Re: [gentoo-user] custom ebuild questions

2006-09-27 Thread nate
I've resolved the problem, it was putting it into /usr/lib/apache2/modules while apache was looking in /usr/lib/apache/modules.  A quick copy and that fixed the issue.  Also had to modify the php ebuild to put it there.Now when compiling php-5.1.6-r4 pear and pecl don't compile.  Here's a copy of my post from the following url:'m having some issues when building php with a custom ebuild and eclass. There are some things that I need to have built into php in order for my application to work. While I have php compiled and built as a module for apache the modules load, pear and pecl are not compiled so I cannot add my pear and pecl modules. Here's what I've done so far: Code:mkdir -p /usr/local/portage/dev-lang/php/files cp -r /usr/portage/dev-lang/php /usr/local/portage/dev-lang/php cp /usr/portage/eclass/php5_1-sapi.eclass /usr/portage/eclass/php5_1-sapi.eclass-old I copied the eclass over as I wanted to have an original after modifying it with the ./configure line required from our old slackware build, it reads as this now: Code:e-path=/etc/apache --enable-safe-mode --with-openssl --with-mhash --enable-bcmath --with-bz2 --with-pic --enable-calendar --enable-ctype --with-gdbm --enable-dbase --enable-ftp --with-exif --with-gd --enable-gd-native-ttf --with-jpeg-dir=/usr --with-png --with-gmp --enable-mbstring --without-curl --with-gettext=shared,/usr --with-expat-dir=/usr --with-xml --enable-wddx --with-mm=/usr   --enable-trans-sid --enable-shmop --enable-sockets --with-regex=php --enable-sysvsem --enable-sysvshm --enable-yp --enable-memory-limit --with-tsrm-pthreads --without-iconv --enable-shared --disable-debug --enable-sqlite-utf8 --enable-soap --with-mysqli=shared,/usr/bin/mysql_config --with-mysql=shared,/usr/bin --disable-ipv6 --with-pear --enable-pear --with-zlib=/usr --with-apxs2=/usr/sbin/apxs2What would be causing pear and pecl not to compile with that? Here's what emerge -pv php outputs: Code:emerge -pv php These are the packages that I would merge, in order: Calculating dependencies ...done! [ebuild     U ] dev-lang/php-5.1.6-r4 [5.0.5-r5] -adabas -apache +apache2* +bcmath* +berkdb -birdstep +bzip2 +calendar* -cdb -cgi -cjk +cli -concurrentmodphp +crypt +ctype* +curl +curlwrappers* -db2 -dbase -dbmaker -debug -discard-path -doc -empress -empress-bcs -esoob +exif* -fastbuild -fdftk -filepro -firebird -flatfile -force-cgi-redirect -frontbase -ftp +gd* -gd-external +gdbm +gmp* -hardenedphp -hash -hyperwave-api +iconv* -imap -informix -inifile -interbase -iodbc +ipv6 -java-external -kerberos -ldap -libedit -mcve -memlimit +mhash -ming -msql -mssql +mysql +mysqli* +ncurses +nls -oci8 -oci8-instant-client -odbc +pcntl* +pcre -pdo +pdo-external* -pic +posix* -postgres -qdbm +readline -recode +reflection -sapdb -sasl +session -sharedext -sharedmem -simplexml +snmp* +soap* +sockets* -solid +spell +spl +sqlite* +ssl -sybase -sybase-ct -sysvipc -threads -tidy -tokenizer +truetype +unicode* -vm-goto -vm-switch -wddx +xml -xmlreader -xmlrpc -xmlwriter -xpm +xsl* -yaz -zip +zlib 0 kB [1] Total size of downloads: 0 kB Portage overlays:  [1] /usr/local/portageAlso in /etc/portage/package.use is the following: Code:dev-lang/php apache2 sockets mysql mysqli cli xml xsl pcre pdo-external session sqlite curl gd iconv jpeg pcntl pear png posix soap snmp ssl zlib bzip2 bcmath ctype calendar curlwrappers gdbm exif dbm unicodeI have taken the custom configure line out and it appears that the /etc/portage/package.use is compiling in all the modules I need.  Yet pear and pecl still won't compile in with the package.I'm completely lost on this one, anyone?On Sep 26, 2006, at 4:01 PM, nate wrote:Another thing to add to this, pear does not appear to compile with the apache build.I have this in my /etc/portage/package.use: dev-lang/php apache2 sockets mysql mysqli cli xml xsl pcre pdo-external session sqlite curl gd iconv jpeg pcntl pear png posix soap snmp ssl zlib bzip2 bcmath ctype calendar curlwrappers gdbm exif dbm unicodeAccording to this url: all that pear needs in order to compile are the following USE flags: cli pcre xml zlib.  Maybe I'm a little out of it, but if you use the ebuild command does it use /etc/portage/package.use or is that only for emerge?On Sep 26, 2006, at 3:31 PM, nate wrote: I'm not sure if this is the proper list, if it is not I apologize and if someone could tell me which I should use it would be appreciated.I'm having a few issues, and I'm not exactly sure where these are exactly.First off I built a custom apache-2.0.58 ebuild from the one in the portage tree.  It seems to have compiled just fine, and reads all of our previous apache configs, it even loads up php just fine and dandy.  The reason for this custom build was we needed a specific layout that we have created, which was used during the compiling of apache.Next onto p

Re: [gentoo-user] custom ebuild questions

2006-09-26 Thread nate
Another thing to add to this, pear does not appear to compile with  
the apache build.

I have this in my /etc/portage/package.use: dev-lang/php apache2  
sockets mysql mysqli cli xml xsl pcre pdo-external session sqlite  
curl gd iconv jpeg pcntl pear png posix soap snmp ssl zlib bzip2  
bcmath ctype calendar curlwrappers gdbm exif dbm unicode

According to this url:  
all that pear needs in order to compile are the following USE flags:  
cli pcre xml zlib.  Maybe I'm a little out of it, but if you use the  
ebuild command does it use /etc/portage/package.use or is that only  
for emerge?

On Sep 26, 2006, at 3:31 PM, nate wrote:

I'm not sure if this is the proper list, if it is not I apologize  
and if someone could tell me which I should use it would be  

I'm having a few issues, and I'm not exactly sure where these are  

First off I built a custom apache-2.0.58 ebuild from the one in the  
portage tree.  It seems to have compiled just fine, and reads all  
of our previous apache configs, it even loads up php just fine and  
dandy.  The reason for this custom build was we needed a specific  
layout that we have created, which was used during the compiling of  

Next onto php.  Since our application relies heavily on php for the  
back end we have several patches that we have created, as well as  
needing very specific things done in the ./configure portion of  
compiling.  The patches applied just fine, I looked for the lines  
that were changed in the source code while it was compiling and  
they did change.  The ./configure that I put inside /usr/portage/ 
eclass/depend.apache also ran with no problems.

My php.ini location was specified in two locations, first with -- 
with-config-file-path=/etc/apache as well as modifying  
PHP_INI_DIR="/etc/apache/" in /usr/portage/eclass/php5_1- 
sapi.eclass, though a php -i still shows the default location for  
the gentoo build at /etc/php/apache2-php5/php.ini.  I know it's  
silly to require our php.ini to be in /etc/apache, but currently  
that's where a *lot* of code looks for that file, symbolic links  
cause issues so the file must reside there.

Finally does not seem to compile *at all.*  This is  
troublesome considering I am compiling with the apache support  
enabled.  Without that I won't be able to use php scripts through  
apache, any idea why that doesn't exist?

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[gentoo-user] custom ebuild questions

2006-09-26 Thread nate
I'm not sure if this is the proper list, if it is not I apologize and  
if someone could tell me which I should use it would be appreciated.

I'm having a few issues, and I'm not exactly sure where these are  

First off I built a custom apache-2.0.58 ebuild from the one in the  
portage tree.  It seems to have compiled just fine, and reads all of  
our previous apache configs, it even loads up php just fine and  
dandy.  The reason for this custom build was we needed a specific  
layout that we have created, which was used during the compiling of  

Next onto php.  Since our application relies heavily on php for the  
back end we have several patches that we have created, as well as  
needing very specific things done in the ./configure portion of  
compiling.  The patches applied just fine, I looked for the lines  
that were changed in the source code while it was compiling and they  
did change.  The ./configure that I put inside /usr/portage/eclass/ 
depend.apache also ran with no problems.

My php.ini location was specified in two locations, first with --with- 
config-file-path=/etc/apache as well as modifying PHP_INI_DIR="/etc/ 
apache/" in /usr/portage/eclass/php5_1-sapi.eclass, though a php -i  
still shows the default location for the gentoo build at /etc/php/ 
apache2-php5/php.ini.  I know it's silly to require our php.ini to be  
in /etc/apache, but currently that's where a *lot* of code looks for  
that file, symbolic links cause issues so the file must reside there.

Finally does not seem to compile *at all.*  This is  
troublesome considering I am compiling with the apache support  
enabled.  Without that I won't be able to use php scripts through  
apache, any idea why that doesn't exist?

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