On Tue, Sep 9, 2008 at 2:09 PM, Mark Knecht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've got some documents that we use around the house, like a grocery
> shopping list, which we've used for a long time. Since upgrading a
> couple of days ago, one upgrade was OO 2.4, printing fails in Open
> Office Writer. Printing in other applications seems to work fine.
> I do see some messages in the cups error.log file:
> E [09/Sep/2008:13:51:01 -0700] Unsupported character set "iso-8859-1"!
> E [09/Sep/2008:13:51:04 -0700] Unsupported character set "iso-8859-1"!
> E [09/Sep/2008:13:51:11 -0700] Unsupported character set "iso-8859-1"!
> E [09/Sep/2008:13:51:30 -0700] Unsupported character set "iso-8859-1"!
> E [09/Sep/2008:13:52:43 -0700] Unsupported character set "iso-8859-1"!
> If this is the problem how do I get this supported again?
> Thanks,
> Mark

OK, I seem to have solved this problem using the method outlined in
this thread - basically comment out the 8859-1 line, rerun locale-gen
and restart cupsd. However I haven't a clue as to why it worked, why
the problem appeared now of all times, and I don't think these folks
did either.

Anyway, it's printing so IU submit this simply to help eliminate
firther traffic.


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