Hello fellows

Could someone please confirm an issue I’m having? When I connect to a remote
ssh host in mc, it always shows the seconds of files’ mtime to be 0. That
way, I can’t use mc to properly compare directories, because even if a file
has the same timestamp on both sides, one side appears younger because the
other’s seconds value is 0.

To see seconds in the first place, I got rid of the “intelligent” date
formatting and replaced it with the pure numerical facts in ~/.config/mc/ini:
  timeformat_recent=%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
  timeformat_old=%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S

Perhaps someone of you already has an account in the mc bug tracker¹ and can
report that. I’m delusionally paranoid (or at least lazy) and generally very
hesitant to register on a website just for one single use.


¹ http://www.midnight-commander.org/report
Gruß | Greetings | Qapla’
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“If wishes were horses we’d all be eating steak.” – Jayne, Firefly

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