Neil Bothwick wrote:
> On Tue, 11 Apr 2023 11:59:08 +0100, Peter Humphrey wrote:

>> What does the panel think of these new status messages from portage
>> (~amd64)? At first I thought "that's useful", but after a while I
>> concluded that it just adds to the clutter on the screen and actually
>> impedes my ability to follow progress.

> I like it. Previously, I had to wait for the completed counter to
> increment before knowing that installation of a package was complete.
> It's handy if you need to interrupt an emerge session and don't want to
> do it just before Chromium has finished installing :-O

>> Perhaps I'm just being a Grumpy Old Man (tm).

> See above, some Grumpy Old Men like it ;-)

Now we get to see
"Emerging package" right before building starts
"Installing package" between building and installing and
"Completed" after a package is really done.

From the viewpoint of this grumpy old guy watching a bunch of servers
doing their weekly update dance, the "Completed" line is much more
interesting than the "Installing", which most of the time only indicates
that the load is switching from CPU to disk I/O.

So when will the "Installing" lines go away for good?

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