I have an A8V motherboard and I suspect the it is defective or just the
memory bus is defective, any input will be appreciated. 

The A8V has two DIMM memory banks (running Linux AMD64):
A1 A2   B1 B2
I have 2x 512 DIMM's (same modules Kensington KVR) on banks: A1 and B1 
Originally I suspected memory chip as it was giving me a headache from
the start, I could barely install Gentoo on it.  I run Memorytest86
couldn't find much; I run Red Hat memory test script, it hang up so it
indicated hardware problem. 
I replaced both memory sticks and I was able to install Gentoo but still
time to time compiling exit with an error indicating some hardware
problem when I'm trying to compile a larger piece of code. 
Today, I've tried to compile "qt" and it constantly keep giving me an
error, exiting with an error.  Rebooting PC didn't help.
I removed one memory stick (running only on one in B1) and it compiled
just fine and it keeps compiling, I swap memory sticks (replacing the
one in
B1 with the one I removed from A1) still running on one memory stick and
it keeps compiling just fine, no errors.  So it would indicate the
memory sticks are OK.  

Should I suspect the motherboard?

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