
I want to send a gcode-file directly to the 3D-printer without using
media-gfx/printrun (pronsole).

My setup s as follows:

                       Y          Y
GENTOO-Linux----(wlan)-+          +------(Raspberry Pi Zero 
W/Rasperian)----<USB>----(Print w/ Marlin)

I log into my raspberry pi z w and used printruns pronsole to
print the gcode file I previously scped on the raspi.

I am trying to hunt down a strange bug/problem: In a sudden my previous setup
in which I used pronsole of printrun to upload a file to my printer,
which has no SD-card interface, to print it directly.

I neither updated printrun nor the firmware of the printer.
And it does not work anymore: "SD card not found" (which
is correct, but works fine previously).

To get rid of one variable in the game, I want to sent
the gcode in a correct manner (that is, evaluating the
returns of the printer for each command sent to it) 
directly to the printer without using printrun.

On stackoverflow I found some posting regarding this,
but they send the gcode "blindly" without handling
the returns of the printer.

What application is useful in this case?

Thank you very much in advance for any help!

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