Dirk Heinrichs <ext-dirk.heinrichs <at> nokia.com> writes:
Hello Dirk,

I posted a resonse early today, but, it never made it..

> > Are you suggesting I use this in my make.conf file?
> > CFLAGS="-O2 -march=i586 -pipe"

> -march=k6 (or even k6-2) is OK, as listed above.

I used this:
CFLAGS="-O2 -march=i586 -pipe"

Because when I untarred the i586 file it was
what was written by default into the make.conf file by:

When booting I gave these options
gentoo-nofb  acpi=no nosmp

> For this type of machine, I'd go with the stage 3. It might recompile some 
> of the packages, depending on your use flags upon next "emerge -DNuvp 
> world/system", baut that's still faster than bootstrapping from stage 1.

I did use the latest portage I could find:

The K6 is now compiling a hardened kernel.

Thanks to all, as it was a lot of little things that helped!


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