Hey peeps

I was wondering whether any of you has made any experience with the Opus
media format yet. It’s the new wonder audio codec with superb quality
even at very low bitrates.

I converted a 200 MB podcast MP3 from 128 kbps stereo to 24 kbps mono
with astounding results. But because I converted it via decoding to WAV
over a pipe, it is not tagged. Opus-tools only intalls an encoder,
decoder and info tool, but no metadata modifier.

Thus my main interest right now is to find a way to tag opus files.
Kid3, my main tagger, claims to support it, but it doesn’t show the
.opus file I created. A friend of mine said Opus uses ogg as container,
but renaming to .ogg only gave me an invalid format error.

I have the opus gstreamer plugin installed, but Clementine doesn’t
recognise the .opus file yet, it seems. The second concern is, of
course, using opus. Fortunately cmus, my current primary media player,
will support it in its upcoming version 2.6. So right now, the only way
I can listen to opus is through mplayer.
Gruß | Greetings | Qapla’
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