Hi all,

I have a C-BOX 134 system that I'm using as a mythtv frontend.  It's
running a VIA Nehemiah 1Ghz processor, which with XvMC can play dvds and
ripped movies just fine, but doesn't have a whole lot of horse power for
anything else.

I recently received a bluetooth keyboard that I'm trying to get working
with the system.  I can get it working with bluez using the old-daemons
use flag and manually running 'hidd --search' while the keyboard is in
discoverable mode, so I know it will work, but I'm having a lot of
difficulty setting it up.

In order to get the keyboard into discoverable mode you have to press a
button with a paperclip.  Also since it's not paired yet, when the
keyboard enters a "sleep" mode, it won't reattach to the pc when it
wakes up.  So I can't just add the hidd command to the startup scripts
and have it work.  I've tried to set up the /etc/init.d/hidd startup
script, but it doesn't seem to want to connect to the keyboard that way.

I've tried bluez-libs/bluez-utils versions 2.25 and 3.36, and bluez
4.39.  The 2.x versions gave me compile errors with some undefined
variables.  3.x and 4.x seem to work ok, but I can't make sense of the
documentation for either one, and the examples that are provided always
error out.

Does anyone here have a bluetooth keyboard/mouse setup and working?  Or
does anyone know where a good, working walkthrough/howto/wiki on how to
set one up?

Thanks in advance.


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