When I first upgraded to 3.4 I was unaware of the new split ebuilds,
so I just emerged normally getting (I assume) the old monolithic
ebuilds.  When I finally got around to trying to use 3.4 (which was
a few months later) KDE came up with the taskbar not able to start,
and as such I couldn't see any minimized tasks.  In researching I
discovered the new split ebuilds, read the "KDE split ebuilds howto",
and decided to see if using the split ebuilds would solve my problem.
So I unmerged kdebase and then emerged kdebase-meta.  After doing that
not only does taskbar not work, but the pager and the clock won't run
and give me similar error messages when I start kde.  The howto says
that I should be OK having kdebase using split ebuilds and others KDE
parts using th old monolithic way.  Is this working for anyone?  Anyone
else run into similar problems or have ideas about what the heck is
going wrong?  I tried removing all my old ~/.kde dirs but that didn't
fix it.  Appreciate any pointers.

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