[gentoo-user] Re: Keyboard layout switching with Alt+Shift

2008-12-17 Thread Nikos Chantziaras

Mick wrote:

On Wednesday 17 December 2008, Nikos Chantziaras wrote:

In KDE 3.5.10, I can't switch keyboard layouts with Alt+Shift even
though that option is enabled in the control center:

   Regional  Accessibility-Keyboard Layout
   -Xkb Option-Layout Switching-[x] Alt+Shift change layout.

The generated Command is:

   setxkbmap -option grp:alt_shift_toggle

It works fine in KDE 4.1.3.  It even generates the same Command.
Furthermore, loading the KDE 4 keyboard layout applet in KDE 3 works and
I can switch with Alt+Shift.  The KDE 3 one doesn't.  What am I missing?

I can't directly answer the KDE related question, but I do it like this in 
my /etc/X11/xorg.conf and it works fine either in Fluxbox, or in KDE (with 
Fbx as the WM):

Section InputDevice
   Option  XkbLayout gb,de
   Option  XkbOptions grp:alt_shift_toggle,grp_led:scroll,compose:menu

Thanks for the tip, but unfortunately it doesn't really do a nice job. 
It enabled alt+shift switching but changes the layout globally instead 
of just in the application that has focus, I don't get a tray icon that 
tells me the current layout and shortcuts (like CTRL+C/V for copy/paste) 
stop working when not in a latin alphabet layout (I use us (English), de 
(German) and gr (Greek) as layouts).

I also posted in the KDE list but no one knows how to fix this :P

[gentoo-user] Re: keyboard layout

2006-04-17 Thread Regis Decamps

Luigi Pinna wrote:

I have a layout problem: I had until yesterday the xorg 7.
I choosed to come back to stable xorg 6.8 for easier the automatic 
After that I lose the keyboard layout: in the normal console (with 
ctr+alt+f1) I had the german layout, but under x I cannot set it (it is 
still to us layout).

What can I do?

Maywbe with KDE Control Center  Internationalisation  Accessibility  
Keyborard Layout.

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