild  N] dev-tex/luatex-0.30.3  USE="doc" 0 kB
[ebuild  N] dev-texlive/texlive-latex-2008-r1  USE="doc -source" 0 kB
[ebuild  N] dev-texlive/texlive-mathextra-2008  USE="doc -source" 4,299 kB

Total: 6 packages (6 new), Size of downloads: 45,876 kB

>These are the packages that I actually emerged to keep the system lean 
>(from world file):

Nothing of texlive in my world file.

But trying to emerge texlive-mathextra fails already at the first step.

>>> Emerging (1 of 6) dev-texlive/texlive-basic-2008
>>> Unpacking texlive-module-metafont-2008.tar.lzma to 
>>> /var/tmp/portage/dev-texlive/texlive-basic-2008/work
>>> Source unpacked in /var/tmp/portage/dev-texlive/texlive-basic-2008/work
>>> Compiling source in /var/tmp/portage/dev-texlive/texlive-basic-2008/work ...
 * Building format texmf/fmtutil/format.metafont.cnf
fmtutil: format directory 
`/var/tmp/portage/dev-texlive/texlive-basic-2008/work/texmf-var/web2c' does not 
 * ERROR: dev-texlive/texlive-basic-2008 failed.


Re: [gentoo-user] xorg-server-1.5.3-r5 log messages

2009-04-09 Thread Mike Edenfield

On 4/9/2009 11:27 AM, Mick wrote:

2009/4/8 Mike Edenfield:

On 4/8/2009 3:37 PM, Mick wrote:

Wikipedia is telling me that OTF are a Microsoft/Adobe creation - is Linux
following suit and therefore xorg includes them in its list of fonts?

OpenType (the catchy name for an OTF font) is basically the successor to
TrueType, but is in theory an open standard, so its become a pretty popular
font set.  Xorg just includes, by default, a list of such popular font
packages (it also includes FreeType, a couple different dpis, etc.)

If I were to install OTF which package should I emerge?  dev-libs/libotf-0.9.6 ?

There are a couple of OpenType font packages in portage but they mostly 
are alternative language fonts.  Currently most of the font packages 
that have been converted to OpenType are commercial, like the Adobe 
professional fonts.

As far as OTF support, I'm pretty sure it's already built in to any 
recent version of the freetype library and pango/Qt.  You shouldn't need 
to install anything more to use OTF fonts, you just have to find the OTF 
fonts :)

Re: [gentoo-user] Moving Seamonkey email directory.

2009-04-09 Thread Paul Hartman
On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 10:30 AM, Dale  wrote:
> Daniel Pielmeier wrote:
>> 2009/4/8 Dale :
>>> On another thread I had trouble with Seamonkey crashing on certain
>>> websites.  After some other people said it worked for them and some
>>> testing on my end, we figured out it was a bad file somewhere in
>>> ~/.mozilla.  I need to transfer my emails to the new clean .mozilla
>>> directory.  This is what I have done so far:
>>> 1: move .mozilla to another directory using cp -av  I moved it to my
>>> data directory.
>>> 2: delete ~/.mozilla
>>> 3: open Seamonkey and let it recreate the new .mozilla directory.
>>> 4: close Seamonkey
>>> 5: copy the old Mail directory to the new ~/.mozilla directory.  I made
>>> sure it went to the right place too.  You know, in the default then some
>>> weird number thing.
>>> 6: open Seamonkey and see if the mail is there.  It's not.
>>> I did check to make sure the permissions were correct.  I feel like
>>> there may be another file or something that I need to copy but am missing.
>>> Is there a how to for this?  Has someone did this recently successfully
>>> and like to share how they did it?  Could I just delete everything but
>>> the Mail directory and that work?
>> This should work but you need to set up your mail account(s) again as
>> the account settings itself are not stored in the maildir. But I guess
>> you have done this already as seamonkey should remind you about
>> creating a new account if it is started without an existing profile.
> Well, this is getting frustrating to say the least.  All I want is to
> save my emails and my passwords but I can't seem to save my passwords.
> When I copy the files needed to save the passwords, I loose my emails
> and then it crashes again when I go to the website that crashes Seamonkey.
> It looks like I will have to loose all my passwords and that sucks.
> I'll be hitting that "lost password" link for months to get that sorted out.
> Still open to ideas tho.  At least I know now that it is the prefs.js
> file that has "issues" with that webiste tho.  It works fine until I
> copy that puppy over to the new .mozilla.
> Dale

I don't use Seamonkey for Email but I did have a problem where parts
of my profile directory got corrupted and i had to piece together a
year-old backup with the current data. I don't know if the email
portion uses the same files as the browser portion, but the sames
formed/passwords are in files with .s (sign-on) and .w (wallet)
extensions. They have random-looking filenames. I had to edid my
prefs.js and put in the names of my old s and w files into the new
profile. After that my saved passwords and forms came up like before.

Re: [gentoo-user] Moving Seamonkey email directory.

2009-04-09 Thread Dale
Daniel Pielmeier wrote:
> 2009/4/8 Dale :
>> On another thread I had trouble with Seamonkey crashing on certain
>> websites.  After some other people said it worked for them and some
>> testing on my end, we figured out it was a bad file somewhere in
>> ~/.mozilla.  I need to transfer my emails to the new clean .mozilla
>> directory.  This is what I have done so far:
>> 1: move .mozilla to another directory using cp -av  I moved it to my
>> data directory.
>> 2: delete ~/.mozilla
>> 3: open Seamonkey and let it recreate the new .mozilla directory.
>> 4: close Seamonkey
>> 5: copy the old Mail directory to the new ~/.mozilla directory.  I made
>> sure it went to the right place too.  You know, in the default then some
>> weird number thing.
>> 6: open Seamonkey and see if the mail is there.  It's not.
>> I did check to make sure the permissions were correct.  I feel like
>> there may be another file or something that I need to copy but am missing.
>> Is there a how to for this?  Has someone did this recently successfully
>> and like to share how they did it?  Could I just delete everything but
>> the Mail directory and that work?
> This should work but you need to set up your mail account(s) again as
> the account settings itself are not stored in the maildir. But I guess
> you have done this already as seamonkey should remind you about
> creating a new account if it is started without an existing profile.

Well, this is getting frustrating to say the least.  All I want is to
save my emails and my passwords but I can't seem to save my passwords. 
When I copy the files needed to save the passwords, I loose my emails
and then it crashes again when I go to the website that crashes Seamonkey.

It looks like I will have to loose all my passwords and that sucks. 
I'll be hitting that "lost password" link for months to get that sorted out.

Still open to ideas tho.  At least I know now that it is the prefs.js
file that has "issues" with that webiste tho.  It works fine until I
copy that puppy over to the new .mozilla.


:-)  :-) 

Re: [gentoo-user] xorg-server-1.5.3-r5 log messages

2009-04-09 Thread Mick
2009/4/8 Mike Edenfield :
> On 4/8/2009 3:37 PM, Mick wrote:
>> Wikipedia is telling me that OTF are a Microsoft/Adobe creation - is Linux
>> following suit and therefore xorg includes them in its list of fonts?
> OpenType (the catchy name for an OTF font) is basically the successor to
> TrueType, but is in theory an open standard, so its become a pretty popular
> font set.  Xorg just includes, by default, a list of such popular font
> packages (it also includes FreeType, a couple different dpis, etc.)

If I were to install OTF which package should I emerge?  dev-libs/libotf-0.9.6 ?

Re: [gentoo-user] which package contains latex stmaryrd.sty

2009-04-09 Thread Valmor de Almeida

Willie Wong wrote:

On Thu, Apr 09, 2009 at 12:32:26AM -0400, Penguin Lover Valmor de Almeida 

All previous replies very helpful.


However texlive-mathextra won't emerge. Any advice? Thanks,

Not sure if this will help, but try *not* emerging it directly. Add
mathextra to the USE for app-text/texlive and emerge --newuse texlive. 


These are the packages that I actually emerged to keep the system lean 
(from world file):


everything else from dev-texlive was pulled as dependencies. As a result 
I have

*  app-text/texlive
  Latest version available: 2008
  Latest version installed: [ Not Installed ]
  Size of files: 0 kB
  Description:   A complete TeX distribution
  License:   GPL-2

*  app-text/texlive-core
  Latest version available: 2008-r4
  Latest version installed: 2008-r4
  Size of files: 28,470 kB
  Description:   A complete TeX distribution
  License:   GPL-2 LPPL-1.3c

*  dev-texlive/texlive-basic
  Latest version available: 2008
  Latest version installed: 2008
  Size of files: 5,139 kB
  Description:   TeXLive Essential programs and files
  License:   GPL-2 as-is GPL-1 LPPL-1.3 TeX

and if I do emerge texlive (the USE flag is extra) I get:

-> emerge -vp texlive

These are the packages that would be merged, in order:

Calculating dependencies... done!
[ebuild  N] dev-texlive/texlive-texinfo-2008  USE="-doc -source" 77 kB
[ebuild  N] dev-tex/xcolor-2.11  729 kB
[ebuild  N] dev-texlive/texlive-latex3-2008  USE="-doc -source" 44 kB
[ebuild  N] dev-texlive/texlive-metapost-2008  USE="-doc -source" 301 kB
[ebuild  N] dev-tex/envlab-1.2-r1  29 kB
[ebuild  N] dev-texlive/texlive-bibtexextra-2008  USE="-doc -source" 
723 kB

[ebuild  N] app-text/t1utils-1.34  152 kB
[ebuild  N] dev-tex/europecv-20060424-r1  USE="-examples" 765 kB
[ebuild  N] dev-texlive/texlive-genericextra-2008  USE="-doc 
-source" 174 kB
[ebuild  NS   ] media-libs/freetype-1.4_pre20080316-r1 [2.3.8] 
USE="kpathsea nls -doc" 1,172 kB

[ebuild  N] app-text/texi2html-1.76  460 kB
[ebuild  N] dev-texlive/texlive-mathextra-2008  USE="-doc -source" 0 kB
[ebuild  N] dev-tex/translator-1.00  USE="-doc" 175 kB
[ebuild  N] dev-tex/svninfo-0.7.3-r1  15 kB
[ebuild  N] dev-tex/leaflet-20041222  240 kB
[ebuild  N] dev-tex/chktex-1.6.4  USE="-debug -doc" 210 kB
[ebuild  N] app-text/psutils-1.17  61 kB
[ebuild  N] app-text/ps2eps-1.64  107 kB
[ebuild  N] app-text/lcdf-typetools-2.69  USE="kpathsea" 538 kB
[ebuild  N] dev-texlive/texlive-langukenglish-2008  USE="-doc 
-source" 1 kB

[ebuild  N] media-gfx/sam2p-0.45-r1  USE="gif -examples" 425 kB
[ebuild  N] dev-texlive/texlive-langportuguese-2008  USE="-doc 
-source" 3 kB
[ebuild  N] app-text/xdvik-22.84.14  USE="-Xaw3d -cjk -emacs -motif 
-neXt" 1,969 kB

[ebuild  N] dev-tex/g-brief-4.0.2  149 kB
[ebuild  N] dev-tex/currvita-0.9i-r1  18 kB
[ebuild  N] app-text/dvipdfm-0.13.2d-r1  232 kB
[ebuild  N] dev-texlive/texlive-psutils-2008  USE="-doc -source" 38 kB
[ebuild  N] dev-tex/glossaries-1.16  USE="-doc -examples" 765 kB
[ebuild  N] dev-texlive/texlive-plainextra-2008  USE="-doc -source" 
109 kB
[ebuild  N] dev-texlive/texlive-formatsextra-2008  USE="-doc 
-source" 284 kB
[ebuild  N] media-libs/gd-2.0.35  USE="jpeg png truetype -fontconfig 
-xpm" 1,185 kB

[ebuild  N] dev-tex/mh-20080903  USE="-doc" 1,927 kB
[ebuild  N] dev-tex/feynmf-1.08-r3  USE="-doc" 280 kB
[ebuild  N] virtual/texi2dvi-0  0 kB
[ebuild  N] dev-tex/pgf-2.00  USE="-doc" 3,671 kB
[ebuild  N] dev-tex/latex-beamer-3.07  USE="-doc -examples -lyx" 
2,336 kB

[ebuild  N] app-text/dvipng-1.11  USE="truetype -test" 164 kB
[ebuild  N] app-text/texlive-2008  USE="X extra png truetype -cjk 
-context -cyrillic -detex -doc -dvi2tty -games -graphics -humanities 
-jadetex -music -omega -pstricks -publishers -science -tex4ht -xetex 
-xindy -xml" LINGUAS="en en_GB pt -af -ar -bg -bn -bo -cs -cy -da -de 
-el -eo -es -et -fi -fr -ga -he -hi -hr -hsb -hu -hy -id -is -it -ja -ko 
-la -ml -mn -nl -no -pl -ro -ru -sk -sl -sr -sv -ta -th -tr -uk -vi -zh" 
0 kB

Total: 38 packages (37 new, 1 in new slot), Size of downloads: 19,511 kB

And indeed texlive-mathextra-2008 is pulled in but look at all the rest! 
 It seems there should be a way to install mathextra without all the 
extra stuff.


Re: [gentoo-user] Re: jagged, grey, fine, horizontal lines on xterm border

2009-04-09 Thread Paul Hartman
On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 9:07 AM, 7v5w7go9ub0o <> wrote:
> Alan McKinnon wrote:
>> On Thursday 09 April 2009 03:22:23 7v5w7go9ub0o wrote:

 something similar on my system.
>>> That's it.  It is the same gray "hash" that appears as the background if
>>> you were to start X using xorgcfg to self generate an
>>>  xorg-config.
>>> It's obviously something one can learn to live with (I work a lot with
>>> xterms); just irritating that I had it under control a while back, and
>>> suddenly it reappears. I'm guessing that Alan McKinnon has it right, and
>>> that xorg has a minor bug; that the -br parameter
>>>  no longer works.
>> X -br still works just fine, I use it here and that horrific cross-hatch
>> doesn't show up.
>> The OP's complaint turns out to be is the xterm scrollbar, by default
>>  it looks just like that.
> Well. in an effort to prove to myself that I haven't gone nuts, I
> brought up my "maintenance OS" - which is simply a copy of the primary
> OS on another partition. I copied it there immediately prior to the xorg
> update. I opened up an xterm (Paul Hartman, I've set a default in
> fluxbox that provides a scrollbar on every xterm - but thanks for your
> thought that I could turn it off") and there were the nice, civilized
> "dots" that I've seen for years; NOT the cross-hatch that we all see now.
> I then shut down X and started up X from a user who does not have an
> .xinitrc - thereby bringing up basic XDM - and there was the nice,
> "dots" background; NOT the jagged background that I see if I bring up that
> user post-xorg-update.
> So I figured that I should take a snapshot of the old xterm and post it
> next to yesterday's posting and allow folks an a:b comparison. But YIKES
> - when I looked at the photo on the updated box, I again saw the
> cross-hatch. And if I look carefully, I see the "dots" beneath the
> "cross-hatch"!?!
> So I'm now thinking that -br still works; and that there is some sort of
> minuscule frequency/refresh/other difference between the old and new
> xorg-server that is accounting for this jagged appearance on top of the
> dots.

That's really weird. I don't use xterm, but from the man page it looks
like you can define various scrollbar options in your X resources
file(s). I wonder if you had that set and lost it, or if the
system-wide defaults were changes from an update or something. For

   Scrollbar Resources
   The following resources are useful when specified for the
Athena Scrollbar widget:

   thickness (class Thickness)
   Specifies the width in pixels of the scrollbar.

   background (class Background)
   Specifies the color to use for the background of the scrollbar.

   foreground (class Foreground)
   Specifies the color to use for the foreground of the
scrollbar.  The ``thumb'' of the scrollbar is a
   simple checkerboard pattern alternating pixels for
foreground and background color.

[gentoo-user] Re: jagged, grey, fine, horizontal lines on xterm border

2009-04-09 Thread 7v5w7go9ub0o

Alan McKinnon wrote:

On Thursday 09 April 2009 03:22:23 7v5w7go9ub0o wrote:

something similar on my system.
That's it.  It is the same gray "hash" that appears as the 
background if you were to start X using xorgcfg to self generate an


It's obviously something one can learn to live with (I work a lot 
with xterms); just irritating that I had it under control a while 
back, and suddenly it reappears. I'm guessing that Alan McKinnon 
has it right, and that xorg has a minor bug; that the -br parameter

 no longer works.

X -br still works just fine, I use it here and that horrific 
cross-hatch doesn't show up.

The OP's complaint turns out to be is the xterm scrollbar, by default
 it looks just like that.

Well. in an effort to prove to myself that I haven't gone nuts, I
brought up my "maintenance OS" - which is simply a copy of the primary
OS on another partition. I copied it there immediately prior to the xorg
update. I opened up an xterm (Paul Hartman, I've set a default in
fluxbox that provides a scrollbar on every xterm - but thanks for your
thought that I could turn it off") and there were the nice, civilized
"dots" that I've seen for years; NOT the cross-hatch that we all see now.

I then shut down X and started up X from a user who does not have an
.xinitrc - thereby bringing up basic XDM - and there was the nice,
"dots" background; NOT the jagged background that I see if I bring up that
user post-xorg-update.

So I figured that I should take a snapshot of the old xterm and post it
next to yesterday's posting and allow folks an a:b comparison. But YIKES
- when I looked at the photo on the updated box, I again saw the
cross-hatch. And if I look carefully, I see the "dots" beneath the

So I'm now thinking that -br still works; and that there is some sort of
minuscule frequency/refresh/other difference between the old and new
xorg-server that is accounting for this jagged appearance on top of the

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: which package contains latex stmaryrd.sty

2009-04-09 Thread Valmor de Almeida

ABCD wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Alan McKinnon wrote:

On Wednesday 08 April 2009 22:17:17 Valmor de Almeida wrote:


Would anyone know which portage package would install the stmaryrd fonts?

It's tetex.

No, it isn't.  teTeX is obsolete, and should not be used.  If you have
it installed, and have synced recently, you should have gotten a notice
saying to switch to TeXLive:

teTeX is obsolete and has been unsupported upstream since May of
2006. All users who still have teTeX installed should uninstall it
and install TeXLive using the upgrade guide accessible at the
following URL:

- --

Thanks for checking. No I don't have tetex installed. I have just 
installed gentoo on a laptop and use texlive only.


Re: [gentoo-user] which package contains latex stmaryrd.sty

2009-04-09 Thread Willie Wong
On Thu, Apr 09, 2009 at 12:32:26AM -0400, Penguin Lover Valmor de Almeida 
> All previous replies very helpful.
> Thanks.
> However texlive-mathextra won't emerge. Any advice? Thanks,

Not sure if this will help, but try *not* emerging it directly. Add
mathextra to the USE for app-text/texlive and emerge --newuse texlive. 

"I don't know, " said the voice on the PA, "apathetic 
bloody planet, I've no sympathy at all. "
Sortir en Pantoufles: up 853 days, 12:19

Re: [gentoo-user] Moving Seamonkey email directory.

2009-04-09 Thread Dale
Daniel Pielmeier wrote:
> 2009/4/8 Dale :
>> On another thread I had trouble with Seamonkey crashing on certain
>> websites.  After some other people said it worked for them and some
>> testing on my end, we figured out it was a bad file somewhere in
>> ~/.mozilla.  I need to transfer my emails to the new clean .mozilla
>> directory.  This is what I have done so far:
>> 1: move .mozilla to another directory using cp -av  I moved it to my
>> data directory.
>> 2: delete ~/.mozilla
>> 3: open Seamonkey and let it recreate the new .mozilla directory.
>> 4: close Seamonkey
>> 5: copy the old Mail directory to the new ~/.mozilla directory.  I made
>> sure it went to the right place too.  You know, in the default then some
>> weird number thing.
>> 6: open Seamonkey and see if the mail is there.  It's not.
>> I did check to make sure the permissions were correct.  I feel like
>> there may be another file or something that I need to copy but am missing.
>> Is there a how to for this?  Has someone did this recently successfully
>> and like to share how they did it?  Could I just delete everything but
>> the Mail directory and that work?
> This should work but you need to set up your mail account(s) again as
> the account settings itself are not stored in the maildir. But I guess
> you have done this already as seamonkey should remind you about
> creating a new account if it is started without an existing profile.

I can get the emails copied but when I try to restore my password files,
the email disappear.  After some testing, it is when I copy the pref.js
file that the emails disappear again.  I really need my password files. 
Is there no way to export/import them?  I can't find any option to do this.

Also, I noticed the the information in prefs.js was point to the wrong
number for my emails.  I closed Seamonkey and edited those to the new
number but it still didn't work.  Open to ideas here too.  The number is
the directory under default.  I never did understand what that was about



:-)  :-) 

Re: [gentoo-user] python 2.6, multiple problems

2009-04-09 Thread Mike Kazantsev
On Thu, 9 Apr 2009 16:15:24 +0400
Andrew Gaydenko  wrote:

> Are there reasons to keep 2.5 slot after updating?

I don't think there is: all the dev-python packages will be
installed for current (2.6) python anyway.

I've upgraded to 2.6 soon after it was released and since then had no
real issues, aside from few development packages I use, where python 2.6
gave syntax errors because of 'as' var usage, which is a reserved word
in 2.6.

Mike Kazantsev //

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] python 2.6, multiple problems

2009-04-09 Thread Andrew Gaydenko
On Thursday 09 April 2009 15:33:03 Neil Bothwick wrote:
> On Thu, 9 Apr 2009 15:05:55 +0400, Andrew Gaydenko wrote:
> > After upgrading to 2.6.x (~amd64) I have multiple problems in building
> > python- dependant packages:
> >
> > "checking for  module... no"
> python-updater should fix this.

Thanks, have started: 141 packages 8-0

Are there reasons to keep 2.5 slot after updating?

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: eliminating packages/ebuilds from the portage tree

2009-04-09 Thread Eray Aslan
On Thu, Apr 09, 2009 at 11:32:22AM +0200, Alan McKinnon wrote:
> > > is there a good reason to remove them, instead of masking?
> >
> > If you like spending half a day masking hundreds and hundreds of
> > packages using an inflated package.mask, then no, there's no good reason :)
> The OP said "a couple of packages", so package.mask is the best bet.

Give OP the benefit of doubt that he might know what he is asking and

> PORTAGE_RSYNC_EXTRA_OPTS is probably not the best way - if one of those 
> packages is in a DEPEND that is needed somewhere, portage will throw a hissy 
> fit about missing stuff. If masked, at least you get a parseable error message

# mv /usr/portage/dev-libs/apr /tmp/
# emerge -va apache

These are the packages that would be merged, in order:

Calculating dependencies... done!

emerge: there are no ebuilds to satisfy "=dev-libs/apr-1*".
(dependency required by "www-servers/apache-2.2.10" [ebuild])
(dependency required by "apache" [argument])

Does look like an informative message to me rather than a hissy fit.


Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Web server mirror

2009-04-09 Thread Momesso Andrea
On Thu, Apr 09, 2009 at 12:13:06AM +0100, Neil Bothwick wrote:
> On Wed, 8 Apr 2009 21:09:57 +, Momesso Andrea wrote:
> > Ok, but what about databases? Joomla has his own and mediawiki too...
> > Just dump it and copy it? Will it work?
> MySQL can be configured to automatically replicate data to another server.
> -- 
> Neil Bothwick
> Boss spelled backwards is "double-SOB"

Thank you all for the suggestions, I'm going to look at it deeper in the
next days.


Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] python 2.6, multiple problems

2009-04-09 Thread Neil Bothwick
On Thu, 9 Apr 2009 15:05:55 +0400, Andrew Gaydenko wrote:

> After upgrading to 2.6.x (~amd64) I have multiple problems in building
> python- dependant packages:
> "checking for  module... no"

python-updater should fix this.

Neil Bothwick

Top Oxymorons Number 4: Diet ice cream

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Moving Seamonkey email directory.

2009-04-09 Thread Dale
Daniel Pielmeier wrote:
> 2009/4/8 Dale :
>> On another thread I had trouble with Seamonkey crashing on certain
>> websites.  After some other people said it worked for them and some
>> testing on my end, we figured out it was a bad file somewhere in
>> ~/.mozilla.  I need to transfer my emails to the new clean .mozilla
>> directory.  This is what I have done so far:
>> 1: move .mozilla to another directory using cp -av  I moved it to my
>> data directory.
>> 2: delete ~/.mozilla
>> 3: open Seamonkey and let it recreate the new .mozilla directory.
>> 4: close Seamonkey
>> 5: copy the old Mail directory to the new ~/.mozilla directory.  I made
>> sure it went to the right place too.  You know, in the default then some
>> weird number thing.
>> 6: open Seamonkey and see if the mail is there.  It's not.
>> I did check to make sure the permissions were correct.  I feel like
>> there may be another file or something that I need to copy but am missing.
>> Is there a how to for this?  Has someone did this recently successfully
>> and like to share how they did it?  Could I just delete everything but
>> the Mail directory and that work?
> This should work but you need to set up your mail account(s) again as
> the account settings itself are not stored in the maildir. But I guess
> you have done this already as seamonkey should remind you about
> creating a new account if it is started without an existing profile.

OK.  So when I start up Seamonkey the first time with a fresh .mozilla,
I have to set up a email account then close Seamonkey and copy.  Hmm,
we'll try that then.  I make a back up before I try anything so when it
doesn't work, I just copy it back.

Thanks much.


:-) :-) :-)

[gentoo-user] python 2.6, multiple problems

2009-04-09 Thread Andrew Gaydenko

After upgrading to 2.6.x (~amd64) I have multiple problems in building python-
dependant packages:

"checking for  module... no"

Are there steps to cure python installation?

I didn't delete 2.5.x slot, eselect shows 2.6 is selected (I didn't do any 
selections myself).

[gentoo-user] Re: which package contains latex stmaryrd.sty

2009-04-09 Thread ABCD
Hash: SHA1

Alan McKinnon wrote:
> On Wednesday 08 April 2009 22:17:17 Valmor de Almeida wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Would anyone know which portage package would install the stmaryrd fonts?
> It's tetex.

No, it isn't.  teTeX is obsolete, and should not be used.  If you have
it installed, and have synced recently, you should have gotten a notice
saying to switch to TeXLive:

teTeX is obsolete and has been unsupported upstream since May of
2006. All users who still have teTeX installed should uninstall it
and install TeXLive using the upgrade guide accessible at the
following URL:

- --
Version: GnuPG v2.0.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Re: [gentoo-user] problem making bootable usb key

2009-04-09 Thread Joost Roeleveld
On Wed, April 8, 2009 7:20 pm, maxim wexler wrote:
>> Was quite easy using "unetbootin", it's in the portage
>> tree.
>> There is also a MS Windows version of this tool.
>> "emerge -va unetbootin"
> Thanks Joost,
> I did an emerge -pv unetbootin earlier but there were lots of blocks and
> masks plus it wants >100M downloads and I only get 2k from dialup here.
> Didn't realize there was a Windows version. Better not wipe XP yet!
> So I got this:
> (3.5M)and pointed it at the iso. Did the deed and rebooted. Now it's
> telling me:
> Loading /ubnkern
> Invalid or corrupt kernel image.
> So I guess it's back to the Wifi Cafe to dawdle over my coffee for an hour
> while I download another. Better run the checksum this time -- if Xandros
> has the tool!


Judging from the footer from yahoo, I am guessing you're in Canada?
Too bad, if you were closer to me, we could meet and probably do the
install in a cafe or somewhere...

Don't forget to format the usb-stick prior to running "unetbootin".

Good luck and keep us posted.


Re: [gentoo-user] problem making bootable usb keyADDENDUM

2009-04-09 Thread Joost Roeleveld
On Thu, April 9, 2009 12:40 am, maxim wexler wrote:
>> That's right, you're not using it properly, you shouldn't
>> be using any
>> options. Read the md5sum man page
> I think I got it:
> heat...@kyzyl ~ $ md5sum -t
> download/eeexubuntu-8.10-desktop-i386-20090223.iso
> 174b43676c64043770319f80effe6253
> download/eeexubuntu-8.10-desktop-i386-20090223.iso
> and from the simosnet-livecd site:
> 4b7b46e73511c4ffcada9e28fc3ef7c2
> eeexubuntu-8.10-desktop-i386-20090223.iso
> No match means bad file, right?

Yes, no match means the files are not the same.


Re: [gentoo-user] Re: jagged, grey, fine, horizontal lines on xterm border

2009-04-09 Thread Alan McKinnon
On Thursday 09 April 2009 03:22:23 7v5w7go9ub0o wrote:
> > something similar on my system.
> That's it.  It is the same gray "hash" that appears as the background if
> you were to start X using xorgcfg to self generate an xorg-config.
> It's obviously something one can learn to live with (I work a lot with
> xterms); just irritating that I had it under control a while back, and
> suddenly it reappears. I'm guessing that Alan McKinnon has it right, and
> that xorg has a minor bug; that the -br parameter no longer works.

X -br still works just fine, I use it here and that horrific cross-hatch 
doesn't show up.

The OP's complaint turns out to be is the xterm scrollbar, by default it looks 
just like that. 

alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: eliminating packages/ebuilds from the portage tree

2009-04-09 Thread Alan McKinnon
On Thursday 09 April 2009 07:48:45 Nikos Chantziaras wrote:
> Volker Armin Hemmann wrote:
> > On Donnerstag 09 April 2009, Valmor de Almeida wrote:
> >> Hello,
> >>
> >> There are a couple of packages (ebuilds) in the portage tree that I
> >> would like to eliminate completely from my system and not get them back
> >> after an emerge --sync. Is this possible?
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >>
> >> --
> >> Valmor
> >
> > is there a good reason to remove them, instead of masking?
> If you like spending half a day masking hundreds and hundreds of
> packages using an inflated package.mask, then no, there's no good reason :)

The OP said "a couple of packages", so package.mask is the best bet.

PORTAGE_RSYNC_EXTRA_OPTS is probably not the best way - if one of those 
packages is in a DEPEND that is needed somewhere, portage will throw a hissy 
fit about missing stuff. If masked, at least you get a parseable error message

alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

Re: [gentoo-user] kernel upgrade error. help me

2009-04-09 Thread Neil Bothwick
On Thu, 9 Apr 2009 00:19:03 -0400, Saphirus Sage wrote:

Please trim your quotes.

> I saw that, I just found it very odd that you don't keep the initramrd  
> and kernel image in /boot. Therefore, I was wondering if your issue  
> was having not properly configured genkernel. I've never seen anyone  
> run a system without /boot, so, is there a chance that's where the  
> missing kernel image and initrd are?

The GRUB config posted shows the kernel as being loaded from the root of
(hd0,0) while real_root is /dev/sda3, which looks like a standard setup of

sda1 - boot
sda2 - swap
sda3 - root

It looks to me like the drivers for the disk controller are missing. To
the OP, how did you create the configuration for the new kernel? If you
copied over the .config from the working kernel and ran make oldconfig,
you should have the same drivers included.

Neil Bothwick

Too many clicks spoil the browse.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-user] Moving Seamonkey email directory.

2009-04-09 Thread Daniel Pielmeier
2009/4/8 Dale :
> On another thread I had trouble with Seamonkey crashing on certain
> websites.  After some other people said it worked for them and some
> testing on my end, we figured out it was a bad file somewhere in
> ~/.mozilla.  I need to transfer my emails to the new clean .mozilla
> directory.  This is what I have done so far:
> 1: move .mozilla to another directory using cp -av  I moved it to my
> data directory.
> 2: delete ~/.mozilla
> 3: open Seamonkey and let it recreate the new .mozilla directory.
> 4: close Seamonkey
> 5: copy the old Mail directory to the new ~/.mozilla directory.  I made
> sure it went to the right place too.  You know, in the default then some
> weird number thing.
> 6: open Seamonkey and see if the mail is there.  It's not.
> I did check to make sure the permissions were correct.  I feel like
> there may be another file or something that I need to copy but am missing.
> Is there a how to for this?  Has someone did this recently successfully
> and like to share how they did it?  Could I just delete everything but
> the Mail directory and that work?

This should work but you need to set up your mail account(s) again as
the account settings itself are not stored in the maildir. But I guess
you have done this already as seamonkey should remind you about
creating a new account if it is started without an existing profile.
