Re: [gentoo-user] Re: oder of files opened by a process

2010-10-01 Thread Darren Kirby
On Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 2:07 PM, Al  wrote:
>> I understand that Al, but you must keep context in mind here. This
>> mailing list, while perhaps not called the 'gentoo linux users list'
>> is intended for support for Gentoo Linux. When you post here asking a
> A am a wanderer betwenn the worlds. When I think a question is reated
> to the windows kernel, I go to a windows list, if I think it related
> to the Cygwin layer I post to the cygwin list, when I think it is
> portage stuff, I post it here. When I think it specially related to
> the prefix overlay, then I go to gentoo-alt.
> It's not easy to always findt the right location for my questions. In
> this case I didn't anticipate it would be such closely related to the
> kernel. That's all.
> I think this list needs to learn, that there are more kernels around
> then Linux, even if Gentoo was a Linux Distro originally. Meanwhile it
> is developing the only Distro with a super-kernel-realm.
> Al

Hey, that's cool man...I'm certainly not telling you not to post here,
I just think it would have been a good idea to post details of your
esoteric setup in the original post. As you've found, the cygwin and
gnu/linux environment(s) are not exactly compatible, and a solution in
one may not work in the other. I'm not even saying it's the way it
should be, but rather that it's the de facto way it is: A very large
majority of people on this list run whitebread 'Gentoo Linux' and as
such, without further clarification in your post, that's what they
think you are running as wellso I don't know, you may have better
results on the specialized gentoo-alt list, but if you want to post
here go ahead...just give us some details :)

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Re: [gentoo-user] Re: oder of files opened by a process

2010-10-01 Thread Darren Kirby
On Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 1:41 PM, Al  wrote:
>> There are projects to port portage and other system tools to all sorts
>> of other kernels:
>> That said, it is quite inaccurate of the OP to claim Gentoo is but a
>> 'build system', and not a Linux. It's primary goal and chief function
>> as we all know is that of a Linux distro...
> Only Gentoo/Linux is Linux. If you run Gentoo on a diffrent kernel it
> is still Gentoo, but it is not Linux any more.
> If you run GNU on a different kernel it is still GNU, but it is not
> Linux any more.
> Al

I understand that Al, but you must keep context in mind here. This
mailing list, while perhaps not called the 'gentoo linux users list'
is intended for support for Gentoo Linux. When you post here asking a
question about running Gentoo on cygwin while neglecting to mention
that fact you should not be surprised that some (most) do not know
what you are talking about. At bare minimum you should have disclosed
your rather rare and unique hardware/software environment. At best you
should post to the gentoo-alt ML as Florian suggested. Questions of
semantics aside, 'Gentoo' _is_ Gentoo Linux for probably 95% of users.

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Re: [gentoo-user] Re: oder of files opened by a process

2010-10-01 Thread Darren Kirby
On Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 1:26 PM, Grant Edwards  wrote:
> On 2010-10-01, Dale  wrote:
>> Al wrote:
 You're running Gentoo Windows?

>>> Yes I do.
>> Someone is confused.  I'm not sure who tho.  :/
> I certainly feel a bit confused.  I was aware of Gentoo/BSD...
> --
> Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! Those people look
>                                  at               exactly like Donnie and
>                                Marie Osmond!!

There are projects to port portage and other system tools to all sorts
of other kernels:

That said, it is quite inaccurate of the OP to claim Gentoo is but a
'build system', and not a Linux. It's primary goal and chief function
as we all know is that of a Linux distro...

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Re: [gentoo-user] oder of files opened by a process

2010-10-01 Thread Darren Kirby
On Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 10:29 AM, Dale  wrote:
> Al wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I want to find out by which file and line the */temp/environment
>> script is run or sourced.
>> As a am always interested in a general way to solve something, I ask
>> if there is a tool, that displays me the order in which  files are
>> read by a process.
>> Al
> I'm not sure but you may want to check into strace.  It may be what you are
> looking for.

strace may do the job in a pinch, but there is almost certainly
something better suited to the task...however I don't know what it is.
You may want to use like this:

$ strace YourScript 2>&1 | grep open

which will run YourScript and print all open() system calls to the
console. You will have to sort through many unrelated calls (such as
reading shared library calls) but it will show the order in which your
script is opening external files. Presumably you could key in on the
relevant files using more grep calls and pipes...

> Dale
> :-)  :-)

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Re: [gentoo-user] NetworkManager OK? kNetworkManager broken? Wireless setup very confusing...

2010-09-30 Thread Darren Kirby
On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 11:22 PM, Alan McKinnon  wrote:
> Dump NetworkManager.
> Use wicd.
> All these issues just GoAway(tm) with wicd

Thanks Alan, I've just realized that. Wish I could get the last 10
hours back though :)

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[gentoo-user] [SOLVED]Re: NetworkManager OK? kNetworkManager broken? Wireless setup very confusing...

2010-09-30 Thread Darren Kirby
Right, so I uninstalled nm-applet, NetworkManager and all that,
emerged wicd, and bam...everything Just Worked.

Going to stick with wicd for now. Thanks for the replys all...

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Re: [gentoo-user] NetworkManager OK? kNetworkManager broken? Wireless setup very confusing...

2010-09-30 Thread Darren Kirby
On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 8:16 PM, Canek Peláez Valdés  wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 7:37 PM, Darren Kirby  wrote:
> [...]
>> I am wondering if I should just uninstall KNetworkManager, and try
>> nm-applet? Will that even work on a KDE desktop? Will it require
>> installing boatloads of gnome crap I don't want? Should I chuck the
>> whole works and use Wicd?
> I don't know about KNetworkManager, but nm-applet under GNOME works
> flawless and without need of any configuration. You just need to
> disable the Gentoo network scripts (with RC_PLUG_SERVICES="!net.*" in
> /etc/conf.d/rc) and off you go. No need to change any other
> configuration file.

I did already edit RC_PLUG_SERVICES to override udev...

I guess it works fine without configuration for everyone but me...I get this:

** (nm-applet:24816): WARNING **:   request_name(): Could not
acquire the NetworkManagerUserSettings service.
  Error: (9) Connection ":1.35" is not allowed to own the service
"org.freedesktop.NetworkManagerUserSettings" due to security policies
in the configuration file

So then I add this:

to /etc/dbus-1/system.d/nm-applet.conf but it still doesn't work. I
don't even know if that's right, I know nothing of writing dbus policy
rules. You say you didn't have to configure anything?  I don't know,
it says 'WARNING' rather than error, but 'ps' shows no nm-applet
running. Is it just supposed to show up on the panel or what?

> As I understand, nm-applet uses the Freedesktop standar for
> notification areas, so it should work with KDE. It will pull part of
> the GNOME stack, obviously, but is really minimal:
> RDEPEND=">=dev-libs/glib-2.16
>        >=dev-libs/dbus-glib-0.74
>        >=sys-apps/dbus-1.2
>        >=x11-libs/gtk+-2.14
>        >=gnome-base/gconf-2.20
>        >=gnome-extra/polkit-gnome-0.92
>        >=x11-libs/libnotify-0.4.3
>        >=gnome-base/libglade-2
>        >=gnome-base/gnome-keyring-2.20
>        >=dev-libs/libnl-1.1
>        >=net-misc/networkmanager-${PV}
>        >=net-wireless/wireless-tools-28_pre9
>        >=net-wireless/wpa_supplicant-0.5.7
>        net-misc/mobile-broadband-provider-info
>        bluetooth? ( >=net-wireless/gnome-bluetooth-2.27.6 )"
> And probably you already have most of those packages.

Yes, I only had to install 8 new ones.

> I used to have my own scripts and utilities, and back in the day I
> knew wpa_supplicant like the palm of my hand. Now not so much; it's
> not worth it. The GUI utilities (or at least those from GNOME, which
> is my preferred desktop) never really fail any more.
> Regards.
> --
> Canek Peláez Valdés
> Instituto de Matemáticas
> Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Still frustrated that not a damn thing seems to work,
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Re: [gentoo-user] NetworkManager OK? kNetworkManager broken? Wireless setup very confusing...

2010-09-30 Thread Darren Kirby
Hey Bill,

On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 7:13 PM, Bill Kenworthy  wrote:
> Gentoo networking is a bit on the wild side - it doesnt seem to work
> nicely with third party tools without a lot of work.
> My fix was to manually configure each location (and a couple of general
> ones such as wifi hotspot, and basic wired dhcp) as I came across them
> and copy the resulting config files to separate directories.  Then when
> I need to return to a location I just copy the matching set of files
> back and restart services.  Allows a "profile" based approach based on
> site - some need different screen resolutions, apache or bind running,
> external projector, firewall settings for VoIP or not and so on - all
> able to be scripted.

So are you saying you are writing configs in the normal gentoo
/etc/conf.d/net format? Not sure I'm following you here...

> Very flexible as I control it with a shell script linked to a gtkdialog
> for site selection one click to open dialog, second click selects site.
> I have decided not to automate site selection (such as netwwork
> detection on cable plugin) as I wanted control :)
> So my reccomendation is forget networkmanager (particularly that heap
> of !#$#%$@) and the like and roll your own.
> BillK

Yeah...starting to think that myself. I think conf.d/net allows you to
write separate configs based on essid, so perhaps I'll just go with
that. I'm sure I'll be using the same core group of APs a good 80% or
so of the time, it will just be annoying to have to scan and configure
manually the other 20%...

Perhaps I'll give Wicd a shot, if if no joy there just stick to what I
know and do it on the CLI...


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[gentoo-user] NetworkManager OK? kNetworkManager broken? Wireless setup very confusing...

2010-09-30 Thread Darren Kirby
Hello all,

Getting very frustrated here. Trying to put the finishing touches on a
new laptop install. I have verified using the CLI that both wired and
wireless networking works fine when I configure manually. As with most
laptops, I would imagine, I will be switching locations often, and
switching between several different networks both wired and wireless.
I thought the thing to do would be to install a slick gui to take care
of this. To that end I installed NetworkManager, and KNetworkManager
as a front-end as I use a KDE desktop. As far as I can tell Network
Manager is working fine, I followed the instructions for setup from
the wiki here[0] and here[1], and it does seem to setup a wired
connection on eth0 just fine. However, I am getting an error upon
trying to start Knetworkmanager:

" KNetworkManager can not start because the installation is misconfigured.
 System DBUS policy does not allow it to provide user settings.
 contact your system administrator or distribution.
 KNetworkManager will not start automatically in future."

Not sure why, as per the wiki I added:

to /etc/dbus-1/system.d/NetworkManager.conf, and added my user to
plugdev group. Is there something else I'm missing? I'm unsure how to
further troubleshoot. I also tried the NetworkManager plasmoid for
kde, but that is just bombing with a bunch off error messages I can't
read in the 'connections' window.

I am wondering if I should just uninstall KNetworkManager, and try
nm-applet? Will that even work on a KDE desktop? Will it require
installing boatloads of gnome crap I don't want? Should I chuck the
whole works and use Wicd?

At this point I'd be happy with pretty much any solution that just
works, I've wasted the better half of the day on this and I'm starting
to think I should just stick to using the CLI...this frustration just
isn't worth it.

Do any of you folks out there have an easy, simple solution to
configuring wireless that you like? I'm open to any ideas.

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Re: [gentoo-user] Re: ridiculously wide handbook pages

2010-09-30 Thread Darren Kirby
On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 12:36 PM, Grant Edwards

>> Do you have some custom css stylesheets that override the default or
>> something?
> Nope.  Not that I know of.  I presume I'd have to do something I'd
> likely remember?

Yes, you would definitely remember if you did it...

Anyway, I think perhaps we must be running considerably different
resolutions and text sizes...playing around here a bit more and you
are correct, the text will only reformat to the width of the longest
code block before the horizontal scroll appears. On the "Creating a
Cross-Compiler" page you linked to the longest code block is still
only half the width of my screen, so it's not really a problem on my

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Re: [gentoo-user] ridiculously wide handbook pages

2010-09-30 Thread Darren Kirby
On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 12:34 PM, Mark Knecht  wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 10:13 AM, Grant Edwards
>  wrote:
>> I've noticed recently that the Gentoo handbook web pages are
>> ridiculously wide. (It seems to me that they didn't used to be, but I
>> wouldn't swear to that).
>> For example, look at this page:
> I'll admit that a couple of times I've found this frustrating but not
> enough that I'd ask anyone to change things.
> I think the frustration, candidly, is that the web page programming
> doesn't allow me to narrow the page as much as I might like and still
> read the text. Sometimes I just want the browser to cover 1/2 the
> screen, so that might be 600 pixels or so. Or maybe this is a Firefox
> thing, not sure.
> Anyway, I understand your point.
> - Mark

OK, well this is getting weird because that is exactly the behavior I
am seeing from both firefox and would appear I'm the
only one?

To be absolutely clear: When I resize the windows the text reformats
itself on the fly from wide short paragraphs to narrow long
paragraphs. No horizontal scroll bar which I agree is beyond annoying.
This is the behavior I see from pretty much all well-designed web
pages, and I rather thought it was default.

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Re: [gentoo-user] Re: ridiculously wide handbook pages

2010-09-30 Thread Darren Kirby
On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 12:18 PM, Grant Edwards

> I'm using firefox, and the text doesn't reformat for me.  I just end
> up with a change in the size of the horizontal scrollbar.  Are you
> sure you're looking at the same pages I was talking about?

We must have some different settings going on somewhere Grant, I
checked both pages with both firefox and konq and they reformat just
fine for me.

Do you have some custom css stylesheets that override the default or something?

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Re: [gentoo-user] ridiculously wide handbook pages

2010-09-30 Thread Darren Kirby
On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 11:13 AM, Grant Edwards

> I can understand that things like example code blocks or sample
> command input/output blocks might need to be wide enough to require
> horizontal scrolling of a browser window, but normal text paragraphs
> with 160 characters per line?

I'm not seeing a problem here. Sure, the lines are long but my screen
is large and my resolution is high. A quick play with firefox and konq
shows that the text reformats itself quite elegantly when you resize
your browser window to say, 2/3 of screen width. I think that's a
better solution than imposing some arbitrary line length on everyone
no matter their screen size and resolution.

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Re: [gentoo-user] Re: net-wireless/rtl8192se compile failure

2010-09-28 Thread Darren Kirby
On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 7:17 AM, walt  wrote:
> On 09/27/2010 11:41 PM, Darren Kirby wrote:
>> error: 'struct net_device' has no member named 'wireless_handlers'
> struct net_device is defined in include/linux/netdevice.h, which includes
> this ifdef:
>        /* List of functions to handle Wireless Extensions (instead of
> ioctl).
>         * See  for details. Jean II */
>        const struct iw_handler_def *   wireless_handlers;   < NOTE
>        /* Instance data managed by the core of Wireless Extensions. */
>        struct iw_public_data * wireless_data;
> #endif
> Looks like your kernel config doesn't have 'wireless extensions', maybe?

Thanks Walt,

added CONFIG_WIRELESS_EXT and it worked just fine.


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Re: [gentoo-user] Re: net-wireless/rtl8192se compile failure

2010-09-28 Thread Darren Kirby
On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 7:17 AM, walt  wrote:
> On 09/27/2010 11:41 PM, Darren Kirby wrote:
>> error: 'struct net_device' has no member named 'wireless_handlers'
> struct net_device is defined in include/linux/netdevice.h, which includes
> this ifdef:
>        /* List of functions to handle Wireless Extensions (instead of
> ioctl).
>         * See  for details. Jean II */
>        const struct iw_handler_def *   wireless_handlers;   < NOTE
>        /* Instance data managed by the core of Wireless Extensions. */
>        struct iw_public_data * wireless_data;
> #endif
> Looks like your kernel config doesn't have 'wireless extensions', maybe?

Thanks Walt,

added CONFIG_WIRELESS_EXT and it worked just fine.


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[gentoo-user] net-wireless/rtl8192se compile failure

2010-09-27 Thread Darren Kirby
Hello all,

Trying to put the finishing touches on a new install, and compiling
the wireless driver is failing. Machine is a Toshiba Satellite L450,

 2.6.34-gentoo-r6 #2 SMP Mon Sep 27 05:48:15 MDT 2010 x86_64
Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU T4400 @ 2.20GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux

lspci reports the device as: 14:00.0 Network controller: Realtek
Semiconductor Co., Ltd. Device 8172 (rev 10)


make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-2.6.34-gentoo-r6'
  CC [M]  
In function 'rtl8192_pci_probe':
error: 'struct net_device' has no member named 'wireless_handlers'
make[2]: *** 
Error 1
make[1]: *** 
Error 2


* ERROR: net-wireless/rtl8192se-2.6.0017.0705.2010-r1 failed:
 *   Unable to emake HOSTCC=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc
CROSS_COMPILE=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu- LDFLAGS=   all

Scratching my head here, as before installing gentoo I fired it up
with a knoppix disk, and I was able to download and compile the
drivers directly from Realtek's website, and wireless worked just
fine. Based on that I'm thinking it's not a bug, but rather something
wrong with my environment. Hoping I'm overlooking something simple

Am I forgetting any pertinent info? Thanks for any ideas...
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Re: [gentoo-user] Gentoos community communication rant

2010-09-07 Thread Darren Kirby
>>  Only YOU can go file the bug report and ask for it.
> It's not done by filing a bug. It's not a bug anyway.
> Al

Except that if you had the slightest bit of familiarity with the
Gentoo community you would know that all wish-list items,
infrastructure issues, and other such non-software bug issues are
tracked through bugzilla. You have been told many times that the user
community can do nothing for you. Please do file a bug and see how
long it takes for it to be rejected by the devs. You are the only
person who desires such a feature, and that means, in a nutshell, DIY
or STFU...

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Re: [gentoo-user] baselayout slot issue, portage wants to downgrade everything

2009-04-20 Thread darren kirby
quoth the Mike Kazantsev:

> ...or, you can accept mask and just downgrade udev (adding later,
> incompatible versions to package.mask: ">=sys-fs/udev-...").
> I'd suggest issuing this command to see which one will suit your system:

Ok, I found the version of baselayout was masked for 'corruption', and masked 
udev-24-r2. Went ahead with my 'emerge -u system' to downgrade everything and   
libtool failed on the package verification.

So another sync, and the issue seems to have sorted itself. Instead of 
downgrading a handful of packages, there were just a few updates including 

> > I don't understand why my currently installed udev wants the currently
> > installed baselayout but 'system' wants an older one.
> That looks like expected behavior for me: udev in that profile is just
> a bit ahead of the rest of the system, probably because of recent
> baselayout masking, and I bet there should be a good reason to mask
> something like that.

I guess I had a preconceived notion that downgrading all those packages was 
somehow a 'bad' thing. Thanks for the help, and education.

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972

Re: [gentoo-user] baselayout slot issue, portage wants to downgrade everything

2009-04-20 Thread darren kirby
Can anybody at least confirm this is not correct behavior? Suggest how to 
troubleshoot this further? As best as I can tell my profile is 
ok, 'hardened/x86' and portage doesn't want to update itself...

I don't understand why my currently installed udev wants the currently 
installed baselayout but 'system' wants an older one.

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972

[gentoo-user] baselayout slot issue, portage wants to downgrade everything

2009-04-19 Thread darren kirby
K, no idea what's going on. This is a hardened server, just synced a moment 

# emerge -puD system

These are the packages that would be merged, in order:

Calculating dependencies... done!
[ebuild  NS   ] sys-devel/libtool-1.3.5 [1.5.26] 527 kB [0]
[ebuild UD] sys-apps/kbd-1.12-r8 [1.13-r1] USE="-nls*" 865 kB [0]
[ebuild U ] sys-libs/timezone-data-2009c [2009b] USE="-nls*" 0 kB [0]
[ebuild UD] sys-apps/sysvinit-2.86-r8 [2.86-r10] USE="(-ibm) 
(-selinux) -static" 0 kB [0]
[ebuild U ] sys-apps/sandbox-1.6-r2 [] 300 kB [?=>0]
[ebuild UD] sys-devel/bison-1.875d [2.3] USE="-nls* -static" 863 kB [0]
[ebuild UD] net-misc/iputils-20070202 [20071127] USE="-doc -ipv6 -static" 
0 kB [0]
[ebuild UD] app-editors/nano-2.0.9 [2.1.7-r1] USE="ncurses 
unicode -debug -justify -minimal -nls* -slang -spell" 1,371 kB [0]
[ebuild U ] sys-apps/coreutils-7.1 [6.10-r2] USE="acl -caps% -nls* 
(-selinux) -static -vanilla -xattr" 9,318 kB [0]
[ebuild UD] sys-devel/binutils-2.18-r1 [2.18-r3] 
USE="-multislot -multitarget -nls* -test -vanilla" 0 kB [0]
[ebuild UD] net-misc/wget-1.11.1 [1.11.3] 
USE="ssl -debug -ipv6 -nls* -socks5 -static" 0 kB [0]
[ebuild U ] sys-fs/udev-124-r2 [124-r1] USE="(-selinux)" 0 kB [0]
[ebuild U ] dev-lang/python-2.5.4-r2 [2.5.2-r7] USE="berkdb ncurses 
readline ssl threads 
xml%* -build -doc -examples -gdbm -ipv6 -sqlite -tk -ucs2 -wininst 
(-bootstrap%)" 9,611 kB [0]
[ebuild UD] sys-apps/baselayout-1.11.15-r3 [] 
USE="unicode -bootstrap -build -static" 158 kB [0]

Total: 14 packages (5 upgrades, 8 downgrades, 1 in new slot), Size of 
downloads: 23,009 kB
Portage tree and overlays:
 [0] /usr/portage
 [?] indicates that the source repository could not be determined

!!! Multiple package instances within a single package slot have been pulled
!!! into the dependency graph, resulting in a slot conflict:


  ('ebuild', '/', 'sys-apps/baselayout-1.11.15-r3', 'merge') pulled in by
sys-apps/baselayout required by system

  ('installed', '/', 'sys-apps/baselayout-', 'nomerge') pulled in by
>=sys-apps/baselayout-1.12.5 required by 
('ebuild', '/', 'sys-fs/udev-124-r2', 'merge')
>=sys-apps/baselayout-1.12.7-r2 required by 
('installed', '/', 'sys-apps/module-init-tools-3.5', 'nomerge')
(and 1 more)

This system uses a NFS mounted portage tree, as do all my Gentoo systems, none 
other are showing this behaviour. I had a search through bugzy, but cannot 
find anything relevent.

What have I done wrong here? I can give more info if you want. Not sure what 
you need. I do keep the system fairly up to date (emerge -uD world at least 
every month).

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972

Re: [gentoo-user] I don't like xorg-server 1.5.3

2009-04-13 Thread darren kirby
quoth the Paul Hartman:
> I must be lucky because I've been using it since it hit ~amd64 and
> using the HAL/fdi way and it works fine for me. :)

HAL method working just fine for me as well, upgraded yesterday. I know 
nothing of fdi files or the inner workings of X, I just followed the upgrade 
guide, and it worked without a hitch.

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972

[gentoo-user] [OT] Tellico: custom fields

2009-03-31 Thread darren kirby
Hi all,

I have been using Tellico here for the last several years to catalogue my 
books, DVDs and CDs/LPs. Now: by default Tellico includes a field 
called " Link" where it links the item to it's page on 
if it exists; the link text says "Buy from"

Now: As these are all items I own, I find little reason to have a link to 
purchase such items from Amazon. You are able to edit the names and type of 
each field, and I have done so, changing 'Amazon' to 'wikipedia' so I can 
have a link to the items wikipedia page which I find much more useful.

However, even after affecting this change, the field name correctly 
says 'Wikipedia Link" however the link text still says "Buy from". 
I have scoured the settings but cannot find a way to change this default link 

Does someone know how?

Thanks for consideration,
darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972

Re: [gentoo-user] cleaning disfiles

2009-03-24 Thread darren kirby
quoth the laurent:
>I looked in make.conf but did not see any 'DISTFILES_PATH'. What should 
>I add?
> Thanks ;)
> Laurent


see 'man make.conf' for explanation and more...

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972

Re: [gentoo-user] error while loading shared libraries:

2009-03-17 Thread darren kirby
quoth the Alexander Pilipovsky:
> Paul Hartman написав(ла):
> > On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 3:50 PM, Alexander Pilipovsky
> >
> >  wrote:
> >> Hi all!
> >> When I tried to install googlearth (or any other application now), I got
> >> next message:
> >
> > re-emerge wget (and/or do revdep-revbuild)
> sh-3.2# re-emerge wget
> sh: re-emerge: command not found
> sh-3.2# revdep-revbuild
> sh: revdep-revbuild: command not found
> Hmm, I have not this commands...

By 're-emerge' he means to merge it again ie: 'emerge wget'

and revdep-rebuild is available if you:

'emerge gentoolkit'

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972

Re: [gentoo-user] Kpdf crashes with large documents.

2008-12-31 Thread darren kirby
quoth the Dale:
> Matt Causey wrote:
> > You wanna post the PDF?  I'd be curious to see if it crashes kpdf on
> > my system...
> >
> >
> > --
> > Matt
> >
> > On Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 6:59 PM, Dale  wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> I recently "stole" me a Motorola Razr phone and it didn't come with the
> >> manual.  I downloaded it off the Motorola website and was reading, or
> >> attempting to read, it when Kpdf crashed.  It does this when I scroll
> >> down to about page 30 or so.  It's a pretty large document since it has
> >> both English and Spanish.
> >>
> >> I did re-emerge Kpdf, both versions of qt that I have on here and even
> >> glibc.  Those are the things mentioned in the crash report.  It still
> >> crashes.  Could this be something besides Kpdf?  Anybody else see
> >> something in the crash log?
> >>
> >> Here is the crash log:
> >>
> >> (no debugging symbols found)
> >> Using host libthread_db library "/lib/".
> >> (no debugging symbols found)
> >>
> >> 
> >>
> >> [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
> >> [New Thread 0xb697e6d0 (LWP 25418)]
> >> [New Thread 0xb5c3db90 (LWP 25485)]
> >> (no debugging symbols found)
> >> (no debugging symbols found)
> >>
> >> < SNIP >
> >>
> >> 0xb716a568 in QObject::activate_signal () from
> >> /usr/qt/3/lib/ #0  0xb716a568 in QObject::activate_signal
> >> () from
> >> /usr/qt/3/lib/
> >> #1  0xb74955bc in QApplication::guiThreadAwake ()
> >>   from /usr/qt/3/lib/
> >> #2  0xb70bac22 in QEventLoop::processEvents ()
> >>   from /usr/qt/3/lib/
> >> #3  0xb71210f0 in QEventLoop::enterLoop () from
> >> /usr/qt/3/lib/ #4  0xb7120f76 in QEventLoop::exec () from
> >> /usr/qt/3/lib/ #5  0xb710a4af in QApplication::exec () from
> >> /usr/qt/3/lib/ #6  0x0805005c in ?? ()
> >> #7  0xbfc8ff50 in ?? ()
> >> #8  0xbfc90050 in ?? ()
> >> #9  0x in ?? ()
> >>
> >> I snipped out the repeating stuff.  Thoughts?
> >>
> >> Thanks.
> >>
> >> Dale
> >>
> >> :-)  :-)
> >>
> >> P.S.  I bought the phone really cheap.  I just "feel" like I stole it.
> >> LOL
> It is pretty big so I'll post a link.
> Just click on the link to download the manual.  I think it is about 4 or
> 5Mbs or so.  I'm on dialup so it takes me a little while.

Sorry to rub it in Dale, but it took 12 seconds to download here. And yes, it 
crashed my kpdf ... and my xpdf.

Oddly, KGhostView renders it fine. Something fishy...

> Thanks
> Dale
> :-)  :-)

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972

Re: [gentoo-user] Audacious annoyance (special chars)

2008-12-04 Thread darren kirby
quoth the Dave Jones:
> darren kirby wrote on 04/12/08 23:32:
> > I've just noticed that my audacious will not play songs with special
> > characters in the filename (ie: acute and grave accents, umlauts,
> > cedillas etc) no matter how I try. Needless to say, this is very annoying
> > as I have a lot of 'world music' that uses such characters.
> >
> > Version is 1.5.1-r1, USE flags are: 'chardet nls session sse2'
> The same audacious version played Jethro Tull Bourée and Animalée tracks
>  fine here.   My USE flags are 'nls session sse2'
> Cheers, Dave

OK, well, I rebuilt audacious with USE -chardet and now it plays these songs 
fine, however, it has created a new (worse!) annoyance, in that when I select 
a new song to play whilst one is already playing it spawns another audacious 
and plays the two songs simultaneously


darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972

[gentoo-user] Audacious annoyance (special chars)

2008-12-04 Thread darren kirby
Hi All,

I've just noticed that my audacious will not play songs with special 
characters in the filename (ie: acute and grave accents, umlauts, cedillas 
etc) no matter how I try. Needless to say, this is very annoying as I have a 
lot of 'world music' that uses such characters.

Can audacious be coerced into playing these songs? I should perhaps note that 
konqueror and even konsole display the characters just fine. The problem 
appears to be solely with audacious. 

Version is 1.5.1-r1, USE flags are: 'chardet nls session sse2'

Thanks in advance

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972

Re: [gentoo-user] FLAC to mp3 converters?

2008-11-05 Thread darren kirby
quoth the Mark Knecht:
> Hi,
>I'm wondering if anyone has a good way to convert a large hierarcy
> of directories populated with FLAC files to a new set of directories
> using mp3 instead? The FLAC directory contains something like 2
> files so I need the converted structure to replicate the original.
> Most likely the tool has to be very tolerant of file naming, unicode,
> etc., as there are likely to be any number of strange things in there.

CLI based, but very simple. It will mirror your directory structure and 
preserve any meta-tags:

Something like:
$ sneetchalizer -r -D /my/mp3s/ --in=flac --out=mp3 /my/flacs/

will do everything you specified above with one command.

Ruby powered ;)

> Thanks,
> Mark

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972

Re: [gentoo-user] gimp doc

2008-10-23 Thread darren kirby
quoth the Dan Wallis:
> On 22/10/2008, Andrew Gaydenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  There are two packages related to gimp doc:
> >
> >  app-doc/gimp-user-manual-2.0
> >  app-doc/gimp-help-2.4.2
> Interestingly, "USE=doc emerge gimp" pulls in neither of these
> packages. I would have expected it to have required at least one of
> them. Should this be raised as a bug on the bugzilla?

I was under the understanding that 'doc' USE flag pulls in API/developer docs, 
not user docs. Could be wrong

> Dan

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972

Re: [gentoo-user] {OT} An old iBook G3 as server

2008-10-23 Thread darren kirby
quoth the Momesso Andrea:

> Here are my questions:
> - Is gentoo pcc stable enough to work on a server?

I used an old G4 for a server for a while. I think I used a hardened profile. 
The machine's specs were a little higher than yours I believe, but it wasnt a 
speed demon or anything 433Mhz I think. 

> - What kind of checks should I do to verify that the hardware
>   (expecially the disk) is fine?


> - Is it possible to use the other server (x86) to build packages for the
>   ppc?

Yes, see the cross-compile gentoo docs.

> - Due to my limited space I'd like to mount some non-vital stuff on nfs
>   shares. Is it aviceable to mount /usp/portage on nfs? or maybe just
>   the distfiles?

I have both on NFS shares on my home network shared between 4 machines. Works 

> - What would you suggest for automatic daily backups?

Amanda, bacula?

> - I use gentoo as the only os on all my machines and it is the distro I
>   fell confortable with, but is it really a good choiche in this case?
>   Would a compiled distro better fit my needs?

It would certainly make things easier. My G4 was a headless server but it 
still took a _very_ long time to build larger packages such as glibc etc. If 
you set up cross-compile it may help with this.

> Thank yo in advance for your answers.

So: I did get PPC to work as a server, but it did have a few problems here and 
there. This was just for hosting my personal website/server so it wasn't a 
big deal. If your server is any sort of important you may want to look at 
finding an old x86 box.

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972

Re: [gentoo-user] Two apps can't find Java VM

2008-08-25 Thread darren kirby
quoth the Dave Jones:
> Hi Darren

> As illogical as this may sound, you probably need to run python-updater
> to fix this problem.
> Cheers, Dave

Not illogical at all after you clued me into the fact it is Python barfing up 
the traceback. Anyways, after rebuilding 34 packages, my java-vm is being 
detected just fine.

Thanks a lot for the good advice,
darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972

[gentoo-user] Two apps can't find Java VM

2008-08-25 Thread darren kirby
Hello all,

Checked bugzy but I cannot find anything relevant.

I have two apps here, icu4j-3.8.1-r1 and xpp3-1.1.4c-r1 which are both failing 
upon world updates with similar messages:

* checking icu4j-3_8_1-src.jar ;-) ...  

[ ok ]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/depend-java-query", line 8, in 
from java_config_2 import __version__
ImportError: No module named java_config_2
 * Unable to determine VM for building from dependencies:
NV_DEPEND: test? ( || ( =virtual/jdk-1.5* =virtual/jdk-1.4* ) )
!test? ( || ( =virtual/jdk-1.6* =virtual/jdk-1.5* 
=virtual/jdk-1.4* ) )


 * checking ;-) ... 

[ ok ]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/depend-java-query", line 8, in 
from java_config_2 import __version__
ImportError: No module named java_config_2
 * Unable to determine VM for building from dependencies:
NV_DEPEND: >=virtual/jdk-1.4
test? ( dev-java/ant-junit )  >=dev-java/java-config-2.0.33-r1 
>=sys-apps/portage- source? ( app-arch/zip ) 
>=dev-java/javatoolkit-0.2.0-r1 >=sys-apps/portage-  

'eselect java-vm list' reports:

Available Java Virtual Machines:
  [1]   sun-jdk-1.5
  [2]   sun-jdk-1.6  system-vm

Which should satisfy the above tests shouldn't it? Is there something I am 
missing here? Please note that I am fairly clueless about Java, and have no 
idea what these two packages even do. I am just trying to do a 'emerge -uD 
world' and portage seems to want to update both of them

Thanks for consideration,
darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972

Re: [gentoo-user] htaccess file

2008-06-16 Thread darren kirby
quoth the Iain Buchanan:
> On Fri, 2008-06-13 at 00:31 -0600, Joseph wrote:
> > I have in my main "htaccess" file the following condition, is it still
> > needed: -code
> > # The following makes adjustments to the SSL protocol for Internet
> > # Explorer browsers
> >
> > 
> > RedirectMatch permanent (.*)cmd.exe(.*)$
> > RedirectMatch permanent (.*)root.exe(.*)$
> > RedirectMatch permanent (.*)\/_vti_bin\/(.*)$
> > RedirectMatch permanent (.*)\/scripts\/\.\.(.*)$
> > RedirectMatch permanent (.*)\/_mem_bin\/(.*)$
> > RedirectMatch permanent (.*)\/msadc\/(.*)$
> > RedirectMatch permanent (.*)\/MSADC\/(.*)$
> > RedirectMatch permanent (.*)\/c\/winnt\/(.*)$
> > RedirectMatch permanent (.*)\/d\/winnt\/(.*)$
> > RedirectMatch permanent (.*)\/x90\/(.*)$
> > 
> hee hee!  When I had my apache webserver public, I used to get all these
> requests for wierd url's like that.  Then I realised it was just the
> script kiddies trying the usual exploits that didn't exist.  It's
> probably safe to leave or delete as you see fit.

Yeah, these sorts of requests have all but dried up on my server over the last 
few years, but it was fun to have them all hammer on Microsoft's servers 
rather than mine.

> don't know about the rest of your questions :)

Me neither, but if I was to hazard a guess, I would say that:

RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} :/ [NC]
RewriteRule ^ - [F]

matches any query strings with ":/" in them, and returns a 403 forbidden 
error. Though, I am not sure ":/" is interpreted literally or not. Doesn't 
look like any PCRE i've seen...

> --
> Iain Buchanan 
> Nothing can be done in one trip.
>   -- Snider

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Problems mounting Nikon D40 Camera, vfat FS issue?

2008-06-09 Thread darren kirby
quoth the Hal Martin:

> If you'd like, I can post my kernel config and you can look for
> differences between them.

Not neccesary. I tried on another Gentoo system and it worked fine. 
Comparing .config files shows I didn't have "Codepage 437 (United States, 
Canada) " selected in the problem machine.

> > Thanks for consideration,
> > -d
> -Hal

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
-- mailing list

[gentoo-user] Problems mounting Nikon D40 Camera, vfat FS issue?

2008-06-09 Thread darren kirby
Hello all,

Trying for the first time to download images from a new Nikon D40 camera. 
libgphoto2 lists the camera as supported in PTP mode. I have tried using PTP 
mode with digikam (hooking up the camera directly), and also simply trying to 
mount the memory card using a card reader. Both methods fail.

The card is recognized:

usb 1-5: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 2
usb 1-5: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
scsi6 : SCSI emulation for USB Mass Storage devices
usb-storage: device found at 2
usb-storage: waiting for device to settle before scanning
scsi 6:0:0:0: Direct-Access Generic  STORAGE DEVICE   0001 PQ: 0 ANSI: 0
sd 6:0:0:0: [sdc] Attached SCSI removable disk
sd 6:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg3 type 0
usb-storage: device scan complete
sd 6:0:0:0: [sdc] 3970048 512-byte hardware sectors (2033 MB)
sd 6:0:0:0: [sdc] Write Protect is off
sd 6:0:0:0: [sdc] Mode Sense: 02 00 00 00
sd 6:0:0:0: [sdc] Assuming drive cache: write through
sd 6:0:0:0: [sdc] 3970048 512-byte hardware sectors (2033 MB)
sd 6:0:0:0: [sdc] Write Protect is off
sd 6:0:0:0: [sdc] Mode Sense: 02 00 00 00
sd 6:0:0:0: [sdc] Assuming drive cache: write through
 sdc: sdc1

Attempts in PTP mode fail with digikam reporting "Failed to connect to the 
camera. Please make sure it is connected properly and turned on". The camera 
itself reports that it is connected to the computer properly. When directly 
mounting I get:

# mount -t vfat /dev/sdc1 /mnt/camera
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdc1,
   missing codepage or helper program, or other error
   In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
   dmesg | tail  or so

I have these lines in my dmesg whenever I try to mount it, or use PTP mode:

Unable to load NLS charset cp437
FAT: codepage cp437 not found

In my kernel config I have this:

(437) Default codepage for FAT 

So, is there something else I need to get this codepage? The camera appears to 
be detected just fine, and the issue seems to be directly related to mounting 
the vfat filesystem and this missing codepage...

Just to note: It is a stable amd64 Gentoo system, and I do have vfat module 
loaded when I attempt to mount.

Any other ideas?

Thanks for consideration,
darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Batch audio converter?

2008-04-27 Thread darren kirby
quoth the Mark Knecht:
> Hi,
>I've got about 200GB of OGG and FLAC files on my local machine. My
> son bought an iPod and wants me to do a batch conversion to mp3. Can
> anyone recommend something in portage that can do this in more or less
> a single step? Directory hierarchy is basically
> band/album/audio_files.
>Extra points I suppose if it can write the output to a different
> machine across the network - Windows XP or Gentoo - so that I don't
> have to deal with storage issues in this end.
> Thanks,
> Mark

Not in portage, but I am author of sneetchalizer. Will do what you need plus 
preserve the meta-tags:

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Rootkit Hunter release 1.3.2

2008-04-26 Thread darren kirby
quoth the 7v5w7go9ub0o:

> Nope. I'm sure they're busy, and took the message at face value.
> 'Twould be nice if someone added a little note to the categories
> indicating that Gentoo Linux is the place to put version bumps; it might
> get more of us newbies involved and "owning" part of the effort.

They did, its the 'Gentoo Bug Reporting Guide':

Also, I'm fairly sure that next to 'Gentoo Linux' (In bugzilla) it says 'If 
you are not sure where to put it, put it here...' or somesuch. 

> I'll post some version-bump notices that I've been holding back on, and
> see if they "take". (If they don't, I'll come back here and ping you :-) )
> Thanks.

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Would emerge --sync remove old profiles?

2008-04-26 Thread darren kirby
quoth the Mark Knecht:

> I don't buy that it's my issue created by a long time between updates.
> I could turn on any machine that's sitting in a junk heap or back room
> somewhere. It hasn't been powered up in a long time. I log in and want
> to figure out what's in front of me with respect to updates. I type
> emerge sync and portage deletes files. to me that's just wrong.

Whether you have bought it or not, it is what you have taken home by using 
Gentoo. This would not be an issue for you without such time between syncs, 
plain and simple. I don't think expecting users to sync at least once a year 
is too much to ask for a dynamic distro such as this one. 

What is the alternative? Have the portage tree grow forever, keeping old 
ebuilds and profiles that 99 percent of users don't need? Portage would 
likely be 10GB+ by now if it was never pruned. Seperate it into 
'emerge --sync' and 'emerge --profile'? Sounds like more work for that 99% of 

Also, it is not as if all these ebuilds have disappeared. They are all in the 
CVS 'attic'. Perhaps the profiles are there too.

> As I say, I can get around the problem by simply copying absolutely
> everything somewhere else to protect it. It just seems to me that's
> not as slick as Gentoo really is. (And I think you know I LOVE this
> distribution and have no desire to run anything else. My comments are
> made ONLY in the hope that one day some developer will see the value
> and look into some sort of change that would help with this. It's
> happened to me with profiles, kernels, device drivers, lots of stuff.
> It doesn't need to be an issue, or so I feel.)

Feel free to post your suggestion to -dev, but I don't think you will find a 
great reception. One thing I have learned in the OSS world is that if a user 
needs some sort of non-standard configuration they are generally left on 
their own to create and maintain it. Devs cannot be expected to make 
everybody happy.

Now: I realize this issue is obviously quite important to you, but I say it 
is 'non-standard' because I have never before heard anyone complain of this 
issue in 4+ years of using Gentoo.

Everything you need to solve the problem has already been mentioned in this 
thread. Use an overlay, and point 'make.profile' to a profile directory that 
is outside of PORTDIR. Grab old ebuilds you need from the attic.

Again, ask some devs if you like, but I do feel you will be left on your own 
with this one...

> Anyway, enough of this. thanks!
> - Mark

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Grub heartbreaker

2008-04-24 Thread darren kirby
quoth the John covici:
> on Thursday 04/24/2008 Alan McKinnon([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote
>  > On Thursday 24 April 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>  > > So assuming I've made some mistake in grub.conf  I try to boot from
>  > > grub command line.
>  > >
>  > >   root = (hd0,0)  (which is /dev/sda1 in linux terms)
>  > >
>  > >   kernel /kernel-2.6.25-r1
>  >
>  > Nope. Kernel needs a root= parameter. It can't know what is your
>  > root partition, that info is in fstab and fstab is on the root
>  > partition.So you tell it via a parameter
>  >
>  > > boot
>  > >
>  > > But it fails with a message saying please append a working root=?? to
>  > > the boot commands.
>  >
>  > expected result. see above.
>  >
>  > > So reloading the install ISO I mount /mnt/gentoo/boot and edit
>  > > grub.conf to say:
>  > >
>  > > title=kernel-2.6.25-r1
>  > > root (hd0,0)
>  > > kernel /kernel-2.6.25-r1 root=/dev/sda3
>  > >
>  > > That fails
>  > >kernel /kernel-2.6.25-r1 root=/dev/hda3 (Thinking maybe grub
>  > >does not understand sda)
>  >
>  > Nothing to do with grub. It's a kernel boot parameter passed verbatim to
>  > the kernel and needs valid kernel device names.
>  >
>  > What's the error you get? Is (hd0,0) a separate /boot? Does it contain a
>  > file called kernel-2.6.25-r1 at the top level? And you also should have
>  > a "ro" kernel parameter in there
>  >
>  > > That Fails
>  > >
>  > >   kernel /kernel-2.6.25-r1 root=(hd0)/sda3
>  > >
>  > > Fails
>  >
>  > Won't work. (hd0) is a grub thing. You need a /dev/sda3 or similar in
>  > there
>  >
>  > > I've even tried:
>  > >kernel /kernel-2.6.25-r1 root=(hd0,2)
>  >
>  > Won't work. Same reason.
>  >
>  > > And another failure... all with the same message about appending a
>  > > working `root=???'
>  > >
>  > > I'm about out of ideas here.
>  >
>  > here's a working grub.conf for illustration:
>  >
>  > default 0
>  > timeout 10
>  > splashimage=(hd0,0)/grub/splash.xpm.gz
>  >
>  > title   Default
>  > root(hd0,0)
>  > kernel  /vmlinuz root=/dev/sda3 ro
>  >
>  > title   Gentoo-2.6.25
>  > root(hd0,0)
>  > kernel  /vmlinuz-2.6.25-gentoo root=/dev/sda3 ro
>  >
>  > Seems my setup is identical to yours:
>  > /boot on /dev/sda1 aka (hd0,0) to grub
>  > / on /dev/sda3
>  >
>  > Only difference is the "ro" boot parameter, which shouldn't make a
>  > difference - it's there for fsck purposes during start-up.
>  >
>  > What disk driver and disks do you have? Are you 100% sure you are either
>  > using the new ata driver (everything is an sd) or have scsi/sata disks?
>  > If your disk is IDE with the old driver, it will be an hd and will
>  > require that on the kernel line
> Well, I had to put a lot more parameters for it to work -- I am not
> using grub but my parameters aside from the ro are
> init=/linuxrc ramdisk=8192 real_root=/dev/sda2 udev
> and some more specific to me.  I am using something close to the
> original gentoo configs, so it uses an initrd parameter also which you
> need separately in grub.

That would only apply if in fact the OP is using an initrd, which does not 
appear to be the case, though, the OP may have simply omitted this info.

Rather, as Alan mentioned, it seems the problem is that the kernel doesn't 
agree that /dev/sda3 is the '/' filesystem. I have never used vmware, perhaps 
it fudges device paths in some way?

> Hope this helps.
> --
> Your life is like a penny.  You're going to lose it.  The question is:
> How do
> you spend it?
>  John Covici

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Qmail and Spamassassin won't integrate

2008-04-21 Thread darren kirby
quoth the Tim Garton:

Hi Tim,

> I run spamassassin with exim, so can't offer all that much help, but
> as for attempt 1 you may try running:
> spamc -R < {some file containing full source of a sample email}
> to make sure spamassassin is running correctly.  It should spit back a
> score and a possibly a list of tests failed, depending on how
> spamassassin is configured.  if you don't get this, or get a score
> like "0/0", something is wrong with your spamassassin setup.

Thanks for this. 'spamc -R < testmail' was failing (hanging forever) 
while 'spamassassin < testmail' was working fine. This led me to run the 
spamc command within strace, which showed the command blocked during 
a 'connect' call to Would you believe it was a firewall issue? I 
forgot to allow conections to localhost in my iptables script. 

> Also, you don't want the "-P" option anymore, it is deprecated and is
> the default behaviour of spamassassin now.  And you definitely don't
> want it with spamc, since it is an invalid option.  And yes, you do
> want to use "spamc" over "spamassassin" for performance reasons.

Thanks for the explanation.

After confirming spamc now works I played around some more. It seems my 
~/.qmail file was overriding the system-wide spam check in 'defaultdelivery'.

I changed ~/.qmail from:

|/var/qmail/bin/preline -f /usr/libexec/dovecot/deliver


|spamc |/var/qmail/bin/preline -f /usr/libexec/dovecot/deliver

...and everything seems to be cherry now. All incoming mail now has X-Spam 
headers added. 

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
-- mailing list

[gentoo-user] Qmail and Spamassassin won't integrate

2008-04-21 Thread darren kirby
Hello all,

I am quickly getting to the hair-pulling stage because I cannot accomplish the 
simple setup of qmail and spamassassin. There is lots of docs out there, but 
they all suggest completely different ways of doing things.

Here's what I have:

These are all installed, and presumably working fine. That is: qmail is 
accepting and delivering mail, spamd starts and runs with no errors, and I am 
able to log in and get my mail using Dovecot and IMAP.

What I am trying to accomplish:

I just want qmail to run all incoming mail through spamassassin and add X-Spam 
header for all spam it finds before it is delivered locally. With this I 
shall be able to use .dovecot.sieve to place it in a spam folder for quick 
review and deletion.

Here's a few attempts I have made to integrate spamassassin, and the results:

Attempt 1 (Docs: [0]):
* emerge 'safecat' to get 'maildir' binary.
* Put "| spamassassin -P | maildir ./Maildir/" 
in "/var/qmail/control/defaultdelivery"

* mail is still delivered, but is not processed by spamassassin.
* It is my understanding that "X-Spam-Status" header should be added even if 
the mail is not identified as spam.

* Reading spamassassin docs leads me to believe that there is no "-P" option, 
and that I should really be using 'spamc'. I tried replacing spamassassin 
with spamc in  "/var/qmail/control/defaultdelivery". No effect.

Attempt 2 (Docs: [1]):

* emerge 'mess822' (required by ifspamh)
* emerge 'ksh' (ifspamh is ksh script)
* Place 'ifspamh' in /usr/local/bin
* setup .qmail and .qmail-spam as per docs

* No mail delivery at all. No obvious errors in any logs, mail just dries up.

Attempt 3 (Docs: [2]):

* emerge 'qmail-scanner'

* emerge hangs forever while searching for plugins to add to Some testing shows that the process is using no 
resources, so: it's hanging doing nothing?!? 

* 'clamav' (a dependancy of qmail-scanner) emerge failed with something about 
a gcc bug, and suggested I use a different compiler. I switched 
to 'i686-pc-linux-gnu-3.4.6' from 'i686-pc-linux-gnu-4.1.1' and it compiles.
* Cannot get qmail-scanner to compile at all.
* Dead-end.

There is another method I have found, using simscan [3] but it seems to 
require yet another third-party binary , and a patch to qmail, so I am not 
really interested in trying, especially with all the failed attempts so far.


Spamassassin and Qmail hate me.

Does anyone on this list have spamassassin integrated with qmail at the MTA 
level? I would be very interested in which method you used, and your configs.

Is there something else I am missing?

Any other info you need please just ask.


darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] OT Best font selection?

2008-04-17 Thread darren kirby
quoth the Gustavo Campos:
> >  Well, it's included in portage, and I paid $0 for it so..
> Is Segoe UI really in Portage? At the last time I emerged corefonts it
> wasn't present, so I had to find it on the web =)

I dunno, I was talking about the Vera Sans. I was going to look for Segoe 
later. Thanks for the tip on terminus as well. I haver just tried it in my 
konsole and it looks great.

> And by free, I meant the really free free, you know =)

Yeah, I know ;)

> >  I was simply stating what I use because I think it looks good.
> Damn good IMHO!
> --
> Gustavo Campos
> Ciência da Computação / Computer Science - UFMG

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] OT Best font selection?

2008-04-17 Thread darren kirby
quoth the Gustavo Campos:
> That's not free, that's M$ stuff, but I'd suggest you to take a look,
> just take a look, at Segoe UI fonts.

Well, it's included in portage, and I paid $0 for it so..
Besides, the OP mentioned no requirement that the font must be 'free'.

I was simply stating what I use because I think it looks good. 

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] OT Best font selection?

2008-04-17 Thread darren kirby
quoth the Liviu Andronic:

> So, what font do you use for the User Interface?

Happy with Bitstream Vera Sans myself. Clean, clear, and looks good. For fixed 
I use Courier 10-pitch.

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Emergency shutdown, how to?

2008-04-02 Thread darren kirby
quoth the Neil Bothwick:
> On Wed, 2 Apr 2008 16:28:29 +0200, Dirk Heinrichs wrote:
> > But nobody proposed _not_ to run ALT + SysRq + U, Neil even proposed
> > ALT + SysRq + EISUB, to be sure everything is killed, sync'd and
> > unmounted.
> Just don't try to do E or I over an SSH connection. It kills the SSH
> daemon and you can't reboot the box. You can guess how I learned that
> one :(

Ha. Hopefully the machine wasn't too far away physically.

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Konqueror Go menu - missing items

2008-04-02 Thread darren kirby
quoth the Alan McKinnon:
> Thanks for answering, only one so far?
> That's for the K-menu, I'm looking to populate Go on Konqueror's menu
> bar, which is something else entirely.
> Anyone know? Or is my question so way out there that no-one knows?

I've often found that the answer to these sorts of questions can by found by 
poking through the ~/.kde directory. Have a look through 
~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/ and see if you can find something promising. 
There are still a few things in kde that can only be configured through the 
text files I think...

Anyway, hopefully this will get you started until someone can give you a real 
answer ;)

> --
> Alan McKinnon
> alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Nvidia drivers

2008-04-01 Thread darren kirby
quoth the James:
> Neil Walker> writes:
> > Utterly wrong. ;) The GeForce2 is supported by the 96.43.xx series of
> > drivers and the FX5200 is still supported by the unified driver. :)
> YES the 96.43.05 version compiled and is working. How/where did you
> learn which nvidia cards are supported by which version of the
> nvidia-drivers?
> James

Each driver has its own page with a "supported products" link on the left 

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: 2008.0 install media

2008-04-01 Thread darren kirby
quoth the Dan Farrell:

> net benefit of 2008.0:  none.

The benefit is that the beta gets tested, and we all move that much closer to 
a stable 2008.0 release. 

> net drawback of 2008.0: hassle (beta)

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] 2008.0 install media

2008-04-01 Thread darren kirby
quoth the James:
> Hello
> Anyone know what's up with this status page?
> I've got several boxen that need to be installed so I was hoping to
> test drive 2008.0
> James

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: rhythmbox plays silently

2008-03-31 Thread darren kirby
quoth the Michael Schmarck:

> My attitude? Well, maybe. But I rather think it has everything
> to do with Alan, who made a bad comment. 

Have you not noticed that you are the _only_ person upset by Alan's post? Why 
don't you think about that for a bit 

> It was NOT me who started the fight.

It most certainly was. Alan sent an admittedly useless post, but tempered with 
a bit of humour. YOU missed the joke and started the fight by calling Alan a 
fool and an agressor which are both ad hominem attacks. YOU chose to respond 
instead of ignoring it as you should of. Now intead of one useless message to 
this thread we have 30. Good work buddy!

> PS: Does anyone know if Gmane features a troll filter?

Dunno, but my kmail now has a  Michael Schmarck filter.

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] gnome 2.22

2008-03-28 Thread darren kirby
quoth the Stéphane ANCELOT:
> I have tried to find it , but by the way how to enable gnome 2.22 in
> gentoo ??

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Linux & Motherboard

2008-03-25 Thread darren kirby
quoth the Volker Armin Hemmann:

> > The nv driver has *no* 3D acceleration and limited 2D acceleration due
> > to nVidia's refusal to release the specs needed to create a decent OSS
> > driver.
> since the nv driver is written by nvidia, who needs specs?

I thought the Xorg folks wrote the nv driver?

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Non-portage nVidia driver install.

2008-03-17 Thread darren kirby
quoth the Neil Bothwick:
> On Mon, 17 Mar 2008 16:40:11 -0600, darren kirby wrote:
> > I just built myself a brand new AMD64 system with an EVGA Geforce
> > 9600GT. This vid card requires a newer version of nvidia drivers
> > (171.06) than is available from portage, so I will have to install it
> > manually.
> According to you can copy
> nvidia-drivers-169.12.ebuild to nvidia-drivers-171.06.ebuild in your
> overlay and it will install the new drivers.

Thanks Neil.

That's my bad, I didn't even think to search bugzilla for an updated ebuild, 
or use an overlay. Urrr..

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
-- mailing list

[gentoo-user] Non-portage nVidia driver install.

2008-03-17 Thread darren kirby
Hi all,

I just built myself a brand new AMD64 system with an EVGA Geforce 9600GT. This 
vid card requires a newer version of nvidia drivers (171.06) than is 
available from portage, so I will have to install it manually.

I am wondering if there are any gotchas I should keep in mind before 
installing it, as in, do I need to unmerge the current unsupported drivers? 
Should I use package provided? Will 'eselect opengl set nvidia' still work?

Shall I just shut up and install it ;)

Thanks for replies,
darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Make krusader default file manager

2008-03-06 Thread darren kirby
quoth the Danis Petkakis:
> hello there i'm trying to make krusader my default file when
> i'm double-clicking on a directory it should be opened by Krusader...i try
> to set it up correctly in kcontrol->kde components->file
> associations->inode->directory and choose Krusader in the application
> preference box but when i double-click on a folder it pops up an error
> message saying "kdeinit could not launch '/usr/bin/krusader'...could
> someone tell me how to make krusader the default file manager?? thanks...

Seems like you were successful making krusader the default. It also seems that 
krusader is broken. I suggest trying to start `krusader` directly from a 
terminal (konsole or whatever) to see if there is something useful in an 
error message. 

Perhaps you need to run revdep-rebuild...
Or just `emerge krusader`.

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] eselect fouled

2008-03-02 Thread darren kirby
quoth the David Corbin:
> I have an ebuild saying that it cannot find -lGL.  Everyone tells me "use
> eselect".  Well, I have, and although it gives me no errors, I still have
> no /usr/lib/
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] /home/dcorbin]# eselect opengl set xorg-x11
> Switching to xorg-x11 OpenGL interface... done
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] /home/dcorbin]# ls -l /usr/lib/libGL
> Suggestions for how to fix this please.
> --
> David Corbin

Just a guess: ensure '/usr/lib/libGL' is in /etc/ and then 
run 'ldconfig'...

I suggest this because I use nVidia GL, and I 
have '/usr/lib/opengl/nvidia/lib' listed in my Though, I don't 
recall having to add it manually.


darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] ebuild for a rails application

2007-11-30 Thread darren kirby
quoth the Thufir:
> I'm working on a rails application and am considering the install process
> for the rails application itself.  I don't mean installing rails nor the
> database, but the rails application.
> Would an ebuild be able to install/uninstall the rails application itself?

An ebuild is little more than a shell script with some helper/hook functions 
built in. So: if the install of your rails app is scriptable, then yes, you 
should be able to write an ebuild for it. 

As for whether there is an eclass or whatever for rails apps, I don't know...

> thanks,
> Thufir

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Kiosk server

2007-09-27 Thread darren kirby
quoth the James:

> Which profile to use?
> Any kernel optimizations (low latency desktop)?
> Launch the application (JFFNMS) from /etc/conf.d/local.start ?
> or Launch a login interface, require the user to login as
> operator and then launch JFFNMS when the user log ins ?
> Hopefully, somebody has previously built something like this before
> and can shed some light as to what works and what does not work. The
> intended user is a technician that barely knows how to use MS windows,
> hence the kiosk approach, with mouse driven options only.
> Maybe there's something cool coming in kde4 ?

Haver you looked at KDE's Kiosk mode?

> James

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] [gentoo]Block certain websites

2007-09-15 Thread darren kirby
quoth the Balaviswanathan Vaidyanathan:
> Hi all,
>   This is to know how to block certain websites as I intend to set up a
> browsing centre based on Gentoo OS
>   Thanks and Regards
>   Bala

Try Dans's Guardian...or just Squid (proxy server) will work as well.

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] Some ebuilds not picking up VIDEO_CARDS [Solved]

2007-09-11 Thread darren kirby
> VIDEO_CARDS="nv nvdia"

Yeah, ok well.

You can stare at something for hours and only see the spelling mistake 10 
seconds after you send the help email to the list...

Sorry for the noise,
darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Update World situation (again)

2007-08-09 Thread darren kirby
quoth the Colleen Beamer:

> Okay, I just recompiled the kernel using 2.6.21-r4.  All the same
> selections in make menuconfig.  The *only* difference was that the
> xserver wasn't running in the background when I compiled the
> nvidia-drivers.  

This is surprising. Everytime I have forgotten to shut down the X server the 
nVidia installer detects it running and refuses to continue...

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] gentoo-user dropping mails again?

2007-06-18 Thread darren kirby
quoth the Hemmann, Volker Armin:
> Hi everybody,
> two emails I sent to this list in the last couple of days did not arrive in
> my inbox - or on gmane. Is gentoo-user loosing mails again? Has anybody
> else seen this problem?
> Glück Auf
> Volker

Yes. I posted to the skype thread yesterday. It never made its way back to my 
inbox, but I have not checked gmane or any other archives to see if it is 

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] [OT] Freeciv tourney? (Was: Linux Installers for Blizzard Products)

2007-06-15 Thread darren kirby
quoth the b.n.:

> My luck is that all I want from gaming is freeciv. And freeciv runs on
> Linux.

Do you ever play networked games? We should organize an online game/tourney 
for interested freeciv fans in Gentooland...

Any interest?

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] [OT] Kdevelop users

2007-06-10 Thread darren kirby
quoth the [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> I wonder if it's worth using Kdevelop for small apps with graphic
> interface. Any Kdevelop users around ? How useful is it to you ? Is it hard
> to learn ? Did you give up using it ?
> Thanks for replying to this quick survey.
> --
> ~adj~

Guess it depends on your definition of 'small app'. If working on a project of 
only 1 file, ie: a quick one-off script I generally use vim or kate. It is 
when you start a larger project with many files that kdevelop starts to pay 
off. I like the CVS integration. Very nice

Of course you can spend all your time clicking buttons and viewing all the 
options rather than writing code ;)

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] alternatives to audacious?

2007-06-04 Thread darren kirby
quoth the Denis:
> I'll have a look at Amarok.  Was XMMS removed for licensing issues?

No. It's because the code is old and unmaintained. If I had the skill I would 
pick it up myself, but sadly I don't know what the heck I'm doing with it...I 
am very surprised that someone has not done this as there seems to be a lot 
of "take xmms out of my cold dead hands" sort of folks out there.

I am in the same boat as you, I tried audacious as a replacement but it just 
wasn't working for me. I have many playlists with 1000+ songs on them, and 
audacious seems to choke on them. When it doesn't outright crash the 
interface freezes when I scroll the playlist and it reads the id3 tags. Makes 
it all but unusable for me. 

Amarok isn't my cup of tea either. I wrote my own scripts to organize my 
music, and create playlists, and amarok seems to want to organize my tunes 
for me. Ugh. To be fair I have not delved too deeply into all the options. 
Perhaps there is a way to turn it into an xmms/audacious clone. 

Perhaps xmms2 (which moves to a client/server approach) may have a similar 
lightweight client to the old xmms. Running a server to simply play tunes 
does seem like overkill to me though... 

I'll likely get shouted down for this, but when they removed xmms from the 
tree I simply deleted xmms and related packages from my world file without 
actually uninstalling them. You can get away with this with emerge, but not 

So: I still use xmms, but it will be a version frozen in time for all 
eternity. Sigh.

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Install Using another System

2007-06-04 Thread darren kirby
quoth the Randy Barlow:
> One more question - I'd like to install Gentoo on a very old and small
> system that doesn't have a CD-ROM, or even an IDE cable that can connect
> two drives.  Can I put the harddrive from that system on my normal
> desktop and install as normal onto that drive?  The old system has a
> very different and old processor from my normal Gentoo system (it's a
> Cyrix MediaGX MMX Enhanced according to /proc/cpuinfo with a whopping 16
> kB of cache!)  Any problems doing something like this on a modern system
> that I haven't thought about?
> R

Should be OK as long as the host system is an x86. I would use very 
conservative CFLAGS. Your CHOST will likely need to be "i386-pc-linux-gnu".

There is a kernel config in "Processor family" that says "CyrixIII/Via-C3". Is 
that what you have? If not or if you are not sure then choose plain 
old "386".

Grub should work alright, as best as I can figure, as long as (as per the 
guide) you install it onto the HDDs MBR.

Maybe something I am not thinking of. Just make sure that when going through 
the guide that anything that requires CPU specific choices you remember to 
select for your target, not the host. This may have a side-effect of not 
booting whilst in the host, only when you move the HDD to the target machine.

Good luck!

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] how do i know my SMP is working and setup right?

2007-06-01 Thread darren kirby
quoth the Daevid Vincent:

> So why doesn't KDE show it in the little CPU applet?

What does:
cat /proc/cpuinfo

tell you?

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: which syslog?

2007-05-30 Thread darren kirby
quoth the kashani:
> darren kirby wrote:
> > quoth the Sven Köhler:
> >>> It does not read /etc/syslog.conf, it
> >>> reads /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf for it's configuration. Chances are
> >>> the default is to send most everything to messages
> >>
> >> Yes, that's the default.
> >>
> >> And actually, i don't want to configure all my machines. I would prefer
> >> a more suitable default config.
> >
> > You're using the wrong OS then ;)
> >
> > Is it really too hard to copy and paste the config from the quickstart
> > guide that Galevsky posted a link to?
> >
> > -d
>   Sane defaults, which Gentoo has most of the time, would be nice in this
> case. Oddly Gentoo used to include a nice syslog-ng.conf back in
> 2003/2004 which was dropped in favor of the current lobotomized conf file.
> kashani

Perhaps we need an enhancement bug. See if it gains any traction. I can only 
imagine that the syslog-ng dev(s) thinks /var/log/messages alone is the sane 

Oh, here it is:

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: which syslog?

2007-05-30 Thread darren kirby
quoth the Sven Köhler:
> > It does not read /etc/syslog.conf, it
> > reads /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf for it's configuration. Chances are
> > the default is to send most everything to messages
> Yes, that's the default.
> And actually, i don't want to configure all my machines. I would prefer
> a more suitable default config.

You're using the wrong OS then ;)

Is it really too hard to copy and paste the config from the quickstart guide 
that Galevsky posted a link to? 

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] convert rpm to ebuild

2007-05-10 Thread darren kirby
quoth the Florian Philipp:
> Maybe I should formulate another question: Where is the big difference
> between a binary ebuild and a binary rpm / deb and why is it so hard to
> convert them?

Another thought:

Unless I've missed it, you've not mentioned *what* it is you have an RPM for. 
Have you checked bugzilla, and all the various overlays yet to see if there 
*is* a user-contributed ebuild for it?

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] convert rpm to ebuild

2007-05-10 Thread darren kirby
quoth the b.n.:
> darren kirby ha scritto:
> > Well, you can install RPM...
> >
> > # emerge -p rpm
> >
> > You could then, presumably, install the RPM, though I have not ever tried
> > this:
> > # rpm -i foopackage.i386.rpm
> I fear this way Portage would not be aware of the package being
> installed. Am I wrong?
> m.

I've no idea, but likely not. To tell the truth I was hoping the OP would be 
brave and find out ;)

I was thinking he just had a one-off app he needed installed, and combined 
with some 'package.provided' alchemy he may be able to get the result he 
needed, however, in his response it seems this is not the case so...

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] convert rpm to ebuild

2007-05-10 Thread darren kirby
quoth the Florian Philipp:
> Hi!
> I thought this question would be quiet common but I've been unable to get
> an answer googling and looking through howtos. Actually there are some
> links in an old thread on but its target seems to have
> moved.
> Anyway, how do I install packages in .rpm or .deb without messing up
> portage? Is there something like "alien"?
> Thanks in advance
> Florian Philipp

Well, you can install RPM...

# emerge -p rpm

You could then, presumably, install the RPM, though I have not ever tried 
# rpm -i foopackage.i386.rpm

Use AYOR (at your own risk...), as I have no idea what repercussions this may 
have. Does RPM have a --pretend option?

I have used `ebuild`s 'rpm' target to make RPMs of software with ebuilds which 
is essentially the opposite of what you want. Works good.

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] OT - A couple of questions about setting up exim

2007-05-10 Thread darren kirby
quoth the Michael Sullivan:
> I think I sent this question from
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] about an hour ago, but as I
> have not received it back again at either this
> address, or and as I don't seem to
> have sent any mail from since April,
> I'll send this again.  In my exim.conf file, I'm a
> little confused about the hostlist   relay_from_hosts
> variable.  I need to be able to send mail from
>, (the machine exim's running
> on),, and (which are two
> other machines on my LAN).  How would I set the
> variable thus? 

From exim.conf:
# They are all colon-separated lists

So you want:

hostlist relay_from_hosts = : :

I don't think you have to put "" in here if it is the same 
machine as "". At least I don't in my working configuration.

> Also, exim needs to be able to receive
> mail from anywhere.  Is this the default behaviour?

Short: Yes...
Long: I believe there are some spam filtering mechanisms in place in the 
default config that may block some hosts. This may or may not depend on which 
USE flags you built exim with. Check the ACL section of the config... 

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Separate /usr [was: Clock is way off]

2007-05-09 Thread darren kirby
quoth the Neil Bothwick:

> The part I trimmed was "though it seems to me if they have access
> to mess with your /usr they can mess with anything anyway so..." which I
> guess could mean what you say you meant rather than how I read it. Sorry
> if you think I twisted your post, that wasn't my intention.

It's cool, I just thought it was funny ;)
darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Separate /usr [was: Clock is way off]

2007-05-09 Thread darren kirby
quoth the Neil Bothwick:
> On Wed, 09 May 2007 15:49:45 -0600, darren kirby wrote:
> > I have heard you can use a separate /usr to enhance security by
> > mounting it readonly under normal circumstances. This way, bad guys
> > can't mess with your binaries in /usr/bin and /usr/sbin,
> Instead of only being able to get at the really important stuff in /bin
> and /sbin?

Well, very nice how you trimmed the part of my original email that speaks to 
your question and makes the same point as you, but thanks for making me look 
stupid anyway...

Yeah, I know, I make myself look stupid, right ;)

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Separate /usr [was: Clock is way off]

2007-05-09 Thread darren kirby
quoth the Benno Schulenberg:
> Neil Bothwick wrote:
> > On Wed, 09 May 2007 12:05:05 -0500, Dale wrote:
> > > I think you are supposed to link that localtime file instead of
> > > copying.  If the file in zoneinfo gets updated then the one in
> > > /etc will still be the old one.
> >
> > You are not supposed to link it any more, because that will break
> > if /usr has not yet been mounted.
> Are there (still) people who have /usr on a separate partition?
> And if so, why?

I have heard you can use a separate /usr to enhance security by mounting it 
readonly under normal circumstances. This way, bad guys can't mess with your 
binaries in /usr/bin and /usr/sbin, though it seems to me if they have access 
to mess with your /usr they can mess with anything anyway so...

I do have a separate /usr, but do not mount it readonly, as I --sync enough to 
make remounting it daily rather annoying.

> I only have /home and /usr/portage on separate partitions,
> everything else is on /, even /boot.
> Benno

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] It is Bugday time!

2007-05-04 Thread darren kirby
quoth the Nistor Andrei:

> > It is Bugday time once again! Join #Gentoo-Bugs on Freenode tomorrow
> > (Saturday) and help us fix as many bugs as possible!
> How does it work? I've never been to a Bugday before... What time should I
> join #gentoo-bugs?

I'm in there now. Not a lot of action except Jeeves spitting out new bugs. 
Presumably, if you asked a question in there 30 people would answer you at 
the same time...

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] KDE menu structure lost by using gnome

2007-04-30 Thread darren kirby
quoth the Roy Wright:

> Is there any way to recover?  Or do I just have to take the hour or two
> and recreate my menu structure?

Perhaps try kappfinder...or perhaps use the desktop settings wizard to change 
back to default state if kappfinder doesn't work.

> Is this clashing of menu structures normal between window managers?
> If so, any tools for backing up the menu structure?  Or a way to tell gnome
> to use kde menu structure?

I believe this is because of the 'freedesktop' standard[1] or whatever. From 
what I have gleamed from various mailing lists it creates more clashes than 
integration (I cannot speak personally on this as I don't run Gnome). Though, 
I of course may be wrong here.

> Also I don't understand how or where the menu structure is defined on
> disk.  Any good references?

Have a look in ~/.kde/share/applnk

As for docs on this: ???...

> TIA,
> Roy


darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Can't switch to a console after logging in to KDE.

2007-04-29 Thread darren kirby
quoth the Nistor Andrei:
> Hello list! I'm having some trouble with KDE. I'm not sure when this
> started, i just noticed it today. If I press Ctrl+Alt+F[1-12] nothing
> happens if I'm logged in to KDE. In KDM it works just fine. What could be
> the cause of this weird behaviour?

Do you have:

Option "DontVTSwitch"

in your xorg.conf?

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] netfilter tarpit target

2007-04-01 Thread darren kirby
quoth the Daniel Iliev:
> Next I decided to change "-j DROP" with "-j TARPIT" and I
> realized that gentoo-sources doesn't provide the netfilter
> target "TARPIT". -  
> Best regards,
> Daniel

I realize there is a sense of satisfaction from using the TARPIT target that 
is appealing, however you must consider:

1. These ssh bruteforce attacks are almost certainly coming from a zombie 
botnet, and thus there is no human to realize their connection has 
been 'stuck'. The zombie will happily freeze for 30 seconds then try again.

2. Due to the nature of the persistant connection using TARPIT, you are 
opening up your machine to a DOS attack, if the Bad Guy can deduce you are 
using it.

2 cents   

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] selecting OS in Grub [SOLVED]

2007-03-15 Thread darren kirby
quoth the Michael Schreckenbauer:

> I'd call this luck ;)
> See "Potential Damage"

That's an eye-opener. I've always hotswapped my PS2 mice and keyboards (with 
no problems).

> Regards,
> Michael

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] OT - simple video editing software

2006-12-17 Thread darren kirby
quoth the Thierry de Coulon:
> On Sunday 17 December 2006 04:34, Michael Sullivan wrote:
> > Can anyone suggest a simple, easy-to-use software package for light
> > editing of video files (cutting commercials out of MythTV recordings).
> > I tried to use avidemux, but it went into an infinite loop when I tried
> > to save the file after editing. suggests to me that a
> > fix isn't coming.  I need an alternative...
> you might take a look at kino, I think it ca do this sort of things. Or I
> seem to remember about a work in progress names "lives" I think that wanted
> to be some sort of an open source iMovie, but I did not follow the
> progress.

Unless it has changed in the last little bit, kino does DV video only.

> I must admit that I have given up on Linux video editing for the time and
> do that on Mac OS...  :(

As do I ... I tried kino in the past but it's just not there yet.

> Thierry

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] [OT] Kweather panel applet: unable to set station

2006-10-31 Thread darren kirby
Thanks Peter and Anthony.

Editing the config file manually and adding the ICAO code has got it going...

Thanks again,
darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
-- mailing list

[gentoo-user] [OT] Kweather panel applet: unable to set station

2006-10-31 Thread darren kirby
I have just moved and one thing I needed to do was update the weather station 
for my panel applet. In the config dialogue I have two tabs: "Display" 
and "Weather Service".  I am able to select my new city in the "Available 
stations" and even check the weather using "Update All", however, I can not 
set this new station to be the one displayed on the panel.

Even when I delete my old town from the "Weather Service" tab it remains in 
the "Location" dropdown in the Display tab. After hitting "Defaults" a few 
times, now I get only "Unknown Station" in the drop-down. There seems to be 
no way to set the station to be displayed on the panel...

The help docs don't seem to correspond to the actual software:

"If you don't know the ICAO code for the airport nearest to you, you can click 
on the link labeled Lookup Your ICAO Code to use a web based search engine to 
find it."

I don't have such a link on mine, and there is no way (that I can find) to 
edit the value in the "Location" drop down.

Again from the docs:

"right mouse button click on an empty space in the panel and choose 
A configuration dialog will open up. Initially the only configuration required 
to make KWeather work is the ICAO location code:."

When I do this no configuration starts up. I can use the menu to select 
configuration, but this just leads to the same dialogue that I cannot do 
anything from...

Does anyone know what's up with this?
KDE is 3.5.5...

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
-- mailing list

[gentoo-user] how thorough is #emerge --sync?

2006-10-19 Thread Darren Kirby
Quoth the Devon Miller
> You both seem to be arguing about what constitutes stable. And there are 2
> different definitions: stable as defined by the upstream source and stable
> as defined in portage.

Wrong. I am perfectly aware of what "stable" and "unstable" means to portage. 
I _was_ arguing a point based on Alexander's question which I felt was 
ambiguous. Apparently I am the only one who thought it was ambiguous, ha ha, 
stupid me.

The entire rest of that sub-thread was me and Alexander arguing faulty 
premises based on this initial misunderstanding, and it would best be  
ignored by everyone. 

> Now, Darren has added a bug for 0.9.3 and a month later, it's still waiting
> to get added to portage.
> His issue is 0.9.1 and 0.9.2 should have been stable by now.

That is an issue, but not one I am losing sleep over, and not one that I am 
arguing in this thread...

If everyone folowing this thread from the sidelines could just read my first 
response to the OP:

You can see here I explained to the OP that the newer version was not stable, 
but he could access it using "~x86" keyword. I went on to explain that if he 
wanted the latest upstream version he could use an overlay.

Mark my words: I _do not_ think the upstream stable version should, 
automatically or otherwise, be portage's stable version. I never said any 
such thing in any mail to this thread.

> I would suggest Darren look through the develoiper list (
> for developers
> handling media-sound. Add them to the cc list on the 0.9.2 ebuild and add a
> comment asking that it be marked stable. And ask for the 0.9.3 to be added
> as ~x86

I will try this. Thank you.

> dcm

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] how thorough is #emerge --sync?

2006-10-19 Thread Darren Kirby
Quoth the Bo Ørsted Andresen
> On Wednesday 18 October 2006 23:35, Darren Kirby wrote:
> > Again, ensure that you have the line:
> >
> > media-sound/dir2ogg ~x86
> >
> > in "/etc/portage/package.keywords"
> >
> > Note that this assumes you are running "x86" ARCH. If you are using a
> > different arch then do the same thing but change the arch to what you are
> > using: ie: "~sparc", "~ppc", or "~amd64".
> Actually it doesn't assume anything. It simply means that you accept any
> package that includes the ~x86 keyword..

Sheesh. Sorry for the passive tense.

In what I wrote above: "media-sound/dir2ogg ~x86", as it pertains to the task 
Max needs to do to get a newer version, I am assuming Max is running an x86 

If you really want to be pedantic it doesn't mean "that you accept any package 
that includes the ~x86 keyword", it means you accept the ~x86 keyworded 
version of dir2ogg...

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] how thorough is #emerge --sync?

2006-10-18 Thread Darren Kirby
Quoth the maxim wexler
> > # echo "media-sound/dir2ogg ~x86" >>
> > /etc/portage/package.keywords
> >
> > and that will install dir2ogg-0.9.1.
> Not yet. There's gotta be more to it than that.
> I ran the above command then did #emerge -C dir2ogg
> then #emerge -pv dir2ogg:
> These are the packages that would be merged, in order:
> Calculating dependencies... done!
> [ebuild  N] media-sound/dir2ogg-0.8  0 kB
> >From man make.conf there is this, the only mention of
> /etc/portage:
> suidctl
> Before merging packages to the live filesystem,
> automatically strip setuid bits from any file that is
> not listed in /etc/portage/suidctl.conf.
> So, if portage is supposed to read package.keywords I
> don't know where the link would be made.

It is built into 'emerge' AFAIK...

You have made a typo or some other mistake. It is documented in the portage 

Again, ensure that you have the line:

media-sound/dir2ogg ~x86

in "/etc/portage/package.keywords"

Note that this assumes you are running "x86" ARCH. If you are using a 
different arch then do the same thing but change the arch to what you are 
using: ie: "~sparc", "~ppc", or "~amd64".

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Re: how thorough is #emerge --sync?

2006-10-18 Thread Darren Kirby
Quoth the Willie Wong
> On Wed, Oct 18, 2006 at 11:30:40AM -0700, Darren Kirby wrote:
> > > > Well, I'm the upstream author, and _I_ think there should be
> > > > different (ie: newer) version offered. Good enough?
> > >
> > > No, not good enough, as that doesn't matter at all. All that matters
> > > is, what's in the tree. And the latest stable version is 0.8, no matter
> > > what you think. The question remains: Why should a different version be
> > > offered?
> >
> > Sorry Alexander, I just don't get where you're going with this. Version
> > 0.8 was released September 27, 2004! There have been 4 major new releases
> > since then, which include many bug fixes, and new and improved features.
> > 0.8 is old and busted, 0.9.3 is the new hotness!
> Guys,
> Just to prevent the heat from escalating, may I offer my observation
> that the two of you seems to be arguing about completely different
> things?

Heat? I'm not mad, just confused ;)

> Alexander (and I, likewise) probably misunderstood Darren's question
> from the start: when he posted, I thought his expectation that "emerge
> dir2ogg" should bring in a newer version than what was offered was a
> lack of understanding of how the portage tree works (well, some of my
> friends do actually think that the package management system [aptget,
> rpm, portage, etc.] would actually be smart enough to automatically
> go on the internet and find and install the latest version of a
> program, so I wouldn't put any misconception past human capacity).

Please note Willie, I am not the original poster. I jumped in here because I 
wrote the script that the OP is asking about, and I agree the current stable 
version is long outdated.

That said, I _do_ realize that the OP was asking a flawed question. I was 
simply responding to Alexander: "Why do you think, that a different version 
should be offered, when you "emerge dir2ogg"?".

If he means "why should portage automatically go grab the newest upstream 
version", then I agree with his implication: it shouldn't. That's not what he 
wrote though. The wording of his comment reads like he is asking why portage 
should offer a more current version of the software, which is the source of 
my confusion. I don't think that anyone here will argue that the software in 
portage should stagnate on versions years out of date. 

> But it seems clear to me now that Darren is actually asking about
> whether it is polite to give the devs a gentle nudge, asking them
> to remove an old, buggy version of software from the portage tree
> and add/stablize newer, updated versions (and how to go about doing
> so if it is polite).

I already did give a gentle nudge ;)

> I am actually curious about the same thing: some of the packages that
> I use are also a year or two out of date, for the most part I can
> get around it by using overlays and third-party ebuilds, and I am
> making an effort to learn how to write ebuilds, but it would be nice
> to see those ebuilds committed to the official tree.

Open a bug (with severity 'enhancement') and ask for a version bump. If you 
can write an ebuild that has been tested and works, even better...

> W
> --
> Willie W. Wong 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 408 Fine Hall,  Department of Mathematics, 
> Princeton University,  Princeton A mathematician's reputation rests on the
> number of bad proofs he has given.

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: Re: how thorough is #emerge --sync?

2006-10-18 Thread Darren Kirby
Quoth the Alexander Skwar
> Darren Kirby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Quoth the Alexander Skwar
> >
> >> · maxim wexler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >> >>digg2ogg
> >> >
> >> > should be dir2ogg
> >>
> >> 0.8 is the latest stable version. Why do you think, that a different
> >> version should be offered, when you "emerge dir2ogg"?
> >
> > Well, I'm the upstream author, and _I_ think there should be different
> > (ie: newer) version offered. Good enough?
> No, not good enough, as that doesn't matter at all. All that matters is,
> what's in the tree. And the latest stable version is 0.8, no matter what
> you think. The question remains: Why should a different version be offered?
> Alexander Skwar
> --
> A closed mouth gathers no foot.

Sorry Alexander, I just don't get where you're going with this. Version 0.8 
was released September 27, 2004! There have been 4 major new releases since 
then, which include many bug fixes, and new and improved features. 0.8 is old 
and busted, 0.9.3 is the new hotness!

Surely I don't need to explain the concept of how software improves with new 
development? You're not using GCC 2.95 and kernel 2.2.10 are you?

Confused by your remarks,
darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: how thorough is #emerge --sync?

2006-10-18 Thread Darren Kirby
Quoth the Neil Bothwick
> On Tue, 17 Oct 2006 22:53:27 -0700, Darren Kirby wrote:
> > > 0.8 is the latest stable version. Why do you think, that a different
> > > version should be offered, when you "emerge dir2ogg"?
> >
> > Well, I'm the upstream author, and _I_ think there should be different
> > (ie: newer) version offered. Good enough?
> Sort of. Their is a newer version available in portage, but the ebuild has
> not been marked stable yet. however, the latest stable is 0.9.2 and I see
> you released 0.9.3 in July, so the ebuilds are definitely lagging behind.
> When the package has not changed in terms of build process and
> dependencies, you can normally make a copy of the ebuild with the new
> version number, digest it and then emerge it. As the author and a Gentoo
> user, why not make an ebuild available on your web page and post it too
> Bugzilla, then the package maintainer may pick it up and put it in portage

I did! Back on September 12th:

I don't know if it is overworked devs, lost in the shuffle, or what, but I've 
done all I can. I am not going to harass the devs about it...

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: how thorough is #emerge --sync?

2006-10-17 Thread Darren Kirby
Quoth the Alexander Skwar
> · maxim wexler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >>digg2ogg
> >
> > should be dir2ogg
> 0.8 is the latest stable version. Why do you think, that a different
> version should be offered, when you "emerge dir2ogg"?

Well, I'm the upstream author, and _I_ think there should be different (ie: 
newer) version offered. Good enough? 


darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] mmx sse sse2 use flags

2006-10-12 Thread darren kirby
quoth the Matthew R. Lee:
> I need a bit of advice.  I have these use flags enabled for mplayer (mmx,
> sse, sse2)  But I've also seen them as possible use flags for a number of
> other programs, I'm about to install some kind of dvdripper.  So the
> question is should I enable these flags on a case by case basis or stick
> them in my make.config?  And if so should I use all three or just one?
> Thanks in advance
> Matt

Have a look at `grep flags /proc/cpuinfo` to see what your proc supports. 
There is then no harm in adding them to your /etc/make.conf USE variable.

Note: I think that some ebuilds use mmx2 while some use mmxext. AFAICT they 
enable the same thing. You may also want to add  3dnow and 3dnowext if they 
are supported by your processor.

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] xsm and dependency...

2006-10-11 Thread darren kirby
quoth the Daniel Barkalow:
> >
> > What's up with this? I really don't want netkit-rsh installed
> > either...xsm changelog says nothing...
> You want to be looking at xinit's info; turns out you want the "minimal"
> USE flag if you don't want to include the things used by the default
> Xsession, which includes xsm (which has, as far as I can tell, always used
> netkit-rsh).
>   -Daniel
> *This .sig left intentionally blank*

Thanks, and sorry for the hysteria. I have rebuilt xinit with minimal and 
netkit-rsh is no longer a deep dependency.  I am very unsure what is strictly 
required with the modular Xorg.

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] xsm and dependency...

2006-10-11 Thread darren kirby
quoth the Daniel Barkalow:
> > emerge --update --deep --tree world will tell you why.
> It'll tell you what wants them, but not why. In particular, it
> doesn't specify why xinit-1.0.2-r6, which didn't need xsm on September
> 22nd, now does.

What's up with this? I really don't want netkit-rsh installed either...xsm 
changelog says nothing...

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
-- mailing list

[gentoo-user] Where is aisleriot?

2006-10-10 Thread darren kirby
Hi all,

does anyone have an idea why Aisleriot is not included in the gnome-games 
package? It is not in my menu, and the binary seems not to have been built:

# epm -ql gnome-games | grep bin

If I do a 'locate' I see that the ToDo, ChangeLog, and Authors files are 
installed for Aisleriot, but no game...


darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] OT: encoding MP3 files for iPod

2006-10-08 Thread darren kirby
quoth the Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.:
 I've fairly sure metadata can
> be stored either at the beginning or end of the file (I know FLAC can do
> this) and it's possible, albeit unlikely, that the nano only works with
> one of those locations.

MP3 Id3v1 tags are at the end, ID3v2 tags are near the begining. Some files 
have both. 

As for Flac, this is not true. As one who recently wrote a Ruby library for 
parsing Flac metadata (and thus read the Flac spec[1]) I can say that all 
metadata, including the VORBIS_COMMENT block are before the stream contents 
(ie: the audio bits). The various metadata blocks can be in arbitrary order 
but always before the actual music data.


darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] [Even more OT]: Re: {OT} dvdrip permissions error, alternative?

2006-10-07 Thread darren kirby
quoth the Remy Blank:
> Neil Bothwick wrote:
> > --
> > Neil Bothwick
> >
> > "Bother," said Pooh, as he connected at 300 bps.
> I'm not a native English speaker, and I wonder about these Pooh jokes
> (which seem to be especially frequent in your taglines, Neil). Would
> anyone care to explain to me where the joke is? I'm sure it's funny as
> heck, I just can't figure it out by myself, and googling hasn't brought
> up anything interesting (i.e. everybody seems to know what it's all
> about, but nobody explains). Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> -- Remy

You know Winnie the Pooh right? That lovable bear who is the namesake of the 
books by A.A. Milne? Christopher Robin? Tigger and Eeyore? More recently he 
has been hijacked and corrupted by Disney (..just my opinion).

In any event, he would often say 'bother', as others might say 'rats' 
or 'darn' ie: when something trying happens. I think the sig is just a play 
on this coupled with Pooh trying to connect with a slow modem connection..

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Disabling net.ath0 backgrounding

2006-10-04 Thread darren kirby
quoth the Grant:
> How can I keep net.ath0 from "backgrounding" at boot?  I like to see
> the ouput and the backgrounding causes ntp-client, ntpd, and netmount
> to display a warning.
> - Grant

I could of course be wrong, but I think you will need to 'unbackground' 
everything. Ie: RC_PARALLEL_STARTUP="no" in /etc/conf.d/rc

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] xine problem?

2006-10-03 Thread darren kirby
quoth the Paul Stear:
> Hi all,
> I have a new install of xine on an amd64 system.
> I have a new dvd (Silent Hill) that starts and then errors with the
> following:-
> The source seems encrypted, and can't be read.  Your DVD is probably
> crypted. According to your country laws, you can or can't install/use
> libdvdcss to be able to read this disc, which you bought. (Media stream
> scrambled/encrypted)

Hi. Every once in a while I run into a DVD that libdvdcss can't crack, and 
thus gives the error you have posted. It is typically rare (maybe 2 DVDs out 
of 250+). I don't know why, but perhaps the DVDs use some other encryption 
method that libdvdcss can't crack...

I just watch those ones on my TV.

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Router 3rd and 4th net interface problem

2006-10-02 Thread darren kirby
quoth the Thomas T. Veldhouse:
> Neil Bothwick wrote:
> > On Mon, 2 Oct 2006 08:18:38 -0700, Grant wrote:
> >> I've never used a switch before.  Is there any proprietary software to
> >> configure (like with a router), or is it just a button or two?
> >
> > Just one button, the power switch :)
> Sometimes two ... if you attempt to use the uplink port [and it doesn't
> have autosense].
> Tom Veldhouse

Interesting. Mine doesn't have any power buttons. Unless you consider yanking 
the power cable a 'button'.

darren kirby :: Part of the problem since 1976 ::
"...the number of UNIX installations has grown to 10, with more expected..."
- Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson, June 1972
-- mailing list

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