On 5/29/06, John Laremore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
You people need to remove me from you mailing lists all together. Iam so
pissed off with getting 80 email of a bunch of other peoples bullshit, that
iam ready to start getting nasty. fucking remove me from your emailing list.

Nice to know you haven't gotten 'nasty' yet.  Sad thing is, if you
took 5 seconds to read one of the replies to you, you would know how
to unsubscribe yourself....hint: this appears in the headers of
_every_ mail you have received from this list:

List-Unsubscribe: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

It's not like we are trying to hid this information from you.  But
being a lame msn user that doesn't know how to turn off html emails,
quote properly, or even know how to turn off Microsoft's spam in your
signature, you probably don't even know what a mail header is...

This is the second time you have spammed us with your bullshit.
Please, just unsubscribe and go away.  Better yet, follow my earlier
advice and just turn off your computer permanently.

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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