On 2007-10-15, Stuart Howard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The error has been occurring for a week or so and my usual
> wait till it goes away approach does not seem to be working.
> Originally the error was called against a file with reference
> to fortran so I changed the use flag to - but no help as the
> result is as below.

Does it fail exactly the same way every time?

If not, you've probably got flakey RAM.  Run memtest86
overnight (or at least for a few complete passes).

I can't believe that people (myself included) use non-ecc RAM.
I don't mind paying a little bit more for the RAM, but none of
the desktop-grade motherboards support ECC.  If you want to use
ECC you've got to buy a motherboard clearly aimed at the server
market -- which mean a higher price and the wrong set of
features. :/

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow! Is it 1974?  What's
                                  at               for SUPPER?  Can I spend
                               visi.com            my COLLEGE FUND in one
                                                   wild afternoon??

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