[gentoo-user] Net config

2005-05-02 Thread Michal Kurgan
Hello all Gentooists!
I want to know if it's possible to configure network in that way that if dhcp 
fails it will use a static IP, written by me in config file.
I only want that service will start succesfully if dhcp server is dead, so 
dependent services will start too (like Apache), because i need them to run 
always on localhost.
Michal Kurgan
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Net config

2005-05-02 Thread Michal Kurgan
On Monday 02 of May 2005 11:58, Tim Igoe wrote:
 Look in the /etc/conf.d/net.example file (assuming your using a more recent
 baselayout) - theres a fallback address (fallback_eth0 iirc) to which you
 can set an IP or say 'apipa' to get an IP in the 169 range like Windows
 does when it can't find one.


Thanks for answer, but i don't have this file, if i had i would already have a 
resolution :).
Could You send me this example, or tell me if i could find it on new Gentoo 
LiveCD, or somewhere else... I quickly searched witch google, but no 
results... (i found only that there is such file :))
Michal Kurgan
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Net config

2005-05-02 Thread Michal Kurgan
On Monday 02 of May 2005 13:10, Tim Igoe wrote:
 I'm using baselayout 1.11.9-r1 currently on my server (not at my
 workstation so

I use 1.9.4-r6, but it's latest stable, also i use 2005.0 default linux 

 can't find out what thats on). But the server has the relevant example file
 - http://tim.igoe.me.uk/files/net.example if you can't get it through

thanks for link, copied that

 You might need a baselayout update for the net scripts to use the changes

Thanks for fast answer with solution to my problem. :)
Michal Kurgan
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

[gentoo-user] kde kioslave media problem

2005-05-27 Thread Michal Kurgan
I have problems with usage of media kioslave in new-old kde 3.4.0. As i read, 
it can use fstab to detect hardware in system, and also additional tools like 
hal. I don't use hal, and rely only on manual configured /etc/fstab and udev 
to mount devices by hand, with mount commands. I thought that kioslave will 
work but it doesn't work, or should i say, not always.
With cds and floppy it works great, i can browse media contents and unmount it 
smoothly through kicker applet, but with usb sticks it almost always don't 
work (but sometimes does, i don't know why...), i can mount and unmount it 
but current state is not detected by kioslave, and i can't use media:/ 
protocol in konqueror to use usb mass storage.
My /etc/fstab (removable media section)

/dev/dvdrw /mnt/dvd auto noauto,users,exec,ro 0 0
/dev/cdrw1 /mnt/cd auto noauto,users,exec,ro 0 0
/dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto noauto,users,exec,rw 0 0
/dev/usb/usbdrive /mnt/usbdrive vfat noauto,users,exec,rw

udev rule for usbdrives (/etc/udev/rules.d/10-local.rules, usb section for few 
memory sticks)

BUS=usb, KERNEL=sd?1, SYSFS{product}=Flash Disk, 
PROGRAM=/etc/udev/scripts/scsi-devfs.sh sd %b %n, NAME=%c{1}, SYMLINK=%k 
%c{2} %c{3} %c{4} usb/usbdrive
BUS=usb, KERNEL=sd?1, SYSFS{product}=USB Storage, 
PROGRAM=/etc/udev/scripts/scsi-devfs.sh sd %b %n, NAME=%c{1}, SYMLINK=%k 
%c{2} %c{3} %c{4} usb/usbdrive

Any suggestions why sometimes it DOES work with usb sticks and sometimes it 
Michal Kurgan
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

[gentoo-user] new kernel and problems

2005-10-12 Thread Michal Kurgan
After upgrading to new stable kernel 2.6.13-r3 i spotted that system is much 
less responsible, first it runs on little memory, it uses only about 25% of 
ram for application and disc cache only, next periodically there is some 
massive memory allocation, it uses whole left memory and sometimes even swap 
(it's about 1GB allocation) and after some time memory is freed (20-30s). 
Also system is much less responsible, even in text editors cursor move is 
slow. Bringing back minimized windows also took much more time.

Anyone know what could be a cause of such slowdowns?
Michal Kurgan
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] new kernel and problems

2005-10-13 Thread Michal Kurgan
On Thursday 13 of October 2005 01:29, Iain Buchanan wrote:
 Do you have a hyperthreaded CPU? There are some problems with virtual
 CPU's and 2.6.13.  A few patches exist, but they're not in 2.6.13.x yet

No, it's AthlonXP 2600+.

 I have similar problems with my Dell Inspiron 9100 P4 3GHz HT.  I'd be
 interested to know if your problems are from the same cause.

I would investigate it more today, so maybe i will found sth myself.

 Iain Buchanan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Michal Kurgan
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

[gentoo-user] change dpi in xorg

2005-07-28 Thread Michal Kurgan
I want to know if dynamic changes of dpi are possible in xorg, and if yes how 
to do it... here is more specific explanation of my problem.
Recently i had fun with tv-out, i want to connect tv through radeon 9700 and 
fglrx driver, it worked, better or worse. But i found that when i change 
resolution, which is needed in my situation (i use 1280x1024 on crt monitor, 
and tv works on 1024x768 maximal resolution), dpi changes too, fonts are 
smaller, and unreadable, 1024x768 isn't very bad but using this may be 
hard... Also when i add second monitor to x dpi settings changes if i don't 
specify my own setting. I never used smaller resolutions than my default so i 
don't even notice this problem earlier. So there is my question if i can 
change dpi dynamically, i can do it when starting x, with kdm kdmrc file (kde 
3.4.1 version) or DisplaySize section in xorg.conf but this works in static 
way, once for one resolution, if i use RandR to change resolution dpi setting 
will be recalculated.
Michal Kurgan
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

[gentoo-user] problem with unindent shortcut

2005-08-05 Thread Michal Kurgan
I have problems with unindent shortcut 'CTRL+SHIFT+I', it doesn't  work in 
kate (so in kdevelop,quanta), i tried to change it but with no result (new 
binding doesn't work too).
Anyone have any suggestions where there may be problem?

kde 3.4.1

Michal Kurgan
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

[gentoo-user] usb storage transfer is very slow

2005-08-29 Thread Michal Kurgan
Recently i spotted that my usb flash memory work very slow, about 5kB/s on 
write. On internet search i discover that it's problem with new kernel 
(2.6.12) and sync mount option, that is now correctly(?) respected by fat 
This is my case, but i want to have sth like sync when using removable 
devices, is there any option to do this? I much prefer that i see that sth is 
copied, not only then when i will try unmount device (in this case i don't 
know if there are any problems, earlier with sync i saw transfer rate, and 
this is what i want)
Michal Kurgan
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] usb storage transfer is very slow

2005-08-29 Thread Michal Kurgan
On Monday 29 of August 2005 20:14, Neil Bothwick wrote:
 Make sure you haven't enabled BLK_DEV_UB in your kernel.
I am sure.
Michal Kurgan
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] usb storage transfer is very slow

2005-08-29 Thread Michal Kurgan
On Monday 29 of August 2005 22:02, Alvin A ONeal Jr wrote:
 are you accessing it as /dev/sda or /dev/uba?

 Ever since the new usb-block device option has been in the kernel I've
 noticed this as well. I don't believe it has anything to do with the
 sync option, but I have been known to be wrong.

 I can't remember off the top of my head, but if you check the help in
 the kernel configuration (make menuconfig) it gives you a warning or
 tells you which option is better.

I use usb storage driver, with ehci and ohci support and scsi driver...
I don't use Low Performance USB Block Driver, i never use it.

i acces through /dev/usb/usbdrive hand made udev link :-), but this is only 
symlink to sd?

When i mount by hand without sync my flash work as usual but it start writing 
on umnount command, this is not what i want...

Also i use hald with kdemedia kioslave, by default it uses sync option.
Michal Kurgan
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] usb storage transfer is very slow

2005-08-30 Thread Michal Kurgan
On Tuesday 30 of August 2005 08:11, Miroslav Flídr wrote:
 This behaviour is caused by change in the vfat driver. It now respects
 the sync option and the slow speed is caused by frequent updating of the
 FAT table. Some info can be found here:

Exactly this is the problem... so sync every sector.
I have one question, how this work earlier? With sync i know when files where 
copied in realtime, not after the umount command (there is info that fat 
filesystem ignore sync option, then why it works differently with and 

 The only solution seem to be to use the async option.

But this makes copy process to be done at umount, also i don't see then data 
copy rate so i even don't know if there are no problems.

Most suprising is that on gentoo we use hald, by default it uses sync 
option, as in my case. Whe developers made such big change and don't inform 
anyone about this. Yes , there are some info but only in bugzillas reports by 
users who spotted it.

So where will by default it will work flawless...
In my opinion current situation is quite dangerous, it can even destroy flash 
memory with fat fs (are there other fs widely used in portable hardware?), by 
constan overwrite of fat filetable.
 Miroslav Flídr

Michal Kurgan
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list