
So Neil posted some weeks ago about checkinstall [1] 
I've been wanting to experiment with ninja[2] too. So has
anyone combined both tools?

While I'm at it I'd like to be able to construct a complete
DAG [3] from theses installed files and the related dependencies; very
flexible on this part, trying to learn more about the uses
and visualizations of a DAG [4].

Eventually, I want a custom build system, for rapidly prototyping code
from a variety  of tarballs that are not part of a regular build package
system; that yields control, file tracking and visual tools of  the tree,
particularly advanced math [5] and science codes. Ph.D (science) folks are
often very smart, but they sometimes do 'wacky' things with codes. I also
need to be able to ' partially unwind' and/or removed everything installed,

I have other boxes to do this work on, but yea eventually it needs
security (sandbox et al) but fist get it working; then tighten up on
security. The authors are trusted as to intent, but not as robust admins. 
Any discussion, guidance or wiki links to something similar is most appreciated.

I also have the intention of testing this system on minimize (gentoo) and
embedded systems as a sort of system that lives completely on a usb stick,
for easy removal.


[1] http://asic-linux.com.mx/~izto/checkinstall/

[2] http://github.com/martine/ninja

[3] http://furius.ca/snakefood/


[5] http://doc.sagemath.org/html/en/reference/graphs/sage/graphs/digraph.html

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