Dale <rdalek1967 <at> gmail.com> writes:

> I finally got a new 3TB hard drive.
> Thoughts? 
> Dale

Lots of good information posted so far. 2 things I think are missed.
Recently, Thailand had some very bad flooding. TV showed clips
of the manufacturing districts Flooded by more than 20 feet. Many
HD manufacturing plants are in that area. Check, if you can the
location of the drive's manufacture. But those folks are very 
smart and probably partially disassembled the drives, shipped them
elsewhere, dried them out and re-assembled the parts....

Second and most critical:: Temperature. Monitor it and try to minimized 
thermal cycles on HD (all HD). Sure they will take it, minute differences 
in the "coefficient of expansion" of metals, allowances is what primarily
gives vibration and opportunity to be destructive after many thermal cycles
loosen things up a bit. There are numerous tools to monitor and log the
temps of drives...... Crappy, or loose (specification) drives will fail
faster that better quality drives (statistically). Over ventilation of the
chassis or housing containing the drives is always prudent. In a 4 HD bay
area, mount no more than (2) HD for best results.


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