[gentoo-user] Re: Nots and bolts of creating an ebuild

2008-11-17 Thread Harry Putnam
"Daniel Pielmeier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


> Create an overlay and within that use the same structure as in the
> portage tree like /path/to/overlay/category/yourpackage/


Nice walkthru... and just what I needed...
Thanks to you and other posters who have provide some of the details.

[gentoo-user] Re: Nots and bolts of creating an ebuild

2008-11-16 Thread Harry Putnam
David Relson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Sun, 16 Nov 2008 19:16:26 -0600
> Harry Putnam wrote:

>> [ Ebuild HOWTO ]
>> Reading only partially so far but this looks really complicated.  I
>> thought I remembered a more nuts and bolts howto somewhere more
>> appropriate for someone getting started who is ..er intellectually
>> challenged.
>> I really just want to add an epatch line to an existing ebuild but it
>> appears some protocols need to be followed to generate the manifest
>> and probably lots of other stuff.
>> Can anyone point me to something? 
>> I've see it said here a few times that creating an overlay and a
>> custom ebuild is `easy' but I suspect that only applies if you already
>> know how its done.
> I've created a couple of patch ebuilds, so can provide some
> (non-expert) info.  I don't recall all the steps I took to get
> "educated" in this process, but I remember looking at a variety of
> ebuilds, the patterns in their names (what's legal), and the commands
> used within them.
> For "system/package" (for example mail-filter/bogofilter) one would
> 1) create directory /usr/local/portage/system/package and
> copy /usr/portage/system/package/* to it.  
> 2) put the patch file in /usr/local/portage/system/package/files/
> 3) create a new ebuild (with updated version) and an epatch line in
> src_install()
> 4) update the manifest file with
>ebuild system/package/package-version.ebuild digest
> Obviously these instructions are somewhat minimal.  You'll likely need
> to run "emerge package" more than once to get the details right.

Thanks, it was a lot of help.  However I never did get the pieces
right.  My patch (really a [EMAIL PROTECTED] contributors) fails once I
finally did get enough of it lined up to process that far.

After some 40-50 or so attempts I just went ahead and pre patched the
main ebuild, ran digest on that... and emerge worked, at least its
compiling right now.

I realize that way will miss the good side of emerge in the future and
get overwritten.  But I want to try this package out so maybe I'll get
it right later.