How can I go about merging two bookmarks.html style files... and not
lose any or duplicate any?

I realize the de-duping part is probably not going to be all that
thorough so maybe just at some level, remove dups.

It seems with diff and patch I end up losing bookmarks.  Also I'm not
so sure I know how to do that.  Which order to diff the files and
patch etc.

But also it seems those tools may interfere with the necessary format
to obtain a bookmark.html syle result once imported into `firefox'.

I realize there are bookmark sites that claim to be able to do this.
And even tools in portage to create you own server.... also foxmarks
claims to allow a server setup.

I've tried many of the above choices and for one reason or another
either failed or didn't like the result.

I want to know if I can accomplish something worthwhile with common
scripting tools and a pretty low level of skill with them.

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