
I'd like to know if anyone has any ideas about this. After some
tinkering around I've finally managed to get somewhat working
a setup with the xf86-video-ati (radeon) driver.

I am using a vanilla 2.6.30 kernel, xorg-server 1.6 and
x11-drivers/xf86-video-ati-6.12.2. But I've tried many more
versions that range from stable to live builds of everything.
The results have been *exactly* the same, no matter which versions
do I consider.

The driver only works when I add this to my xorg.conf:

  Option      "DRI" "off"

According to the man page, dri should work with my card (and that's
why I have to explicitly disable it, indeed). I don't want fancy
cubes or stuff like that. My main concern about having dri off is
that xvideo doesn't work without it. 2d performance also sucks
which is definitely a bad thing.

When I have DRI on my screen is corrupted to the point that's
unusable, you can see it here:


This is what you should see instead:


This is the log: no errors, no nothing. It says it works nicely,
but it obviously doesn't.


And my xorg.conf:


Additional stuff:

# uname -a
Linux jesgue 2.6.30 #7 PREEMPT Fri Jun 12 01:26:58 CEST 2009 x86_64 AMD
Sempron(tm) Processor 3000+ AuthenticAMD GNU/Linux
# lsmod
Module                  Size  Used by
radeon                379392  0
drm                   184576  1 radeon
oss_usb               123220  0
oss_audigyls           21792  0
osscore               566436  2 oss_usb,oss_audigyls
nfs                   172856  1
nfsd                  113384  9
lockd                  82000  2 nfs,nfsd
exportfs                5424  1 nfsd
sunrpc                218184  15 nfs,nfsd,lockd
sr_mod                 16644  0
# ls -l /dev/dri/card0
crw-rw-rw- 1 root video 226, 0 jun 17 13:57 /dev/dri/card0

So I haven't dri and I can't use xvideo. There are many more
annoying things about this driver. But this is the most
annoying one.

fglrx is worse with each release, and now once again I have to use
whatever version of xorg and the kernel they want. I am fed up with
this and that's why I'd like to migrate to either radeon or radeonhd.
But so far it's being a frustrating experience. Sometimes I think
that the only future for ati users is going to be the framebuffer :p

Thanks for reading and for any tip you can share :)
Jesús Guerrero

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